Wednesday, March 26, 2008

CPP Said Protecting 'Millions' of Illegal Vietnamese Immigrants for Their Votes

11 Mar 08
By Prach Phuthon
Moneaksekar Khmer

Translated from Khmer by Anonymous

As the 27 July 2008 fourth general election is drawing near the leaders of the Cambodian People's Party [CPP], particularly the power addict Great Lord Hun Sen, do not dare to talk about resolving the problem of illegal Vietnamese immigrants who are living in a massive number in Cambodia. On the contrary, Hun Sen brags only about the skyrocketing land prices and the annual economic growth although this economic growth has not been of any benefit to the poor people.

A high-ranking CPP official familiar with the K-85 CPP headquarters who asked to remain anonymous hinted that the CPP has a clear-cut political goal of protecting the Vietnamese immigrants who are living illegally in Cambodia. Hence, there is no reason for the leaders of this party to talk about resolving problems concerning these illegal Vietnamese immigrants. Besides, the illegal Vietnamese immigrants living in Cambodia always vote for the CPP. Therefore, the CPP must protect them and serve them with great care, never daring to neglect this duty.

The high-ranking CPP official further disclosed that each time the Vietnamese leaders pay an official visit to Cambodia--be it the Vietnamese party's Secretary General, the President, the National Assembly Speaker, or the Prime Minister--they always ask the Cambodian leaders to take care of and provide protection for the Vietnamese immigrants. All the requests of the Vietnamese leaders are happily accepted by the chairman of the Cambodian Senate, the speaker of the Cambodian National Assembly, and the Cambodian Prime Minister, the leaders of the CPP, who never dare to utter a word of protest. For this reason, more and more Vietnamese immigrants are pouring into Cambodia with the barrier at the border passes kept wide open.

Monitors of Cambodia's political situation have noted that because the CPP has an unambiguous policy to protect the Vietnamese immigrants in its 11-point principles the CPP dares not clearly specify how it would deal with the immigration issue. As a matter of fact, point No 5 of the 11-point principles of the CPP reads: "To strengthen national defense and security firmly so as to be fully capable of defending the independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Cambodia; protect peace, stability, security, law and order, and the happy livelihoods of the people; and firmly deal with illegal immigrants and border trespassers and all law-breaking acts by aliens according to existing law."

Monitors of the political situation in Cambodia criticized that point No 5 of the 11-point principles of the CPP above does not reflect the will to really resolve the immigration problem. On the contrary, it undeniably is part of a glaring strategy to cover up the problem of Vietnamese immigrants in Cambodia no matter how badly some of these Vietnamese immigrants have misbehaved in a manner that has put the Cambodian masters of the country to great shame. If the CPP has the will to resolve the problem of illegal Vietnamese immigrants, it would have thought about a solution long ago, for the Immigration Law has been enacted since 1994.

In the past, Interior Minister Sar Kheng claimed that there were only about 100,000 aliens, including Vietnamese, in Cambodia. Meanwhile, independent observers have found that there are millions of Vietnamese immigrants living illegally in Cambodia and most of them carry Khmer ID cards and voter cards recognized by the local authorities of the Hun Sen government. For this reason, the Vietnamese immigrants have set up a big association in Phnom Penh and opened its chapters in 19 provinces/cities throughout Cambodia.

At the end of 2006 the Alien Census and Registration Commission headed by Interior Ministry State Secretary Em Sam-an publicly launched a campaign to inspect and register foreigners living in Cambodia. However, to these days Em Sam-an's commission has not yet dared to announce the results of its survey. Maybe we will have to wait until after the 27 July 2008 national elections to learn about these results. This is because the overwhelming majority of aliens living in Cambodia are Vietnamese nationals. Therefore, if Em Sam-an's commission dares to announce the results of the census he would put the CPP to great shame.

The local press, including many pro-CPP newspapers, recently published a report about Vietnamese immigrants harassing foreign tourists for alms in the Chong Khneas area of Tonle Sap Lake, Siemreab province, causing great embarrassment to Cambodians who are the true owners of the country. However, because this matter was one of the "achievements" of the CPP, the Cambodian authorities in the Chong Khneas area did not dare to take any measure to stop it. And Sar Kheng's Interior Ministry, too, was afraid to end these ugly activities of those Vietnamese immigrants.

Besides protecting the Vietnamese immigrants, the Hun Sen government continues to serve the Vietnamese interests with great care, not daring to displease their bosses. As irrefutable proof, the Hun Sen government has handed over hundreds of thousands of hectares of concessionary land to the Vietnamese companies, giving them carte blanche to log, clear, and destroy the forests, Cambodia's priceless natural resources. If we closely examine the situation, we would see that the government of the power-addict Hun Sen nowadays is under the thumb of the Hanoi communist regime like in the 1980s.

Many circles have suggested that in order to effectively resolve the immigration problem the Cambodian people throughout the country must vote on 27 July 2008 to change the leaders at all costs. This is because when the CPP loses the election and falls from power, the leaders of this party will no longer be able to continue serving the interests of the Vietnamese.


