Friday, 27 June 2008
Written by Sebastian Strangio
The Phnom Penh Post
Crisis has again engulfed the Center for Social Development (CSD), one of Cambodia’s most visible civil society groups, following a leadership dispute that culminated in the alleged dismissal Tuesday of Theary Seng, the organization’s executive director.
Her reported firing came amid uncertainty as to who has legal control of the organization, with two separate boards of directors claiming legitimate decision-making powers.
“The entire board has unanimously resolved to dismiss Theary Seng,” said Vi Houi, a member of a three-member board of directors that claims to be CSD’s key decision-making body.
“The main issue is that Theary has not been accountable to the board. If she doesn’t come to meetings when the board calls a meeting, it means she doesn’t want to do her job,” he said.
According to Houi, the other 11-member board, constituted earlier this year after the old board’s term expired last November, was a legal fabrication, and part of the reason for the executive’s dismissal.
“It’s not legal. It’s not legitimate to disagree with the board and then to go out and organize your own board,” he said. “Staff can’t go out and make their own board. That’s one reason [we have] rushed to dismiss Theary.”
If she refused to step down, Houi added, the next step would be formal legal action. “It’s a very simple thing. She’s the employee, the board is her employer. If she doesn’t want to do what the board says, she can leave.”
However, Theary, who has served as executive director of the CSD since 2006, rejected the decision of the board members, saying that their terms ended in November and have not since been renewed.
“The acts of these three individuals… have been ones of obstruction, destruction and immaturity; they reflect a sad and desperate attempt at power,” Theary told the Post by email. “Simply put, the answer is power.”
She said that the new board was elected according to the organization’s constitution, and that any decision made by the other board has no legal standing.
“The new board members came about after opening the floor for nomination, [which was open] to former existing board members, the management committee and donors,” she said.
The current crisis has cast a shadow over CSD, which has been an active member of Cambodia’s NGO community since it was founded in 1995. But whatever the outcome of the internal dispute, Theary said she is confident it will not impact the organization’s activities.
“It has made my staff much stronger … it has chipped away at all our unhealthy naiveté and unconditional trust of foreigners and people with seniority of age and status,” she said. “CSD is moving forward. This is a non-issue.”
Her reported firing came amid uncertainty as to who has legal control of the organization, with two separate boards of directors claiming legitimate decision-making powers.
“The entire board has unanimously resolved to dismiss Theary Seng,” said Vi Houi, a member of a three-member board of directors that claims to be CSD’s key decision-making body.
“The main issue is that Theary has not been accountable to the board. If she doesn’t come to meetings when the board calls a meeting, it means she doesn’t want to do her job,” he said.
According to Houi, the other 11-member board, constituted earlier this year after the old board’s term expired last November, was a legal fabrication, and part of the reason for the executive’s dismissal.
“It’s not legal. It’s not legitimate to disagree with the board and then to go out and organize your own board,” he said. “Staff can’t go out and make their own board. That’s one reason [we have] rushed to dismiss Theary.”
If she refused to step down, Houi added, the next step would be formal legal action. “It’s a very simple thing. She’s the employee, the board is her employer. If she doesn’t want to do what the board says, she can leave.”
However, Theary, who has served as executive director of the CSD since 2006, rejected the decision of the board members, saying that their terms ended in November and have not since been renewed.
“The acts of these three individuals… have been ones of obstruction, destruction and immaturity; they reflect a sad and desperate attempt at power,” Theary told the Post by email. “Simply put, the answer is power.”
She said that the new board was elected according to the organization’s constitution, and that any decision made by the other board has no legal standing.
“The new board members came about after opening the floor for nomination, [which was open] to former existing board members, the management committee and donors,” she said.
The current crisis has cast a shadow over CSD, which has been an active member of Cambodia’s NGO community since it was founded in 1995. But whatever the outcome of the internal dispute, Theary said she is confident it will not impact the organization’s activities.
