Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Nhiek Bun Chhay boasts that Funcinpec will obtain 26 Parliament seats

Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

While a large number of high and low ranking party officials are defecting the Funcinpec party to join the CPP, Nhiek Bun Chhay, Funcinpec secretary-general, still believes that his party will preserve the 26 Parliament seats it is now holding during the upcoming July election. Nhiek Bun Chhay explained the reason that his party will retain these seats is because the reforms initiated by Funcinpec are taking deeper roots than before, and his party officials are putting a lot effort to frequently visit the grass root levels. He said: “Based on our plan, we will preserve the parliament seats we are now holding. Based on the survey we collected from the grass root levels in the province and cities, we have a 70% chance of preserving these seats.” He said that, in a number of provinces where his party received one parliament seat, such as Battambang, Siemreap, Kampong Thom, these seats will remain the same. However, he said that in the city of Phnom Penh, Kampong Cham and Kandal provinces, he said that he is not certain yet if Funcinpec will preserve its current seats or not, but that it is working hard there.


Anonymous said...

You betrayed your nation and comrades.

Your are dreaming mate.

Anonymous said...

Let this be a lesson to all Khmers. Whenever you choose money over integrity, you will not be respected. Therefore, you loose the opportunity to save your country from hun sen and his master. You can loose and gain money. Once you loose respect, you can never gain it back.

Anonymous said...

Nhek Bunchhay is dreaming to gain 26 seats. Alah!! who will vote for Funcinpect? Funcinpect will get 0.

Anonymous said...

It seems that you took wrong medecine. No one vote for null people like you.

Anonymous said...

Read it proplery. CPP will get 81, Fun will ge 26. it is not an a boast but reassured by the NEC. A Chhay said that with good guarantee.

Anonymous said...

No CPP will get 107 seats and what's the name? Chaychay will get nothing!

Anonymous said...

What are you going to do Chhay? If you do not have any seat in parliament? Will Hun Sen kick you out? That is funny story!

Anonymous said...

The boat is sinking. I wonder who will drown with it?

Anonymous said...

It is hard to preserve right for the place that have international monitors??????????

You are helpless Chhay!

Anonymous said...

A perfect tune for Funcinpec after election 2008:
Hey Hey Hey Good Bye...........

Anonymous said...

Choy Euy,
Following Chanthol... Ly Thuch Kong Vibol, Peng Chheang(CPP-SamRansy-Funcun-CPP-..???)will be Ngiek Bun Chhay....Ong Phalla-Runrot..too..
This is the Root of Smers!!!!
Easy to govern smers!!!!
My uncle told me in 1950s:..
"...Diviser... pour gouverner...."
La guerre fini VN sera Uni.. il sera grand et fort ... et L'Indochine sers Vietnamienne...."

Du ma....Funcinpec...Du ma Run A Rot Party...

Nyuen Ay Koy(born in Hue)