Translated from French by Luc Sâr
“Monday 12 May 2008: What I said on that day to the Funcinpec Delegation regarding our territorial Integrity in the 40s and our National Independence issues”
By N. Sihanouk
(Part 2)
“Monday 12 May 2008: What I said on that day to the Funcinpec Delegation regarding our territorial Integrity in the 40s and our National Independence issues”
By N. Sihanouk
(Part 2)
1952 – I returned to Paris to demand that France transfer to my Homeland and to my government all the attributes of total Independence of Cambodia. France refused to my demand. I then visited Canada, then the USA, then Japan, then Thailand to make the world recognize this: the Khmer People with a glorious past (ANGKOR) – knowing that the United Kingdom, which in the past was very colonialist-imperialist, granted complete Independence to its ex-colonies (India, Pakistan, Burma, etc…) – is asking this question: “Why France refuses in this new era after WWII to grant a real and total Independence to Cambodia and other ex-Protectorates, ex-colonies belonging to France?” And I, N. Sihanouk, added: “The respective People of the concerned countries, in particular the Khmer people, conscious of having the full right to recover their Freedom, their Dignity, and the national Independence, are decided to fight, with weapons in our hands, to the end for this total Independence. In Indochina, there will inevitably be a very dangerous war on the international level, a war led by Khmer, Vietnamese and Lao Patriots against colonialist French.”
In Washington D.C., I was received by Mr. Foster Dulles, US Secretary of State, in his office. This Mr. Dulles did not grant me sympathy or understanding. He said to me: “It is in our interest, including the higher interest of Cambodia, to fight to the bottom against Communism and to concentrate on this vital problem. Once Communism is defeated, the USA will help you to obtain from France your complete Independence.” I replied to Foster Dulles: “In my country, the Communist Khmer people and their masters, the Vietnamese Vietminh, base their propaganda, subversion and armed fight against the Khmer Royal government on exactly this priority issue of true, authentic Independence of Cambodia. An increasing number of Khmer people are breaking from the royal government and the throne of Cambodia to join the Vietminh and “Pracheachon” [People] communists. If my country, Cambodia, obtain total Independence, the Vietminh and “Pracheachon” communists will be ipso facto in total ruin.” Dulles did not answer me. We left each other.
From Paris, one of my uncles sent me a message to tell me that Mr. Letourneau (French government minister) severely threatened me. In particular, Letourneau said this: “What is King Sihanouk doing in the USA? Sihanouk must be very careful! His crown is on the line” –sic! –
(To be continued)
(Signed) N. Sihanouk
In Washington D.C., I was received by Mr. Foster Dulles, US Secretary of State, in his office. This Mr. Dulles did not grant me sympathy or understanding. He said to me: “It is in our interest, including the higher interest of Cambodia, to fight to the bottom against Communism and to concentrate on this vital problem. Once Communism is defeated, the USA will help you to obtain from France your complete Independence.” I replied to Foster Dulles: “In my country, the Communist Khmer people and their masters, the Vietnamese Vietminh, base their propaganda, subversion and armed fight against the Khmer Royal government on exactly this priority issue of true, authentic Independence of Cambodia. An increasing number of Khmer people are breaking from the royal government and the throne of Cambodia to join the Vietminh and “Pracheachon” [People] communists. If my country, Cambodia, obtain total Independence, the Vietminh and “Pracheachon” communists will be ipso facto in total ruin.” Dulles did not answer me. We left each other.
From Paris, one of my uncles sent me a message to tell me that Mr. Letourneau (French government minister) severely threatened me. In particular, Letourneau said this: “What is King Sihanouk doing in the USA? Sihanouk must be very careful! His crown is on the line” –sic! –
(To be continued)
(Signed) N. Sihanouk
The idiot satrts to have some senses to spill his guts but yet blame on others.
Dumbo! you were king but never acted like one that's why escargos eaters contempted his being.
Respectable man is deemed respect from other respected man because of his own self respect.
Idiotic Hanuman had none back then and now.
More bananas?
12:12AM You're real Ah Siameses Thieves. Do not behaved this way to Khmer's King, he is listening by two ears, he is seing thing with invisible binocullar, not with single eye like you, he has more formal and logistic brain then your. His actions right or wrong it normal for a working hart person. You know what? you and your Siamese nation will speak Khmer then you must be a united Khmer nation.
Long life The King Ta!... May Lord Budha all way blessing you!.!.!
These showed that the idiots Vs. the Logos and the cockos Vs. the retarded.Shehanuke always fight with the Freedom people and khmer republic. Shehanuke always love being slave and being under control of Yuon or chen. Shehanuke is not khmer but the decendent of chino-khmer who we can't find a real history of him and the royal ancestors. To compare as a family, shehanuke is just like khmer had a step father which is yuon, that's why he never take care of his own children, but to kill or make more suffered and suffered. He is a psychoman. He does not know who he is, and where he lives.
He always think that the communist china is his home, and cambodia is just his garden place to visit in case he misses some young girls. In order to keep the connection between cambodia and him, he forced his sheman son to be king, which has nothing to do with the country. As long as shehanuke still alive khmers/Cambodians never have real freedom they deserve. Because shehanuke is an anti-freedom of democracy. Shehanuke keeps the cambodians/khmer as a second class people like the White tried to keep the Black as slaves in the US.
