Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Cambodia donates $50,000 to cyclone-hit Myanmar

May 07, 2008

The Cambodian government on Wednesday donated 50,000 U.S. dollars to cyclone-stricken Myanmar to relieve the difficulties there, said Hor Namhong, Cambodian Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

"This small amount of money is our people and government's spirit and heart to help the Myanmar people and government which is our friend in the ASEAN family," Hor Nam Hong told reporters at his office after he met with a Myanmar diplomatic official on Wednesday morning.

Hor Namhong handed over the donation to Aung Naing, Myanmar Ambassador to Cambodia, after they talked about the cyclone disaster in Myanmar.

"The Cambodian people and government join the condolences for Myanmar's families and the government who suffered from the cyclone disaster. It is our sadness," Hor Nam Hong said.

Cambodia also conveyed a wish for the referendum in Myanmar to succeed, he added.


Anonymous said...

Us landless khmer people who have had our land grabbed and houses demolished and are living under tarpolin covers know what it is like so we hope the people of Mayanmar our goverment looking after you by sending you our money

Anonymous said...

Well, that is still better than Ah Sam Rainsy wasted valuable time demonstrate against Burmese government and other nonsenses instead of helping to find jobs for Khmer people so that they will have money to by their own land instead of squatting other people lands.

Anonymous said...

Hang all the bloody Viet troller/pimp and parasites on KI-Media such as the ones @2:22 PM.

You Viet parasites must know the universal language:

"The world sees and knows the Viet true color too well already".

Anonymous said...

Reponse à<< anonymous said (2:22PM) Pourquoi vous insultez SamRainsy , savez vous que son père est un vraie patriote et un vrai républicain . Le problème agraire actuellement au cambodge ce n'est pas Sam Raisy (excusez moi je n'ai rien à branler(pardon) de Sam Rainsy) qui a présidé le cambodge . C'est Samdach DECCHO , à moins que vous avez un problème mental (alzeimer? sida dans le cortex?) Non il faut être objectif .En fait le fond est toujour la << QUI A ENFANTE LES KHMERS ROUGES, QUI A AIDE LES VIETS CONGS PENDANT LA GUERRE DU VIETNAM transit d'arme par le port de KG SOM j'ai vu moi avant 1970 )QUI EST ALLE SOLLICITER LES BRIGAFDES CHINOIS POUR VENIR MASSACRER LES KHMERS >> Ce personne est encore vivant il faut qu'il a le courrage d'affronter le tribunal international? De grace de grace soit objectif!! Proloeurk KHMER Le général a dit << pardonner mais n'oublier pas>> Vous croyez que les méricains ne possedent des preuves IRREFUTABLE de ce personnage et ceux qui sont au pouvoir actuellement? Cela mérite une réponse de vous bloggers

Anonymous said...

8:53 PM,

Parcequ'il est un agent Viet/Yuon. Il a declare lui-meme ici sur KI-Media qu'il est ne Viet et il est fier d'etre Viet. Il pretend qu'il est Khmer parlant au nom des Khmers dans le ici sur KI-Media. Il est peut-etre la meme personne que ce type appele lui-meme "Free-thinker". Merci.

Anonymous said...

Correction: "des khmers dans le pays" au lieu de "des Khmers dans le". Merci

Anonymous said...

how kind of cambodia. despite being labeled as one of the poorest nation in the world, we still help in the name of humanitarian because we understand suffering is the same for all people, regardless of nationality. plus, i guess we see myanmar (burma for those you are in the dark)as a member of asean and thus it is the right thing for cambodia to contribute, however little or a lot (doesn't matter, the kind gesture matters more) we can give. god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

this gesture shows the true color of our khmer people's kindness to all people, to say the least. god bless cambodia and her beautiful people.

Anonymous said...

Well said 1:40's the true color of Khmer people as opposed to the true color of the Viet invaders that had been constantly and still are interfering with Cambodian's affairs. Thanks for writing.