Radio Free Asia
By Huy Vannak
27th November, 2008
Translated from Khmer by Khmerization
Cambodian government officials and parliamentarians on Thursday have criticised the recent statement of Global Witness by saying that it is a political and a vindictive statement.
The swift reactions from the Cambodian officials happened after the London-based Global Witness has launched an attack on the Cambodian government on Wednesday which urged the donor countries to pressure the government to stop granting the oil and mineral concessions until the Cambodian parliament has ratified the investment laws regarding these two resources.

But a government spokesman and Minister of Information, Mr. Khieu Kanharith (pictured), criticised the Global Witness report. He said: “They (Global Witness) always take an anti-government position because they have deviated from their original policy and turned themselves into a political party that is anti-government. This is so because we have cancelled their contract as a forestry monitor for us. So since then, they hated us and were angry with us until now. So, what Global Witness had said is nothing new. But we have seen and the donor countries have seen what we have achieved are better than Global Witness’s which has no offices in Cambodia but only made a political statement.”
Mr. Cheam Yeap, a parliamentarian from the ruling Cambodian People’s Party has also criticised the Global Witness report. He said: “Global Witness which is based in London does not love Khmer more than the Khmer people. So, what they (Global Witness) has raised are for the purpose of supporting the opposition Sam Rainsy Party. Whenever the donor countries meet to provide aid to us, they (Global Witness) always come to create obstacle in order to stop them from giving aid to Cambodia.”
In the last few years, Global Witness has always released its report at the same time when the donor countries meet to provide aid to Cambodia which this year Cambodian planned to request around $US500 million in pledges.
Before the Donor Summit last year, Global Witness has released its damning report on Cambodia’s deforestation titled “Family Tree of the Kleptocratic Elites”. In the new report the same Global Witness has criticised that the governance in Cambodia is still very weak.
Please note that, from 2010 Cambodia is expected to extract oils and gases which are expected to amount to between 400-700 million barrels.//
By Huy Vannak
27th November, 2008
Translated from Khmer by Khmerization
Cambodian government officials and parliamentarians on Thursday have criticised the recent statement of Global Witness by saying that it is a political and a vindictive statement.
The swift reactions from the Cambodian officials happened after the London-based Global Witness has launched an attack on the Cambodian government on Wednesday which urged the donor countries to pressure the government to stop granting the oil and mineral concessions until the Cambodian parliament has ratified the investment laws regarding these two resources.

But a government spokesman and Minister of Information, Mr. Khieu Kanharith (pictured), criticised the Global Witness report. He said: “They (Global Witness) always take an anti-government position because they have deviated from their original policy and turned themselves into a political party that is anti-government. This is so because we have cancelled their contract as a forestry monitor for us. So since then, they hated us and were angry with us until now. So, what Global Witness had said is nothing new. But we have seen and the donor countries have seen what we have achieved are better than Global Witness’s which has no offices in Cambodia but only made a political statement.”
Mr. Cheam Yeap, a parliamentarian from the ruling Cambodian People’s Party has also criticised the Global Witness report. He said: “Global Witness which is based in London does not love Khmer more than the Khmer people. So, what they (Global Witness) has raised are for the purpose of supporting the opposition Sam Rainsy Party. Whenever the donor countries meet to provide aid to us, they (Global Witness) always come to create obstacle in order to stop them from giving aid to Cambodia.”
In the last few years, Global Witness has always released its report at the same time when the donor countries meet to provide aid to Cambodia which this year Cambodian planned to request around $US500 million in pledges.
Before the Donor Summit last year, Global Witness has released its damning report on Cambodia’s deforestation titled “Family Tree of the Kleptocratic Elites”. In the new report the same Global Witness has criticised that the governance in Cambodia is still very weak.
