Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Oh, Mr. Prime Minister Hun Sen – you don’t fool me

26 March 2008
Opinion by Vanak Thom
On the web at

Just a little more than four months time, in July 2008 we Cambodians will be voting general election for the party that will lead our country for the better. The voice of the people will be heard. In the mean time our Prime Minister Hun Sen is still holding absolute power and centralised all power of running the country to himself. From building roads, schools, naming gardens and bridges, to judicial making processes and deciding who should be in or out of prison, PM Hun Sen involves with all of the final says. At Phnom Penh ’s roadside café, I remember one of my closest friends has once just casually mentioned “នៅប្រទេសកម្ពុជា យើង គឺយើងឥតមាន ត្រូវការ ច្បាប់អីទេ ពីព្រោះនាយករដ្ធមន្រី្តហុន សែន​ ផ្ទាល់ គឺជាឪ​ ជា​ ម៉ែ នៃច្បាប់ទាំងអស់ We don’t need the rules of law in Cambodia because PM Hun Sen himself is the mother of all rule of law”.

In the current event at Kompong Som (Sihanoukville) there was a clash between villagers and the local authority protecting the interest of the private company Thai Bun Rong. For generations there were 125 families who were living on the premises of this 13 hectares plot of land. The clash resulted one villager was shot by bullets to his leg and both of his arms were broken. Also four other villagers were arrested and were tossed in prison.

With the election time is coming closer, there would never be any better opportunity for PM Hun Sen to give more promises, hand out gifts and appeasing to the villagers for the purpose to win or buy their votes. Yesterday he flew to Kompong Som and gave a decree to immediately release those four villagers from prison. He compensated $750 to the injured man and $300 to each of the four who were in prison. It’s so ironic that the plot of land was originally belong to the people’s ownership. PM Hun Sen then awarded the 13 hectares of VILLAGERS’ OWN LAND back to the villagers.

PM Hun Sen gave the publicity of a speech to propagandise his cause: [my translation] “When something like this has happened, I must apologise to the people. I must apologise for the injured and I must apologise for those that were tossed into the prison. What has happened here, now I must give the state’s land to the people. The land is belonged to the state and the state partitions and gives it to the people. I have nothing to fear when partitioning the land for the people. What I fear is if I partition the land and give it to other countries. I fear if I partition our frontier and ceded to other countries. I, Hun Sen, has no reasons to fear for partitioning the land to our people! “

As usual, our prime minister speech is very macho as one would have expected if he truly is a dictator. PM Hun Sen’s apology may have appeared lowly, modest and so wholeheartedly, which I know only happen for the purpose to have the people’s hearts to vote for his party. He may have won the hearts of 4 villagers that he just released from prison. But to me, especially during the election time, I know this very same trick well. For more than 28 years PM Hun Sen and his CPP cronies have led our Cambodia to deeper dept of corruption and poverty. Sorry, Mr. Prime Minister, not again you don’t fool me. And sir, you still lose my vote.

រាជធានី ភ្នំពេញ


Anonymous said...

There goes another gorilla fucker who is out of touch with reality.

Anonymous said...

During 1970-75, I have remembered that Lon Nol´s regime created more laws but they sat on those laws. It means that the created laws served for only their relatives but the poor people are more and more punishments. That was the causes why the communist overtrowed Phnon Penh very quickly. Now, the situation are the same and what next.......

Anonymous said...

Thank you Vannak for your good article. Me too, the prime minister will lose a vote from me.


Anonymous said...

The PM is surprisingly finds himself quite popular among voters as the general election looms.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Vanak...Brilliant ,the whole true ,nothing but the true....
Wake up Khmer people,it has been too long we suffer under this oppressive regime lead by ah kwack and his gangs of orang outang .
May the lightning strikes ah kwack forehead at the stroke of noon time.

Anonymous said...

3:35 PM, what is next? lol... go and ask people in Phnom Penh and all the country what do they want. Account to my team survey they want to remove recent inactive govenment.

Ah Hun Sen Out!

Anonymous said...

Alrigh! let's just do one big non-violence demostration in the nation. Everybody will get skinny by the time of national election.

Ah Kwak Out!

Anonymous said...

