Saturday, November 15, 2008

Hok Lundy U. will suffer the same fate as its benefactor?

Police Chief’s University Worries After Loss

By Chun Sakada, VOA Khmer
Original report from Phnom Penh
14 November 2008

When late police chief Hok Lundy died in a helicopter crash Sunday, he left behind a multi-million dollar legacy, Svay Rieng University, and students here say they are now worried their academic futures will be jeopardized.

The death of Hok Lundy, who suffered heavy criticism for his human rights record but was a major contributor Svay Rieng province, where he was raised, could mean less money for scholarships, materials and construction at the university, students said.

Hok Lundy contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to the university to sponsor scholarships in the name of Prime Minister Hun Sen, Svay Rieng Governor Cheang Am said Friday.

“Hok Lundy paid more than $1 million for the construction of Svay Rieng University, and he paid $200,000 per year for scholarships under Hun Sen,” Cheang Am said.

The university now has more than 2,000 students, more than half of whom are on the Hun Sen scholarships, Cheang Am said.

“Hok Lundy’s death will affect our studies at the university,” said Sok Navuth, 21, who is studying on such a scholarship. “The majority of students have been sponsored by Hok Lundy. When we’ve lost Hok Lundy, we’ve lost our sponsor.”

Svay Rieng University, near the center of Svay Rieng town, the provincial capital, consists of one building of 50 classrooms surrounded by gardens and backed by dormitories for men and women.

Its computers, chairs, tables, desks, books and research materials were all purchased by Hok Lundy, Cheang Am said.

Students learn management, rural development, information technology, agronomy, law, political science and other subjects.

Many said they don’t believe accusations leveled at the former police chief, a powerful Cambodian People’s Party official aligned with Prime Minister Hun Sen who rights groups say collaborated in murder, execution, a deadly grenade attack and human trafficking.

Nuon Sopheak, 22, who is studying English literature, said this week students were worried about diminished academic chances.

Hok Lundy had promised a new wing to the university, Nuon Sopheak said, and he encouraged students to do well and seek work in Bavet commune, Chantrea district, on the Vietnam border, where he hoped to develop a modern city.

“Hok Lundy always came to meet the students in the university, once a month,” she said, “and he would give recommendations to students in the university: ‘Try to study hard, then after university you can get a job in Bavet.’”

Governor Cheang Am said he had been reassured that Prime Minister Hun Sen would work with Hok Lundy’s wife, Men Pheakdey, and family to continue to develop the project started by Hok Lundy.


Anonymous said...

I don't know that guy but let's see how you Sam Rainsy supporters try to slam Hok Lundy for this now.

Anonymous said...

Where did he get the money from?

Anonymous said...

major contributor? As far as this yuon guy salary only $1,800 per month. How in it 7 levels of hell it have million of dollars to contributes? Where are the money come from? from dirty money, counterfeit, Drugs, selling Visa to yuon enter into cambodia, Human
sex trafficking and land grabbing.

Go to 7 levels of HELL ah yuon antherichham.

Anonymous said...

Hok Lundy salary is at most $2000 a month. How in hell does he get $1 million dollars to build a university?
hamona hamoot

Anonymous said...

Cambodians must learn beyond handouts...

Anonymous said...

There is ethics in Cambodian society. You would be look up to if you have power and money. It does not matter how the money came from and the power you have, even you are stupid, they still admire on you.

Anonymous said...

Dear Students at Svay Rieng University,
You don't need the blood money to support your academic achievement. We all know that the salary of the police chief is not in million per say, especially in Srock Khmer. So, he must had been using dirty money to support you guys all along. Now, you must find the other way to support yourself so you can be proud of what you have accomplished in life.

Anonymous said...

Just like Thaksin's government did to Thai people, this is a kind of development that people in Cambodia think they can accept it. People are happy to accept gifts or contribution without caring about where those gifts and money coming from. All they claim is that they are poor and they have no choice.
That is the CHOICE. The choice is accepting rotten corrupt dictatorship. They made this choice.

Khmer Republican

Anonymous said...

...Baan mork doy thor, Paokorb doy tror... (Tvoeu bonn baan bonn).

...Baan mork dot luoch, Prokorb doy tucharett... (tvoeu bonn min baan bonn té!)

...Yang na minh Hok Lundi min baan bonn soss loeuy!


Anonymous said...

8:25am, it's easy for u to say that cuz you're not dirt poor like them. What other ways can they find the money to pay for their tuition when they hardly have enough to feed themselves? These people don't give a shit where the money comes from, as long as they are being provided. Like 8:30am said, "they don't have a choice." And u wld do the same if you're in their position. blood money is better than no money at all.

