Tuesday, January 15, 2008

CPP MP pays the price for land-grabbing prepetrated by other high-ranking government officials

Ros Sovann, the alleged beater of CPP MP Chin Kim Sreng (Photo: Rasmei Kampuchea)

Man beat up and seriously injured CPP MP

Tuesday, January 15, 2007
Rasmei Kampuchea newspaper
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

In the evening of Sunday 13 January 2008, a man used a steel tube to beat up a CPP MP on his head, and seriously injured the MP who passed out during the incident.

The incident took place at around 11:30 PM in front of house No. 17, Street No. 71, Boeng Keng Kang 1 commune, Chamcar Mon district, Phnom Penh city. 70-year-old Chin Kim Sreng, a CPP MP from Kampong Cham province, was beaten and seriously injured. The perpetrator was 28-year-old Ros Sovann, a security guard for the private company Protect. The culprit lives in Russei Sros village, Niroth commune, Meanchey district, and he was sent by the Protect company to guard Chin Kim Sreng’s house.

This is the very first time that an ordinary person beat up and seriously injured a MP. Based on Ros Sovann’s confession to the police, the reason he beat up Chin Kim Sreng was because of his grudge against high ranking officials who grabbed his lands in Russei Sros village, and it was because of this land theft that he could not get married.

Ros Sovann told the police that his mother told him that only after the land is sold that he can get married. Since then on, he held a grudge against all high ranking officials, irrespective of the high-ranking officials, and he even asked the Protect company to send him to guard houses of high-ranking officials so that he can take revenge against them. Later on, the Protect company sent Ros Sovann to protect Chin Kim Sreng’s house which was rented out for a French restaurant also.

Ros Sovann said that, on the night of the incident, he saw Chin Kim Sreng driving his Lexus car and parked it in front of the house. Ros Sovann then took a steel pipe to hit Chin Kim Sreng several times until his head had a bleeding gash and passed out on the spot. Next, he climbed in Chin Kim Sreng’s car, and hit the gate in order to destroy it. Ros Sovann said that he held no grudge against Chin Kim Sreng in the past.

The police indicated that Ros Sovann was arrested and temporarily detained in Chamcar Mon district. He attempted suicide 2-3 times, but he was not successful because the police saved him on time. Chin Kim Sreng was urgently transported to the Calmette hospital, and he is currently awake but his face is still swollen.

54-year-old Nov Yieb, Ros Sovann’s mother, said that her son does not feel well since she refused to allow him to get married because of the ongoing land dispute. She said that she owned a 15-meter-by-200-meter piece of land in Russei Sros village. However, currently, her property shrunk to 15-meter-by-40-meter only, the remainder has been grabbed.

Nov Yeib added that Khlok Dul, the village chief, asked to borrow her land to build the village office, later on, the villager chief sold the land to another person. She complained to the court in 1994, but, up until now, nobody can deliver justice for her.


Anonymous said...

Ros Sovann shew a great move against the elites who hold powerful position but failed to take action on the land robbery.

The other victims suffering from the same case would follow him as one of example from Svay Sitha's wife Khuon Sophorn attacked Karaoke actress Tath Marina which later on cause lots of problems from acid attack in Cambodia.

The attackers on the power abuser would be, however, far better than Khuon Soporn-Sitha who acted for their personal mater. But attackers on the land grabber would regarded as land revolutionists!

Anonymous said...

good leadership

they deserved it

kill the oprressors

hope lots more will follow his lead

gradnade would have been more effective than that steel bar you have there

these mad dogs deserved to be taugh tough lessons

again this is an excellent example that all khmer should follow

revolt and kill the land grabbers

Anonymous said...

Ros Sovann should kill this animal landrobber straigh away. we need more people like Ros Sovann who dare to stand up for his right to destroy all animals like this 70 years animal. May this 70 years old die tonight.
This is a cheap way to remove all dictators and oppressors from Cambodia. If they can kill 100 of them in one night, we can change the regime by tomorrow. Khmer Arieak Thor

Anonymous said...

He should have beat him until his brain matter leaked out of his skull. I hate animals like this who cheats the poor, the richer someone is the more heartless they are, while the poor, as poor as they may be are soo rich in spirit. Should have delivered justice and killed him for your mother and for us.

Anonymous said...

I wish to have a man who have natural power to kill all bad justic and bad high ranking people in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Pray for the release of Ros Sovann. He is a leader of land revolutionist.Wish him freed as our country is not free from oppressor, land grabging-robbers, where needs him to kill them all. There are lots!!! Neakta Srok

Anonymous said...

Good on you, you are a great leader. The CPP killers and land grabbers take their the power into their own hands, so you were right thatyou took the power into your own hand. I appeal to all unjustly treated people to do the same.

All Khmer people are with you.

Anonymous said...

I really admire you Sovann! Land revolution is just to beginning....

Go for the big ones!

Anonymous said...

Ah Dom Nang Reas Na Vear Pler Dak Vear Klas Tov.

Anonymous said...

That is ridiculous. How can you cheer on a man who beat up an elderly!

Just because he belong to a group of corrupt politicians doesn't mean he is corrupt! Even if it is the case that he is corrupt which is likely since he have a private company guarding him, implied he made business dealing with them that he felt uneasy about.

Yes. Even if that is the case, I cannot condone this sort of violence as heroic or revolutionary justice! That is another human being you talking about, another Khmer, another life! An elderly life! This young man have no culture of respect left in him. Sad, I cannot blame on him either, the wave of Cambodian violent and injustice committed by these officials have cause the people to be callous and lose their morality. When everything based down to survival, we see from time to time, morality will always be corrupted.