“It has made my staff much stronger … it has chipped away at all our unhealthy naiveté and unconditional trust of foreigners and people with seniority of age and status,” she said. “CSD is moving forward. This is a non-issue.”
Sorry, gorilla! Certainly, you don't look to good now.
Does anyone know if this is the same Vi Houi from America?
If he's the same one... this guy is bad news. Look where CANC is now.
Cambodian culture must be protected from the bitch at all cost.
I just looked at their website and it seems like she and her staff have done amazing things with CSD.
One of my friends in PPenh knows her and said she's an amazing lady.
Best to her!
Everybody love power. Don't blame others.
The new committee must take the helm; the bitch has to abnegate from her position. Now, she can come and clean our toilet -- presumably, after the election when we yank the bastard and put him behind bars (Presy Sar).
Many people said she dresses like a French Whore.
a chor derechan, kmian piak somdey avey lao kom mok komtich ke chmos robos ke. Niak how tha disinformation and must be sue for defamation in the Hun Sen wild court of law!
A Kbal Tea Ktui Mon, si aich YouN!
Negative Poster,
I don't personally know her, but to be fair, Don't hide behind "anonymous" and be a coward and write destructive comments about others.
Have some common decency...
The firing of miss SENG proved to me that democracy has taken root in Cambodia's society now.Go a little further and change the government if it's not capable of leading the country.Don't get stuck with the status quo.
I don't think Ms. Theary cares about these negative comments.
Yes I agree most of us wants power, but the anti-Theary are continuing steadfastly for power without a shame.
To a slut who said Theary dresses like a French whore, don't you think French whore now the first Lady of France? Is it great the west have whore with high degrees like Juris Doctor? And you're a little whore for just a Humberger, eh. Shame on you.
Yea firing Miss Seng proved that the Democracy is working in Cambodia. HAH HAH HAH...LOL.
Tell me I don't know about: Hun Sen won sham elections albeit he lost. Let me drink to that.
This animal who posted at 8:44PM and 9:25PM is a mota fucka foreigner. Get out of this zone you piece of shit. You don't belong here you garbage, you're to be in a landfield.
... and who is this guy named Vi Houi? A foreigner in Cambodian affair?
I think this is the same Vi Houi with Cambodian American National Congress. He is bad news!
I didn't know he's in Cambodia now.
Khmers are always stooping to the lowest level.
Do you really need to attack a person like that?
Get your asses of the chair or bamboo mat you are sitting on, and quit your bitching over how one dresses.
If you have something to say against someone, make sure your argument has merit.
It seems like some folks always attack Khmer women, no matter who they are.
These folks are either not Khmer themselves or borned out of tree roots.
Long Beach Homie
They also said she also smell like French Whore.
Your mother is a Thaicong bitch.
go back to Hanoi and leave Ms Thaery alone
You nasty son of a bat 11:02pm! You need to come out and see the sun light and see that others man or woman can do thing just like you do. The table will turn someday and you know where you're going...to hell motherf.!
I believe French whore's smell is much better than yuon's whore or Thai's.
Oh and I forget to mention she even walk like French Whore, where her buns swinging to the left and then to the right like a pendulum urgently calling on to people to squeeze it.
hey anony at 11:28, did you know you are stooping low? :)
Are you saying Khmers dislike me or they aren't like me?
Yeah, I know most Khmers who post crap without thinking aren't like me.
Do us a favor and read Theary's bio before you post more useless crap.
To the 11:36 dumbass,
you must be confusing her for your mother.
And last but not least, she doesn't fully covered her chess with her fashion like ordinary Khmer people. And when she walk, you can see the two fellows bouncing up and down impatiently switching turn trying to get out to meet someone.
These three members of the board are hi-jack her position. They must be working under Hun Sen to eliminate her from her executive position. I thought she was the founder of the organization. If she is the founder, she can hold her job. If I'm her, I'll tell the donor who support this organization to cut off all aids.
These stupid people just want to get power in their own hand like their master, Hun Kwak. Asshole board members, Can you leave her alone to do her job and to fight for Cambodia people? If you don't have any law degree, why don't you go to collect trash? Let the one hold the law degree working with Khmer people.
