Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Debate Or Not To Debate: Hun Sen Is Ducking For Cover?

Editorial by Khmerization
Originally posted at
"The debate should take place, with or without Mr. Hun Sen. The democratisation process in Cambodia must be moving forward. No one, not even a prime minister of a country, can hinder this process."
Mr Kem Sokha’s proposal for a face to face televised debate among the prime ministerial candidates is a good thing for the democratisation process in Cambodia (read the links by clicking here and here). It will give an opportunity to the voters to see real democracy at work, first hand. It will also provide the candidates, including Prime Minister Hun Sen himself, an opportunity to experience a real taste of democracy. But most importantly, it will give Prime Minister Hun Sen an opportunity to set the record straight- and that is to face his critics and tackle them head on.

But, regrettably, Prime Minister Hun Sen has chosen to reject the proposal flat out. The Prime Minister’s rejection is a real blow to the democratisation process in Cambodia. A face to face debate is a chance for the candidates to put forward their ideas and political platforms to the voters but it was sensitive enough to send shivers through Prime Minister Hun Sen’s spine. For a man who used to debate with himself and who used to blast his critics for hours and hours non-stop on national TV, the ideas of a face to face debate has caused shivers that sent him scrambling and ducking for cover.

Prime Minister Hun Sen used his busy time schedule as a pretext of his refusal to participate in such a debate. He said that he is too busy trying to solve people’s everyday problems. Well, Mr. Prime Minister, an election debate is another form of efforts to hatch out ideas to find the solutions to the many national problems facing Cambodia today. If you are serious enough in seeking ideas and solutions to today Cambodia’s problems, this is the way to go.

Another pretext which Prime Minister Hun Sen used a justify his rejection of the proposal was that Cambodia has a proportional parliamentary system which the voters vote for the parties and not for the candidates, unlike the presidential elections in the United States and France whereby the people vote for the presidential candidates. Mr. Hun Sen’s reason is unreasonable. In countries like Australia, Canada and the UK which have a parliamentary system whereby the voters vote for the parties like Cambodia and, at every election, they always hold a televised debates among the prime ministerial candidates. So Mr. Hun Sen’s reason is absurd and preposterous.

Mr Hun Sen’s pre-emptive speech rejecting Kem Sokha’s proposal was not only a proof of his cowardice, but it was intended to intimidate, to interfere and to influence the decisions-making of an independent institution, the National Election Committee (NEC).

The NEC, as an independent national institution, should not be deterred by Hun Sen‘s speech. It should make its own decisions independently of any political influence, not even from a prime minister of a country. The debate should take place, with or without Mr. Hun Sen. The democratisation process in Cambodia must be moving forward. No one, not even a prime minister of a country, can hinder this process.


Anonymous said...

Well, a cricket is always a cricket.

Anonymous said...

If Hun Sen has nothing to fear then he should participate in the debate. To chickenb out is not good for democracy in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

"The democratisation process in Cambodia must be moving forward."

You Maggot Feeder, it is not democratisation that you are talking about but westernization, and it won't happened here.

Anonymous said...

Either Hun Sen is afraid of the debate, or the oppositions are not assertive enough to get the debate they want. Which one? Or both?


Khmer Young said...

I do hope democratization in Hun Sen's eyes will not like Vietnam and China. But I think 6:00PM compare democratization of Hun sen's model similar like Pol Pot's.

Great reflection Khmerization. Your analysis is fair enough for Cambodian peoples, and it is fair enough for Hun Sen.

Hun Sen has always interfered all independent institutions in Cambodia. If we count they are: monarchy, parliament, court, NEC, etc...

So this interference probably is called democratization by some of his supporters.

I am nauseate with those supporters of Hun Sen's public debate rejection!


Anonymous said...

Interference in judicial process was the norm for Hun Sen. Now he is interferring with the electoral process. He has interferred with everything in Cambodia. A democratic PM, a despot, a tyrant or something worst?

Anonymous said...

On the appoach of the legislative elections 2008, I propose you to reread the history
"Under suddenly of State in Georgia in 2003 " that also very well can arrive to the Cambodia according to an international expert in political strategy francais.

