Government reply to Global Witness
27 Nov 2008
By Nhim Sophal
Cambodge Soir Hebdo
Translated from French by Luc Sâr
Click here to read the article in French
The Cambodian ambassador to the UK talked about “provocation” after a NGO appealed to donor countries by raising issues about the management of oil revenue.
The Global Witness communiqué warning donor countries about the use of natural gas and oil resource is a “villain campaign to discredit the image of Cambodia,” the Cambodian embassy in London said in its communiqué issued on Tuesday 25 November.
“It is naive from Global Witness to think Cambodia's international donors do not well aware of their ill-intentioned purpose of damaging Cambodia’ past and recent economic developments.” the Cambodian embassy communiqué added.
According to Global Witness, Cambodia almost did not keep up with any of its promises regarding the fight against corruption, the management of natural resources and human rights. According to Global Witness, “Cambodia is on the verge of a petroleum and minerals windfall, but both sectors are already exhibiting early warning signs of the corruption, nepotism and state capture…”
The Cambodian embassy in London retorted by quoting a recent speech given by vice-PM Sok An who said “We do not want to be mere spectators in our petroleum industry,” and that he was involved in the setting up of efficient legal mechanism for the management of the oil sector.
The Cambodian embassy also warned donor countries against Global Witness, in particular it addressed its message to the Netherland, Canadian and Irish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as the Swedish International Development Co-operation Agency (Sida) “to ask for an urgent review of Global Witness’ program of activities and policies and, a strict control to poor management and leadership of Global Witness.”
The Global Witness communiqué warning donor countries about the use of natural gas and oil resource is a “villain campaign to discredit the image of Cambodia,” the Cambodian embassy in London said in its communiqué issued on Tuesday 25 November.
“It is naive from Global Witness to think Cambodia's international donors do not well aware of their ill-intentioned purpose of damaging Cambodia’ past and recent economic developments.” the Cambodian embassy communiqué added.
According to Global Witness, Cambodia almost did not keep up with any of its promises regarding the fight against corruption, the management of natural resources and human rights. According to Global Witness, “Cambodia is on the verge of a petroleum and minerals windfall, but both sectors are already exhibiting early warning signs of the corruption, nepotism and state capture…”
The Cambodian embassy in London retorted by quoting a recent speech given by vice-PM Sok An who said “We do not want to be mere spectators in our petroleum industry,” and that he was involved in the setting up of efficient legal mechanism for the management of the oil sector.
The Cambodian embassy also warned donor countries against Global Witness, in particular it addressed its message to the Netherland, Canadian and Irish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as the Swedish International Development Co-operation Agency (Sida) “to ask for an urgent review of Global Witness’ program of activities and policies and, a strict control to poor management and leadership of Global Witness.”
People will never eat their properties of natural resources. read history go to www.cambohistory.blogspot.com
Instead of rebuking Global Witness, the Hun Sen regime must try to identify the problems raised in the Global Witness report and try to fix it. During every donors' meeting, Hun Sen always promise a lot of things but after he got the money, everything is back to normal. In last year's meeting Hun Sen promised to enact/ratify/approve anti-corruption laws. Until now, the anti-corruption laws are still hidden in the drawer of his office.
This is what he calls dogs continue to bark, but cart is still going. Hun Sen just don't care with those people.
You know how Hor 5 Bora makes lot of money when he is working as embassador. He just asked for a quotation from suppliers to repair and maintenance the embassy. He used the quotation as evidence to claim the expenses. He sent those quotation to his father in Phnom Penh for approval of the expenses.
Now, the suppliers in the countries where he used to be an embassador are very annoyed by his request for the quotation, but never got any works. Hehe...
Hehe...he usually have at least five luxury cars for himself at each embassy...wanna know more how he is making money...hehe...many more ways...
Why Ah Nazis (Global Witness and Ah Pleu-Ovesea) attack Cambodia?
When Hor5Hong was at Canberra,Australia,as Ambassador; his wife was a Diamant Seller among Khmer Community.No wonder his crooked CPP grouop can sell Cambodia & its People.
He has sihanouk flash! WOW! maybe somethin' going on the bed between sihanouk and Hor 5 hong's wife!
Guys you all are so stupid, including KI. If we want to resist VN influence, then don't use the analogy of 5 = Nam. Clearly, you want us to know Vietnamese?
