Editorial by Khmerization
Originally posted at http://khmerization.blogspot.com
Fellow bloggers might ask why I kept quiet for the last few days. It is true that I have not been very active in my writings lately. This is not because I tried to lie low after the threat of litigation from an “attorney” purported to represent a Cambodian foreign minister, but because of time constraints. I might have received a punch but I can assure you that I haven’t been knocked out, just yet. And when time permits, I will always be back again. You can be assured of that.
And on top of this, I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to fellow bloggers who sent emails of concerns and supports to express their solidarity. I’m touched by their offer of supports.
I must say that the event in the last few days have made an interesting reading, if not weird. The news that an “attorney” of a foreign minister has threatened to launch a litigation suit against at least two Cambodian bloggers has caused a stir and generated heated debates among the majority of the readers. It certainly gives debaters something to discuss.
Strange things do happen in Cambodia, though. Often we see rival politicians campaigning for voters to vote for themselves. Peculiarly, PM Hun Sen appealed to voters to vote for the opposition, sarcastically of course. But his appeal, which was intended to garner more supports, might backfire. With voters losing confidence in his oppressive 29 years of rule, his appeal can be wrongly viewed by voters that PM Hun Sen has run out of ideas to court them. And after 29 years of living under this oppressive rule, the voters might think that it is now time for a change, for the better, not for the worst.
The more weird news has come out of the ex-King Sihanouk’s writings. While launching a never-ending and scathing attacks on his nemesis, the republican critics, his latest writings seemed to be very weird indeed. His bitterness and an insatiable urge for revenge towards these people has led to a desire to be a zombie in his next life so he can escape from such people. Strange? Why would anyone want to be a zombie? Should one want to be reborn as an enlightened Buddha if one wants to beat one’s opponents-Preah Pchanh Mear? It is peculiar, isn’t it?
A more pressing and worried news has been Thailand’s flip-flopping on the issues of Preah Vihear. While Thailand has expressed on numerous occasions that it will not block the listing of Preah Vihear on World Heritage List, Thailand has flip-flopped on this issue on numerous occasions already. As of late, it’s been reported that Sok An, Cambodia’s Deputy PM, has agreed to list only the temple, leaving the surrounding disputed areas out of the listing. A more pressing concerns over this listing is that new maps will be drawn.
Cambodia’s only treaty with Thailand was concluded in 1907. Any border negotiations should be based on the maps used in that treaty. To draw new maps for the listing of Preah Vihear would allow Thailand to make claims to all territories recently encroached by Thailand. And I for one, would vehemently oppose this idea.
Another news worth mentioning is the newly-declared stance of the two biggest Cambodian unions- the Free Trade Union of Chea Mony and the Independent Teachers Union of Rong Chhun. While declaring themselves neutral, after years of affiliations with the opposition Sam Rainsy Party, they have put themselves under the microscope that has led to suspicions and accusations that they’ve sold themselves to the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP). It is very suspicious of course for these two unions to declare themselves neutral in such a critical time during the election. The reports in the Khmer-language press that they have defected to the CPP has reinforced the suspicions from the oppositions that they may have been indeed sold out to the CPP. If the claims are true, it is a sad news indeed for the workers of Cambodia. But the bottom line is, whether there are defections or not is insignificant, because the election results have already been pre-determined by the CPP-controlled National Election Committee- that the winner would be the CPP. So the election would be fruitless, if not meaningless.
And on top of this, I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to fellow bloggers who sent emails of concerns and supports to express their solidarity. I’m touched by their offer of supports.
I must say that the event in the last few days have made an interesting reading, if not weird. The news that an “attorney” of a foreign minister has threatened to launch a litigation suit against at least two Cambodian bloggers has caused a stir and generated heated debates among the majority of the readers. It certainly gives debaters something to discuss.
Strange things do happen in Cambodia, though. Often we see rival politicians campaigning for voters to vote for themselves. Peculiarly, PM Hun Sen appealed to voters to vote for the opposition, sarcastically of course. But his appeal, which was intended to garner more supports, might backfire. With voters losing confidence in his oppressive 29 years of rule, his appeal can be wrongly viewed by voters that PM Hun Sen has run out of ideas to court them. And after 29 years of living under this oppressive rule, the voters might think that it is now time for a change, for the better, not for the worst.
The more weird news has come out of the ex-King Sihanouk’s writings. While launching a never-ending and scathing attacks on his nemesis, the republican critics, his latest writings seemed to be very weird indeed. His bitterness and an insatiable urge for revenge towards these people has led to a desire to be a zombie in his next life so he can escape from such people. Strange? Why would anyone want to be a zombie? Should one want to be reborn as an enlightened Buddha if one wants to beat one’s opponents-Preah Pchanh Mear? It is peculiar, isn’t it?