Presented as a spontaneous movement and not violent, the uprising that forced Edouard Chevardnadze to renounce the presidency of the Georgia is in reality the fruit of a patient manipulation. Strategic and oil issue between the Federation of Russia and the United States, the Georgia became a combat area of clash of the big powers. Popular anger, skillfully released by the democratic Institute of Madeleine Albright and structured by youth associations financed by George Soros, allowed the CIA to place its men in power at Tbilissi.

Anonymous said...

TOTALLY TRUE ! The debate should start with / without hun sen.

He is prime minister ! let him do what he want. It will only show that he is a coward when it come to real situation.

Let's the debate get STARTED .

Anonymous said...

Actually, is not a bad idea for SRP and HRP to debate. That way, we will get to see what they got up their sleeves for Cambodia. As far as I know they got shit right now.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia is still too weak. First Cambodia needs is Peace to rebuild the country. I don't oppose the debate, but what I am opposed to is the attempt of the fanatical supporters of SRP and HRP to distract the democracy because these fanatical anti foreigners will bring civil war to Cambodia again.
These indiscreet talks will only force Hun Sen to stay in power, and it is good that he should stay in power.

Anonymous said...

They claimed to love the democracy, but don't know what to begin. If SRP or HRP wins then what? What SRP or HRP going to do if they don't have resources? If they don't get shot by the insiders but will be shot by the outsiders. A lot of foreigners put too much money investing in Cambodia, they won't let the new completely fools to erase it. Get any clue?

Anonymous said...

Kem Sokha should know better how democracy works. How are you going to debate without your opponents?
You cannot use U.S democratic style to apply in Cambodia; it is not practical. It is good with one leader to lead cambodia for a long time because if they change a leader every election, it will be unstable politically. Cambodian politicians are corrupted regardless where they are comming from. Kem Sokha is a one person barking for his political gain. If he loves democracy, he should join with other political party. What a joke!!!

Anonymous said...

Sah Touk!

Anonymous said...

The political action must have that a single goal the happiness of the people.

The extremist ones cannot propose this objective to the people.

Peace, neutrality, independence, good neighborhood, international cooperation are the 5 cards maitresses to play and the only reasonably feasible way to take the Cambodia towards the progress.

The sangkum reasnyum, had peace, the good neighborhood, international cooperation, the independence, but failed little on the neutrality by ambition and the cupidity of some one of the our politicians.

The republic of Lon Nol had not anything of these 5 cards maitresses and we know how she finished.

Even for the democratic Kampuchea of Pol Pot.

Today, in the way of the progrès,we have the independence, Peace, the good neighborhood, the international cooperation,

It is necessary for us to work with patience and skillfulness to obtain the last card maitresse: neutrality.

Will know we to succeed it?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My beloved Khmers!

I am strongly agreeing with this article and fully supporting the debate!

We Khmers always have the long generation mentality of disaster on an entire hierarchical system:

In the unchangeable tradtions of Khmer moral training, we can not openly criticize or rebel against the leader. It is psychologically understandable how such a submissive mentality can lead to an abuse of power, but most importantly also how dangerous a lack of wisdom, because the link of self-confidence is brokenly capitulated.

Simply speaking, we not only just abhor the new idea, but also unquestionally abhor the introducer, therefore we don't want to try it. Fright before fight!

Anonymous said...

The success politics of the party of Mr. Kem Sokha or of the one of Mr.Sam Rainsy and of their political programs depend on the goodwill of the PPC and of this one only.

The political debate claimed by the political opposition does not present therefore any interest.

This is what did to understand the Prime Minister.

Anonymous said...

The political debate during the elections are a luxury that the rich countries in west can allow themselves for their population eating to his hunger.
To Cambodia where the majority of the population does not always eat to his hunger of such debates political are an insult to this population.

Of such debates please only to the minority of the political activists and of the privileged that always have of what to eat to their hunger.

Khmer Young said...

