Monday, May 05, 2008

Cambodian police save British man from lynch mob


Cambodian police arrived in the nick of time to save a British man from a lynch mob after he allegedly savagely beat his girlfriend on the street, an officer said Monday.

David Finch, 42, of Birmingham, had allegedly been punching and kicking his 20-year-old Cambodian girlfriend on the footpath when his neighbours decided they could take no more, said Chhit Vuthy, deputy police chief of Psar Kandal 1 in the capital, the dpa reported.

"They formed a mob and managed to hit him hard in the head but we arrived just in time and then they had to let him go," Vuthy said. "He has no respect for Cambodians, and they were angry."

Mob and extrajudicial killings of suspected criminals remain relatively common in Cambodia.

Finch, a long-term expatriate in Cambodia who ran and lived in his bar, Broken Bricks, had a history of violence and drugs were believed to be involved, police said.

Vuthy said he was unsure whether the father of one would now be deported or sent to court. The victim was taken to hospital with a suspected broken arm and bruising but released soon after.

The incident is the second of its kind since Cambodia banned marriages to foreigners last month , citing potential for abuse and exploitation of often poor and under-educated Khmer women.

Two weeks earlier a German man was charged with aggravated assault after breaking both his Cambodian wife's arms, repeatedly beating her and locking her in their house for weeks at a time.


Anonymous said...

Such a stupid old man! Go to hell, shit!

Anonymous said...

You mother fucker, I will kill you like a dog if I were there.

don't deported him, throw to Tonle Sap instead.

Anonymous said...

Yeah make him hurt and realize the mistake he did. Don look down on Khmer ladies Ah chol mseart!

Anonymous said...

we do not need this kind fucking pig in our country. this mother fucker should be a good meal of cambodian croco.

Anonymous said...

I would beat the white bread chicken shit out of that stupid pedophile too if I were there.

Anonymous said...

I don't see why the Khmer, any Khmer, would want to save such a vicious beast attacking a small and weak woman, woman of any race. The mop should have finished up this vicious beast and burn the corps.

Anonymous said...

No man should lay their hand on a wowman.

Anonymous said...

man. I wished I was there! I would be the first to put my foot up his ass! and then beat his head in! Then ask his girl friend or wife if she wanted him to walk again! Don't stand for this! My Cambodian people! see anyman beat a women please stop him!

Anonymous said...

everyone who responds angrily to this is also partially responsible for the woman's beating. The cycle of violence didn't begin here, it's been passed from generation to generation. we need to break that cycle in our culture, so that our people won't put up with this crap from foreigners or from our own people.

Anonymous said...

You know something, this animal is no different than drunken Cambodian men and some rich and powerful Cambodian men. We see this kind of violence against women by our fellow Cambodian men all the time. Please be outraged, not just with this animal, but with all men regardless of who they are, Cambodian, non-Cambodian, rich or poor, powerful or not powerful.

Anonymous said...

So why dont Cambodian people speak out this loud when Cambodian police, the millitary, and drunk big men in hummers hit and shoot innocent kareoke bargirls. My guess is that most people here have a low education and inteligents and dont know what the word ''racialist '' means

Anonymous said...

Dear 2:43 PM,

I am 8:04AM. I agree with your first sentence and that was exactly what I was trying to say. However, I said it without accusing anybody of anything, which you did in your second sentence.

It would have been a good costructive comment if you did not include the second sentence.

No change can be made with insults!

Anonymous said...

Actually she was viet-yuon not khmer and was not staff or girlfriend but prostitute

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of uneducated fucking retards you khmers are.
Check your facts before you jump on the racist "bad white man beats our women" bandwagon.
The girl was completely drunk and started smashing up the bar over some argument. This resulted in a domestic fight. The whole neighborhood have wanted this bar closed down for a long time, and pounced on this opportunity to give this guy a beating, and completely destroy the bar. The police also reacted in a totally racist way, not helped by the fact that this guy insulted them when they arrived.
There's no excuse for hitting a woman, sure, but get this in perspective, and start looking in your own fucking backyard if you're looking for women being treated badly.
Fucking peasants.

Anonymous said...

The barangs on this website look down on Khmer people:

"They are such macho kamikaze cock-heads fancy themselves with the muay Khmer etc, why didn't one (just one) guy step up to the domestic violence scene and sort it out - to prove to his mates that one SEA male can go one on one with a whitey? (without a gun or a dagger) They proved themselves to be bigger cowards than the "white foreigner" who is showing no respect to "their" women. Fucking cowards who want to indulge in the great desired taboo: to give whitey a kicking when they have some or any justification."

Anonymous said...

damn, you people sound like khmer rouge leftover. why so hostile?

how about white gov't expel your stupid brown asses for every offense committed, without trial or three strikes rule?

i've just got to your link. man, ki= khmer intelligent, my ass....the way u speak here, ki= khmer idiots

what a sorry website to represent khmer people. glad not to know you lot.

mast donut baker

Anonymous said...

This Finch is just another of the drug losers who come to our poor country and do nothing but take from us.

We dont need them and we dont want them, yet we accept everyone with dollar.

Anonymous said...

what did david finch take from you? not 'us', because he didn't anything from 'me'

master donut baker

Anonymous said...

I actually met this guy a few years ago when I was in Phnom Penh and he seemed to me like a nice guy. He treated his wife well and thought the world of his kid. Things may have changed since and maybe Dave had a few demons to fight with but then everyone does at some point in their life. My wife is Cambodian and was shocked at the news so I did a little looking around on the net and found out what actually happened. To all those Khmers so quick to judge, from my experience you need to clean up your own back yard before trying to preach to others. Your culture is plagued with bad treatment towards women and children. Read a book by this woman and see what kind of crap is going on in your own back yard barking up the wrong tree.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the post above. I must say that I agree with what you say about barking up the wrong tree. I myself am a Cambodian living in America and I am ashamed of the attitude of some Khmers on this site. I pity them as they are probably like most Cambodians poorly educated and grow up seeing and learning that bad treatment of women and children is acceptable. I would also like to add to the Somaly Mam link posted above, she is a great woman and should be recognized by her country as doing something great, sadly she is not.




Anonymous said...

As one of the world's poorest countries, Cambodia desperately needs capital and development. I spend around 100.000 dollars per year, and I'm a generous man to people I meet. I'm thinking about moving to Cambodia right now. But the kinds of people who write these things really scare me. I can live pretty much all over the world, and the last thing I'd want is some crazy bastard sticking his foot up my ass for doing something that someone said someone heard and then it all just turns out to be made up or some misunderstanding.

I mean, look at this thing. First thing we hear is that bad man Dave beat poor bargirl into a coma, and she had a 50% chance of survival. Then it wasn't so bad, but he beat her up pretty badly and broke her arm. Then it turns out she only got a few bruises on her arm, and left the police station a few hundred dollars richer, and the reason was she smashed Dave's bar up and acted violent and aggressively. Basically Dave was almost killed because of a petty quarrel he didn't start. You don't have to be too smart to see that if someone can get killed for almost nothing, they can probably get killed for nothing too. How do you think that makes people who come with foreign capital feel about going to Cambodia to increase your standards of living?

The fact is, senseless violence made Cambodia what it is now - a poor, unsafe society. It looks like a few of you may need to realise that before the country can develop further.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what's happened to Dave? Is he still in custody, has he been deported?

Anonymous said...

He was deported back months ago. Since then he's had more legal problems in the UK and is currently in a British prison awaiting trial on a drug dealing rap. Cambodia is well rid of him.