Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Should Cambodia Town in Long Beach be politically all inclusive and accept Sok An's visit?

The Cambodia Town in Long Beach Should be a Neutral Place for All Khmer

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Op-Ed by Jayakhmer
Posted at

Energy has been wasted on an issue that should be a non-issue. I have listened to both sides of the arguments about whether or not Deputy Prime Minister Sok An should be invited to be part of the Khmer Town New Year celebration.

Let me first acknowledge that from an outsider’s perspective, I may be looking at the forest while community members in Long Beach look at the tree. I am looking at a broader picture as a Khmer Community while some in Long Beach look at individuals.

I understand that we, Khmer, are political creatures. This kind of events it is expected that there will be people who are trying to score unnecessary political points. That would be a wrong thing to do on both sides.

Cambodia Town should be a neutral place for all Khmer. It means that all Khmer dignitaries should be welcomed because the town is a place where members of the community belong to diverse political groups. This means Cambodia Town should welcome not only the government members but also any political leader from any political parties.

Not all CPP members are corrupted. If we want change, we need to develop a dialogue between all political parties especially those who are in power. This does not mean you have to compromise on your principle. It simply means you are willing to engage in order to find common ground on issues that benefit Khmer people as a community and as a nation.

Without knowing all the sensitive issues in Long Beach, my first impression of the spat is that the community is narrow minded and short sighted.

Why couldn’t Cambodia Town be a place where political inclusiveness is promoted?

Why couldn’t Long Beach be a beacon of democracy where diverse members of the community are encouraged in vibrant debates that promote positive principles and policies that benefit member of the community here and benefit Khmer in Cambodia?

If Long Beach is indicative of a typical Cambodian Community, we are in bigger trouble than we thought. This tells me that the foreigners are not the predicament of Cambodia’s unity and its progress. It is our divisiveness that continues to weaken us as a community and as a nation.

If we, Khmer, cannot find a common ground to resolve our issues in a civilized and effective manner, we are the worse enemy to ourselves.


Anonymous said...

I agree that we should have a representative from Cambodian government for this very importnat occasion to mark that Cambodia twon has a linkage between Cambodian in overseas and Cambodian government and local government of the USA. But in the case very corrupted official like Sok An, Cham Prasith, Khiev Kanharith, Lu Lay Sreng, You Hok Kry, Kiet Chhon etc.. and etc.., I think we shouldn't get involve with these idiots and animals. we should try to find someone in the government who has the most Dignity and the most Integrity and very less corrupted official to represent the Government even his trip should be paid for by organiser. This is to prove that Long Beach people are very serious about corruption and will ban all corrupted leaders from entering their town. It is also not necessary to pick for a Government Minister. We can also choose among all MP of the opposition party as well Like Mr Son Chhay, Mr Sam Rainsy, or Korng Korm etc.. and etc.. Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

i support idea of inclusiveness, i will not compromise my principle. If inclusiveness means inviting corrupt people to a parade and put on a show where they can boast all their great achievements and call oversea Khmer who disagree with them to be not knowing Cambodia law, then i say its a waste of time.

Long Beach Cambodian community should use the opportunity to scrutinized and question every official that makes its way to the town in official visits and using official parades and banner.

I refuse to watch CTN live in America! It's disgusting enough to see it on just in Cambodia, now they bring in every experts and guestspeaker to slam on opponents and address nothing from problems to land grabs, health cares, proper education. No one that has any other opinion other than praising the current going of the government is allow to speak.

IF we are to invite them to our community, and allow them opinion into our world, they must not be people who protect them from citizens questions or oppositions to their view.

If they must come, they must be open to debate and be ready to be attacked, and don't expect a safe condition like on CTN where only their opinions get voiced!

CTN is good for culture shows, but nothing on dialogue or social problems!

Chey Kosol the anchor is the worst ass kisser of them all!

Anonymous said...

My blood boil everytime I read your post. Lately, you have been sided with AH-youn. I don't have to read much to know what side you argue for. Youn is your friend and Khmer is your slave, this is how you see us. You probably go by the name of forest servant. I see your post on the Government of Cambodia Website. If it is the case, then you are youn agent and your post is meaningless to Khmers.

Anonymous said...

I am fed up after reading this fucken article by Jayakhmer!

AH Jayakhmer is a one look down mother fucker on Khmer community in Long Beach as the "narrow minded and short sighted community"

Let me make it clear here that this is not the issue of "political inclusiveness"! This is the issue of morality and responsibility for all Khmer leaders to uphold before Khmer community whether they are corrupted or uncorrupted!