Please note that, from 2010 Cambodia is expected to extract oils and gases which are expected to amount to between 400-700 million barrels.//
all of us are regarded as their belongings when they got sucessful during the 1979s, but this is just their thought, we have to keep moving to be out of their control. (
Instead of rebuking Global Witness, the Hun Sen regime must try to identify the problems raised in the Global Witness report and try to fix it. During every donors' meeting, Hun Sen always promise a lot of things but after he got the money, everything is back to normal. In last year's meeting Hun Sen promised to enact/ratify/approve anti-corruption laws. Until now, the anti-corruption laws are still hidden in the drawer of his office. The two CPP's spin doctors, Kanharith and Cheam Yeap, have done more damage than good to Hun Sen's credibility as a trustworthy leader. Lied once ok, lied twice makes the donors think twice, but lied three times, donors won't trust Hun Sen anymore.
វិគីភីឌាខ្មែរ មានបញ្ហា ព្រោះឈ្មោះ កៀនស្វាយ (ឈ្មោះពិត តឹក ប៊ុនលី) គឹម ស្រ៊ុន បានលុបបំផ្លាញយ៉ាងសន្ធឹក អត្ថបទគេឯងគ្រប់គ្នា លើវិគីភីឌាខ្មែរ សូមនាំគ្នាចុះឈ្មោះ ចូលជា អ្នកអភិបាល ដើម្បីអភិវឌ្ឍវិគីភីឌាខ្មែរ !
Ah Global Witness and Ah Pleu-Oversea should be banned from entering Cambodia indefinitely.
je repond à ce petit cretin de 5h08 il fait le fier ce abruti Mais a t il une petite idée de la pauvreté Il a de la chance d'aprrendre l'anglais Mais est que lui connait tous ces termes : democratie le merite La bas il roule avec ces grosses bagnoles Mais dans un pays civilisé comme en Europe occidental je ne pense pas que ce abruti peut faire LE FIER Ce abruti comme la pluaprt de ces clans il pompe sans arret Quand il va crever qu'est qu'il peut rapporter dans la boite qui ne contient juste que son corps . Comme la parole de ALDO MORO ce MECQUE IL OUF et un MALEDUCATO il n'a rien dans son cervelle PIRE que le poisson ce sont des etres inférieuiurs au moins les poissons ils vicvent correctement sans connaitre LA CUPIDITE LA VIOLENCE ET L'INJUSTICE
Aller salut toi espece abruti. Tu ne peux jouir tous ces biens que tu ramasses par la violence et la malhonnetete Connais tu la morale universelle au moins es tu un etre ou un SATH DERACHAN
Oh shut the fuck up, Ah Pleu! right now we need food, not the stupid democracy.
Its rights of free speech. If its true, its true. If its not, its not.
The people and the world will know the truth.
only the brave can swallow the truth, because it tastes so bitter. People like Hun Sen, all his families, obsequious clowns and cronies cannot; therefore, they deny the truth, and no laws in Cambodia can try them.
Ah-pleu and Ah-lop 5:08pm and 5:37 pm is really "Pleu". If you want food, why don't you ask your leader "where's the beef"?
You are more pleu than Ah-Pleu overseas 100 times. Go take a good shower 'cause you're sting. Got that?
5:08pm you also should ban out of Cambodia,because Cambodia it is not own by your mother,so Cambodia own by all us Cambodian , you can talk about your psychopath and much as you wanted no one will take any crab from U ,I hope U got it!
This crooks and his families used lots of fake US dollars. One of my friend sold a litle property to his wife two years a go, the sum of $12,000.00 , his wife paid my friend in full "CASH". The amount of these money was 50%counterfeit. When my friend went back to tell her, she said "I don't know"; And she threated him and his family to put them in jail.
5:37 PM
You should go back to your hole Hanoi. There you will taste the Yuon Democracy.
12:06 AM
Those bastards are like excrement, they are repulsive.
12:06am, Can you reveal the name of the crook who bought your friend's property with counterfeit/fake dollars? You can inform the US embassy so they will investigate and punish those who print counterfeit currency. These criminals should be locked up for good.
another oldfart? man! this motherfucker should get lost or retire!!
what an oldfuck he is!!
The international donors have supported and created a mafia and terrorist government in Cambodia. The current Cambodian mafia government have intimidated, threaten, robbed, rapped and killed so many Cambodians.
International community must help to remove Ah Scam Rainxy (the radical extremist killer) from Cambodia.
2:52pm, International community must help to remove Ah Hun Xen (the radical extremist killer) from Cambodia.
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