The police and security forces are not happy about the inflationt too due too their low pay. They will support the demostration!

Anonymous said...

5:52pm, but I think Hun Sen will send his extremist security forces to crack down a non-violence demostration. You will see.

A Hun Sen Out!

Anonymous said...

Go ahead and try a demostration you all retarded gorillas and abunch of khmer opposition in Phnom Penh.

Vote CPP

Khmer Young said...

Vanak is hitting on the right spot that Hun Sen's dealing with peoples from all his own power, though he has always claimed to respect Cambodian national constitution.

Rule of laws is the sustainability of Cambodia, but rule of Hun Sen is the dead of Cambodia.


Anonymous said...

I think the govenment want to make people hungry so they don't have strenght for people power!

Anonymous said...

5:59 PM, This time, it's not only from the oppositions but from all the hungry people in the country!
Recent govenment is incapable!

Phnom Penh Resident

Anonymous said...

I will participate in a demostration if there is soon!
People in Phnom Penh are tired of this stupid leaders now.

Doun Penh.

Anonymous said...

5:56 & 5:59 pm, I believe in non-violence demostration first. But If you hurt the People we will have to solve a different way. fight Kor die, don't fight Kor die (by starvation). As Khmer, I'll fight so i don't die to see my ancestor in shame!

Toul Kork

Anonymous said...

Fuck you Hun Sen!

A kwak Out!

Anonymous said...

Some of you teach me to say these.

Here you go monkey scum begger, fucker and sucker and bullshit and, and, and son of the bitch!!! Eh I feel better already...

I'm polite too long when I give comment.

Anonymous said...

Yep! The mothr-fucker Hun is the mother of law indeed. All of his cronies are untouchable. Just looked at ah Huklundy ridiculous monthly payroll, $375,000 a month, where 90% of the population make <$2 a day. It's ashamed for the government. It's blatently degrading because the country have no rule of laws, and yet the salary to outside world--people think that Cambodia a DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY.


Anonymous said...

Yep! The mothr-fucker Hun is the mother of law indeed. All of his cronies are untouchable. Just looked at ah Huklundy ridiculous monthly payroll, $375,000 a month, where 90% of the population make <$2 a day. It's ashamed for the government. It's blatently degrading because the country have no rule of laws, and yet the salary to outside world--people think that Cambodia a DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY.


Anonymous said...

There you go, that is what I called a Dynamic Range of Expression, and the wider you can express yourself, the better you will be.

Now, all you have to do is to practice it for a while until it become smooth, but don't use it in Cambodia please. You must observe the rule from place to place, okay?

Anonymous said...

Correction: There you go, 10:06, that is what I called a Dynamic Range of Expression, and the wider you can express yourself, the better you will be.

Now, all you have to do is to practice it for a while until it become smooth, but don't use it in Cambodia please. You must observe the rule from place to place, okay?

Anonymous said...

Thank you: So you mean the more nasty, profanity and ugly words I use the more better I am from now on.

And So I stop to be more polite. I learn to be like you all and Uncle Hun Sen when yopu and he get angry you all blast each others at 1000mile speed an hour.

Anonymous said...

"We don’t need the rules of law in Cambodia because PM Hun Sen himself is the mother of all rule of law"
i agree with this sentence

Anonymous said...

the world don't care about khmer.
khmer should care about these situation, when khmer sleep nobody care.
this time it proof to me that the corruption is started with hun sen, our khmer leader. he's is about all laws in srok khmer. he is the most corruption in the history of Cambodia beside sihanouk. he is sihanouk # 2 base upon history.

Anonymous said...

Hey, no one is complaining about rule of law.

Anonymous said...

no comment! but one request is Ah Hun Sen Out!

Anonymous said...

4:43 P.M, your vote does nothing to the country. Sorry!! Matter of fact, the whole countries ballot doesn't count. The ONLY one vote that count is; you guess it. It's called Ah Kwack vote.

Anonymous said...

Nope, the NEC counts all votes and published the total votes and all.

Anonymous said...

These westernized retarded gorillas need to be repatriated and put in them Prey Sar prison.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but then we have to take food from the poor to feed them.

Its better to send them directly to re-education camp in Vietnam where they can be more productive.