I only follow history and it's true.
I hope this will help solve those who is fighting each other b/c they wanted to be side with sihanouk or SRP/khmer republic.
if you're siding with sihanuok/CPP khmer rouge hunxen,you're gonna be yuon slave for life, but if you're siding with the SRP/khmer republic, you'll have freedom you deserve just like you are in this Blogger:KI media, otherwise you are a dead meat. So for the sake of the country and our own khmer/cambodian blood let stop fight each other. we all come here for one reason is to build and be independence. By fighting each other will not solve our poor country's problems. It's only cause more angers, and will damaging your good brains.
I hope you can use your intelligence for good deeds. Thanks.
hey 2:30AM is PL.K stands for Plauk Kdor? Anyway, I don't be blind to the fact that your King Tawas and is a destroyer of his own country. Buddha is not so blind as to bless such irresponsible King of yours!
Buddha is not blind that was why King Sihanouk was blessed to be King twice.
Pourk ah Preit and mee Preit einh insult King Sihanouk for 3 decades but you can't touch King Sihanouk.
He won Preah Viheah, didn't he?
mee lob toilet king on your stupid head,does he fought alone?
Dear PL.K at 230am,
I agree Siameses and Viets were Sihanouk great-grandparents mentors and educators starting from Lok Daung.
No disrespect to you,it's not your fault that ignorance is unkind to your learing aptitude. I agree I owe allegiance to Cambodia not to Xee ha nouk (vulgarity in Siamese).
Do you know Xee ha nouk is fluent in Viet and Siamese dialect beside his conjugator tongue, French.
Please do not repeat it at home,it's too unkind to Xee ha nouk.
I am just bringing some lights to forefront,please don't shoot me.
From 212am
ah jumkourt 8 05. who is mee lob?
my comment is 1 37. You answered to me or to Pl. K? To me get your head straight ah jumkourt. If don't i can fkk your wife can i?
fkk your mama, ah pleu.
Khmers inside are no different from Khmers outside. They don't fight for a good cause, but fight to destroy each other.
The tragedy of King Norodom Sihanouk is he was born Khmer. If Thailand or Vietnam has leader like Norodm Sihanouk, Cambodia will be finished.
Hopefully after this King dies Thailand and Vietnam can divide this Kingdom to two, so no more Khmers fight with Khmers spillover Thailand and Vietnam anymore.
4:07AM You should learn how to behave like many other Khmer people. On Khmer behalf such the languages that you have been using is rare to ward respective person, eventhough we don't like it we still used most the time are formal, excepted toward enamies thieves. Our KING (SDACH-TA)he may be wrong or vice versa. It's normal a working hart person is inevitablly mistaken. He is now speaking. Thing you need to obsered him though, if you're a yonger idividue, from now on, THE MORE HE TALK, THE MORE KHMER ENAMIES IS STRUGLING I wanted to let you know this first lesson it might be life remembered. I know from my mother thong is SIAM the northern theives, I don't call (Thailand)this just recent Name since 1937 known as world wide in the news books. I don't know you allowed to learn Ah Siamese Behavior or not other wise you have to passe through University in Siamese Country in order to have somes chance. I wished you will bevave as human accordingly. One again SDACH-TA IS DOING HIS HOMEWORK may Khmer all stay strong together and help one another?...
Long lives SDACH_TA and his people.
It's a total misscommunication between our King and The American.
Let's see:
We want independence from France on the expense of the Communist ( or our own Khmer Communist & Youn or Chin Communist ).
American wanted nothing to do with the Communist. As most of us would know, to be American is to has nothing to do with the Communist. That is why Mr. Secretary of State in the US said that Communist must won over first and then will talk about the independence in Cambodia. Isn't that right?
It's impossible for our King to wait at the time and perhaps not knowing enough about The American. Another word, we may get our own indenpendence in the hurry, but we got it from the help of the bad guys. This is where we were falling. This is where we triped. Those bad guys hurting us more than helping and it's understandable that after 90 years of controling from French who wouldn't want to get out in the hurry? but it's so sad that MotherF*cker communist did nothing good for us or King in the end including their own countries. They are bad luck people that is. Stay away from them if you know better!!!!!!
Blaim it all on France. She was dragging her feet. When she should have just gave Cambodia back to Cambodian people. Unless Khmers staring to act like Ah Communist Youn, then she 'll leave otherwise no. Cambodia is too precious for France to let go. See the mess! and us too are stupid to follow Ah Communist lier. That is why we are in deep shit!
It seems that when it comes to this complicate and very frustrating matter, no one understand King Sihanouk than Mr. Chou Eng Ly. Mr. Ho Chi Minh too wanted to play God. That is why we are stucked with the mess until today. Sure, The Hun Sen have slept with them both. In love? See for yourself. Now where can The King and his family really go? and what must these two countries do from now on in return for the great suffering, they have helped creating in Cambodia? Please remember that 2 millions innocent people were dead in exchange for the royal family to live or to be heard.
Please remember that 2 millions innocent people were dead in exchange for the royal family to live or to be heard to live or to be heard to live or to be heard.
Getta hell out of my country and leave us alone!!!!!!!! There is too many people that aren't really give a damm about you. Your sin is too great and out weigh your kindness. Your best returning is out!!!!!!!!!
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