Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Garment workers to strike starting tomorrow

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

Chea Mony, President of the Free Trade Union of Workers in the Kingdom of Cambodia (FTUWKC), announced the plan for a non-violent strike starting from 27 March to 29 March, in order to demand for a monthly salary raise of $5 for garment workers, as well as to demand for a lowering of price of goods on the market which is not on par with the salaries. Chea Mony said on Tuesday that he sent a letter about the strike to Ministry of Interior since 21 March. Som On, the president of the National Cambodian Union Federation which regroups 13 unions, opposed the FTUWKC strike, saying that the strike threat does not serve the workers but that it only serves the interest of a political party. Som On said that this strike could affect work for all workers, and could affect investors who came to open factories in Cambodia, that they would not be happy with this situation, and they could invest elsewhere instead.


Anonymous said...

I wish you all the best!
$5 dollars is not enough, but at least you all exercise your rights!

Anonymous said...

You all have to balance. Negotiate is the best way to do but if both parties could reach the agreement. All workers have rights to protest. All involve parties such as trade union, gov't, buyers, and garment union should handle this careful

The workers earn a little money compare to a huge inflation of consumer products. I feel sympathy to all workers. Another side, Cambodia has less competitive compared to VN and some threats from regional countries such as Bangladesh, China, India.

Reduce corruption is another best way to stipend worker salary. I believe that Cambodian products will be gain international recognition and more acceptant. Proud to be "Made in Cambodia"

Independent Economist, Phnom Penh

Anonymous said...

My belief and understanding is that the strike will unequivocally precipitate and foster economic instability -- while the country is sustaining the robustness of economic growth -- this could be a precursor to a massive of unemployment.

Anonymous said...

Correct, 2:54, and that is why Singapore doesn't allow strike.

In any case, those who lose Khmer job, will be dead meat.

Anonymous said...

The workers are not against the strike to ask for the increase in salaries.

But we notice that there are moments to strike.

Today, in our country, in Cambodia, in the approach of the elections of 2008, in a context of inflation imported by the general increase of the petroleum and the raw materials, to launch the strike it is to exploit the economic difficulties of the country and the general dissatisfaction of the population in political purposes.

The political opposition is the big beneficiary of this strike because, we are not sure that all the employers accept the increase in salaries.

The strike decided in these conditions is totally irresponsible and politically partisan.

Why not to strike after the elections of 2008? What is changes?

Anonymous said...

That is what I have been said all along. The opposition don't have anything legitimately to win the election. The only thing they can do is to use the people suffering to achieve their objective. I mean they don't care, the more companies leave the country the better they look. Do you believe that? If so they are tampering with democracy, which is why I am in favor of autocracy government instead.

Anonymous said...

We certainly wouldn't want to see anyone losing their jobs after the protest. The people, in fact, are entiled to exercising their freedom of expression.

Best of luck! It is our sincere hope that everyone can come up with a solution and avert the strike.

Khmer Young said...

Every action has its own double-edged sword manner as well as this case of worker strike.

Benjamin Franklin said that "they that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety".

Workers union is just trying to utilize their last power (striking power) to negotiate with government. As we can know, before this there are numbers of requests, pleas and advocate to the authority, to the garment factory owners and its affiliates to increase salary, respect the rights of workers etc

But it seems like their pleading has neglected by them. It is truly that both workers and factories owners are distorted by authority through corruption and bribery. Of course, factories owners and workers should incorporate to protest the authority to enforce the use the rule of law, and punish those corrupted.

Strike should be considered as the last choice for worker union and general peoples to use their rights and freedom to release themselves from sufferings: low salary, skyrocketing price of commodities, and distorting their freedom etc. This happens is likely because of ineffective measurement of the government.

In order to answer to the cry of the workers and peoples, and to exercise the principles of democracy, government and policemen have to allow them and protect them to express their will and demonstration/strike; and protect violence that can be happened by both internal and external unseen circumstances.


Anonymous said...

No Comment! but have one request! Ah Hun Sent Out.

Anonymous said...

I still say, "anyone who lose Khmer Jobs, will be dead meat."

Anonymous said...

The very good decision taken by the PM Mr. Hun Sen to fight against the increase of the price of rice due to the speculation answers already partially your demand and owes, I think, make you change your decision of strike, because to decide on the increase of the salary of the employees of the private sector is not the competence of the government but the employer especially, if there are profits.
What do you think Mr. Chea Mony, you, who always tell to be union responsible!
Unless you play the game of the political opposition by this strike in these contexts of pre-election 2008?

Anonymous said...

Chea Vichay and Sam Rainsy were good friend. They used to call strikes together. So this is just a case of a favor to Sam Rainsy. Chea Mony ain't smart enough to fool anyone.

The sad part of all is they don't care about people but themselves.

Anonymous said...

strike or no strike... I don't care.. all Khmer people care are..A Hun Sent Out!

Anonymous said...

No way, Jose, we don't want to go back to year zero.

Anonymous said...

These retarded gorillas need to be out of the cage occasionally to release their frustration and anger.

Anonymous said...

In the democracy society, workers have the rights to hold the protest. I'd like to correct that the strike is not just attempt to hold at pre-election period, the union had proposed to increase the salary long ago and keep alert the gov't every opportunities that they have.

The political party some they forgot the living condition of workers even they cry for food which is like from hand to mouth.

Once workers attend to strike, all blame that it was connect with political party for another party benefit but you all abandoned them. I believed that if it was happen to you, surely you will not enjoy that taste.

All workers pretty well aware that the strike is like destroy their cooker but there is no choice. All of them keep tell the gov't which they hope that can solve the problem but the gov't neglect but not listen.

Plus worst corruption led the minimum wage still low. If all improve the independent economist optimist that the worker able to adequate more salary.

Anyway, I head the good news is that PM agreed in principle to increase $5 more which indicate that the workers is not fault by asking so.

Good luck everyone for sharing ideas even some ideas are not bad but we agree in general that worker should get more salary due to inflation and the slow down of US economy. May the deva of New Year bless you all. (Independent Economist, Phnom Penh)

Anonymous said...

I still say, "anyone who lose khmer jobs will be dead meat."