By Pich Samnang, VOA Khmer
Original report from Phnom Penh
28 November 2008
Sichan Siv was a victim of the Khmer Rouge. Among the nearly 2 million killed under the regime were 15 members of his family. But Siv Sichan has, as they say in Khmer, floating bones: He not only escaped death under the regime but rose to a high-ranking position in the White House.
He arrived for a brief visit to Cambodia this week to discuss his memoir, “Golden Bones,” published earlier this year.
He was appointed in 2001 as US ambassador to United Nation’s Economic and Social Council, having served as deputy assistant to then-president George H.W. Bush in Public Liaison office and as deputy assistant secretary for South Asian affairs, from 1989 to 1993.
The former ambassador told VOA Khmer in Phnom Penh that his successes came from the struggles and hardships he encountered as soon as he set foot in America, in 1976.
“I arrived in Connecticut with $2 in my pocket, and I think I was successful because I had to work,” he said. “I didn’t think of the past; it was agonizing and terrifying. So I thought about the future. I just kept working. I picked apples in Connecticut. I was a taxi driver in New York. And then I received a scholarship and got a master’s in international affairs at Columbia University.”
His rise came from inauspicious beginnings.
Sichan Siv worked for the American relief agency CARE before the Khmer Rouge entered Phnom Penh on April 17, 1975, five days after he missed the last evacuation helicopter. He had attended a meeting in Kampong Speu province seeking a way to help 3,000 stranded families.
That missed evacuation changed his life. He and his family were moved to Bati district, Takeo province, the birthplace of his already deceased father, as the Khmer Rouge declared Year Zero and began implementing their vision of an agrarian communist utopia.
Sichan Siv had been the only son in his family to attend college, earning a bachelor’s degree at Phnom Penh University. He spoke both French and English, making him a target of the Khmer Rouge guerrillas, who sought out intellectuals for execution. But it was not he who died.
“Among 16 of us, I was the only one who survived after we left Bati,” he said. He survived in silence. “I shut my mouth. I knew nothing, I heard nothing, I saw nothing, I said nothing. I just kept silent.”
The Khmer Rouge cadre would ask him about his background, he said, “but I kept telling them the same thing: I was a worker, worker, worker.”
He found himself working for the regime as a timber hauler in Sisophon, near the Thai border.
“On the 13th of February, 1976, I was sitting on the roof of a truck at the back of a truck. I jumped off and walked three days through the jungle to Thailand,” he said, falling into a pit of bamboo spikes along the way. “I was seriously injured, but I tried to limp to Thailand, where after I arrived, they put me in jail, because I had no documents.”
Once the Thais were convinced he was not a Khmer Rouge soldier, he was released to a refugee camp in Aragn, where he taught English to other refugees. By mid-1976, he was adopted by a family in the US. Thirteen years later, aged 41, he was working in the White House, becoming the 28th US ambassador to the United Nations.
The former ambassador said recently the success in his life was due to luck. He received his Columbia scholarship at a time when the university had announced it would admit people from poor countries. He entered the White House by chance, too, when the first Bush administration was looking for a foreign-language speakers and education in international affairs. (He had been among thousands of volunteer in Bush’s first election campaign, in 1988.)
Despite this seeming luck, some Cambodians view him as a man with golden bones—words that emerged as the title of his memoir, published in July by Harper Collins.
Siv Sichan presented a copy of “Golden Bones” to the National Library on Friday, following a lecture at Pannasastra University of Cambodia Thursday. The former ambassador will attend a book signing at Monument Books in Phnom Penh Saturday evening.
He arrived for a brief visit to Cambodia this week to discuss his memoir, “Golden Bones,” published earlier this year.
He was appointed in 2001 as US ambassador to United Nation’s Economic and Social Council, having served as deputy assistant to then-president George H.W. Bush in Public Liaison office and as deputy assistant secretary for South Asian affairs, from 1989 to 1993.
The former ambassador told VOA Khmer in Phnom Penh that his successes came from the struggles and hardships he encountered as soon as he set foot in America, in 1976.