Anonymous said...

9:06 AM

You sound so righteous ah yuon. if you don't care about blood money are not, why don't you prostitute yourself to get money. Public university is free in Cambodia donkey.

Anonymous said...

People of Svay Rieng now you have the same chance as the other provinces. Around the world people work hard, so stop complaining.

Anonymous said...

Hok Lundy has done a fair bit for his province considering that he only earn about 2000 dollar/month or 24,000 dollars/year but he can fund a university that cost more than 1 million dollars and he continues to provide about 200, 000 dollars/year. Where did he get all the money from? So all the money that he used to develop the province must have been blood money, drug money, corrupt money stolen from the police coffers, selling visas, extortion money, money from kleptocrats, from corrupt businessmen. It is very unethical and immoral to use public money and corrupt money to develop his birth to glorify himself. These money should all go to the government coffers and disburse to develop the areas needed the most, not just to glorify one corrupt individual like Hok Lundy.

Anonymous said...

they ,the hun sen's people, are very rich by doing all kinds of corruption.

Anonymous said...

all the student who are learning in such corrupt university will surely become corruptive student,100 percent.

Anonymous said...

I think these students accept to receive corrupt's monies.
Now they cry...
Well they will become the next corruptors..
Why do you cry, you gonna find a way
to cheat on the societies again !

That's how Hok Lundy by the elections...
Everybody ask is right!
Where did Hok Lundy get monies ?
trafficking, drugs.. karaoke, casinos..

Anonymous said...

7:12 AM,

The question should be, how did the late general amass so much money on his police chief salary?

Anonymous said...

In that Svay Rieng university they learn how to become like Hok Lundy.

Anonymous said...

8:25 AM

Ah lop overseas idiots, you are so far up your ass to know that Khmer living in rural areas don't have opportunity like you assholes to make money.

Are you all fucking stupid? Just because you work in the a government position, doesn't mean you only have income from the salary. People do business like investing in rice, land, etc... You think you're the only one that think business? Fuckers.

Anyone wants to call me CPP supporter or Youn, give me your address if you're so tough. I'll go cut your tiny dick off, that's if you don't have it cut off already, faggots. LOL

Anonymous said...

It's bad money anyway. They don't need that. The money came from land grabing.

Anonymous said...

Business my ass Ah Kchom kaancharse Youn. Sound like your parent raise with flood money. I Think that where your toughness and temper come from. Ah Kmaech.

Anonymous said...

Hok and the rest of CPPs needs to get a real job instead of stealing and killing from here and there by manipulating public opinions to acknowledge your good deeds.

For 10:58 AM yes you are ah pler....frog in a pond. Come over fucker my house is in front of Sar Kang park, Battambong.

Anonymous said...

10:58 AM

If you're so tough post your address, be sure that we will drop by to say hi.

Anonymous said...

10:58 AM

If you run out of blood money, put your mom and sisters to use.

You can turn yourself to a ladyboy also.

Anonymous said...

9:42am, are u telling me to be like your mother,sisters, and your grandmothers? Sorry, prostitution don't run in my family. However, since your family is already in that business and is making a lot of money, why don't u fucken help out these poor, unfortunate people who are starving out here. Stop shit talking, u dumb fuck!

Are u going to refuse the Financial Aide if u knew the money are blood money when you have financial hardship? U wld rather starve? Don't fucken kid yourself. It's all about survival, shithead. The only Yorn you're talking about is the whore who gave birth to u.

Anonymous said...

10:58 AM

I'll be happy to sponsor your study.
Just open your mouth and I dip it inside throat. So you can have money to go to Svay Rieng university.

Anonymous said...

9:42am, there's no free public university in Cambodia, u dumbshit. School here costs so much...especially good schools. Man, u don't know a damn thing about Cambodia and here u are blabbering off like you're some smart ass motherfucker. U come over here and see what it's like first before u open your fucken mouth. Till then, shut the fuck up u fucken dumb ass.

Anonymous said...

11:45 AM

You prefer other to suffer for you to have a good life.

And you brag about your family.

Seems that corruption run deep in your family.

I you and your family starve this year we all be very happy.

Anonymous said...

11:55 AM

For sure that for a mediocre student like you, bribe is needed to pass an exam.

Smart student in Cambodia get scholarship to go study in Japan, Germany, Korea, etc.

If you're not smart don't go to university, learn a trade.

Phnom Penh University is free.

Since ah Hok dies it seems that your world has collapsed. Is there a reason?

Anonymous said...

Dear Khmer students at Svay Rieng!

