Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Parties Unclear on Opposition Path

By Heng Reaksmey, VOA Khmer
Original report from Phnom Penh
06 May 2008

Opposition leader Sam Rainsy told VOA Khmer this week the country could see a change in the opposition party. He predicted the new opposition would be the CPP.
[Editor's note: In the weeks leading into national polls, VOA Khmer will explore a wide number of election issues. The "Election Issues 2008" series will air stories on Tuesday and Wednesday, followed by a related "Hello VOA" guest on Thursday. This is the first in a two-part series examining the opposition.]

Less than three months from national elections, the opposition is facing some problems, and many Cambodians are wondering what the face of the next opposition will be. No one yet has a good answer.

Officially, the opposition is the Sam Rainsy Party. It has seats in parliament and is not a part of the ruling coalition comprised of the Cambodian People’s Party and Funcinpec.

But last year’s local commune elections saw the rise of two other parties that could vie for seats in parliament this year without taking control of the body: the Human Rights Party, led by Kem Sokha, and the eponymous party of Prince Norodom Ranariddh.

In fact there are more than 50 small parties expected to compete in the July polls. And, given free and fair elections and more than 8 million voters, anything can happen.

Opposition leader Sam Rainsy told VOA Khmer this week the country could see a change in the opposition party. He predicted the new opposition would be the CPP.

Khieu Kanharith, spokesman for the CPP government, said he doubted that would happen.

Meanwhile, no political observers were ready to predict who might take the most opposition seats.

Kek Galabru, founder of the rights group Licadho, said the next opposition, whomever it is, must be strong in human resources and in budget, in order to gain the confidence of the people nationwide.


Anonymous said...

SRP will be the opposition again.

Anonymous said...

no, cpp is the opposition already. all khmers don't like cpp, yet they're still in power. so by definition they're opposing to khmer will, therefore making them opposition force.

Got it, my VN friend?


Anonymous said...

cpp = cut people prick!

Anonymous said...

No one can win SRP. SRP will be the opposition again.

Anonymous said...

The world will be so weird , if Hun sen defected and join SRP.

Anonymous said...

The contest is not yet started, however, the emerge winner of the election will not be changed as many leaders of other party would predict or want to see.

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy is completly wrong. The truth is the SRP will not make it to the election, and they will not be opposition no more, nor will they be anything else in Cambodia. The SRP is dead. Don't waste time with SRP. The new oppostion will be the HRP.

Anonymous said...

CPP will be a glorious opposition party after this election as what Kannaridh said.

SRP will lead the country, and Cambodia will experience a very progressive change

Anonymous said...

"In Channy, the president and CEO of ACLEDA Bank Plc, said the reserve measure ``is not a good idea at all.'' He said it would slow growth and limit business and employment opportunities.

Banks should lend out 100 per cent of the deposits made by the public, he said.

``The more they lend the more investment can be generated, as well as more employment, more income for both companies and private individuals,'' he said.

I have to agree with In Channy because inflation is related to competition. The more people get into competition the lower the price will be. Furthermore, the more competition we have to more jobs will be available as well, and that is what Cambodia needed badly right now.

Therefore, I hope Hang Chuon Naron would reconsidering his decision.

Anonymous said...

The present government strategy that I know; It needs an opposition party (any one of it)to prove it is democratic. Any party might fill up the spot but for the opposition to take over the government is a very big ambition. We all have seen in some countries, it might take over 60 years to strugle. Who ever will be in that position should be prepared for that and better don't let to be used.