Please list the ones who vote her out in the news.
Oh!c'mon 11:36pm.Who would want to squeeze them.Now you ruined my appetite.
I think this is the same Vi Houi from the midwest states (indiana or ohio?).
He always talk like he cares about Cambodia, but really is a self-absorbed selfish man.
If he's now in Cambodia, it is bad news.
Some people here are more upset than Miss Theary herself.
Get help man especially that "gorilla" and the "whore" commentators (if they are not the same person).
Man your life is full of frustration.
You're a big time loser, change your comment a bit (if your brain is capable to) it also boring, always the same crap all the time.
You're so limited, loser.
11:51pm ! Some said those two are just like two aquarrels fighint in the burlap.
CSD just released a statement today overwhelming supporting their executive director:
No, I heard they say she dress like your mother when she was a whore 9:25pm.
Yes, He was an unemployment guy, vi houi, from midwest america. He's now looking for cashes to keep up with many women he has over the year.
I've never met Theary Seng in person but I read a lot news about her and her organization. In my opinion she has an independ stand in what it could be best for her and her organization to serve khmer people. I think she and her organization have done a very good job to help khmer people. CSD help release inocent people from intimidation and false arrest, help people resettle in a new location after the mafia government rob their land, help to train and educate the khmer people to fight back against the government when their right are violet. We are a public we should judge her base on fact, not on rumors. I only wish to have as many khmer woman as Theary Seng.
Now, it's time to retake your bar exam; this time make the best of it. Oh! Get yourself a new profession.
Now, free yourself!
1:26 - what are you talking about? a simple search on google will show you that she'd passed her bar in new york
I don't see anything about about her taking the exam periodically. As we all know law are constantly changing.
2:00 - if you don't know what you're talking about (law school, bar exam etc), keep a lid on it. from your statement, one can see that you're full of jealousy.
what is your problem anyway?
This is the issue of power struggle! I believe Theary Seng had been doing a good job over the years and Cambodian people should judge her base on her ability and her personality to bring a group of people together to get the job done!
When it comes to the rule of laws, I wish HUN SEN would be apart too. Concerning Teary, I think it is not fare labeled her as "bitch", this is personal attacks, it is a cheap short from anyone. The boards used to get it of her are invalid; isn't that valid claim?
I don't know Miss Seng Theary personally. She don't have bad rumors like others. Still, in Cambodia, most of the ONG leaders are with the CPP.
So, there's nothing news about the Miss Seng Theary's case. Miss Seng Theary talk too much about freedom and human's right...
Communist still Communist.
They want the absolute win!
Khmer Canadian
Mr. vi houi do you what you're talking about. People disagree with each other all the times, but you should look at what Theary Seng and her organization have accomplished in helping khmer people. From my observation and many other people, Theary Seng have done an excellence job. What abou you ? what have you done for khmer people ?
I agree with 11:54pm, donors are the employer of Theary seng and her organization. Boards' duties is just to oversight on her organization.
communist hun Zimbawe sen never changes his behavor.
communist hun Zimbawe sen never changes his behavor.
Congratulation Ms Theary !!!
You are Koun Srey Khmer who devotes your life for Cambodia & its people.
You're Khmer-Malalai.
MALALAI JOYA is one of the most popular MP in Afghanistan.
(born April 25, 1978) is an Afghan politician who has been called "the bravest woman in Afghanistan." [1] As an elected member of the Parliament from Farah province, she has publicly denounced the presence of what she considers warlords and war criminals in the parliament.
In May 2007, Joya was suspended from the parliament on the grounds that she had insulted fellow representatives in a television interview. Her suspension, which is currently being appealed, has generated protest internationally and appeals for her reinstatement have been signed by high profile writers, intellectuals such as Naomi Klein and Noam Chomsky, and politicians including Members of Parliament from Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy and Spain. [2] Joya has been compared to the symbol of Burma's democracy movement, Aung San Suu Kyi. [3] She is scheduled to address the European Parliament in May 2008. According to an article in Publishers Weekly, Joya is currently writing a memoir with Canadian writer Derrick O'Keefe. [4]
An observation:
Theary must stay out of polarising Board,Vi Houi has a very good point there.
