Monday, May 05, 2008

Sam Rainsy: "I know how to consider the SRP’s matters, and it is not necessary for other parties to worry for the SRP"

Hun Sen (L) and Sam Rainsy (R)

PM apologizes as defections continue

Monday, 05 May 2008
Neth Pheaktra
The Mekong Times

Prime Minister Hun Sen apologized to opposition leader Sam Rainsy Saturday for the inconvenience caused by Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) officials defecting to his ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP). However, he again declared he would welcome all opposition defectors.

Speaking at the inauguration of a temple in Kompong Chhang province, the premier revealed that the CPP has just received Kim Ouchansamith, the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) deputy president of Prey Veng. Kim Ouchansamith has already been appointed as a government advisor and is a candidate for the position of lawmaker, Hun Sen said.

“The CPP will continue to receive [other party officials] both before and after the election,” Hun Sen said. “It will receive [officials] both new and old without discrimination. [It] collects all.”

Hun Sen’s declaration comes as political parties are beginning to register party names and candidates for July’s parliamentary election with the National Election Committee (NEC). The premier said that defections “can make some parties find it difficult to prepare a list of candidates to register with the NEC. Some candidates who have already been registered have defected to other parties.”

“I apologize to H.E Sam Rainsy for making H.E find it difficult to prepare a list of candidates for the position of lawmakers,” Hun Sen said.

Sam Rainsy said he was unconcerned by recent defections. “I know how to consider the SRP’s matters, and it is not necessary for other parties to worry for the SRP,” he assured. “We will solve the problems in a proper and timely manner. Therefore, I have no worries about the preparation of the SRP’s candidate list, and we will submit it on time.”

NEC Secretary General Tep Nitha said yesterday that registered candidates who defect must be deleted from NEC lists. “If [the defecting candidate is] officially registered, we have to delete his name, and a reserved candidate will replace him,” he explained. “According to the election law, the NEC will delete the name of any person who stands for two parties, and will not allow him to stand for any party.”

Sam Rainsy said members’ defections to other parties had actually benefited the SRP. “The defection of a person did not cause any serious [impacts] to SRP because those at the grassroots levels maintain their wisdom,” he claimed. “We gained support from tens thousands of CPP members who are not satisfied with the corruption of CPP officials, improper economic control, land grabbing and soaring commodity prices”

Hun Sen has repeatedly denied accusations of corruption in defection deals. “I have no need to buy people and people are not goods,” he said. “Apart from the mistakes of the political parties they [defectors] were once in, there is also another point – the CPP is politically in the right.”


Anonymous said...

Just ignore the dangling politicians, Mr Sam. satisfying with what you have
is better than with what you're trying to have. Just handle the political matter as simple as it should be handled.

Anonymous said...

...and Hun Xen's just pretending to be nice by the libs, but inside his evil mind he ridicules you; tha's his nature that everyone has known.

Anonymous said...

I am not a fan SRP. But, still, I won't go to CCP to become advisor. Actually, it will last only 3 more months.
And now, so many people quit SRP to go to others parties. And more even more people go to their first home, FUNCINPEC. Even They know that the Nhiek Bunchhay is the crony of Hun Sen.
Why Sam Rainsy don't listen to the democratic people??
Don't appoint Eng Chhay Ieng to the position of Secretary General.

Anonymous said...

I just joined the SRP a year ago, bnecause I couldn't join other party mainly the CPP, becauase they didn't have any important position for me immediately. So I joned the SRP mknowingthat after a few doing apprenticship with them as branch president etc, the CPP would love me to defect so they can make a big splash news about teh SRP. Many people I know who are with the SRP right now are not genuine about SRP causes, bu just waiting to join the CPP for good government positons. The direct door to the governmetn positon was closed ago time ago, but to get in you must go through the SRP. That is what i am doing right now, with many other people. Poor Sam.

Anonymous said...