You must learn how to think and not to be conditioned or lured by bad people. Use your brain to avoid being influenced or depending on others:

Imagine Hok Lundy cut the HUNGRY dog's tail (stole people money through corruption)and give a small amount of money to the same HUNGRY DOGS dogs(poor people) to eat. Should those dogs grateful to Hok Lundy?

There are many" bienfaiteurs" like Hok Lundy.... USE your brain, and don't let cheated by Hok Lundy and other hypocrite corrupt high ranking officials.

You must behave and live with dignity and not live as BEGGERS from CORRUPT officials who steal money from Cambodian people.

Anonymous said...

11:56, I don't need shit from nobody as i can provide myself. And u definitely won't see me starving anytime now. U should watch yourself cuz the curse wld be placed upon youself.

Anyhow,all i'm saying is that there's nothing wrong with these poor people accepting money for their education as they have no other ways to make money. Don't tell me u wld turn away money when u can't even make ends meet. That's the same thing as turning away food when you're in the concentration camp. Not accepting the money will not prevent HDL from doing what he did. It's better to give to the less fortunate people, rather than to gamble away the money.

Anonymous said...

These university is setup to brain washed them. They will grow up to currupt and enslave cambodia to hanoi

Anonymous said...

A lot of public schools in Cambodia are sponsored by high rank officials which u all thought the money are "blood money." What do u guys propose? Shut down the schools? Why don't u rich people from oversea start raising money to build schools here we so we don't have to accept money from these officials?

Anonymous said...

YEah, that's right, these universities teach u how to hate your own Khmer. It brainwashed people to be corrupted. 12:26PM knows cuz he/she graduated from there.

Anonymous said...

12:23 PM

Keep crying asshole. Snif, snif ...

12:26 PM

Yea university enslave people, don't go to school, stay dumb.

Anonymous said...

9:06 if blood money came from your mother and father, would you still say "blood money is better then no money?"
Your reasoning is not so logical is it?

Anonymous said...

Look like Svay Rieng is the province that suffer the most, since ah Hok is gone.

If life is too hard go join ah Hok.

My sympathy.


Anonymous said...

12:40 PM

Forget about that parasite. He try to look good like his hero Hok Lundy.

Anonymous said...

12:26PM ur right on the 3pts shoot,
Ah yuon Hok Laundy's University just so call shool, but behind that shool they want to turn these people to become Hanoi agents and ready to take over year 2030.
50-51 yrs they have enough of their people to take over Cambodia with fire a bullet. Learn at kampuchea Krom ah yuon did the same thing.

Anonymous said...

Svay Rieng was the most hated by Pol Pot, because Svay Rieng were group of Yuon "Pol Pot" said.

Anonymous said...

it is extremely embarrassing to be reading all the trash you so-called 'patriots' have written. it is very ashaming to be classed the same race as you horrible people. my cambodians are very humane, forgiving, tame people who doesn't start talking shit about people behind other's back. You have something to say, say it and post your name and fone number. i am sure somebody would like to get in contact soon. come on, show some bravery. its the khmer spirit. i'll start.

Long Meng- 016 399 999

Anonymous said...


Let me take you to school and teach you a physics of criminal mind. A criminal, for example like your main contributors... Hok Lun'Die will travel thousands of miles to commit his crimes. Under the false pretext; turn around and build a multi-million dollar school for his village.
Hok Lun''Die is not stupid. In order for him to survive, he have to balance out his good/evil image by donating to his province. Having the whole country hated him is not possible for him to continued his criminal enterprise. Because of his given title "chief," he does not need probable cause to kill... per penal code of Hun Sen. So, to you... the student of Svay Rieng province, he is your hero.
If you're not convince; just open his hand before you buried him,....... there should be alot of blood gushing out.

Khmer Now Ahmeric

Anonymous said...


How much are you being paid?

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the burmese generals who took international aid and presented that as their personal aid.

lundy stole from the people and gave a miniscule amount back in form of
charity from hun sen and cronies.

Anonymous said...

Ah Long Meng,
judging from your name..... you are Ah Youn! Stay the fuck out of our internal affair! You got that beeeyotch!
For your ignorance effort, I will not provide you my phone number due to the fact that I may one day visit my gracious homeland. Thus, providing a phone number to you so you trace my whereabouts? That, if you're smart enough to know how. Idiot!
Here's a little something to get you started >


Anonymous said...