“I arrived in Connecticut with $2 in my pocket, and I think I was successful because I had to work,” he said. “I didn’t think of the past; it was agonizing and terrifying. So I thought about the future. I just kept working. I picked apples in Connecticut. I was a taxi driver in New York. And then I received a scholarship and got a master’s in international affairs at Columbia University.”
His rise came from inauspicious beginnings.
Sichan Siv worked for the American relief agency CARE before the Khmer Rouge entered Phnom Penh on April 17, 1975, five days after he missed the last evacuation helicopter. He had attended a meeting in Kampong Speu province seeking a way to help 3,000 stranded families.
That missed evacuation changed his life. He and his family were moved to Bati district, Takeo province, the birthplace of his already deceased father, as the Khmer Rouge declared Year Zero and began implementing their vision of an agrarian communist utopia.
Sichan Siv had been the only son in his family to attend college, earning a bachelor’s degree at Phnom Penh University. He spoke both French and English, making him a target of the Khmer Rouge guerrillas, who sought out intellectuals for execution. But it was not he who died.
“Among 16 of us, I was the only one who survived after we left Bati,” he said. He survived in silence. “I shut my mouth. I knew nothing, I heard nothing, I saw nothing, I said nothing. I just kept silent.”
The Khmer Rouge cadre would ask him about his background, he said, “but I kept telling them the same thing: I was a worker, worker, worker.”
He found himself working for the regime as a timber hauler in Sisophon, near the Thai border.
“On the 13th of February, 1976, I was sitting on the roof of a truck at the back of a truck. I jumped off and walked three days through the jungle to Thailand,” he said, falling into a pit of bamboo spikes along the way. “I was seriously injured, but I tried to limp to Thailand, where after I arrived, they put me in jail, because I had no documents.”
Once the Thais were convinced he was not a Khmer Rouge soldier, he was released to a refugee camp in Aragn, where he taught English to other refugees. By mid-1976, he was adopted by a family in the US. Thirteen years later, aged 41, he was working in the White House, becoming the 28th US ambassador to the United Nations.
The former ambassador said recently the success in his life was due to luck. He received his Columbia scholarship at a time when the university had announced it would admit people from poor countries. He entered the White House by chance, too, when the first Bush administration was looking for a foreign-language speakers and education in international affairs. (He had been among thousands of volunteer in Bush’s first election campaign, in 1988.)
Despite this seeming luck, some Cambodians view him as a man with golden bones—words that emerged as the title of his memoir, published in July by Harper Collins.
Siv Sichan presented a copy of “Golden Bones” to the National Library on Friday, following a lecture at Pannasastra University of Cambodia Thursday. The former ambassador will attend a book signing at Monument Books in Phnom Penh Saturday evening.
KI Media -
I thought we told you to stop posting any more stories about golden shit cowboy. He is no use to Khmer people. He's just trying to sell his book.
4:25 AM
Yes mate you r right! This khmer kobot is just a slave of yankees!
the guy honam bora deserves all the respect because he serves and loves his motherland, contrary to the golden shit!
KImedia we give you an ultimatum: STOP YOUR MACAQUE GAME!!!!
Anonymous said...
Fair enough. Free speech is an indication of a functioning democracy, but free speech does not equal anarchic freedom to speak whatever you like.
"analogy of 5 = Nam" Your point of view is that KI has adopted the analogy of "5 = Nam" to emphasize of one being Vietnamese. Too obvious, isn't it? On the other hand, is this ever occurred to you that not just only what you think but it’s the nature of media’s sense of humor to attract the readers like you?
You want proof that Hor Nam Hong is not VN. Well proof is that he is Cambodian Foreign Minister, and that he speaks Khmer fluently, has had a deep history with this country since the era of Sihanouk and he had a family living and working in Cambodia, and the list goes on. Now where is your proof (and not based on rumours) that he is VN? I want to hear it.
Why are you so concern about what media says what they want to say?
