Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Thank you VN for helping overthrow Pol Pot ... but NO thanks for your more than one-decade long occupation

Cambodia thanks Vietnam for military assistance

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
VNA (Hanoi)

Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister Tea Banh Tuesday thanked Vietnam for its past assistance in overthrowing the genocidal Pol Pot regime and its current help in developing Cambodia.

At a meeting with President Nguyen Minh Triet in Hanoi, General Tea Banh, who doubles as the country’s Defense Minister, said “the maturity of the Cambodian Defense Ministry today is partially thanks to … Vietnamese experts on voluntary missions.”

Triet said Vietnam always held cooperation with Cambodia and Laos as a high priority in developing the Indochinese peninsula.

Tea Banh began a four-day official visit to Vietnam Monday at the invitation of Vietnamese Minister of Defense General, Phung Quang Thanh.

During their meeting Tuesday, Banh and Thanh agreed to cooperate on locating and repatriating the remains of Vietnamese volunteers who died on Cambodian soil.

Banh asked the Vietnamese Ministry of Defense to share its experiences in maintaining security and public order and help Cambodia ensure the success of the country’s legislative elections in July.

The leaders agreed they would meet again in the future to strengthen cooperation in personnel training between military hospitals and institutes.

The two sides also agreed to continue joint sea patrols and exchange information on search and rescue operations.


Blog By Khmer said...

Mr. Tea Banh should not have gone to Vietnam. I'm very disappointed. We don't need Viet to help maintain security.

Anonymous said...

Without the Russian and the Chinese help and the Vietcong is nothing!

Without King Sihanouk to allow the Vietcong to use Cambodia for their sanctuary and the Vietcong will lose the Vietname War long time ago!

Without the Vietcong who help the Khmer Rouge to defeat the Lon Nol army and Cambodia would never fall into the hand of the communist and all the fucken genocide and the fucken Vietcong invasion and occupation of Cambodia!

Without the Vietcong and their middlemen such as AH SOK KONG and Cambodia would have been a great country with peace and prosperity!

Cambodia as a country must reassert itself and distance away from any Vietcong who is preaching false brotherhood and friendship with no good intention for Cambodia and Cambodian people while they still oppress million and million of Khmer Krom people!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and that is exactly the stupidity that causing Ah Khmer-Yuon their land.

Who did all the fighting, the Vietcong, the Chinese, or the Russian?

Again folks, you can help Cambodia, by stay away from these idiots.

Anonymous said...

Let's be positive. While he is there, let's suggest to our Deputy Prime Minister Tea Banh to request Vietnam to make a financial contrbution to the Khmer Rouge (Communism) tribunal which is short of money, now that Vietnam had spent a lot to overthow the Khmer Rouge.

One or two tanks worth of contribution would prove that Vietnam had helped save Cambodians and not had come to colonise them.

So far Vietnam, China and Russia have made no contribution at all.

LAO Mong Hay, Hong Kong

Anonymous said...

Dr. Lao, the problem is Vietnam, China, and Russia are not accustomed to spending hundreds of millions on a trial. I am sure they preferred we do the trial ourself without foreigners involvement, and they will respect our verdict for it, whatever it might be. Thus, I won't hope for any contribution in that area.

Anonymous said...

In Cambodia, there are a lot of politicians who do not have sufficient education that's why whatever they speak sound like high school pupils. I wonder why Tea Bagn asked VN government to help Cambodia government to maintain security within general election 2008. Cambodian people need more foreign observers not foreign troops.

By the way, these Cambodian politicians are getting old so that they will no longer stay in politic for that long.

Good luck for you CPP since I already know that you are doing everything even legal or illegal to win the 2008 election.

Anonymous said...

What is a shit load of crock? We sound like high school pupils? Have you take a look at yourself in the mirror lately?

As for age, our administrators average age is younger than your people in the west, and we will rule Cambodia forever. It will be the day when Khmer people will ever trust their country with your westerner worshiper people ever again.

Anonymous said...

No one worship westerners here, not any khmer that I know of, However Westerners are much better than Vietnamese. At least, they don't mass populate my country with their skin like the vietnamese.

For CPP, they will survive at the mercy of Vietnamese, and only them know that very well than anyone unless you're one of them.


Anonymous said...

a lot of countries in the world had also helped cambodia since the overthrow of the infamous KR regime, that doesn't mean cambodia has to repay by giving our land and resources away for free and destroying our precious culture and heritage to their demands. what makes vietnam so special in this field? you help mankind, that's what god say to do, but you don't take advantage of someone smaller and weaker than you by demanding the unthinkable; that's like raping cambodia, and the way cambodia sees it, this is what cambodian people is afraid of that vietnam is doing this to cambodia. so although thanks for helping to overthrow the cruel KR regime, however back off of cambodia when we ask you to, and don't over stay your welcome because that can become too mundane and too disrespectful, especially when cambodian people had already ask vietnam to leave already and they still lingering on in cambodia. that's not good in our eyes, not to mention the eyes of the entire world community out there who interested to see cambodia become self-reliant and self-sufficient like other countries in the world. learn diplomatic skill because that could help in bring the world community together without much conflict about it.

Anonymous said...

No one is worshiping westerner, 12:24? and Westerner is better than our neighbors? Apparently you need a head examination big time, dude.

Anonymous said...

12:55, stop bullshitting. Vietnam was our liberator, and now they are our best pal, and no one messes with our best pal, you got that?

Anonymous said...

liberator you stupid ass. go back to your land. we don't need you.

Anonymous said...

Nope, we want our best pal here.

Anonymous said...


don't push for a repetition of 70-75s if you know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

The "70-75's"? Hahaha, LOL, hahaha!

It can only happened on "Planet of the Ape," 12:06.

Anonymous said...

Ma vie est sauvé par quequ'un(yuon hypocrite)) que je ne l'aime pas..........C'est très drôle !

Sam Chhun Eng (ancienne gendarmerie P.P 1970)