Ah chhkuot long meng, kom kroan boe ah chhkae yuon. kuor tae deung khluon, reu muoy ahaeng chea yuon mok bang kob doch ke tha men. Lek ahaeng kroan tae kheunh ko deung dae tha ahaeng chea ah neak mean amnach, ah neak mean luy, ah bat day prolak chheam reas khmae. Bet cham pus sa-oy bos ahaeng tov, anh nis ko nov phnom penh chea muoy ahaeng dae, anh deung tae anh min niyeay.
Sdab ban te pon ning.

Anonymous said...

Hok lun dy died, but I maintain hundred of new generation HLD' Svay Rieng students still alive with a so-called continuosly SANGKUMREASNYUM's policy from Sihanouk , and how many stupid uneducated Khmer Vietminh /Vietcongs ruling in Cambodia ? Money his make from corruption's activities such as HUMAIN TRAFFIC,DRUG,CASINO BORDER...

Oh ! my poor CPP,,,,

Anonymous said...

He is Ah Hun Sen wannabe intelligence officer.
if I have to guess......$ 1.25 a day, payday is every three month without incentive. I heard they have a good retirement plan.... like Ah Hok. LOL

Anonymous said...

Ah Youn ning ut chass Khmer thae! Ah ning Youn Ganthope.

Anonymous said...

2:38 (KhmerNOWAhmeric)- If i see it correctly, you are living on Native Indian land in America so i would NOT be barking like that. My great-great grandfather was of Chinese decent, hence my name. I apologize for not having some country farm-boy name but as far as i am concerned, I am atleast trying to make a difference back home instead of hiding behind a computer screen in some sh*t-hole trailer park in the US like you. As for my tracking ability-try me:)

2:39- Have a tissue AH LOP. Seriously, ber jong niyeay jea mouy kgnom, neak mean phone# robos kgnom. Jay kgnom nouv mook kgnom, ban som jea neak klang douch kah niyay robos nek.

Long Meng- 016 399 999 (again, if you people want to have a cry, or a hug, you know my number)

Anonymous said...

12:11PM.It's a good concrete example for People to remind:
Cut the tail of HUNGRY DOGS and give back a SMALL portion of the SAME TAIL to the SAME starving DOG to eat.

That' s the CPP' strategy to cheat poor people : A criminal DEMAGOGY!

Anonymous said...

Still no one get to the point where and how Vietnamization took place. One HOK die will maximize many. Vietnamese are so good to fool Khmer people. They knew what Khmer wants to do so they please with them. At the end, Khmer ends up trapping in Vietnamese nest. Many students in Vietnames University will be so faithful to Vietnamese including students in Svay Reing University. Vietnamese form their allies. In the future, their are again between Khmer vs. Khmer, Khmer supported by Vietnamese VS Khmer supported by other parties in between. How we are going to educate students in university to understand Khmer entity and Khmer assimulation? I am Khmer and I concern very much about Khmer unity.

Anonymous said...

I don't think most of Svay Rieng University students regret the lost of Hok Lundy.

Khmer Youth know how to think except a few one who got influenced by CPP's high ranking officials.

Anonymous said...

ខួបឯករាជ្យទី ៥៥ (៩ វិច្ឆិកា ១៩៥៣-៩ វិច្ឆិកា ២០០៨) ជាទិវាឯករាជ្យ របស់ប្រទេសខ្មែរ ពីអាណានិគមបារាំង។ ខួបឯករាជ្យទី ៥៥ នេះ ជាមហាជោគជ័យ សំរាប់កូនខ្មែរ ដែល អាពេជ្ឈឃាដឃោរឃៅ ឈ្មោះហុក ឡងឌីបានត្រូវ ងាប់តៃហោង ដោយ រន្ទះបាញ់យន្តហោះកន្ទុំរុយ។
ឮដំណឹងអាហុក ឡងឌីងាប់តៃហោង, ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ នៅគ្រប់ទិសទី លើពិភពលោក បានទូរសព្ទ ប្រាប់ដំណឹងគ្នីគ្នា ជប់លៀង ផឹកស្រាទំពាំងបាយជូ យ៉ាងរីករាយ អបអរ ការងាប់តៃហោង អាហុក ឡងឌី។

Anonymous said...

មី ប៊ុន រ៉ានីកំពុងយំបោកខ្លួនស្តាយ អាហុក ឡងឌី ងាប់តៃហោង ព្រោះអាហុក ឡងឌី ជាសហាយ របស់មី ប៊ុន រ៉ានី (ប្រពន្ធអាហ៊ុន សែន) ជាង ១០ឆ្នាំមកហើយ!!

Anonymous said...

