Monday, March 31, 2008

Sam Rainsy hopes that the assassins involved in the grenade attack will be arrested in 2009

Monday, March 31, 2008
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

Opposition leader Sam Rainsy declared that he hopes that, in 2009, the assassins involved in the grenade attack on demonstrators on 30 March 1997, will be arrested because, for the past 11-year, the authority was never able to put its hands on these assassins. In a speech given during the commemoration of the 11th anniversary of the grenade attack on demonstrators in front of the National Assembly on 30 March 2008, Sam Rainsy said that this is the last year because in the past 11-year, the government was not able to arrest the culprits, but that in 2009, it must arrest these assassins and bring them to face justice. Sam Rainsy hopes that the FBI will contribute to make the arrest. He added that the FBI has sufficient evidence, and that it is only waiting for the election of a new US President in 2008 to make the FBI report public. Khieu Kanharith, government spokesman, said that the government is still looking for the real assassins, but the SRP does not want to show the actual proof, and the government wants the SRP to confirm about this issue.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, and I am sure Ah Xam Rainxy hopes he be Prime Minister also in 2009. However, it can only happened on Planet of the Ape.

Anonymous said...

Xound like Hun Xen axx kixxer in here.

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy sounds desperate. Does he believe his words that he will win the July elections? If he does and win the elections, there will be plenty of time to prosecute the murderers. No sweets.


Khmer Young said...

To stop the culture of impunity is important to strengthen the rule of law in Cambodia.

So any criminal perpetrators have to be arrested and punished. Sam Rainsy himself has no intention to prosecute good peoples, but to punish those grenade attackers in order to upgrade Cambodia into the nation-state and efficacy of the law.


Anonymous said...

Why and why those animal criminals are so scared of their sins ?
Their judgement days will come soon after Election July 2008 for sure.
If Hun Sen did believed that he was Sdach Korn reincarnated... sometime the second half of this year,2008,it will be the end of his terror ruling.
Lady Psychic

Anonymous said...

If you want to know why, just as Ah Khmer-Yuon. Don't ask us.

Anonymous said...

In the events of the grenade's attack, sam rainsy imagines that he has no responsibility in this affair.

You the family of the victims, go to consult the opinion of lawyers for to know if sam rainsy cannot be condemned for the damages to the family of the victims.

Because sam rainsy knew that the demonstration was dangerous and risked, he urged and encouraged by his personal ambitions people to go to dangerously demonstrate.

Today, the question of the sam rainsy's condemnation to the damages interests to the victims can be legally evoked.

Anonymous said...

Indeed, it is not sam rainsy sam who throw grenades.

But sam rainsy knew and everybody also knew that the demonstration was dangerous.

sam rainsy exposed the life of people in danger uselessly.

Anonymous said...

Hey stupid CPP 1:01AM, do you think we people should just lay low like frog?

Cambodia is not a communis country! do you try to copy the spech of the fucking Chinese on Tibet?


Anonymous said...

WTF? Who say anything about lay low? You need not to expose children to danger just to send your message accross. You could used the TV, internet, News paper, or email ...

Anonymous said...

Grenade accident was organised by Xam Rainxy to give himself a cult status. Don't fool anyone, nobody cares about you except of your foreign Master.

Anonymous said...

I don't know were you get your intel from 1:01 AM, but according to Human Rights Watch, The SRP was authorized by the Ministry of Interior for a peaceful demonstrations. No doubt that the demonstrations going to be dangerous. Wouldn't you...If you ran against HS? You do realize that this is Cambodia.