Hor Nam Hong is not a Vietnamese. He is not, simple as that. So no matter which party you support, attack their policy, and please do not engage in personal attack. You may hate Hun Sen and CPP, but that's because you don't support them. As to them being VN, prove it to me. I have heard all rubbish all along, but no proof. Where, how and when have they ever been Vietnamese? The same can be said about anyone in that case: i may say psycho Lao Hay is gay because look at him, he looks very gay to me. Oh, he is also Vietnamese too, and become a psychopath after losing his directorship at CMAC.
Furthermore, I notice that KI-media highlighted in bold when a new article was published in or reported from Hanoi, even when it is about Vietnamese economy or Vietnamese natural disaster. This does not show that you are patriotic to your country, but what it shows is stupidity in diplomacy and sheer racism at best. Our problem with Vietnam is deeper than that, and if you want to engage in violence with Vietnam, I think we are not playing smart politics because we know that they have more population, richer and their army is also better equipped and trained than Khmer soldiers!
Please KI. I am also a Khmer and I love Khmer but time to stop this sheer stupidity, and you should engage in journalism professionally, and should not be a puppet for SRP and Lao Hay, especially the latter, because I know how full of shit he is.
Penh Panha
Hi guys,
I told all of you this guy is the rising star of the kmere diplomcy, the cambodian obama...
Keep continuing hor nambora, YOU ARE DOING A FANTASTIC JOB!
Friends from Cabramatta, Wellington and US..
3:28 PM
I like your story friend. Give us some more.
Give people a break! Every CPP official is a f@3$ing rising star becuase the whole CPP (clepto and nepo) apparatus has total and absolute control of Cambodia. You all try hard to look legitimate and clean, but only the stupid and special interest cliques can close their eyes and put up with the stink. It is not that it is avoidable for a small country to be uninfluenced by larger powers and business interests, but how those guys in the small country use the influence to better improve their country, otherwise, you will see more f#4%ing rising stars who will be highly skilled in broken promises and perpetual begging diplomacy.
8:40 pm, You wanted to know why?
Because there are plenty of Ah-pleu-knongsrok who don't know and refused to accept the facts and the reallity in Camboida. Now you go figure.
A seven day death elephant it spreading it smell very bad as Cambodia for example,how can this lil tiny guy go to cover up it terrible smell from UK and a whole world? You can steal,kill,sold out Cambodia the country that give you every thing but you can 't hide the truth.
Or you can give a little close look to KIMedia how many of your own people that express their support to your regime? 95% will say no and go to hell uneducated leaders and they wanted so bad to change it before your term is put an end.
Borisothkhmer ca
3:40pm, you comment point to Global Witness & khmer oversea are pleu.
I think they are not pleu because they have more educated than you, but you.
You live in the well, you don't know. please do not take side.
k. khmer
Bullshit, Ah Jkout (11:02), they are not educated, but mis-educated.
To all khmer who do not know the hidden meanings:
Hôr Nâm Hong or Hô Nâm Hüng
Hôr or Hô = From the family of Hô Chi Minh.
Nâm or 5 = number 5
Hüng or Hong = Hero
The Hero #5 of Hô Chi Minh
Hôr or Hô = From the family of Hô Chi Minh.
Nâm Bô= most Southern Viêtnâm
This guy actually named Hô Nâm Bô
since it lives and fully controlled in Cambodia, it uses it name to sound like khmer, so, it added "Ra" to sound like khmer or it xmer.
Râ = Depot or region
Hôr 5 Bôrâ = The Hô's family has fully controlled of the most southern region.
CPP Yuon (including the villain Ho Bora) = corruption, violence, hypocrisy, murder, ...
It's in their blood.
3:40 PM
Because you are a dumb son of a bitch.
Any other question?
Global Witness is a respectable, so Ah Hor don't open your stinky mouth, your just a son of bitch Yuon corrupt to the bone.
So scram ah Hor.
(translation in Yuon: Trip dip dong deuk beuk chhoy deuk euy ah Hor).
6:30 PM
I know Hor just rise from my anus, like the rest of your siblings.
“It is naive from Global Witness to think Cambodia's international donors do not well aware of their ill-intentioned purpose of damaging Cambodia’ past and recent economic developments.”
This statement show many mistakes in the use of the English language. What a shame for Cambodia to send such imcompetent ambassador to represent us.
12:26 AM
Nepotism is from father to son, not intelligence.
Pre-requisite to be ambassador for Cambodia:
-Being of Yuon nationality, with a Khmer name
-You must bang your head against the wall until you have the IQ of Hor Namhong, Sok Anh...
keep going and perform your duty...
these guys are simply nuts and scared of you honambora, we in
Cabramatta know well your value!