អាសុខ គង់ ត្រូវតែសង ថ្លៃធានារ៉ាប់រង សពអ្នកទាំង ៤ នាក់, ម្នាក់ៗ ២ លានដុល្លារ ព្រោះ យន្តហោះកន្ទុំរុយ ជារបស់ក្រុមហ៊ុនសុខា មានអាសុខ គង់ជាថៅកែ។
អ្នកបើកយន្តហោះទាំងពីរនាក់ ជាជនជាតិយួន អត់ចេះនិយាយខ្មែរ ប៉ុន្តែមានឈ្មោះជាខ្មែរ។

Anonymous said...

I hope Khmer Youth think better not to get influenced by Vietnamese TAC TIC.

May Buddha bless Khmer Youth

Anonymous said...

Only the dumb asses who believe Hok Lundy's donation is his personal money. They have no brain to think where the money come from. That's why it was easy for Pol Pot to brainwash them.

Anonymous said...

Is this Cambodian education?

Anonymous said...

Cambodia is the most rich country in the world, Cambodia does not need hard-earned money from Khmer oversea, becuase the foreign businessmen poor tons of money to invest in our beloved country; they are very kind and generous indeed. All universities or schools have been built from a little chunk of bribe money.

Anonymous said...

9:22 PM

... and you are the most retarded asshole I ever seen.

Anonymous said...

9:22 PM,

...You are just like what they said "Frog In Small Well". Do you know the word IMF in Cambodia. Legend will condemn you..because you are twisting...

Anonymous said...

3:05PM Long Meng,

Ce que nous savons encore aujourd'hui est que le viêtnamization du Cambodge a atteint une étape active. Les viêtnamiens activement occupés à briging de nouveaux colons viêtnamese pour occuper le Cambodge, en particulier dans les secteurs riches de ressources, le long du fleuve de Mékong, autour de la sève de Tonlé, le long de la frontière de khmer-viêtnamiens et de 19 provinces. Bien que la figure conservatrice des ressortissants de viêtnamiens aiment Hok Lundy, Hor NamHong, Sok Anh, etc..... étant reclassé au Cambodge en tant que " NOUVEAU MAÎTRE " de sol de Khmer et a été mis à 4.000.000 à 5.000.000 nouveaux colonizers à l'exclusion des 180.000 cadres se cachants de Hanoï (ils fusionnent dans les populations civiles). Long Meng, peut-être vous un de lui qui est pourquoi vous nous voulez réagissez à vous le piont.

Long Meng, Ah yuon bongkob,

Voici mon téléphone # 012 555 522
Prom Samreth
Numéro 489 E05, Preah Sisowath Rd. s'approchent de l'hôtel de HIMAWARI
Khan Chamkarmon Phnom Penh

Anonymous said...


You got me mixed up with white people; I don't live in a trailer park. Maybe you do? And you're not hiding behind your computer? lol



Anonymous said...

Long Meng are you gay or something? What do you mean by "if you people want to have a cry, or a hug, you know my number?" Are you a lady-boy?
Your gayish remark leave us reader to wonder. Care to

Anonymous said...

To whom it may concern,

My name is Long Meng. I am a gay prostitute. Man or woman... it doesn't matter, just bring money. For a great time, i can be reached at 016 399 9999. Please call!

My name is LOOOOONG, if you know what i mean.

Anonymous said...

Hey KhmerNowAhmeric- You are not better than the Vietnamese scums living here in Cambodia. You are 100% khmer, living on stolen foreign land, so what does make you? You live happy while native indians bloodon their own soil you blood sucking whore. I'm sure America has given you a lot of knowledge-use it observe the hegemony of the world. You have the same thinking as Hitler, disregarding mixed breed and wanting 100%. F*cking racist. Grow up, see the world-you are lost in your utopian standards..

Prom Samreth- C'est drôle vous me parlez en français. Excuse mon très mauvais français, mais je fais seulement un point que les gens sont si raciste et ignorant dans leur pensée, et je ne veux pas juste que les gens être si absorbés dans leur propre pensée qu'ils oublient des vrais problèmes. Ce l'est tout.

6:39 and 6:45- Its not worth replying to your comments. Grow up, gay jokes are for immature minded kids. I'm sure you are both smarter than that.

Long Meng

Anonymous said...

The name Long Meng is a class scum bag its in your trait. Put him in a position and watch out for his smart ass comments and how much hate he have for the poor. Talk about racist, I am 100% sure the Chinese like you are on the top list, just look at how you treated the people now. Do more study about it bitch

Anonymous said...

Where the fucking guy ah taihoung get those money? Ah Xen you can find the source of money and make it a legal income for the country and help the univercity , fool!!!

Anonymous said...

hey, don't forget. anyone who'se invest in education is good for the country. stop your jealousy! grow up!