-No matter what Board is the boss and its decision shall stick,
-I said it before,Theary take a leave until dust settled,
-Old term might be expired but Old Board especially members of the founding Board still has the precedence and is a caretaker until official annual meeting was fully held and recognized,
Here is a catch,Theary is working for and answering to Board pleasure.Board is the organization not staff.Also if the annual meeting failed its mandated meeting date,it is not Board job and fault.Clearly Theary 's head is on the chopping block.That is her role and job to take care Board calendar.
-New Board has no ground in real court,
-Likely new Board may be perceived as a rubberstamp,funder does not like that.
Technical question: Who signed contract with funders? Board or staff?
If not careful both CSD and staff ended up losing all.
Theary! be a sport and please set example for transparency,Ok?
Worst, Board can return all fund to donors.That's all folks!
Bullshit, she's kaun infidel who's out here to destroy Khmer culture and heritage.
5:03 so you want the egos of 3 individuals to destroy a reputable organization?
i've studied csd's website, and she must have done one hell of a job to increase staffing from 23 to 80 in less than 2 years... with increased funding from $600K to $800K (per their press release today http://csdcambodia.org/pdf/2008/PressRelease-30-June-08.pdf )
if you study their website in details, everything seems transparent.
Not to destroy Khmer Culture and heritage, Ms Theary has to be one of
Chumteov Haen Horch who are belonging
to piggy group of Bun Ranny Hun Sen ?
Dear 513am,
Let me ask do you understand how the not for profit organization works? The same problem in wrong perception happened to Kem Sokha and staff then. Same nature and attitude.
Board of Directors is the governing body of the organization.
Board hires and fires staff,not other way around.
Board is volunteered but staff is paid.
Do you understand Board of Directors and staff role?
If you do,that's my answer to your comment.
5:37 i don't know the situation b/w old board and csd staff but in the scenario if that board (2 individuals - according to press release ms. chea is not board)is being "obstructive, destructive" etc would you in that case continue to do your work or being held hostage to those 2 people?
and if the board is "bad" who monitors them? would you let those 2 individuals hold an organization hostage?
according to the press release, obviously those old board don't follow procedures...
sometimes you're seeing the tree and not the forest... step back and evaluate the situation will ya.
a person who has grown an organanization from 28 to 80 and seems to be doing something great deserve kudos and not vinegar... this is the destructive nature of our khmer mentality
What are the CSD Organziation Bylaws and Articles of Corporation?Read the posted so called Constitution Page 8 seems obscure and half swallowed role of Board and Management?
Which is chicken or egg?
ok, i just found the link... i'll read it now
to read it clearly you have to expand it by clicking on the image
Dear 559am,
Thanks for reply.
I don't say I believe everything press printed.
In principles,even there was one Board member remaining ,staff was still staff and Board was still Board.Board is Boss still.
Khmer say,drink water think of source.
Theary needs to do now is to practice confidentialty codes not running to press.
Remember Board pays her not press.
That's another strike against her. Also new Board resolved to fire her too,if we read the same press release.
Why do people interest to write such comments?
No surprise, the bitch was part of Ah Scam Rainxy's corrupted infidel clan, and it finally caught up with her.
Halleluya, thank you Lord!
Cambodians fighting among themselves because they can't settle their differences because it is due to the lack of INTELLIGENCE. Hahah.
Beware this could be a Trojan Horse take over style in attempt to silent the CSD from being critical of AH HUN SEN government for violating the human right by the pro-AH HUN SEN government element!
Only time will tell...
Ms Theary Seng need a job now.Anyone offer her a job ?.
I don't know, people nowadays preferred younger woman.
Who attacked Miss Seng for being this or that, I think some are women and some are men and they are jealous of her high education and her courage.
