Friday, September 19, 2008

Hun Sen congratulates Somchai

Fri, September 19, 2008
The Nation

Cambodia's Prime Minister Hun Sen congratulated newly appointed Thai counterpart Somchai Wongsawat on Friday, expressing hope that both countries would be able to resolve border conflict peacefully.

Hun Sen, who had accused Thailand of border intrusion into the Khmer sanctuary of Ta Kwai sitting at the disputed border area, said in his letter dated September 19 to Somchai that the countries could end the conflict amicably in spirit of solidarity and good neighbour.

The Cambodian premier said his government was willing to cooperate with Thailand for good relations and mutual benefit.

Cambodia and Thailand have locked horns over the Hindu temples and Khmer sanctuaries along the border since June when Phnom Penh proposed to list the 11th century Hindu temple of Preah Vihear as a world heritage site. The then Thai government was forced by street protest and the opposition party to withdraw its support to the application due to fear of loss of territory and deployed troops into the areas.

A series of ministerial meetings tried to negotiate for redeployment of troops while Phnom Penh piled up more accusation that Thai troops occupied some more Hindu temples including the Ta Muen Thom and Ta Kwai. Thailand argued that those temples belong to Thailand in the area of Surin province.

Hun Sen said in his congratulation letter that Cambodia was confident the new Thai Prime Minister could help to fix the sour relations and resolve border problem peacefully.


Anonymous said...

all kind be better are fool blind as ah HUN SEN we need internatioal.

Anonymous said...

Khmers have to ask this question:

-When a deputy secretary of foreign affair from Siam announced that actually Khmer soldiers are causing the military confrontation and standoff, and any Khmers leaders in the gov.t demanded the statement be clarify and modified? Those gov.t leaders are what if not cowadices and brainless!

-And how long the gov.t want to drag in non-unofficial negotiation when all the decisions and validity all must be agreed by Ah Choy Mray Ah Sdach Siam?

The wild-beast animal typical Hun Sen is cowardly tolerating coz there is nothing he can do with the deficiency and poorly-equipped soldiers ... and Siam can sense that khmer soldiers don't want to fight at all...or should they fight to protect the well-being for just a bunch of leeches in Cambodia? What will the soldiers gain in return? Families left behind .. land grabbing and who on earth care about their well-being before? NONE!!

Anonymous said...

i'm curious as to how long this one's going to last? what a clown gov't thailand really is! in khmer, we call it "bay-lok, bay-lor" or "chhak-komplang rattapibal siem". stop the nonsense and get serious, thailand! making friends with cambodia is better than making enemies as cambodia is your eternal neighbors.