Because professional journalism should engage in debates professionally, and not resort to personal attack. KI-Media have referred to individuals in the government as Hun Xen, Chea Xim... and Hor 5 Bora... trying to draw a closer link between their names and VN. You said it is a way to attract readers, but I say this is a very biased approach to reporting news with only one aim: to support the opposition's stance that Cambodian leaders are VN.
If you don't like these people, and oppose their ideas, then report their names correctly and attack their policy or their ideas. Let us the readers make up our mind whether or not they are VN, or that they are corrupt. My view so far is that this site does not comply with professional journalism, and that it is a mere platform for opposition parties and to some extent Lao Hay.
What solution(s) pertaining to problem with Vietnam have been done in the past? Without critics, would this issue still be existed on the list?
The problem with VN is long and complex and date centuries back to the Khmer empire era. Now depends on who you listen to, the list of problems will vary.
But let's not forget that VN has helped us escape hell during the Pol Pot era. After the invasion/liberation, they distribute rice, on which my family survive. They are not evil as you have always portrayed. but having said that I do recognize that they have squandered some of our land. But that's because we are weak, and we have been waging civil wars for decades. In nature as in life, the weak will be exploited. Now that the borders with VN is fully demarcated, we should look to the future, and build our country stronger than them so that we could one day get our land back. No point of being tough like SRP or Lao Hay said if you are not actually tough. The prospect of a military operation to claim back the land will be as in vain as the SRP's hope of being elected into government, or Lao Hay's hope of being invited to occupy a top post inside the government.
My friend, people here have said what being said because they perceived their own logical perspectives just like you do. So please don’t go around called people STUPID. Again, you are not better than the others.
My friend, good point, but at least I can call them by their correct names. I think it is not too difficult for you (who I assumed is also Khmer) to call your countrymen by their correct names. Besides, if it is true that Hun Sen, Chea Sim and the leaders of Khmer are of VN descent, you are actually looking down on your own race. How could a person from another country be leading your country for more than 3 decades and still going strong? Does it not say something about the quality of Khmer people as a whole? So please for the sake of all Khmer of all political affiliations, please stop this joke. You attracted readers because for me I want to know the views of the opposition (this site mainly cite anti-government articles), not because you spell people's name in a funny way.
Remember; keep critics alive if you wanted Democracy.
Remember too, democracy allows free speech, but not anarchic speech. It does not allow you to call George Bush as Ge Bo. Try that in US papers and see what happens.
Next time reveals your alias so that I know who I am addressing.
Penh Panha
To those who imitate my name, what did you do in your past life that you deserve the fate of not being able to assume your own identity. So sad, I feel sorry for you
Why are you so concern about what media says what they want to say?
Because professional journalism should engage in debates professionally, and not resort to personal attack. KI-Media have referred to individuals in the government as Hun Xen, Chea Xim... and Hor 5 Bora... trying to draw a closer link between their names and VN. You said it is a way to attract readers, but I say this is a very biased approach to reporting news with only one aim: to support the opposition's stance that Cambodian leaders are VN.
If you don't like these people, and oppose their ideas, then report their names correctly and attack their policy or their ideas. Let us the readers make up our mind whether or not they are VN, or that they are corrupt. My view so far is that this site does not comply with professional journalism, and that it is a mere platform for opposition parties and to some extent Lao Hay.
WELL DONE! Mr. Penh Panha
You have our admiration for your
balanced views...
How this Golden Bones got the job at the white House? Anyone tell me please...
.....Cuz he's the best who've been chosen by Lauk Kaing.
The opposite way Hun Sen is on to the top job by Hanoi.He kills any Khmer who opposes his Master Hanoi.
Golden Shit again!?
I think he is trying to make a buck more from the Cambodian people. It is a good thing that we can help our fellow Cambodian for his book signing. At the same time, I think this guy should give all the money from the book sales to Cambodian charity before he deserves it. Nevertheless, Cambodia also gains for him being the past U.S embassidor to the U.N and from his book.
