Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Ahmad Yahya hard at work looking for rich Arab countries for Hun Sen to beg

Rich Arab countries should not be overlooked

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

Ahmad Yahya, the former SRP MP who defected to the CPP, told the Rasmei Kampuchea newspaper, on 10 March, that he plans to contact Arab countries to pile up aid for Cambodia, should Hun Sen give him the green light. Ahmad Yahya, a Muslim Cambodian who is now Hun Sen’s advisor, said that he left the opposition only because he wanted to help build the country. He said that, being Muslim, he knows a lot of other foreign Muslims, therefore, the fact that he works for the government now, it is easy for him to contact these foreign Muslims in order to look for aid for Cambodia. He said that up to now, there is a lack of relationships between Cambodia and rich Arab countries. Because of this situation, these countries do not help Cambodia. He said that with good relationships with Arab countries, we could find a lot of funds to develop Cambodia.


Anonymous said...

Hey !AHMAD YAHYA, becareful about muslim.There are a lot of trouble makers out there waiting for opportunity to bring in their nut lunatic to your country.

Anonymous said...

I have sympathy for and respect our Compatriot Chams. I appreciate Ahmad Yayah for his plan to contact Arab Coutries to get aid from them.
ButI am afraid the Aid from Arab or Muslim Coutries will turn many of our Cham men into radical islamics and many of our Cham women to radical muslim women wearing veil covering their face, except the eyes.

Personnally I hate the veil covering muslim womwn's face.

Anonymous said...

Yes, good thinking mate. Muslim are very loyal people and great care should be exercise here.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ahmad Yahya,

When you were with SRP, why don't you think about contacting the Muslim countries to help the party? But, when you join CPP and Hun Sen, you have an idea. It means you're afraid of Hun Sen lay you off or kick you out after the election.

You're a totally nut and traitor of SRP and the country to join the Hanoi puppet regime. Go back to your country where you're belonging. You're not welcome in Cambodia the same as your new boss, Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

We appreciate $ucker$ no matter what nationalities.....

Anonymous said...

10:34PM no foreign country will help the party they will help only the country!
Only the bad country (evil one) the Viet is helping and controlling the CPP!

Anonymous said...

Not true, the US used to side with SRP and FUNCINPEC and allowed them to monopolize all oversea gorilla support to all themselves. The EU still strongly supported SRP.

Anyhow, the Vietnamese end up being in Cambodia because KR was abusive and failed to live along with our neighbors, not because we invited them over.

Anonymous said...

Go Amad Yaya, go recruite more muslim terrorist to slam dunk dictator in State of Cambodia.