None of them can't challenge you, that's why they are silly and jealous1
Do not listen to these macaques!
Well done mate!
Friends of hor nam bora
Pen Pehna,
Why are you so concern about what people's comments and media says what they want to say?
Base on your comments, you are no different from the other commenters.
Take a look at your statements such as:
"This does not show that you are patriotic to your country, but what it shows is stupidity in diplomacy and sheer racism at best"
What is the statue of limitation for the free speech that the media should and should not say" Isn't that Democracy is built base on critism? Especially the Medias are the main sources? What’s made and show that one is a patriot? How is the patriot existed?
"Our problem with Vietnam is deeper than that"
What solution(s) pertaining to problem with Vietnam have been done in the past? Without critics, would this issue still be existed on the list?
"..and should not be a puppet for SRP and Lao Hay" ..."because I know how full of shit he is"
What make you a non-bias? Not according to your above statement..Therefore, you are the same as others.
Analyze this again.”So no matter which party you support, attack their policy, and please do not engage in personal attack” Isn’t this statement contradicted your self with the statement above?
"analogy of 5 = Nam" Your point of view is that KI has adopted the analogy of "5 = Nam" to emphasize of one being Vietnamese. Too obvious, isn't it? On the other hand, is this ever occurred to you that not just only what you think but it’s the nature of media’s sense of humor to attract the readers like you?
You want proof of one who has been incriminated as Vietnamese. So you declared to be "Neutral"
Can you back your statement and provide proof 100% of:"Hor Nam Hong is not a Vietnamese. He is not, simple as that".???
My friend, people here have said what being said because they perceived their own logical perspectives just like you do. So please don’t go around called people STUPID. Again, you are not better than the others.
Remember; keep critics alive if you wanted Democracy.
Thre is a big Viet community in Cabramatta. Can the Cabramatta friends elaborate in details the "value" from this person? Especially, the benefits from the value that went to the Cambodian people. The motto here is "if you are a CPP, and a "rising star," you are "untouchable," and everyone else is just a macaque/nut job. Condescending mother fuckers...these fuckers truly are! The despots always think they are invincible and immuned.
This one goes to 3:40pm not 8:40 pm.
You wanted to know why?
Because there are plenty of Ah-pleu-knongsrok who don't know and refused to accept the facts and the reallity in Camboida. Now you go figure.
បណ្តាសា "ហ"
១- ស្នូររន្ទះបាញ់ ផ្ចាញ់ដល់មារ
កម្មតាមចងពៀរ មិនប្រណី
យន្តហោះតូចមួយ ធ្លាក់ដល់ដី
យមបាលកាត់ក្តី ផ្តាច់សង្ខារ។
២- ប្រានចនក្បត់ជាតិ ឃ្ទាតជាផ្នែក
ដាច់តាមបំណែក គួរខ្លោចផ្សារ
តំណក់ទឹកភ្លៀង លាងកាយា
ចោរចិត្តឫស្យា ចាកលោកីយ។
៣- ជាបណ្តាសា គេចមិនរួច
លើមេឃខ្យល់គួច បោកបក់ វៃ
ចុះទឹកលិចទូក ក្រពើឆី
បើដើរលើដី គង់ឡានបុក។
៤- ឈាមស្រែកស្បែកហៅ បន្តគ្នា
ជនពាលច្បាស់ជា មិនបានសុខ
ដូច ជុង កំពុងរង់ចាំ កុក
បំណុលអ្នកស្រុក ខ្មែររងគ្រោះ។
៥- ហ ២ ទៅបាត់ នៅ ហ ៥
កំពុងដេកចាំ ភ័យបុកពោះ
ចាំថ្ងៃយមរាជ ហូតឆូតឈ្មោះ
ប្រហែលមិនហួស ឆ្នាំក្រោយទេ !
អាហ៊ីង អាហុក និង អាហោ
អាហ៊ីង (ប៊ុនហ៊ាង) មេចោរប្លន់ដីរាស្រ្ត
អាហ៊ុន មេឆ្កែយួនកញ្ជះ
មិនយូរ មិនឆាប់ គង់វិនាស
លិចទូក រន្ទះ ឡានបុកគ្នា
ព្រលឹងវិលវល់ តាមចងពៀរ
នេះជាកម្មពៀរ អាក្បត់ជាតិ
អាពាលហេង ពៅ នៅដេកគុក
ចំណែកអាហុក ងាប់តៃហោង
អាហ៊ុន, អាហ៊ីង, អាហោ ជាមេខ្លោង
នឹងងាប់តៃហោង ឆ្នាំក្រោយហ៎ង... សាធុ... សាធុ... សាធុ...
