Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Ranariddh proposes a common agreement with the SRP and HRP

Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Rasmei Kampuchea
Translated from Khmer by Heng Soy

Following the deadlock in the formation of a single political party prior to the election, on 05 May, the NRP issued a new proposal in which the NRP, the HRP and the SRP would issue a common political program. However, Kem Sokha, HRP president, and Sam Rainsy remain skeptical about this new plan.

Muth Chantha, NRP spokesman, said, in the afternoon of 05 May: “We want to have a common agreement for Cambodia.” He added: “The three parties will participate in the election separately, but all three of them will agree to have a single political program.” He explained by using corruption as an example: “We form a common strategy, we will use only one strategy, and we will have one (common) goal.”

However, Sam Rainsy, SRP President, still remains skeptical about this new idea from the prince. He asked: “Can we trust Prince Ranariddh’s idea or not?” He added that Prince Ranariddh says one thing, but does something else, and he does not how he can trust the prince.

When asked if he would agree about this common agreement or not, Sam Rainsy said that he wants to see it first. He wants to see the content of this common agreement, in order to find out what will be planned, what the guarantees are, so that they can be respected.

In the afternoon of the same day, Kem Sokha said: “I believe that the NRP likes to issue public appeals.” He added that this tactics may not be true dedication but it was done mainly for political gain. Kem Sokha claimed that his party always welcome anything that is of national interest, and that it is willing to meet for discussions, however, he warned that if this action was done only for the NRP to claim that it is the NRP’s original idea, then the HRP will not accept to join in.

Muth Chantha reacted by saying that: “Just listening to them, I understand that they want to stall it.” When Sam Rainsy demanded to see the draft of the agreement, Muth Chantha said: “He does not want to do it.” He added that if they (SRP and HRP) want to do it, they can lay out their ideas and then a discussion can be held.

Furthermore, Muth Chantha also scolded Kem Sokha for the past unification failures. He reminded that he was personally involved in the meeting with the HRP secretariat, but later on, the HRP never replied back to the NRP. He said that Prince Ranariddh also sent a letter to the HRP, but he did not receive any reply back. Now, the HRP said that, only when the prince returns back to Cambodia, then discussions can be held. Muth Chantha added that there is no need to talk about the prince, he already gave power to the advisory council of the NRP steering committee to hold the discussion, and the results will be transmitted to the prince for a final decision.


Anonymous said...

Oh Preah Ang Runrot, How are you and How is Phalla Runrot ???

Please keep stronger and strong to keep Phalla with you if not Phalla will leave you soon to meet another.....
This is the root of so-called Neak Mneang...

Anonymous said...

Why a handful of peoples, including HUN SEN, keep talking about RANARIDH? Is he worth talking about?

This prince had been fogetten for quite long ago?


Anonymous said...

oh dear, if only the prince is firm and put national interest belong himself could the people see him as fit for leader. my dear, the prince is weak, politically speaking. also is it a good idea to allow royalty in politics is another question to consider. god bless cambodia and her beautiful people.

Anonymous said...

if three of them form a one big party, sure it will win the election. and then toast hun kvak out of cambodia- or else!, think about the benefit of the people of cambodia not individual leaders, if they cannot trust each other after that, at least we won hun-slave yuon for life. id doesn't matter who will lead the country, just know that it will way better off than the corruption CPP-hunkvak

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy should never remarry Ranarith! He's low moral politician, thinking only about his own benefits.
In short he's a loser forever.

Anonymous said...

It's all bullshit. No one got any plan for anything. If the three of them managed to merge and win the election, the corruption will be 3 times as large as it is today, and this will certainly to lead Cambodia back to year-zero.

Anonymous said...

Oh king kong oeuy,
Don't you know that hun xen distroy most forest in srok Khmer why you wanted to come back? Without forest how are you going to live? May be you can go to srok
yourn because you did agree with your body hun xen for youn to gain more land from srok Khmer!!!
Go to srok youn king kong.

Anonymous said...

It's okay to destroy forest on planet of the Ape.

Anonymous said...

Hang all the bloody Viet troller/pimp and parasites on KI-Media such as the ones @2:26 PM.

You Viet parasites must know the universal language:

"The world sees and knows the Viet true color too well already".

Anonymous said...

Only idiot political leaders accept this imbecile's proposal.

Go to hell prince!

Anonymous said...

I know that high rank official's of CPP are afraid of Norodom Ranariddh being outside.
Well, with Funcinpec, we have Nhiek Bunchhay, Sam Rainsy,we have Eng Chhay Eang, with Norodom Ranariddh, We have You Hocry. What else?
The only way to win is to form all parties excluding CPP. Without the FUNCINPEC, there's will be no security in the country. They have polices and armies that are not with CPP. Especially to against the Yuon's army. They are ready to kill Hok Lundy.

Anyway, I think HRP are on their ways to be the next opposition's party. When I visit country's side, poor peoples now support mostly Khem Sokha. Most They quit SRP and go to support HRP and FUNCINPEC. So funny, why They support FUNCINPEC? So simple to understand, it's their first homes. It's the only shelter that They can be safe. So ashame and ironic, how can We kick Nhiek Bun Chhay out of the party?

Khmer Canadian

Anonymous said...

About unification of the three parties:
-Positif: The best thing to do at any time even the chance to regain people's heart is on the decline.
-Negatif: By studying the character of those present Khmer leaders, it's just a mission impossible.
-Conclusion: Usely opportunity knoks at your door only once. In this case, the door has been knocked three times: 1993, 1998, 2003 and it became very seldom "opportunities". They blew it. Indochina which includes Cambodia is curently dominated by Ho Chi Minh's dream teams.
-Solution: Cambodia needs new leadership. Young generations needs to study hard the real true story and the rout problems of their country, come forward and redirect the course of the flow.
-Times?: We all needs patience to do things.
Sorry, it's only my opinion. I am 71

Anonymous said...

If any one cannot see how low and reckless Ranarith is, that person must be more blind than Hun Xen is. A PhD can a fool, because a lot of PhDs are the fools already, while some illeterate are decent.

Anonymous said...

What a common political program?

So NRP (RANARITH)can find out what other do or try to be smart again?

How people going to choose what to vote for if HRP and SRP promise to sele to CPP and sele the goverment position just like Ranarith?

Do they all should say the current Phnom Penh court, police force are good and justify?

Do they all should say Western Democracy is not fit for Cambodian?

If they are HRP, SRP, and NRP not joint together that mean they compete with eachothers, so what commone political programe will help them compete?

Don't you know Ranarith you are stupid and foolish because you stupid think other are stupider than you!

And those who want the three parties to joint together if you are not stupid NRP, are you ready to joint Ho Sok? Remember 1997?

Anonymous said...

11:01am, i think i agree with your view. they think the current gov't is very corrupt (although it's the past already as they don't keep on doing it now and forever without being smart about it), the elitist groups with attitude will be the king of corruption to say the least. good point. however, having said that, it's still time for changes as changes are good of the country as new, young, more vibrant leaders to take cambodia into the new era of peace and prosperity for all to enjoy. thank you and god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

the one million dollar question should be: how can the cambodian people trust this elitist group? i think it all boils down to trust, accountability, and responsibility in leadership. you got to be able to win trust in people as cambodian are so wary of past leadership which had failed them again and again and again. it ought to stop sooner or later. the key word is TRUSTWORTHY!!!! and take the laws seriously as it is about national interest, not individual person, not special group interest or what have you!