Anonymous said...

Illegal immigrants can't register to vote. At best, one or two can slip through, but not millions, especially oppositions are coming through the list many times. Thus, this report is nothing more than the work of another Gorilla Fucker.

Anonymous said...

This is true! But I think it's hard to solve the immigration issues in Cambodia. How about let them have Residency Cards and tax them heavily. Do the way just like the US do to their immigrants.

Anonymous said...

I second that, 8:13. Vietnamese generally aren't issued any Cambodian identifications. Sam Rainsy is full of shit when he speaks about Vietnamese voters, who in fact are non-existant. There might be occasional individums issued government identifications, but in order to get it they have to prove that they possess good language writing and speaking skills, in other words to disguise themselves as Khmer. But these people, who aren't probably more than a few thousand never can make any serious impact on forthcoming elections. They might not probably be interested at all in elections lest to vote for CPP. The overwhelming majority of CPP voters are Khmer people. This is an indisputable fact.

Anonymous said...

For this reason, the Vietnamese immigrants have set up a big association in Phnom Penh

It's a small two story building, located a street behind a Lucky Lucky Moto. Everybody can check it up. Just a few rooms and a small bookshop size of an everage book and newspaper vendor carrying a few itmes. Next door located a petite Vietnamese coffee shop with 10 or 20 seats. Is this the "illegal Yuon occupation of Cambodia" you're talking about?

Anonymous said...

For what reason?

Anonymous said...

8:52 am, that is how the cancer grows! from a little one!

Anonymous said...

Every Cambodian has a responsibility as a citizen of the nation to help educate their families near or far about what could happen to our homeland if they don't go to vote. The Vietnamese are more well organized and they go to vote. Only votes will make them listen... Go to vote...

Anonymous said...

គ្រាន់តែឲ្យដោល្លារទៅ ចូលសញ្ជាតិបានបែបស្រួលបំផុត
។បើមិនជឿ សូមទៅសួរយូននៅតាមមាត់បឹងទន្លេសាប

Anonymous said...

What you read is true, those of you who are living in Cambodia should see this everywhere in every branch of Cambodian society unless you choose to ignore the problem since these people who are bashing on this issue are fucking blind like Hun Sen. You make me sick and give Khmer a bad name.

Down with the CPP. We are PRO-KHMER, not PRO-YUON like the rest of you brainwashed ex-Khmer yuon filth.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's true on Planet of the Ape.

Anonymous said...

08:13 & 10:22 : your eyes are covered by shit and your brain is full of air. It is very easy for illegals viets to get khmer ID card. 200 usd within one week. Yes they do vote for CPP. Yes they colonize Cambodia step by step. Yes the cambodian army and police is infilitrated by vietnamese who protect their own interests and not for the locals ... But for me it is ok. They just fill the gap of unskill khmer workers. The local khmer are lazy to work and have no brain. So better that the vietnamese take over. Fo me i have no problem, because for 5 usd in some housing located everywhere in Phnom Penh, you can fuck fresh vietnamese meet that arrive everymonths...At least that's make our motodoup happy also...

Anonymous said...

1:34, I said 1 or 2 might slip through the system, but not millions. I doubt anyone would spend 200 USD just to do vote, especially when voting is not a Vietnamese thing.

Even Khmer, if they have to spend 200 USD to vote, you can forget about democracy, dude. So who are you kidding?

Anonymous said...

ជូនចំពោះ អាអគ្គមហាសេវាដៃចោរ ខូចសរសៃប្រសាទហ៊ុន សែន,

ពេលនេះ អាខូចសរសៃប្រសាទ ឈ្មោះហ៊ុន សែនគួរតែ គិតគូរដោះស្រាយ បញ្ហាទំនិញឡើងថ្លៃ ទើបត្រឹមត្រូវ ព្រោះជារឿង ដែលប្រជាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ ទូទាំងប្រទេស កំពុងខ្វាយខ្វល់។ ប៉ុន្តែ អាខ្ញុំយួនរូបនេះ បែរជាគិតគូរ អារឿងគ្មានអ្នកខ្វាយខ្វល់ទៅវិញ ។
នេះចំជាអាហ៊ុន សែនខូចសរសៃប្រសាទមែនហើយ! ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ សូមអញ្ជើញអាហ៊ុន សែន ទៅពេទ្យកាល់មែត ដើម្បីតំរង់សរសៃប្រសាទ ឡើងវិញទៅ ព្រោះដោយសារ អាខូចសរសៃប្រសាទហ្នឹងហើយ
ដែលវាចុះហត្ថលេខា អោយដីទៅយួន អោយយួនចូលនៅខុសច្បាប់ នៅប្រទេសកម្ពុជា។
ងាប់អោយស្រឡះទៅ អាអគ្គមហាសេវាដៃចោរ ខូចសរសៃប្រសាទឈ្មោះហ៊ុន សែន។ គ្មានខ្មែរណាស្រណោះ អាក្បត់ជាតិឯងទេ។