I know that Cambodian society has no respect for women, and when a woman with high education and brave like Miss Seng, both Cambodian men and women who are not only ignorance but cut throats would not hesitate to shoot or throw acid or poison whom they hate.
Miss Seng should not pay attentions to these rotten flies from a malicious group.
Bullshit, if we didn't respect our women, then why our women love us more than infidel women love their men? Does in infidel women pray for their husband every day after their dead like our women do? I bet most of the infidel women couldn't wait for their husband to die quickly so that they can inherit all his money and use it to jump on other men.
You are sick, 10:56, for saying what you said. You ought to get your head examines, fool.
i think you've it all backward pal 12:02pm .Khmer women in America are so faithful to their partners.They have been throught thick and thin together from day i till death part them all .Au contraire khmer women in Cambodia are not the same anymore.They usually betrayed by their husbands and they paid them back big time by fooling around with the new one.They always say ;if you can fool around and so can i.
I went to marry this girl in Cambodia because her parents begged me to help to bring her to the US so ah Cpeepee won't screw her. Just the day she got a green card she went off and fuckk with Latino guy. She didn't wait until I die to collect life insurance from me but she let ah jobless Latino guy screwed her after I left home to work.
After reading this article, I came in to the comments section to read about everyone's opinions. Once again, I wasn't surprised to see a bunch of Cambodians bad-mouthing about stuff that is irrelevant to the context of this article. Especially with those who write with such childish arrogance and bad language. Have some decency and dignity! Whether you're over-seas Cambodian or you live in Cambodia, this type of behavior depicts not just how ignorant and bumpkin-minded you are, but it also makes the rest of Cambodians seem low-level and backwards. And it is behaviors such as this, amongst others that will always make the Thai and Vietnamese look down on us like we are a bunch of savages and apes.
It is a fact that 4:45 PM's personal comment and interpretation of others' opinions reveals that he is a true "savage and ape" that his own family produces in this century. Hahhaha. I bet the person walks around naked and sodomize his own anus hole. Hahah. What a savage and an ape you really are, you 4:45 or in Cambodian: "Ah Dombor Sva" Hahah. Get the pun, Ah Dombor Sva. Hahha.
4:45 PM
Go fuck yourself, dickhead!
Now, shut the fuck up, tiny dick!
Hahahaha, LOL, hahahaa, Khmer women in the US is so faithful their husband, hahaha, LOL, hahaha. You got to be on drug, 12:49. One in three of for of them end in divorce, and many got shot from betraying their boy friend and fiance ... .
Thank you for reminding us to be sensible and pay more respect to one another as a civilised human being.
And please gentlemen just ignore those provocative and senseless comments.
I hope wise comments and open minded turn KI to be useful and beneficial to disavantaged cambodians.
Neang SA
let the fool, airs!
6:01 & 6:20:
Through your comments, my point is made. You performed the job for me quite well by exhibiting your style of manner and conduct. I need to say no more, except...
6:01 & 6:20, this is the end of Cambodia as we know it. Thanks for representing the downfall and inadequateness of Cambodian thinking.
Oh! get the hell out 5:00am.Things are looking up in Cambodia.
hey negative posters & commentators-
why don't u do yourselves and us a favor and have yourselves a nice cup of SHUT THE FUCK UP!
and let people who care about cambodia do their work... keep up the good work team csd...
It never ceases to amaze me the energy spent on tearing each other and our country apart rather than helping one another rebuild Cambodia, our people, and its society.
Much has been lost. Much needs to be done if we are to be made whole again - as one people, as one nation, as one Cambodia.
CSD is one of these organizations working towards promoting rule of law, good governance, and rebuilding the fabric of Cambodian society. It saddens me that its "Board" would undermine CSD's growth and obstruct CSD'S mission rather than doing their job to promote, sustain, and support CSD's staff in its mission.
Keep up the good work Theary & crew. You and your staff have done amazing work within the past couple of years! It has not gone unrecognized :)
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