Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Khmer-Krom: Appeal Against Violence To Monks

Peaceful Khmer Krom monks gathering in front of the Vietnamese embassy (Photo: Licadho)
Police beating of a monk (Photo: Licadho)


UNPO member representative, Mr Thach, appeals to the Cambodian authorities to investigate violence against monks. Below is an appeal originally published on 19 December 2007 on behalf of the Khmers Kampuchea-Krom Federation:

On behalf of the Khmers Kampuchea-Krom Federation, we would like to condemn the actions of Cambodian authorities to use violence against Khmer Krom monk protestors.

At 8:00 am on the 17 December 2007, a group of 50 Buddhist monks headed to the Vietnam Embassy in Phnom Penh, Cambodia in the hope of handing a petition.

In the petition, the Buddhist monks appealed for the return of former monk, Tim Sakhorn to Cambodia and for Vietnam authorities look into the case of land confiscation in Kampuchea-Krom (the Mekong Delta).

The monks also requested that five former Buddhist monks, currently serving prison in Vietnam be released. The Vietnam Embassy closed its gates and refused the petition, saying that the petition should be placed in the mail box.

A team of 100 riot police, armed with shields and electric batons had arrived earlier in front of the Embassy. Instead of attempting to resolve the situation, the Cambodian police started to force the protestors into small groups and disperse the crowd.

At about 10:30 am, a riot broke out between the Buddhist monks and the police. Unarmed, number Buddhist monks were hit by the electric batons, resulting in three unconscious, namely, Venerable Ly Vanny, Venerable Meng Savan Dararithy and Venerable Lam Keo Samnang and fifteen others wounded.

The police authorities told bystanders that the protestors were not real monks, thereby attempting to justify their actions. On behalf of the Khmer Krom around the world, we condemn the over reactions of the Cambodian authorities against defenceless Buddhist monks.

We would like to appeal your help to:

• Remind the Cambodian government that such violent acts are unacceptable in the eyes of the world and violates the principles of the Cambodian Constitution and United Nations treaties and declaration.

• Support an independent investigation into the situation and apprehend the police officers responsible for using the batons.

• Urge Vietnam Embassy in Phnom Penh to accept petitions though the use of non violence means and not by resorting to outright denial.

• Ensure that steps are taken to ensure protestors are protected from police in future incidents.

Yours sincerely,

Thach Ngoc Thach
KKF President


Anonymous said...

What constitution?

Only the dog's brain enjoy it!!!

Anonymous said...

Thach Ngoc Thach, about your khmer kampuchea krom in srok yuon, you don't, and have no rights to call such cambodian constitution.
Because you are not cambodian, you are register as "yuon" Vietnamese?
Are you Khmer or Vietnamese? in your passport?
Are there Khmer kampuchea Krom in the map?
Oh....dreaming.... and Dream on baby!

Leave these problems to Prime Minister Thach Chan Dara in Canada.
Foreign Minister (Ministere des Affaires Entrangere du Khmer Kampuchea Krom) Mrs. Duong Narin in Va.
Khmer Kampuchea Krom Government Advisor Sak Pi Ly Diep in Ca.

Anonymous said...

The Vietnamese government is running scare. They couldn't accept a simple letter stating the facts of what it did to the Khmer Krom people and used outright force to supress the non-violence act by the Khmer Krom monks. It is a sign of fear of losing what the VN government has been stolen from the very people that helped them when they were in need. Now that the Khmer Krom people is simply asking for it back they pretend not to know anything and just outright denial on a daily basis.

At first when KKF started, the VN government was laughing at it. Then the VN government was ignoring it. And now the VN government is engaging with KKF and later KKF will win.

It is just a manner of time when the whole world will know the truth about the Khmer Krom people and then Khmer Krom will rise up against the VN government. It is up to the VN government which road to take.

As for the Khmer Krom government in exile; the people who are in it either power hungry or just being bought by VN solely to use against KKF. Please think five steps ahead of the VN in order to defeat them in their games in which they has been playing by themselves for many decades now.

kk person