However said, I do support 100% victims right to protests, demonstrations, and petitions against these ongoing evictions and landgrab.

I will also support the burning of constructions, destructions of fences and other projects built on illegally citizens land as a form of protest when no other legal means achieve the results.

all properties of the private companies and those who conspire with them in their act to rob the people of their livelyhood and justice is up for vandalism and destruction as a form of revolutionary justice in a country without it. BUT HUMAN LIFE, WE SHOULD NOT KILL, IT CANNOT BE REPLACED, NO JUSTICE CAN BE SERVE WITH DEATH

Kon Khmer

Anonymous said...

9:57PM stop use the name if you accept the case of land grabing, aresting and killing Khmer monk as ok!

Yes if you joint force and belong to those evil you are evil!

Anonymous said...

Let's not be so quick to freely applaud Ross Sovann for reacting in such a brutal manner. Violence is never the answer and in fact only makes the situation worse for people involved. However, I do understand fully his rage and how he must've felt. If I too was in his shoes, I honestly don't know if I may or may not reacted the same way he did. My heart goes out to him.


Anonymous said...

Le mine and Karl Marx said that " WHERE HAS THE DEPSREESION, THEN THOSE PLACES WAS RISED UP".What is the former communists right now? Are they have forgetten the words of Marx and Lenin?

Anonymous said...

I know how hopeless Sovann as well as countless other ordinary Cambodians in their dealings with the corrupt authority on the issue of land grabbing in the country. There's never been a win-win solution in this matter, and there's no way out for people like Sovann. I might not say what he did was the right thing to do, but I would say this act can be seen to serve as a strong message to the authority to rethink their acts and treat the hopeless people the way they should and must be treated by law. And I think an act of this last resort from the part of powerless also serves as a precedence for the abused others to stand up for their rights.

Anonymous said...

Come on Kon Khmer!!
You must be one of the fuck-up citizen who enjoy landgrab and creating the suffering of others.
Regardless how old, they are, people must prove they are a role model of citizen to be respect. If you are landgrabbing others, you are facing with revenge. I am condoling violence at all. But what can Ros Sovan can do? He is a helpless person and his oppononent is a CPP animal. Can he find his justice through court? No Way isn't it. People must use all their mean to protect their properties if the state cannot give them their justice. Please do not care about landgrabbings, this land grabbing will impact seriously to the survival of Cambodia and is not just to amke Khmer Poor OK.

Anonymous said...

Ros Sovann has made a good move to
raise the problem of land grabbing to the high ranking of the power?
Take of the poors if you don't them to take care of you.

Anonymous said...

this is a kind of trauma. if government does not solve problems properly, people will release their anger in this way or other. rection will happen if pressure happens on something.

Anonymous said...

ឈាមក្រហមឆ្អៅ ប្រឡាក់ដៃខ្ញុំ។ ឈាមនេះឈាម អ្វី? ជាឈាមមន្រ្តីដែលខ្ញុំប្រហារ។ ខ្ញុំជាឃាតក សម្លាប់សមាជិកសភា ដោយនឹងកស្មានថាចោរលួចដីខ្ញុំ!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't know who is more messed 3:59. Those who condone violence as a mean of solution or those who say violence has an alternative. You can be the judge. If you one day happen to be in uncomfortable circumstances, would you rather like to give a chance to be taugh a lesson any other way then having your life threaten to be beaten, shot at, and killed? Wouldn't you like to reason with your assailant first? Maybe he got the wrong person, maybe you can help resolve his problem directly, maybe he can make you so frigthen by just verbal threats and others that you might just agree to resolve.

Do you think that all the only possible action for Sovan was to beat up an old man? If he hates land grabber, doesn't he know the source of the problem lies in the demand? The very people, company, he works for?

I am not evil, i am just looking at it with humanity. You should try it too sometime. Things will get a lot quieter in your head.

Anyway, i'm losing my time, opportunity cost for this too much for me to continue on trying to convince a few people who are extremist who doesn't represent mainstream Khmer thinking. (not refering to KI-MEDIA, I love KI-MEDIA! just a few people who comment on these articles :) )

Anonymous said...

Good job it about time that people start defending their belonging.
Time and time again we are loosing out territory to the powerful and high ranking officials of the corrupt CPP. They have no right and he Sovann should be congratulated for his action....
So well done.
There should be more of these action on a daily basis.

Anonymous said...

I will beat any CPP Vietcong slave officials too if they prevent me from getting marry!

Nobody will come between the love of my life and my property!

Anonymous said...

9:02 read and heard more news from Cambodia!

If you were those poor men, Khmere Kromr Monks, Factory workers that was beat up rob of their propeties, mame and killed, what do you say!

Your lesson should gave to your stupid father ah CCP and those fucking so calle Cambodia leaders!

Mother fucker behave your ownself you been killing people how many years?

Anonymous said...

We regret that this act occurred with Mr. Chin Kim Sreng who is considerd as one of the Intecllectual/High Rank Officials and can be considered as one of the good Official with respect to other over loaded high ranking Officials...(CPP FunCIN RANARITH Parties)
This act is really illegal BUT seems to an echo, a n advice/a message to those who grabbed our land, to the int'l community that the Cambodian's People patience is sometimes limited............
This Ros case should be considered differenly from other crime....

Excellency Dr. Phd Oknha Achar Knoy