Friday, February 01, 2008

Bokor handed to Sok Kong, Hun Sen crony, in a 99-year lease ... Next up, maybe a 99-year lease of the Royal Palace to Sokimex?

Sok Kong, Sokimex president and Hun Sen crony

Bokor Mountain to be developed

Friday, February 01, 2008

The historical Cambodian site of Bokor Mountain is to be expanded.

Cambodian petroleum giant Sokimex Group has signed a 99 year lease agreement with the Royal Government of Cambodia to develop the historic Bokor National Park.

The development of Road 32 will link National Road 3 to the peak of Bokor Mountain; also on the cards is the construction of schools, shopping centres and hotels, as well as road rehabilitation.

The process is expected to be finished within 15 years and the initial investment will be US $1 billion.

The official ceremony was held on January 19, attracting over 15 000 guests including government officials and residents.


Anonymous said...

Good job to Mr. Sok Kong as well. Congratulations for your great success and please continue to develop Cambodia to catch up with other countries in the region. I don't see anybody else want to take the risk in investing Bokor, but you're willing to take that risk. Wishing you many great success. Please continue to ignore the chicken critics who are only good with running their foul mouth. You and your company have my support all the way. Action speaks louder than words. Please surprise the entire world with your optimistic vision for Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Bravo Sok Kong! Keep developing the Country!

Anonymous said...

Phnom Bokor during Sihanouk/Lon Nol regimes, they didn't have any clue or capacity to develop but, our fame Iek Ot Dom OK Nha Sok Kong does.
He Creates more jobs for Khmer to serve him and make khmer economy very rich for 99 years.

Anonymous said...

in USA the price is mostly with .99 cents, in Thailand is also 99 bahts, but in cambodia 99 years.

Anonymous said...

Oh please! For Cambodia to be shaped by a few fools who claimed to be good businessman and it isn’t going to cut in the real world! The real world is full of competition!

By the way, nobody can touch Phnom Bokor because AH HUN SEN won't let them and only his cronies can touch! Just wait and see and the whole area will be fenced off from Cambodian public for 99 years! Ahahh

Don't worry my boy! The competitions will come to Cambodia soon and this time everybody will play by the rule! Let see how far can Kith Meng and Sok Kong go on without monopolize the businesses supported by his dictator Hun Sen!

Anonymous said...

Please.....please Don't him Sok Kong. His real Yuon name ហាយ​តឹម ។Hun Sen is ម៉ៃ ហ្វុក។ Cham Prasith is អ៊ឹង យូតឹកហួរ​។ល។

Anonymous said...

ជនជាតិយូនឈ្មោះ​ហាយ តឹម គឺជាចៅបង្កើតរបស់ព្រះបាទជ័យវរ្ម័នទី៧ ព្រោះវាបានទទួលមត៌កច្រើនណាស់​រាប់ទាំងប្រាសាទបុរាណ និងទឹកដីខ្មែរទាំងមូល។
Chuc Mong Nam Moi!!!

Anonymous said...

take a look, educate yourself, cambodia is open for business. i don't see anybody else take risk investing in cambodia. the few who do risk investing will always get criticize for doing so because they're not happy with the current administration or something. you know, people are free to expression them now cambodia, so say whatever till their heart content. actions will speak louder than words. they're lucky to have the freedom to express themselves; it's good that the current administration did not oppress this freedom. you're free!! so fly, fly!!!

some investors want to wait until the cows come home to invest. have they forgotten already that investment anywhere in the world is risky, that's the name of the business; however, the difference here is the courage one have to get started. if you want to invest in cambodia, who is stopping you. some of us don't think like you. get used to it. learn to take some risk in life; not everything is handed to you on a plate. remember, investment is a two-way street. best of luck to everyone who takes risk. if you're so afraid of everything, why even bother to travel at all, why not just stay at home. have some adventure in life, would ya!!

Anonymous said...

To 2:35AM

Hey! The Japanese government demands that AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave government must pass law to protect the Japanese investment and Japanese government got what they want which is investment protection under Cambodian law! But what about Cambodian business community and why can they have the same protection? Cambodian business community had been waiting for anti-corruption for a very long time now!

Remembered the foreign investments have the right to leave and walk away from Cambodia anytime they want but for Cambodian business community they don't have the same choice of moving because of their community and family, relatives, and friends deep rooted in the community which they have an obligation to make things work at any price because their reputation is on the line!

Only anti-corruption can attract more businesses from Cambodian community!

Anonymous said...

re 4:23am, well, you you guys ask the Cambodian gov't to do the same for you or do you think you are so much better that you arrogantly refused to ask? There's a big difference, here. It doesn't hurt to ask. Try it, if you so desire!

Anonymous said...

To 7:36AM

I try to contact the so called Cambodian embassy which I am not going to name and nothing can get through! I don't even know or understand what the hell is going on with the fucken Cambodian embassy nowadays!

Oh well! All these fucken embassy people are handpicked by AH HUN SEN! For those oversea Cambodian people are considered as anti-HUN SEN by Cambodian government and I am telling you that Cambodia will continue to suffer economically as long as AH HUN SEN government continue to shun oversea Cambodian business community!

Cambodian community wants to grow their business into big and bigger businesses! But Hun Sen only want to talk with Multinational Corporation with million and million of dollars! I wonder what happen to the concept of macroeconomic promoted by AH HUN SEN government?

Anonymous said...

Investment in Phnom Bokko is a risky business. But I'm glad someone will take this kind risked.
Thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

To 8:14PM

Even King Sihanouk invested in Phnom Bokor in 1960 and what is so risky about that?

Phnom Bokor should be a place of observatory to learn about astronomy! Maybe if Cambodian people understand more about the Universe, galaxy, and planet, and the moon… and they wouldn’t be too superstitious about everything around them anymore such firing guns during full moon!

Anonymous said...

i know, i think cambodia should encourage more and more of its people to get educated from the
western world, from the chinese, the japanese etc. i think more people there get educated more, they will understand about the world, nature, science, etc., instead of being so dependent on their beliefs , they can think and evaluate everything for themselves instead of believing totally on the force of nature, like waiting for the rain to transplant rice, etc. why not borrow new technology from the more developing world to bring waters from their mighty rivers, largest lake in southeast asia and so on to irrigate their crops, instead, they still wait for the rain to feed their crops. cambodia people need to learn that that's not the only way to do thing or get thing done; that there are many many many other options to get things done in many many different ways. stop depending on god, nature, the supernatural, etc. to help them; this is why i keep stress, the important of education. the world should help educate the cambodian people to know more about the world out there, especially learn from the western nations.. God, i can go on and on and on with this. i'm so sick of being ignorant.