17 November 2008
By Duong Sokha
Unofficial translation from French by Tola Ek
Click here to read the article in French
Click here to read the article in Khmer
On Monday 17 November, Prime minister Hun Sen denied rumors spread by the local news media according to which Kep Chuktema, the governor of Phnom Penh, would have been transferred.
“Who decides about it?” Hun Sen asked while adding that a royal decree and another sub-decree would soon confirm Kep Chuktema’s position. “Above me, there’s only the king and the National Assembly! Transfers in the executive branch are my prerogatives!” Hun Sen stormed.
Another barking from Hun Sen: the contest led by some of the successors to the position of national police commissioner which was vacated following the death of Hok lundy who was killed in a helicopter crash on 09 November. Hun Sen reported that the selection of Neth Savoeun, the former deputy police commissioner, to fill in this position was not neutral, “because he is my nephew, they said” (Neth Savoeun is married to the daughter of Hun Sen’s older brother). “Why my nephew can’t fill in this position, whereas since his birth, this is his specialty, and also according to the hierarchy, he was the number two of the police, right after Hok Lundy,” Hun Sen launched.
This is a mafia running government.
Soon or later these old clowns will kill each other one by one.
Khmer PP,
mr. hun sen is right is a way because he is the prime minister by law. wait until you are the prime minister to see how he feels about unruly people. it's a case of damn if you do and damn if you don't. one has to walk in someone's else shoes to see exactly what they are dealing with! i think what's more important is abiding the law. if mr. hun sen broke the law, then that's another story! he is just doing his job as a prime minister, given somewhat difficult situation in cambodia during this era. i wish people are eduated to understand so to make sense of it all. god bless cambodia.
Yea why your nephew cannot occupied the position, if you ah Sen appointed him huh?
Yea why?
I don't know.
why, my traitor? feeling the heat? your day will come,
What comes around will go around!
HUN rises up must comes down!
2:22AM !
"hun rised up must come down" .How can he goes down?.Look this powermonger owned monks,court,police,military,assembly and almost everything else.Even flies are afraid to go near him.
អាហ៊ីង អាហុក និង អាហោ
អាហ៊ីង (ប៊ុនហ៊ាង) មេចោរប្លន់ដីរាស្រ្ត
អាហ៊ុន មេឆ្កែយួនកញ្ជះ, អាត្រូវរន្ទះបាញ់ដូចគ្នា!
មិនយូរ មិនឆាប់ គង់វិនាស
លិចទូក រន្ទះ ឡានបុកគ្នា
ព្រលឹងវិលវល់ តាមចងពៀរ
នេះជាកម្មពៀរ អាក្បត់ជាតិ
អាពាលហេង ពៅ នៅដេកគុក
ចំណែកអាហុក ងាប់តៃហោង
អាហ៊ុន, អាហ៊ីង, អាហោ ជាមេខ្លោង
នឹងងាប់តៃហោង ឆ្នាំក្រោយហ៎ង... សាធុ... សាធុ... សាធុ...
He will come down!
Look at Saddam!
He will!
Khmer PP,
He thinks that he can be in that position forever, at the same time, he also understands that he sees the light at the end of the tunnel. We all know that most third world leaders never clean… they always got blood in their hands. Soon he will depart from this world. That is when he will come down. Please be patient.
A cowboy of USA.
Lightning have eyes in Cambodia now a day!
I hope Neth Savoeun will bring Ah Savage killer (Scam Rainxy) to justice soon. Enough is enough. I can't take it anymore!
Shut up ah ចុយម្រ៉ាយ 6:28AM!
Hun Sen neung trov bandasa reastr Khmer!
Lightning will strike Hun Sen in the other eye. He will go to hell blind.
Congratulation to the new Khmer Chief (Neth Savoeun)!
Lightning will strike ah Yuon Net Savoeun as well. He will join his cousin ah Hok soon.
Please don't lose your cools. You got to what they want you to react. Those x-khmer rouge and their relatives will go down one by one because ignorances, a disfunctional family. Why I said that they only teach their relatives to provoke not to find peace. Therefore, they are heading to Hell, you see.
Concaktulation! the new Khmer Chief (Neth Savoeun)!
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