Fair enough. Free speech is an indication of a functioning democracy, but free speech does not equal anarchic freedom to speak whatever you like.
"analogy of 5 = Nam" Your point of view is that KI has adopted the analogy of "5 = Nam" to emphasize of one being Vietnamese. Too obvious, isn't it? On the other hand, is this ever occurred to you that not just only what you think but it’s the nature of media’s sense of humor to attract the readers like you?
You want proof that Hor Nam Hong is not VN. Well proof is that he is Cambodian Foreign Minister, and that he speaks Khmer fluently, has had a deep history with this country since the era of Sihanouk and he had a family living and working in Cambodia, and the list goes on. Now where is your proof (and not based on rumours) that he is VN? I want to hear it.
Why are you so concern about what media says what they want to say?
Because professional journalism should engage in debates professionally, and not resort to personal attack. KI-Media have referred to individuals in the government as Hun Xen, Chea Xim... and Hor 5 Bora... trying to draw a closer link between their names and VN. You said it is a way to attract readers, but I say this is a very biased approach to reporting news with only one aim: to support the opposition's stance that Cambodian leaders are VN.
If you don't like these people, and oppose their ideas, then report their names correctly and attack their policy or their ideas. Let us the readers make up our mind whether or not they are VN, or that they are corrupt. My view so far is that this site does not comply with professional journalism, and that it is a mere platform for opposition parties and to some extent Lao Hay.
What solution(s) pertaining to problem with Vietnam have been done in the past? Without critics, would this issue still be existed on the list?
The problem with VN is long and complex and date centuries back to the Khmer empire era. Now depends on who you listen to, the list of problems will vary.
But let's not forget that VN has helped us escape hell during the Pol Pot era. After the invasion/liberation, they distribute rice, on which my family survive. They are not evil as you have always portrayed. but having said that I do recognize that they have squandered some of our land. But that's because we are weak, and we have been waging civil wars for decades. In nature as in life, the weak will be exploited. Now that the borders with VN is fully demarcated, we should look to the future, and build our country stronger than them so that we could one day get our land back. No point of being tough like SRP or Lao Hay said if you are not actually tough. The prospect of a military operation to claim back the land will be as in vain as the SRP's hope of being elected into government, or Lao Hay's hope of being invited to occupy a top post inside the government.
My friend, people here have said what being said because they perceived their own logical perspectives just like you do. So please don’t go around called people STUPID. Again, you are not better than the others.
My friend, good point, but at least I can call them by their correct names. I think it is not too difficult for you (who I assumed is also Khmer) to call your countrymen by their correct names. Besides, if it is true that Hun Sen, Chea Sim and the leaders of Khmer are of VN descent, you are actually looking down on your own race. How could a person from another country be leading your country for more than 3 decades and still going strong? Does it not say something about the quality of Khmer people as a whole? So please for the sake of all Khmer of all political affiliations, please stop this joke. You attracted readers because for me I want to know the views of the opposition (this site mainly cite anti-government articles), not because you spell people's name in a funny way.
Remember; keep critics alive if you wanted Democracy.
Remember too, democracy allows free speech, but not anarchic speech. It does not allow you to call George Bush as Ge Bo. Try that in US papers and see what happens.
Next time reveals your alias so that I know who I am addressing.
Penh Panha
To those who imitate my name, what did you do in your past life that you deserve the fate of not being able to assume your own identity. So sad, I feel sorry for you.
Yes like Penh Panha is your real name/alias? Who are you kidding?
I see some of the Khmer communist syspathizers from Hanoi for political indoctrination and Vietnamezation in here.
Most Frequently asked questions...
Is Hor Nam Hong Vietnamese?
"Well proof is that he is Cambodian Foreign Minister, and that he speaks Khmer fluently, has had a deep history with this country since the era of Sihanouk and he had a family living and working in Cambodia, and the list goes on" siad Benh Banh nha.
Well, I calculated and perfectly orchestrated system of propaganda and “psychological,” of the Hanoi Communist were able to establish
“oil spots” throughout the Khmer population and among the different segments of society.