Hey, 10:18AM! Why do you ask like that?
Do you know, why Hun Sen keep Sok An as Deputy P.M and minister of council of ministry and try to keep Hok Lundy as Cammander of Police? Because one is playing rule in earning finance and another one is playing rule in protecting his power.
Mrs. Mo Sochuor is a strong woman, good leader. Many SRP members like her. But she has weakness in collecting finance from SRP members to support the party. So how can the SRP survive? It should be reformed, Eng Chhay Ieng has best experience in this case.
H.E. Sam Rainsy has no choice.

Khmer Young said...

It is imperative that the major farmers of Cambodians should not be more savaged than the minor rich and high ranking officers. This kind of social gap had been dictated by the Khmer Rouge, but unfortunately KR pursued their public policy depended on personal egoistic leadership, not legal principles. Aristotle had clearly elaborated of what he said "in a democracy the poor will have more power than the rich, because there are more of them, and the will of the majority is supreme" is wholly mediated by the rule of law.

Rule of law is the core of democracy to creating social equity. Without law, a nation could not be called a nation-state. Cambodia is not a nation-state under Hun Sen's leadership. Hun Sen is the law, above the law, and the leviathan.

If we observe closely to the leadership of Hun Sen, there have been gradually failed for Cambodia's advancement. They are such as:

1. Since 1993 to present, the national resources which are the backbone of nation wealth has been depleted. Adam Smith clarified the progress of nation-state wholly depends on the rightly use of national resources to sustain its social, economic and politics. But how this idea rightly implemented in Cambodia? While the national resources have been depleted and continuously deprived, the living standard of Cambodians are under poverty line, state cannot afford the raise the decent wage of public officers and workers/labors. Farmers are suffered by climate change such as drought or flood and land grabbing.

2. Cambodia has received foreign aids to improve its social, economic and politics. If we think of the debt loans, individually each Cambodian has to reserve their debt $1500 to $2500 that this surely upset Cambodian younger generation. But those money have little bettered Cambodian society. While the debt is increasing but the living standard is decreasing in the period of these 15 years.

3. Political leader requires political will. Sh/e has to change the perception of "power thirsty" to "nation-building". In this manner, Hun Sen leadership is not different from Cambodian previous leaders that from time to time, from day to day, he has triumphally projected to sustain and increase his power, not to build the nation. Cambodian nation has moved forward only according to the change of the world and demographic, not according to the willingness and ability of its incumbent leader.

Social stability is truly imperative for Hun Sen to stabilize Hun Sen's power. It is not genuinely originating from Hun Sen's political will to safeguard the sustainability of future Cambodia. Some roads, schools, hospitals, commercial buildings surely come from the huge influx of foreign aids, economic liberalization, globalization, and transnational flows of investment. They are genuinely coming from the will of leader for true development.

4. Democracy actually built by the peoples who are full of knowledge. Many countries have facilitated the rule of law, education, and government system to be flexible for future national transcendence. To achieve this willing and pioneering, many world well-known leaders step down from power in order to have a positive change for their nation.

But Cambodia under Hun Sen leadership is contradict that the rule of law has not enforced. Corruption, favoritism, nepotism and patronage are widespread practicing throughout the country. Education to empower knowledge to the people for the need of democracy reformation has been gradually deteriorated. The national mass media that is the very important source for public education is being manipulated and subverted by the government. TVK or CTN or other TV stations including Radios are working for the CPP propaganda. This mass media is poisoning Cambodian peoples. Gigantic influence and information bombardment are singly inclining one side without fair judgment. This kind of the mass media is the clue of division and ignorance stage for the citizens. Democracy requires mass media to be neutral and balancing the point of view from all sides.

Internally, CPP under genuine national leadership certainly requires courage to stand up to reform the current contamination. CPP as one of the main national party should focus on the "national building" not "power thirsty" or "kleptocracy".

CPP can be a role model to strengthen the rule of law, creating the neutral Buddhist monks, neutral public officers, neutral military, neutral policemen, especially neutral mass media.

Under Hun Sen leadership, CPP has tremendously failed to develop the country though huge national natural resources depleted, huge aids granted, huge debt loans increased, and peoples in general are still weak to embed the foundation of democracy and brighter future of Cambodia.