9:06PM, 9:13PM

Your theory is reflecting only your political cynical and fearing of change. Public debate is all good for PM candidate, or at least the TVK should be fairly used by other parties to promote wisdom and right understanding to Cambodian peoples. I serves only good and good. It should not be used to brainwash Cambodian peoples.

SRP themselves will never spread ideology or act like KR to uproot the old society and rebuild it again. Your speech (9:13PM) is just reflecting the manipulative behavior like your PM.

Like leader like follower, like father like son (9:06 & 9:13)


Anonymous said...

potential candidates debating on national tv is a great idea. i think it is time that cambodia should learn from more developped nations like the USA, Japan, the EU, etc. plus, it's a good way for people to see their leader's agenda and goal for cambodia if they want to lead the country. this way they should have nothing to fear and they can vote for their favorite candidate for themselves as they see fit to be a leader without too much personal problem.

Anonymous said...

what is there to be afraid of (in a bebate) if you know you are fit to be a leader? welcome to a new cambodia!

Anonymous said...

Debate should be conducted and Hun Sen, if he refused to join, should allow NEC to organise one for other candidates to participate.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but why do you need NEC? I don't see why the two can't debate among themselves in newspaper or on internet. I am sure many people like to see it, especially me.

Anonymous said...

How many people will listen and see the internet debate. Debates are meant to be getting ideas and policies to the voters. Need NEC for telivised coverage. If Hun Sen is afraid to debate he should not obstruct the process, he should not order/intimidate NEC not to organise one.

Anonymous said...

1:40AM. I have no fear of changes and I don't oppose the debate, but the fanatical supporters of SRP and HRP will drag them down the hill. When the two fight, there goes civil war. Try it, to see if million CPP let you do. If you beat Hun Sen, another Hun Sen comes.

Anonymous said...

Yes, except there will not be anymore Mr. Nice Guy next time around.

Anonymous said...

7:02, there are lot of TV stations in Cambodia. Take your pick; you don't need NEC for that.

Anonymous said...

Dear Khmerization;

The NEC, as an independent national institution, should not be deterred by Hun Sen‘s speech.

Mr Hun Sen’s pre-emptive speech rejecting Kem Sokha’s proposal was not only a proof of his cowardice, but it was intended to intimidate, to interfere and to influence the decisions-making of an independent institution, the National Election Committee (NEC).

Yes, it is truth that there is debate just before every election in Australia, however, Australia Electoral Commission does not and has never organized any debate between the Government and Opposition leader at all. Last debate was organized by the Channel 9 and ABC with panel from Media and business people.

So does role of NEC shall not be an organization who arrange any debate.
Please stop misleading the public about the debate in Australia.

Anonymous said...

Oh stop whining, fool!

Anonymous said...

It's about time to look for a real PM candidate for Cambodia. Debate is good started for alls as PM candidate is not only rhetoric but as well performed to what he/she presents to voters during debating. If PM elected do not do what he/she said, by chance he/she will be not elected for next election. Thus, let get debate started so that voters can score Mr. Hun Sen. If Mr. Hun Sen denies, I think it's time to crowd the street of Phnom Penh for democratization...

Anonymous said...

That is not what it look like here.

It is more of a boxing match, and that is what westerner like, but we (Khmer) don't want that crap.

Anonymous said...

Most the foreign investors doing the business with Hun Sen, and they won't let anyone take Hun Sen until they get juice. Deal with it. Debate or not, they want Hun Sen not Sokha or Rainsy. I tell you if SRP or HRK won, they will be shot by who knows. If Russian investors in that game too, don't mess up with them.

Anonymous said...

Aint that the truth.

Anonymous said...

The truth hurts 1123AM. Most government are mafia. If an't, Hun Sen does not need 5000 men to protect him in all shit corner.
Mafia Hun an't matched with mafia Russia. You want to bet?

Anonymous said...

"Most" is not "All", 1:27.

Hun Sen needs extra protection because there are extra lunatics here.

Anonymous said...

Yep we need at least 10 thousand men to protect our PM from ah youn khmer Ly Diep ah viet cong. We don't have to worry about our Russian brothers, we already let them share our black gold.
Right now we need to clean pouk ah youn khmer ly ngoc diep.