We have the right to disagree but we don't have the right to destroy each other as a Cambodian.
Dear Crazy Friends,
Whenever we see good people on the screen, why we always can't accept them like Chan Siv? what's wrong with your crazy heads? are you jealous of him? look at yourself how much you have made Cambodians feel proud of what you are doing? why don't you just look for long-term benefits of Cambodia??
8.32AM, I agree that each of us has the right to disagree, but being good citizens we shouldn't destroy our country's images!!
I am so proud of brother Siv who had mad his long way to White House!! I want to see more Cambodians to be able to stand in the White House!!
Proud of Khmer!!
it's khmer nature jaleousy!when they see their own citizen do better than them! very shamefull khmer they hate each other and tear each other unlike the other nationality!
Yes, 9.20AM, I do agree with you. That is the stupidity, the craziness of many Khmers!! They can't be cued as long as they are shared the benefit!!
Please crazy heads, open your hearts and souls embrace all good Khmers!! Otherwise, this disease can't be treated!!
To all the bull heads that cann't stand others that are better than you,
Happy now? The more you protest this golden bone man the more you'll an ass out of yourself. So stop being such a rediculous as. head and let him published his book. You sick people just need to get a life.
Mr. Siv is not a US Ambassador. Stop give him this free ride. If you go to US Ambassador to the UN list on the internet, you won't find his name on it. SO PLEASE STOP MISS INFORM THE KHMER GENERAL PUBLIC.
It would an honor to have him a US Ambassador to the UN if it is true but it is not, that is why it is shameful to call him US Ambassador to the UN.
Mr. Pich Samnang, VOA Khmer, please give him the right title, if you don't know yourself go on the internet to search for his former title.
Abosolutely! they were probably feeling threaten by Mr. Sichan and terribly afraid he 's going to come around and take Cambodia away from them. That's why they feeling like that.
9.13AM,you are an extreme believer of Internet. That is not good enough, do you think just selling book and title make enough money for Siv like many corrupted heads in Cambodia? Don't you know that he can't lie the world especially title in the US government? He can't at all. But why you believe Internet than the reality? Come to White House and check his name? or you can ask Bush about this man.
I shouldn't tell you that I know him very well and the world knows him very well, and they all are impressed by him. The more you know about the more you are faithful to him, I am sure 100%!!1
This is off-track from the topic, but Mr. Penh Panh responded to comment in this topic. So I took the liberty posting my response back.
Mr.Penh Panha:
I can see that you’re so disturbed and annoyed with KI posting and comments of the readers. I also see that you have tried so hard with all your power to discredit the competency of KI . Don’t get me wrong I am not a Pro-KI nor I an Anti-KI. I’m just and only a reader. I read the topic and I read the comments and I learnt them. That's how I learn to be creative and open-minded. Please, do not get intimidated. I am not trying to attack you by all-mean. I only responded to your arrogant comment which I felt you taking side.
You have quoted your self “…should engage in debates professionally, and not resort to personal attack”. Well, you are free to criticize KI as much as you want since you feel it always fabricated the truth. But don’t call the readers names. I am one of the readers and not all readers are futile. At no time I have called some one names in this discussion forum. I think, not only you taking side, you’ve come to the forum with an arrogant attitude, insulted others just because you think they are stupid. I respect you thought “..free speech does not equal anarchic freedom to speak whatever you like” So please don’t contradict your self and respect others point of view.
“You want proof that Hor Nam Hong is not VN. Well proof is that he is Cambodian Foreign Minister, and that he speaks Khmer fluently has had a deep history with this country since the era of Sihanouk and he had a family living and working in Cambodia, and the list goes on. Now where is your proof (and not based on rumours) that he is VN? I want to hear it.”
It is just for the sake of the discussion, I am not in the business to finding the proof here. It’s hilarious that you really take this seriously. I do not think by pointing out the fact to support what you believed can be truly effective. Do you? Sure you can proof that “HNH is not VN” But does this mean it will commensurate to “HNH is Khmer”? In my opinion, NO. Again, I’m neither an Anti-Government nor I Pro-Government. It’s just for the sake of the discussion.
