Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Bangkok accuses Cambodia of politicizing the Preah Vihear Temple issue during the upcoming general election?

Envoy will seek to end rift over Preah Vihear

May 6, 2008
The Nation (Thailand)

Foreign Ministry Permanent Secretary Virasakdi Futrakul will today fly to Phnom Penh to settle the problems over Cambodia's attempt to have Preah Vihear registered as a Unesco World Heritage site.

Cambodia has proposed the Hindu-style shrine, Preah Vihear, that straddles the common border, to be listed as a World Heritage site.

However, the bid reached a deadlock last year after Thailand viewed that the demarcation along the border should be settled first.

Thai Foreign Minister Noppadon Pattama said Virasakdi will hold talks with the Cambodian side to discuss the issue before a Unesco committee meets from July 4 to 12 in Canada.

If the problem cannot be settled, it could be politicised as the general election in Cambodia approaches.

"Thailand has lent its full support for Preah Vihear to be a World Heritage site," Virasakdi said, but added the demarcation in the area should be solved first.

Unesco wants both countries to discuss Cambodia's proposal to register Preah Vihear as a heritage site.

The ownership of Preah Vihear has been a source of contention between Thailand and Cambodia and the International Court of Justice ruled in 1962 that the temple belonged to Cambodia.


Anonymous said...

note how the thais are afraid to say "khmer temple", instead, they say it "hindu-temple". what a moron they are. did they know khmer history. the thais have tried very hard to erase khmer history from foreigners, but they always failed at that. hinduism which khmer adopted from india, including the god-like power of our ancient great, powerful kings of the great khmer civilization was the state religion of cambodia back then. just because cambodia is now adopted buddhism as our state religion now doesn't mean that all our ancient hindu-temple ruins are not khmer. what part of this fact don't the thai or siem understand? only thieves are the ones to try to fabricate khmer history. this is why cambodia never buy into siem's. good try, though! what else can thailand come up with to try to justify their claim with cambodia? thai, stay in school and study khmer history, maybe that will calm your ignorance down!

Anonymous said...

The government of Neo-Siam has always no intention to solve the border problem with Cambodia counterpart. The Royal Government of Cambodia has been trying all the best inviting Thailand to have border resolved, but not by demarcating as the border had been demarcated already. However, Thailand has repeatedly rejected and ruled out this kindly request.

The legally registration of Preah Vihear temple has nothing to do with border issue. It is located far deep in Cambodian territory. Let registration moves ahead without interferring by other matters.

Border affair is a far different job. The border committees of the two countries have nothing to work with the Preah Vihear temple, which is being managed and conservated by a pure and real Khmer committee.

Don't bark at the own bar- wired fence rather than barking at the owner. Let it!!!

Anonymous said...

99% of the people in the area are Khmer descendants. Therefore, to be fair to everyone, we should settled 50/50 on everything and have joint management in place to develop the area. Stop stalling. Many people are poor and they need jobs.

Anonymous said...

10:58 AM what the hell are you talking about 50/50. No Khmer would agree to this. In this regard you must be a Thai/Youn. There won't be a long lasting peace in the region I can guarantee you that as long as the Thais keep doing this and when it comes it won't just be about Preah Vihear.....everything will be on the table.....I mean everything that Thais stole from the Khmer in the past centuries.......

Anonymous said...

If Mr Tea Chamrath is still co-minister of defense, like in 94, He won't let Thai do everything They want.
With Tea Banh, everything is easy from head to toe. All Tea Banh think is land. How much can He sell it or steal it?
At the time of 93 to 96, in the meeting with thais defense minister, Tea Banh agreed everything. But Tea Chamrath a la derniere parole... Ouf... That's what happen when FUNCINPEC is lead by the drug producer, Nhiek Bunchhay (Shame). Sihanouk help him to become a hero, and Nhiek Bunchhay still want to stay murderer and thief.

In my point of view, if FUNCINPEC is in power, They will fight for Preah Vihear. It's our land... Cambodian's land... Le tribunal de LaHaie recognized that.

Khmer Canadian

Anonymous said...

11:08, there is no Thai or Yuon living in the Preah Vihear area. They are all Khmers. Wake up, dude. That is how Khmer been fighting Khmer throughout history, and that is how the land got divided and split after split. I mean one side will allied with the Chinese Thai, and the other with Vietnamese (Which is also Chinese). It's time to stop the nonsense. We don't have much land left, in case you haven't noticed it.

Anonymous said...

Say whatever, if you are Siamist, not 50/50. Siam does not own even a sinle of grass deep far around Preah Vihear. Khmers own all of these.

Don't say fuck, Dude!

Anonymous said...

Wrong, Khmer on both side of the fence own the temple. If anything the Khmer on the Siam side own the entire temple because they have access to it while the Khmer on Cambodia has no way to access it. Thus, the temple belong to the Khmer in Thailand, not in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

stuck you finger in your ass 3:42PM you may can go back to your mther's worm with not calling a mother fucker!

Anonymous said...

Split Thailand 50/50 with Cambodia, since it is Cambodia anyways. Thailand should honor that and return all the Khmer people in Thailand rejoin the Khmer people living in the homeland.

Anonymous said...

Thailand did not hold any Khmer hostage. They are free to go back to Cambodia whenever they want. The problem is the Khmer in Thailand preferred to live in Thailand for economic advantage, just like the Khmer in France, AU, Japan, ....