A more pressing and worried news has been Thailand’s flip-flopping on the issues of Preah Vihear. While Thailand has expressed on numerous occasions that it will not block the listing of Preah Vihear on World Heritage List, Thailand has flip-flopped on this issue on numerous occasions already. As of late, it’s been reported that Sok An, Cambodia’s Deputy PM, has agreed to list only the temple, leaving the surrounding disputed areas out of the listing. A more pressing concerns over this listing is that new maps will be drawn.
Cambodia’s only treaty with Thailand was concluded in 1907. Any border negotiations should be based on the maps used in that treaty. To draw new maps for the listing of Preah Vihear would allow Thailand to make claims to all territories recently encroached by Thailand. And I for one, would vehemently oppose this idea.
Another news worth mentioning is the newly-declared stance of the two biggest Cambodian unions- the Free Trade Union of Chea Mony and the Independent Teachers Union of Rong Chhun. While declaring themselves neutral, after years of affiliations with the opposition Sam Rainsy Party, they have put themselves under the microscope that has led to suspicions and accusations that they’ve sold themselves to the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP). It is very suspicious of course for these two unions to declare themselves neutral in such a critical time during the election. The reports in the Khmer-language press that they have defected to the CPP has reinforced the suspicions from the oppositions that they may have been indeed sold out to the CPP. If the claims are true, it is a sad news indeed for the workers of Cambodia. But the bottom line is, whether there are defections or not is insignificant, because the election results have already been pre-determined by the CPP-controlled National Election Committee- that the winner would be the CPP. So the election would be fruitless, if not meaningless.
Khmerization, you have been away too short, you should take a sabbatical of at least one year. After that time a lot will have changed and you may change your outlook as well. The native Khmer will have overwhelmingly voted for the CPP and Sam Rainsy will have disappeared from the political scene in Cambodia due to his poor showing at the polls. Hun Sen will gradually shift his position to a benevolent prime minister, curbing corruption, and helping to resolve the economical problems. After all Cambodia has a higher peace index than U. S. Now, what argument would anybody have against the CPP, only the overseas Khmer who don't know s*** about what's going on in Srok Khmer, because they don't live there.
shut the fuck up ! ah Dog kann chass yuon (u just like frog in the well)the earthquake will be coming soon to ur house ,u can open ur eye what happen to ur boss {chinsecommunist}next is Yuon viet cong & U will disppear from this planet.
Dear Khmerization ,
A great comment .Thanks.
Keep up your noble acts & mission as a Koun-Khmer of Cambodia & Its People.
Bun H.
Thank you Sacrava for your comments. You too have done a great job.
Dear Bloggers,
Keep up with the good work. Spread the truth to the world. Unite and stand up against the oppressors. Cambodia depending on all of you.
4:25 AM, Your idea of a reformed Hun Sen after the election is not convincing. Hun Sen has 29 years and after 1997 coup, 1998 and 2003 elections Hun Sen has total control from every echelon in the country's day-to-day affair. If he can be reformed he would have changed already. A leopard never changes its spots. Hun Sen doesn't have the political will to take bold steps in reforming the systems because for doing so he has to get rid of his corrupt and incompetent yes-men. And that would mean eroding his grassroots and power base. Another thing is that Hun Sen is the source of all Cambodia's political and economic problems. Cambodia has a higher index of peace than the U.S? It is a joke. The comparison is misleading. The reason the US doesn't have a higher peace index is because it engaged in wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. That is a misleading comparison because the wars are 20,000 miles from America. In America itself the people are living like in heaven, enjoying their wealth. Cambodia is very poor. But the bottom line is that, how can you say Cambodia has a better peace than America while Cambodia is run like a police state and people are living under constant fears of robbery, land-grabbings,lawlessness, corruption, poverty (having nothing to feed the family). These are fears that are opposite to peace. They don't have a peace of mind while having these fears. So it is not a peace. Thanks for your advice but I hope one day you would wake up to the fact that Hun Sen is no good for you and Cambodia after all. You will see. Sam Rainsy will be elected if the election is conducted in a fair and free atmosphere like during the UNTAC period. Hun Sen will win now because he controls the election process. Win by cheating.
Hun Sen is not only skillful in cheating, but both mastering the cheating and abusing his power. He control all of the three branches of the goverment. Cambodia should instroduce an impeachment legal framefowrk to punish any future Cambodia priminsters who are abusive. I believe Hun Sen's luck will be running out one day, and his day is numbered. Down to Hell for this kind of stupid leader.
May lightning strikes ah kwack forehead at noon time.....
Go to HELL ah kwack and his gang scum bag orang outang .....
Yes peculiar thing will be indeed happened in our homeland. Siamese thieves is inciting us, Siamese is provoked us. We could not stand any longer with this injustice agressor take part bullying us monhtly. I se some of you have very good analogy, but it doen't much either because of their villain acts. Dear compatriots SDACH-TA is actively talking.