“If you don't like these people, and oppose their ideas, then report their names correctly and attack their policy or their ideas.”
Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t it KI been doing so far?
“My view so far is that this site does not comply with professional journalism, and that it is a mere platform for opposition parties and to some extent Lao Hay.”
NOOOOOOO, you don’t say. Well, I don’t know about comply with professional journalism but the other, what’s news?
“But let's not forget that VN has helped us escape hell… “
VN has helped Cambodian, and we should not deny that fact.
VN has deprived (not squandered) Khmer land in the past. Cambodian should also acknowledge that fact. And you absolutely right, the problem with VN is long and complex and date centuries back to the Khmer empire era. So what we should we, as Khmer children do now?
“but at least I can call them by their correct names. I think it is not too difficult for you”
You did not call my correct name and I ‘m not like you. I do (personally) have difficulty calling people names due to the way I was raised as khmer.
“How could a person from another country be leading your country for more than 3 decades and still going strong?”
I’m sure whose ever affiliated with Cambodian can answer that with no problem. Can you?
I don’t know who you are, what’s your background or what position you are holding, Penh Panha, if it’s your real name, and I could careless, I always go by an alias “Common Sense” if you paid attention you see it.
Common Sense
The Yuon supporters are disturbed here. Feeling of jealousy and frustration, that not healthy for your mind.
Just a common sense to Khmer US Citizen; stay and live in peace where you are and try to serve well your adopted country...!
Between Hor Nam Bora nd Sic Sichan, I would go for Siv. At least Siv didn't serve the Khmer Rouge as theior Boeng Tabek Youth Chief, alongside his killer father Hor Nam Hong.
As the Boeng Trabek survivors, this father-son team were killers of the Pol Pot clique. Yes, this is what Hun Sen loves to install in FM. And Penh panha ? you'd better come back next life with a human brain. This life is too late for you, as you are stuck with the ex-pol pot killer and you got not even a pea brain to see.
to 5:52 PM
Wrong, this guy is not bad at all, hor nam bora is a pure product of khmer tradition and people. He works hard for his motherland: Cambodia and not US Government. What we all talking about is just what we heard from one side of the story...
Ask SIV SICHAN, if he is proud to be American????
The differece is about proudness and betray.
This is my reflection!
Such father such son.
Nam Yang
អា Penh Panha, អាខ្ញុំកញ្ជះយួន,
ដែលលួចប្លន់ដីខ្មែរហើយធ្វើផ្ទះនឹងធ្វើរបងយកពពួកអាហ្វែងជា ឆ្កែ ព្រុសការពារវា យល់ហើយឬនៅ
អាឆ្កែ Penh Panha?
Go ahead you Viet dog slave Penh Panha, bark and bark more persistently and viciously to defend and protect your for-life Viet master...and don't quit til your master Viet butchers you for their favorite dish the "Viet dog curry" okay?
Mr. Heng Soy,
Sichan Siv is an Ex-28th Ambassador to the U.N. Economic and Social Council not the Ambassador to the U.N. There is a big difference there. PLease make note of that. Thanks.
The Yuon are afraid that Sichan Siv get involved into politic in Cambodia and they loose their grib on the country.
Cambodia need smart people like Sichan Siv who really want to server the country, not like these Yuon abuser.
To enter politic is in the US you have to be sparkling clean. The CIA and the FBI investigate anybody before they can entered politic. Sichan Siv is irreproachable and he's smart. The American does not choose first come.
Sichan Siv is what Cambodia needs right now, he's the guy for the job.
He's smart and he loves the country.
Despite his impressive credentials, Sichan Siv is completely useless for Cambodians. He rarely takes any moment or opporutnity to seek and help Cambodia. He could not care less about Cambodia but himself. His desire, as he once stated, was to "walk on the carpeted road in Cambodian with the American president."