As far as I am concerned AH SOK AN and his Vietcong slave government don't have the moral authority and the responsibility to face Khmer community in Long Beach and for these reasons he should never be allowed to set foot in Long Beach!

By the way, no Khmer is stopping AH SOK AN from going to Long Beach for his private visit but to use Khmer community in Long Beach for his publicity for his morally corrupted Vietcong slave government must not be allowed at all cost!

Anonymous said...

10:09 AM your posts boils my blood especially because you are calling Khmer people "yuon" agents. Stop for a second and think about what the author is saying. He is not siding with the CPP, he wants dialogue!!!! Why are you so paranoid that everyone is a Yuon agent? Don't you know that the Khmer Rouge made the same mistake calling their own people Yuon Agents? Thats how Kampuchea Krom Khmers were killed because they spoke Khmer with a Vietnamese accent. So please have an open mind.

Proud Khmer

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me? Evil see nothing else but what is in it for them. The day you accept evil into your life/community is the day you have become one of them. What is in it for you for writing this blog?

Anonymous said...

TO 12:17PM,
I saw your kind before. Your idea of dialogue is to let youn control Cambodia. As long as youn wins and Khmer looses, you have no problem with the dialogue. If Khmers stand our ground in our defence, you accuse us of not being a good neighbor. As long as hun sen gives you land then we are such great friend. sok an is youn. He need to parade himself in youn's town. And for those people that wants to bring him to Cambodian Town, they only want connection with sok an so that they can open business in Cambodia without extortion from the generals and the police. They're only looking after themselves. They don't have any morality. As long as they have that connection, it doesn't matter if they are dealing with people that steal their land. As far as open minded, I'm not like hun sen and the rest of his slaves. His mind is so open toward the youn that he is chained by youn to be their slave forever. I bet if he try to break away from the so called youn/Cambodia friend he will be shot in a minute. hun sen and his slaves is the kind of people you have no problem talking to. As for those who love Cambodia and defend our nation, you accuse them of racist, close minded, unreasonable, and so on. Therefore, if you are sided with youn, then you are youn's agent. If you defend Khmer, then you are Khmer. Simple as that!

Anonymous said...

You're right.
Cambodians in Long Beach and the vicinities are short sighted because they had helped and supported from the bottom of their hearts for the creation of "Cambodia Town", but they did not know that a group of people have different agenda than just having Cambodia Town. They use Cambodia Town for different agenda.

Do you know that one of the members of the delegation that went to Cambodia will be nominated "General Consul" of the Royal Governmnet in Long Beach in the near future.

He or She (the new General Consul) will laugh at all Cambodians in Long Beach and say thank you for your shortsightness.

Anonymous said...

To 1:33PM

Having Cambodia Town is good thing for Khmer community in Long Beach because now Khmer community has something to share with the rest of the communities! Cambodia Town can be used for anything including tourism, business contact, and community gathering such as parade, town meeting on important issues...

It is very important that Khmer community must be vigilant for any fool who dare to hijack Cambodia Town for their personal gain and it must be stopped at all cost!

Cambodia Town is part of the communities and communities are also part of Cambodia Town and Cambodian Town doesn't belong to any individual!

Those fools want to hijack Cambodia Town and please don’t and you will be sorry if you did!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 2:19PM.

But what you gonna do?

A lot of people are just so frustrated and dissappointed about all these events.

And I think there is nothing that you can do to change the course. they will go for it.

Anonymous said...

TO 12:43

I am probably more nationalistic than you are. Nobody is claiming that you are racist, because you aren't attacking the Vietnamese, but your own people. Calling Khmer people yuon agents. I dont agree with Vietnam encroaching Cambodian land or their illegal logging. But CPP is in no position to fight against Vietnam because Vietnam's agents are deep within every level of the CPP. Khmers like you can never win against them unless you understand your enemy.

Anonymous said...

To 3:01PM

Well! If the fucken CPP clown can't fight the Vietcong master and why don't they step down from power and let Khmer people who can fight the Vietcong master? Why do they still want to hang on to power by using brutality, police force, military force, judicial system...? This is such a fucken mystery!

Does the CPP clown still want to be the Vietcong slave and that is why they still want to be in power at any price?

AH HUN SEN is the Vietcong slave and the Vietcong slave is AH HUN SEN! The day AH HUN SEN falls from power is the day the Vietcong double agents will go back home to Hanoi! Plain and simple!

AH HUN SEN is too arrogance not to know that Khmer people are observing him every move and all his Vietcong double agents!