Long life to Sdach-Ta
To 4:25 AM,
You sided with Ayang yuon. There will be no change at all. The change will be that Cambodia will stop as a COUNTRY, but a STATE of Viet Indochina Federation.
The Khmer race will be vanished with the gradual process of Vietnamization of Cambodia.
57 Viet Associations already been in any province or Srok following with a Viet consulate at each Khmer province. Do all Khmers, inside and outside knew that ?
The Viet Triangle Development success, is a small example of the Indochina Federation. This will be expended into the whole of Cambodia.
Be prepared to speak Viet, otherwise you will not be allowed
a passport to visit as a Khmer, but as an INDOCHINESE CITIZEN.
The author of Norna Chea Kheatakors ?
Hun sen will become a benovelent Primate ? yes, but no a benovelent PM , not after 30 years with his yuon boss and KR mates.
You are dreaming from the grave.
Yes 4:25 AM is dreaming because, I think, he is a beneficiary of Hun Sen's rule. When he no longer benefits from Hun Sen's rule he will open his eyes to the fact that Hun Sen is a bad leader for Cambodia and the Khmer people. Now he is blinded by fortunes he amassed under Hun Sen's rule, over the sufferings of the poor evictees who lost their lands to corrupt and greedy land speculators.
the radios and tvs are very powerful instruments by which the hun sen always uses to cheat the khmer people,day after day,year after year,for almost three decades.
i myself,had ,in the early time,been cheated by the radios and tvs and used to believe on these things.these are being owned and used by the cpp to blind the khmer.so then they people don't know much about the politics and development.that is why they just pass the votes for hun sen only.sad....
Khmers inside are no different from Khmers outside. They don't fight for a good cause, but fight to destroy each other.
The tragedy of King Norodom Sihanouk is he was born Khmer. If Thailand or Vietnam has leader like Norodm Sihanouk, Cambodia will be finished.
Hopefully after this King dies Thailand and Vietnam can divide this Kingdom to two, so no more Khmers fight with Khmers spillover Thailand and Vietnam anymore.
You guys are all paranoid.
Yeah that's what all the freaking Viet says - "you all are paranoid" until you see Cambodian veitnamized from head to toes...
Freaking Viet...
4:25 AM is nobody other than this so-called Free-thinker and KJE and clowns that continue to take revenge on KI-Media....
Low-life freaks Viet and CPP mercenaries!!!
We are living in the time of globalization. Everything we know of today is interdependent. If Srok Khmer want to move forward, WE NEED TO LEASE THE WHOLE COUNTRY TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER TO MANAGE. I haven't see any improvement in this last 29 years.
The laws are in the hands of the elite Khmers and the businesses entrepreneurs. I've seen it happens, a driver ran over and back up to finish off the pedestrian, then pay 30 USD to walk free.
Yes, indeed weird things are happening in the "State" of Cambodia.
10:26 PM,
That's just one way of how the Viet-backed-by-Hun-Sen people kill the Cambodian people for now. Once that's done, the Viet will implement and enforce the new rule of laws to defend and protect the new Cambodian people meaning the Viet-cambodianese...people.
4:25AM is truly a raptils spieces such: a frogs in the well. I can't beleive this person has an ability to expressed good english langage has such a very low mentality ratting. You have mention that Khmer out side have no knowledge, have no clue what going on in Kampuchea? that must be insane; I wanted to clarify to you, that Khmer out side world allowed to get any informations poissible what actually happened in our homeland before HUN SEN and his ministers did; tangible nor intangible informations. Moreover the ousiders Khmer people have continously traveling many time back to Cambodia. Many of them not just simply have fun we have ears, and eyes to see what actually happening to our Khmer people in this administration(HUN SEN IS). So their choices are clear excepted such as your relative if you have one.
May Lord Budha bless Khmer all, Long Lives Sdach-Ta
My goodness, you guys are sure a strange lot. You don't know when you read some sarcasm. Your minds are really on one track only. Sorry lot.
1021 PM, 11:22PM, yes 4:25AM is Klaus Engelhart to be exact. He is a white man married to a Khmer lady who has a very close tie with the CPP and owned large parcel of lands around Phnom Penh. He originally came to Cambodia about 20 years ago to help democratize Cambodia but now he blindly supports dictatorship and the CPP. He is a die-hard Hun Sen supporter. Visit his blog and you will see what I mean.
Thanks for the info 5:41 AM. Klaus J Englehart, that's what KJE means eh?... He claimed himself to be a so-called Free-thinker...As far as going to his blog...I would say - Thanks but no, thanks. Klauss J Engleheart has been hogging KI-Media, trashing everybody and the Cambodian people as a whole all these times just for his own revenge for getting his arse kicked by KI-Media...
Thanks again 5:41 AM for a avery invaluable piece of info on KJE.
No worry 10:41 AM, we will continue to dig his dirts if he doens't behave like a decent white man- a white man who respect democratic values- not the dictatorial values that he believes in now.
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