FYI: He got a job in the White House because of his American wife's connection with the Bush in Texas. Sichan Siv married an ex-UN staff who is wealthy and is from Texas. Through her connection with Bush senior, he is offered that position.
He's smart and he loves the country! Wow, I like that kind of statement.
Could you spell out what he has specifically done for the country to earn your praise?
I am just curious...
I concur with John. Thanks.
Agree with John (10:38 PM). It is the same like many other Khmer refugees who came, received education here, and wrote life story books. The difference is other refugees did not have the luck to be in the right place, with the right political connection, at the right time. Sensational story, but not much substance in term of potential Cambodian leadership. People need to hear and see more.
It would impress people more if his first book was about Cambodia and his vision of its future, rather than his own sensationalized biography.
addendum to 1:19 AM
Regardless, Mr Siv's achievements are something to be proud of and inspired by other Cambodians. As an individual, he has been very successful.
Siv Sichan, you are nobody, I can tell you right now that you are more worsth than Phimean Noun. Get lost, sucker.
Siv Sichan, you are nobody, I can tell you right now that you are more worsth than Phimean Noun. Get lost, sucker.
Agree with you 1:27AM. As an individual, Mr. Siv has been very successful. But unlike some people suggest here, I would not go as far as saying he’s the right guy for the country. He has a lot to prove about his devotion to the country, beyond saling his book.
I know sichan serves himself but he also a khmer and he will akways be a khmer. We must not attack people like himself. look at the yuons, there are so many of them in high offices and in the end they always do or voice some thing for their own people, more or less. This is why khmer don't have many educated people in high position. Culture of jealousy is in all humans, but we must not let it go overboard. I rather have pride in him than in Bora and his khmer rouge daddy from Boeng Trabek. Too many Khnmer rouge, roge, and yuons are in khmer government now, and this is how ah penha panha idiot, the like, fail to see.
I agree with John!
Khmer in Long Big
Hey look you assholes who are against Mr Siv.
He's a person who inspired me, for him to be in Cambodia he could inspired others too. He's like many of us, escape the Khmer rouge, arrived in the states with nothing in our pocket and with hard work and determinations, he made a name for himself.
Put your arrogant and stupidity aside and praise this man! If you don't have anything positive to say--PLEASE SHUT UP!!
"Praise this man" you son of a gun 7:51 AM? you crack me up, man...ROFL! you're funny as shit here, 7:51 AM. Now stick your arse up in the air awaiting a shot from my slingshot, k?...Damn crazy 7:51 AM!!!
Just think.
Is Mr. Siv produce self benefit or jati Khmer's benefit? He was a monk one time in Thailand how come he did not reveal on that what's wrong?
I'm glad I've made your day :)
If you want to help your country, you must help yourself first. That was what Siv did.
Say if Siv didn't hold that position, would you have preferred to see a youn in it ? Those who hate him, probably say, yes. I think the yuons were probably jealous that there was Khmer in the White House. For me, I don't want any Khmer who succeed in holding high office in third country to help me, just help yourself, and it would make me happy and proud enough.
Imagine, if there was a Khmer astronaut siiting next to American colleague on a space huttle to the moon ? You would have to be a yuon not to be proud.
Sichan Siv is a slave of Ah Kheang like some Khmer leaders are slaves of Yuon. At least the Khmer leaders declare their love for Cambodia, even if their actions do not show it.
Mr. Siv on the other hand declares his love only for America. When he's not in Cambodia, he looks down on Cambodia and considers our country hell. He loves Thailand more than Cambodia. His main intention was to visit Thailand and is just making a side trip to PP.
Deport this shit bone yankee back to America. We don't need him and he doesn't care about us.
I am not jealous of Mr. Si-chan-ah-kheang-bourk-chnang-Khmer Siv. I just don't think we should look up to him. He's no different from the other Khmer traitors who side with the Youns, Siams, and Chen. He just happens to side with Ah Kheang. He calls Cambodia "hell" and repeats how much he loves America a thousand times in his book. They're all the same kind- traitors!!!
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