18th June 2008
By Mom Sophon
Radio Free Asia
Translated from Khmer by Khmerization
On the web at http://khmerization.blogspot.com
PM Hun Sen (pictured) on Wednesday has warned some NGOs that have made comments regarding the government's investigation into what he called terrorism-related crimes in Cambodia.
PM Hun Sen said that those terrorism-related crimes include the mortar attack on his motorcade ten years earlier and the investigation on the Cambodian Freedom Fighters' attack in 2000 as well as investigation on the Moha Nokor Movement (Great Country Movement) against the government in Pursat province.
Mr. Hun Sen said: "I am sorry, there should be no proxy and don't have any fears. And I request to all NGOs that have a stance against the government not to talk nonsense because you are biased. A crime should not be whitewashed, wherever it was committed action must be taken against it."
It must be noted that on the 15th of June Mr. Hun Sen has ordered a military intelligence unit to re-open the investigation into this case after the government claimed that it has received information from a former Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) member who claimed that members of the SRP were involved in those attacks.
PM Hun Sen said that those terrorism-related crimes include the mortar attack on his motorcade ten years earlier and the investigation on the Cambodian Freedom Fighters' attack in 2000 as well as investigation on the Moha Nokor Movement (Great Country Movement) against the government in Pursat province.
Mr. Hun Sen said: "I am sorry, there should be no proxy and don't have any fears. And I request to all NGOs that have a stance against the government not to talk nonsense because you are biased. A crime should not be whitewashed, wherever it was committed action must be taken against it."
It must be noted that on the 15th of June Mr. Hun Sen has ordered a military intelligence unit to re-open the investigation into this case after the government claimed that it has received information from a former Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) member who claimed that members of the SRP were involved in those attacks.
Always is nonsense to prime minister Hun Sen, because he is a third grade education.
ចាស់ទុំថា បើឆ្កែឆ្កួតទាល់ច្រក យើងកុំទៅក្បែរវា បើទៅក្បែរវា វាខាំអត់ស្គាល់ម្ចាស់ទេ។
ចឹងហើយបានជា គ្មានប្រជារាស្ត្រ(ម្ចាស់) ទៅក្បែរ ឬ សរសើរហ៊ុន សែនទេ (បើទៅក្បែរគឺ ទៅយកសារុងសិន រឿងបោះឆ្នោតជារឿងផ្សេង ) ព្រោះគេដឹងគ្រប់គ្នាថា ហ៊ុន សែនកំពុងដូចឆ្កែឆ្កួត ទាល់ច្រកចឹង។
-វាអោយគេចាប់ដាំ សិទ្ធដាក់គុក ដើម្បីសំលុតអ្នកប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ។ គ្មាននរណាខ្លាច។
-វាអោយគេរកវិធីដកអភ័យឯកសិទ្ធិសម រង្ស៊ី ប៉ុន្តែមិនបានសំរេចទៀត
ឥលូវ ហ៊ុន សែនដូចឆ្កែឆ្កួតទាល់ច្រក មែនទែនហើយ ព្រោះ៖
-បញ្ហាទំនិញឡើងថ្លៃ វាដោះស្រាយមិនចេញ
-ជំលោះដីធ្លី វាដោះស្រាយមិនចេញ
ម៉្លោះហើយ វាកំពុងរកវិធី បង្កើតសភាពការច្របូកច្របល់ ថាអ្នកនេះ ឬ អ្នកនោះជាឧក្រឹដ្ឋជន ប៉ុន្តែវាភ្លេចថា ខ្លួនវាហ្នឹងហើយ ដែលជាឧក្រឹដ្ឋជនពិតប្រាកដ ដែលបានសំលាប់ខ្មែរ រាប់ភ្លេច ក្នុងនោះមានអ្នកប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ ផងដែរ។
សូមមើលទង្វើឧក្រឹដ្ឋកម្ម ប្រឆាំងមនុស្សជាតិ របស់ហ៊ុន សែន៖
ah Hun Sen massacred Khmer people on Sunday 30 march 1997
ខុសហើយ! ហុនហ្សែន ឆ្កែទាល់ច្រក មិនហ៊ានខាំយួនទេ។
hun sen is khmwer rouge
Dear Prime Minister, If you are rutless against your people, your life will end up in messes. You have to learn how democracy nations have treated their greatest people? They must respect their people as greatest as Boss. Please do not learn from Sihanouk whose has called his people as little people or small people at all. You have lived from their sweats and bloods. Therefore you must respect them as much as yu respect your parents and your children. Good leaders have end up with high respect and high regard. Bad leaders have end up with shame in the history. AReak Prey
the one and only one who talks none sense the most and is shamelessly cocky is the blind mad dog named Hun Sen, because by lacking general education, he thinks he's on the top of the world. He forgets to thinks that he betrayed his nation by making deal with, and by giving concession to, Vietnam for bringing him to power.
Cambodia is not a haven for terrorist. They will be found and brought to justice.
if there is a real justice in cambodia ,khmers rouge Zei {death} Pee..Pee must bring to court ..
HUN SEN will be DOOM , HE EITHER HANG or KILL BY YOUN secret agents , after YOUN LEADER THINK he is usless to them.
It is just a trick to create fears among the opposition so Hun Sen can achieve victory again. All accusations are baseless.
Bravo! Democracy in Cambodia! Down to Communism!
Mr. Hun Sen the champion of justice. NGO are bias, talking none sense.
Have you ever thought of having a spokesman doing all the speech for you. Please for God sake.
I know for sure now that hun sen's dead is coming because right now I am inventing a smart bullet that only kill him from a far distant. You get it.
PM Hun Sen is correct. Many of NGO are just long term tourist. They are paid to bash the government. It's time to kick them out of Cambodia. Otherwise, Cambodia will look unstable to investors. This will not be good for those who've waited for job.
The one who talks nonsense is Hun Sen, not NGOs.
NGOs are not biased. What they said is right because they have seen Hun Sen's abject tricks to defeat the opposition party.
Whenever the election is coming near, Hun Sen will finds various pretexts against his opponents. He will do whatever to cause obstacles, tension and difficult atmosphere to his opponents, especially Sam Rainsy Party.
He tries to seek all means to secure his power through buying the defectors, buying people votes, creating threats against other parties,etc.
Educated people have seen that Hun Sen is always behind the nation's court and use it as tricks to crash other opposition parties.
This activity has been apparently shown in the case of Mr. Dam Sith, Editor-in-chief of Moneak Seka Khmer. And now, he uses his injustic court to accuse Mr.Sam Rainsy of terrorism-related activities in the same way.
I believe that as long as Hun Sen is still the Prime Minister, Cambodian people still sustaining from more and more sufferings.
No way, many NGO are fake here. They are just long term tourist, and they must be booted out of Cambodia as soon as possible.
PM should bane NGO! they are nothing but trouble maker!
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