Anonymous said...

They will go for it!!!!!!!!!!

Would Sok Ann Ready to be humiliated or be injured??????????

May be if he lost one eye like Hun Xen he will be next PM????

Good luck Sok Ann!!!

Anonymous said...

We can all agree that CT(cambodian Town) is a good thing for khmer living in the U.S and abroad. But those who used CT for their own personal gain should understand that we live in a society that allow us to express and voice our views without intimidation and fear. We can see now that the so-call board of CT, have used the Long beach community for fame, fortune and "good faces". We can all agree Cambodian in the U.S and abroad have a dislike to the "puppet government" in Cambodia. And to have Sok An be that representative during one of khmer most celebrated holiday is like spitting on the graves of all those who died during the killing field. So if any of you want to spit on any of your dead ancestors, such as, father, uncle, grandparent, brothers, sister, unborn son or daughters, then let him come to CT.

But i don't think he would dare, he will cite, not enough security details. If LB have that much resource for his details, they should spend it on CT free entrance to the park.

Anonymous said...

agree, Cambodia Town is a town for all Cambodia and, of course Americans. There should not be any bickering over who can or not visit, although, I think it is ok for Cambodians in Long Beach to demonstrate their discontent with some hard-core politician from Phnom Penh. This is America where freedom of expressions existed freely. To demonstrate your discontent is different from to ban someone from visiting the town. please note the difference. thank you

P.S. I really encourage all Khmers to work together for the benefit of our race. Please communicate and talk, talk, talk, talk and more talks, voice your discontent; you never know, a man like Mr. Sok An can bring changes to the political sphere in Phnom Penh when we negotiate and talk. Who knows. Try it. He's a man of great influence in politics in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. What is it, Cambodians want, tell Mr. Sok An, ask Mr. Sok An. People might be surprise; it's your rare chance to meet him in America. Thank you

Anonymous said...

JayaKhmer, First of all -- I wanted to say I am fed up with by lecturing us. You and Richer San are educated and think you represented Khmers everywhere. Don't! Yeah, I've heard such argumentative before, but it is lame. What had prevented you becoming a Pro-Khmer citizen?

Have you stopped being a Pro-active in Kleptocratic, Dictatorship, and Oppressor of Khmer citizens whorshipper? Yeah! we're looking at the tree and pensively critical about the 3 categories above, ah "sva jayakhmer".

I DEFINITELY DON'T WANT AH SVA sok ann TO BE IN LONG BEACH BECAUSE MY FAMILY MEMBERS DEAD IN '70S 'CAUSE CPP/KR. At the same time, I want you to know that I am a civilized person. What CPP needed to do is to abide by the Supreme Laws of the Land. Would the CPP be able to comprehend the constitution clauses with his or her education level?

Anonymous said...

It would make sense and argument with a constructive idea stated on this posted by JAYAKhmer page, if the team of Long Beach City that visited Cambodia has been put forward an invitation to all prominant Cambodian politicians including CPP, SRP, NRP, FUNCIPEC and others. They can come to the parade and show their faces and may possible answer some questions. It can show that the team of Long Beach City is not in favour for any group or person.

It would be so nice if those politicians can sit together at Long Beach Hall answer questions that concern Cambodian population in Long Beach or else where may pose to the group.

Anonymous said...

Dear fellow KI-Media readers et al...

As on any or all other unmoderated blog on-line, KI-Media is no exception when it comes to emotional, angry or even uncontrollable expression of frustrations towards the Viet controlled regime in P. Penh and sometime anonymously towards each other between the readers themselves.

Needless to say that I, personally as one of KI-Media reader, would not condone or encourage such rather chaotic way of personal expressions, but amidst all of that KI-Media comes to exist and to serve its purpose:

Dedicated to publishing sensitive information about Cambodia.

Thanks a million for everything.


Anonymous said...

let all khmer fuck and kill each othr once again

this is what the nature of beasts we are, let's once again kill each other

it's better to be in the american society than the fucking khmer
all khmer should be fucking ashame

let's give all credit to hun sen and other yuons for slowly kill these stupid khmer

yuons or other nationals don't have to kill khmer, just simply let these ignorant khmer kill each other.

all khmer are fucking slaves to khmer

Anonymous said...

To 12:51PM

When you said "let all Khmer fuck and kills each other once again" and I hope you are not Khmer! And if you are Khmer too then I suggest that you go fuck yourself first!

By the way, Youn doesn't need to kill Khmer because they make Khmer as their slave already such as AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave mother fucker!