Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Beggars affect national tourism policy [-Thong Khon should ask Hun Sen who allowed these VN beggars into Cambodia in the first place]

Vietnamese beggars in Chong Khneas harassing tourists visiting the area (Photo: Koh Santepheap)

Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Translated from Khmer by Heng Soy

Thong Khon, the minister of Tourism, said that the activities led by exclusively Vietnamese beggars in the Tonle Sap area of Chong Khneas, Siem Reap province, seriously affect the government tourism policy. Thonk Khon made this declaration during a function held in Siem Reap on 05 May, regarding the case of Chong Khneas beggars. He said: “We must clean up all of them, in particular, we must find who serve as their backing and their protectors, and they must be brought to face justice.” He added: “What the beggars in the Chong Khneas area are doing, it is not normal, and they are becoming professional beggars who annoy tourists visiting this area al lot. If these beggars are allowed to annoy the tourists, this will seriously affect the government tourism policy, and these beggars will make it such that the tourists are scared to return to visit this place again because of the anarchy the beggars are creating.”


Anonymous said...

i don't think anybody was condoning beggars; they just do it themselves because they can. please stop politicizing the situation. people are people and it's hard to control people like that without some kind of repercussion. please don't think that giving them handouts would stop them from begging like this, maybe some people should do it the old-fashion way, spanking them, like in the old school. hahahahahaha...(lol - laughing out loud)!!!! just a joke, should not use force as that is against the law now.

Anonymous said...

Dictator Hun Xen wants that VN more in our homeland!!! and Hun Xen cannot desturb Youn,because Hun Xen is afraid from Hanoi!!!

Hun Xen does all against khmers people but he doesn't do anything against youn.
Please all Khmers have to chang this regime!!!Communist 's regime we have ready test it a long time!!this regime will be the same when the people don't stand up against this dictator.
we will the same poor,we have to chang and test the west,non China and Youn Hanoi!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good, I am sure they will help to keep our environment from deteriorating by getting into fish farming. Otherwise, we will run out of fish to eat soon, with such a population explosion.