SRP comes as the ideal of democracy and new hope of brighter future for Cambodia that CPP should shoulder to operate a genuine "nation-building".


Anonymous said...

SRP will not make it to the election. Everyone will defectede to the CPP. Therefore, don't waste your vote on a ghost party (SRP).

Anonymous said...

Yes, SRP = Sinking People Party.

Anonymous said...

You should know who you are and what are you doing for. SRP is a poor party but we are not weak. CPP is rich by corruption so they can do whatever they want. If you like the position and money you can join with CPP but if you want to save our country, to protect our territory, combat corruption and develop the country you can join with SRP.
Remember!! today you got the money from CPP but in the short future CPP will take it back and you will be a trash in the CPP recycle.

Sar Sophorn

Anonymous said...

How successful the win win policy of PM Hun Sen is!!!! From the soldier to foreign minister, and then Prime minister. Even his party lost the election he was still the second prime minister. Since then his party win all the time. Now he can attract people who traditionally are his opponents.

Poor people in the country side do not need to worry, just wait for CCP gifts.

Anonymous said...

My beloved KY!

Forgive me for not historically and academically wisdoming, but what you have significantly and reasonably mentioned above, perhaps, is like the old Khmer folks saying...

"When the king wants to be a farmer, and the farmer wants to a king, then the nation is continuously to be barbarously and uncivilizedly disasterious!

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy has entirely himself to blame for all this. He does not run the party democratically.

Excerpt from the Phnom Penh Post article

he Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) has faced accusations of being autocratic and corrupt. Such accusations are problematic because the SRP has run on a political platform of cleanliness, transparency and democracy.
The SRP attempted to dispel such accusations through the elections of its leadership in September 2007 when Eng Chay Eang was chosen to be the party’s Secretary General. The election of Chay Eang drew criticism from some circles of SRP supporters – notably trade unions and overseas Cambodians – while some non-SRP newspapers said the election of Chay Eang, a known gambling addict, may affect the SRP’s credibility and eventually lead to a decline in popularity.
Although it would be premature to come to such a conclusion, the SRP was hit hard in April by the defection of some of its senior and grassroots members.
Defectors’ charges of corruption and nepotism within the SRP might be exaggerated, but their accusations that the SRP leadership is being autocratic is warranted.

Sam Rainsy thinks only he knows how to run things. He is badly mistaken. This is why the SRP won't make any big impact in July.

I like that SRP = Sinking People Party monicker.

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy is a cyclo driver that had been decorated by westerner to fool us. Don't vote for his cyclo driver party; otherwise, everyone will end up in Year-Zero again.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

sometimes, i have the feeling that the SRP is only about the SRP. some kind of hypocracy? it should be about the nation, the people, the economy, etc... is SRP trying to be s strongman as well. two wrongs (mistakes) don't make it rights! wake up people!

Anonymous said...

Your perception is correct, 1:31.

Anonymous said...

But I don't know why the CPP give so mch problems to the SRP if tejhy don't feel threatened by the increasing popularity of it. And I don't know why their seats keep going up every elections, and other small parties got nothing or less and less. Please tell me. may not win 100% due to CPP manipulations but always go up. why, why ?

Anonymous said...

50+1 = 70 ?

Anonymous said...

all cambodian, please get along. please share and give some other capable people a chance. please work together for the sake of our nation, cambodia. please get along as we are all khmer people with same interest to help our khmer nation to be prosperous like other country. please help and cooperate with each other, instead of fighting and fighting all the time. please take the time to listen to other people voice and opinions. please help our khmer people so we can be strong together in order to help develop our nation. thank you and may god bless cambodia and her people.

Anonymous said...

It will help if you would send your comment to the SRP party.

The CPP has been very flexible to work with all parties from day1. They are not greedy. Anyone who want to contribute to make Cambodia a better place for Khmer people are welcome anytime, any day, any place.

Anonymous said...

REPENSEZ-vous dans le regime de

Anonymous said...

How SRS manage and lead the country with empty hand? More or less, we must need the party with all kinds, human, knowledge, and for sure money. SRS have only the head, no body , no tail, and no money.