Most Vietnamese are speak Khmer better than Khmer ourselves, why? because, during the French colony Indochina, The French took all the Khmer's History books and many goods from Khmer's land to stockpiles in Hanoi. And Khmer have to asked French to go to Hanoi to copies Khmer's books back to Cambodia.
So, no dout that Hor Nam Hong or Hok Lundy speaks Khmer fluently, has had a deep history with this country.
I say you Benh Banh Nha needs to go back to the original history.
Example: The party secretary of the southern zone of Vietnam, name Tran Nam Trung is khmer too right? Benh Banh Nha?.
Khmer struggler,
Penh Panha, practise what you preached. You called people "stupid", launched a personal attack on Dr. Lay Mong Hay- are you jealous of him or have a personal problem with him? You have done the opposite of what you preached. So you are no better.
7:29, lol. Penh Panha = Benh Banh Nha? hahaha
all people on this blog are stupid. no one smart individual at all, why let Benh Banh Nha attack you so msartly?
But fukc you benh banh, fuck your ass hole for fucking with us khmers. we strong, and will attack you all time you wait see. SRP = 1000% khmer, not like CPP = 1000% youn hanoi searng..
Hor 5 Bora : Chhkae smosssssss!
4:58 AM,
It seems that the points and counter-points here are off subject. Both sides are guilty of name calling, but you have to take it with agrain of salt because this "regular" people's forum, it is not where you would impeccably articulate your points of view.
There has been a slew of insults from both sides, yes, Penh Panha, you also started out with anarchic speech that was "penh doy panhaha."
Narcissism and self-centerism are not healthy. There is a sense of egotistical manner when someone named himself "full-of-intelligence" (penh panha).
I think Penh Panha was not totally right, because in fact I can see he attacked lao hay personally. But honestly, I don't care about lao hay anyway.
But he made a good point: if Hun is VN, then we are actually attacking ourselves because we let a foreigner rule us for so long. We are so weak. I know all of you don't believe deep down that Hun is VN, and you just want to prove the link that Hun is under VN's influence, so maybe stop referring to him as VN, but refer to him as VN's puppet. And hence maybe stop referring Hor 4 Hong, but full name. I mean, if we continue, maybe we are actually attacking our own race and ability. I can't imagine we didn't revolt or do anything drastic knowing a VN is our PM for so long.
Sambo Kourkbal.
Go on ah Ho Bora, don't listen to them. You a rising yuon asshole, with an IQ of a monkey. You are not qualified and not smart.
At least that is 50 times better than Ah Scam Rainxy and Ah Pleu-KmeanSrok.
When did I say my name is real?
Penh Panha = Benh Banh Nha? You are wasting your brain power on useless things like this, that's why you are not going places. Stop blaming your fate and start becoming productive.
Are you Lao Hay? If you are, shame on you. There is no need for you need to disguise yourself. My problem with Lao Hay is no one's business but between me and him. Talk to me directly if you want the answer, Lao Hay.
Penh Panha
(hello, Sambo Kourkbal @ 10:10. Nice adopted name)
Penh Panha, Here again you go. I'm not Lao Mong Hay. I'm just a bystander who didn't see you practise what you had preached. You preached for people to be diplomatic and only criticizing their policies instead of launching a personal attack. But you did the opposite by calling people stupid and launched a personal attack on Lao Mong Hay. So you are a hypocrite!
3:01 PM
Nobody give a fuck about your name, and even less about your pro Yuon comment, asshole.
I want to adopt you my dog need a companion.
People just ignore this dumbass, he's just a Yuon loser.
Go wash your 1995 Toyota Camry.
Ho Bora with an intelligence like yours, you are more useful in the zoo of London.
Your incompetence is really shine.
I have my Khmer Krom friend translated, he said whoever wrote this statement below is correct.
His name Thach U .
To all khmer who do not know the hidden meanings:
Hôr Nâm Hong or Hô Nâm Hüng
Hôr or Hô = From the family of Hô Chi Minh.
Nâm or 5 = number 5
Hüng or Hong = Hero
The Hero #5 of Hô Chi Minh
Hôr or Hô = From the family of Hô Chi Minh.
Nâm Bô= most Southern Viêtnâm
This guy actually named Hô Nâm Bô
since it lives and fully controlled in Cambodia, it uses it name to sound like khmer, so, it added "Ra" to sound like khmer or it xmer.
Râ = Depot or region
Hôr 5 Bôrâ = The Hô's family has fully controlled of the most southern region.
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