Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Luxury golf course for Cambodia's former KRouge zone: PM

An ex-communist rebel hitting the green
Children stand on a bulldozer as they watch the helicopter of Cambodia's Prime Minister Hun Sen take off after a ground-breaking ceremony in Pailin March 26, 2008 to repair the road between Battembang and Pailin province. REUTERS/Chor Sokunthea
Onlookers watch a ground-breaking ceremony in Pailin March 26, 2008 for the repair of the road between Battembang and Pailin province. REUTERS/Chor Sokunthea

PHNOM PENH (AFP) — Cambodia's Prime Minister Hun Sen said Wednesday that he wants a luxury golf course to be built in the former Khmer Rouge stronghold of Pailin, adding that even ex-rebels liked to hit the greens.

"Now if Pailin had a golf course, it would be a good thing," the premier said, speaking at a road construction project in the remote town near the Thai border that was one of the last refuges of the communist guerrillas.

The area is already home to a number of casinos, and has become increasingly open to tourism since the Khmer Rouge surrendered in 1996, which was the last year that Hun Sen was in Pailin.

In Pailin "the sound of monks chanting has replaced the sound of gunfire," Hun Sen said, adding that Pailin governor Ee Chhean, a former rebel fighter, was no stranger to the greens.

Cambodia doubled its number of luxury golf courses last year to four and hopes to have eight by 2010 in a bid to lure more high-end tourism from the fast-growing sport in Asia.


Anonymous said...

Yes, no golf course can be any good until it get up classed by PM Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

glad gov't is renovating the highway that connects battambang to pailin, etc. it's about time, too long already!

Anonymous said...

Monkey see monkey do!

Anonymous said...

Monkey see monkey do!

Anonymous said...

Why mr. PHD like the game of golf?

-Because theire other keep the score for the player. PHD know not to read nor write, forget about simple caculation and count.

Anonymous said...

Well, there is nothing in PM jobs description that say he has to read or write or calculating stupid numbers. All he has to do is to tell people what he want done, and it will be done. Get it?

Anonymous said...

idiot hun sen will go to hell soon, and stupid king is not khmer king, he's a communist king!

Anonymous said...

Ah idiot Hun Xen!!The time for general election!!!!
Monkey see what the monkey do!!

Anonymous said...

Darn, in the picture, there are so many people well dressed who came to see their PM Hun Sen.

I think we should invited them in for a soft drink or something.

Anonymous said...

2:47AM you right those people may like to plat stone drower!

You choose the target please!

Anonymous said...

How does one earned 5 PHD and unable to read or write? I guess when one owns the entire country, the skies no longer the limit. Can he hit the ball with just one eye? Or does he ordered his men to replaced the golf balls with a volleyball. MMMM!!! I wonder if he even understand the games itself. Can someone tell the illiterate that a positive sign in golf is not a good score. Last but not least;
Old saying for PGA; Drive for show, put for doe.
Ah Kwack; Drive for show, kill for doe.
Four!!!!! Watch out for your other eye!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, if you want to know how, just get a master degree from the west.

Anonymous said...

Why are these retarded gorillas always against developments and improvements of the country?

It's time to get out from the planet of the ape to the real world.