By Ung Chamroeun
Cambodge Soir Hebdo
Translated from French by Tola Ek
Click here to read the article in French
Due to bad weather forecast for the upcoming days in the south of the kingdom, the prime minister preferred to renounce his official visit to the province.
Following the announce by the Phnom Penh meteorology department warning the population of the arrival of Tropical Storm Noul along Cambodia’s coasts, Prime minister Hun Sen decided to cancel his participation at the inauguration of a hydraulic structure in the province of Kampot. In a speech given on Monday 17 November, Hun Sen declared that “one must be prudent, because 4 national heroes have perished in the helicopter accident caused by bad weather.” Hun Sen also blasted Bayon TV Channel 9 [owned by Hun Mana, his daughter], which on 09 November – the day the accident took place and in which national police chief Hok Lundy was killed – broadcasted by mistake the 07 November weather forecast rather than the correct one. On 07 November, the weather forecast was rather mild as opposed to what really happened on 09 November.
Pardon me for saying this.
The HUN's dynasty will perish soon just like Saddam Hussein.
Khmer dignity will be lifted.
Khmer PP,
អាហ៊ីង អាហុក និង អាហោ
អាហ៊ីង (ប៊ុនហ៊ាង) មេចោរប្លន់ដីរាស្រ្ត
អាហ៊ុន មេឆ្កែយួនកញ្ជះ, អាត្រូវរន្ទះបាញ់ដូចគ្នា!
មិនយូរ មិនឆាប់ គង់វិនាស
លិចទូក រន្ទះ ឡានបុកគ្នា
ព្រលឹងវិលវល់ តាមចងពៀរ
នេះជាកម្មពៀរ អាក្បត់ជាតិ
អាពាលហេង ពៅ នៅដេកគុក
ចំណែកអាហុក ងាប់តៃហោង
អាហ៊ុន, អាហ៊ីង, អាហោ ជាមេខ្លោង
នឹងងាប់តៃហោង ឆ្នាំក្រោយហ៎ង... សាធុ... សាធុ... សាធុ...
HUN SEN will be gone from this earth. No life will be spare or live to their eternity if you have done bad.
HUN SEN will be hung like Saddam Hussein.
Khmer Pride,
I've heard the rumors too. HUN SEN planned this Hok Lundy death.
Cause HOK Lundy is Hun Sen thorn.
HOK knew too many HUN SEN dirties job.
Down Ah HUN SEN!
មី ប៊ុន រ៉ានីកំពុងយំបោកខ្លួនស្តាយ អាហុក ឡងឌី ងាប់តៃហោង ព្រោះអាហុក ឡងឌី ជាសហាយ របស់មី ប៊ុន រ៉ានី (ប្រពន្ធអាហ៊ុន សែន) ជាង ១០ឆ្នាំមកហើយ!!
he look as viet 007 to terminate xmer kampuchar
yes yes yes..
Let's kick hun sen and support Chea Sim...
Chea Sim and his gangs are better...
They are not animals like Hun Sen...
Chea Sim has a chance to serve better Cambodia...
Chea Sim hate too Hun Sen.
But what can he do...
Hun Sen is supported by Vietnam !!!
Does any of you smart arse here on KI-Media know why Hun Sen as per Hanoi's order got that bloody HOK LUNDY out of the picture? Awaiting your smart arse's response(s)...
អាហ៊ុន សែនខ្លាចគេលួចបាញ់ខ្លួនវាងាប់។ វាខ្លាចងាប់ ប៉ុន្តែហេតុមេច បានវាសំលាប់យ៉ាងឃោរឃៅ រាប់មិនអស់ ជីវិតខ្មែរ យ៉ាងដូច្នោះ?
How come nephew is looking as old as uncle??
HUN SEN has a nephew in-law as old as him. That mean this Neth Savoeun married to HUN SEN's niece of 20 years of age??
Wow, another old fart tasting HUN SEN's 19-20 years old niece??
Khmer PP,
1:47AM your mother may be a hour that why she mary your father! Can bodia tradition use to mary man about 10 years older than her even in American and Europe!
2:07 AM, can you write better English so people can understand what the hell you are talking about?
And you don't rape a child as well!
Khmer PP,
2:31 AM
Real soon Yuon leaders will marry Hun Sen grand daughters (2-5 years old). Then Hun Sen will have a lot grand Yuon nephews (50-70 years old).
They breed like rats.
12:50am ! It's excellent rumors.If anyone asked you about that rumors were coming from just say: Fuck you,it's not your business and get the fuck out of here.
It's easy to do evil... but will you choose evil side?
Look like Hun Sen started to bite his children. Not a good sign!
Yes,HUN SEN will be hung like Saddam Hussein.
Hun Sen will be struck by the lightning!
Hun Sen will be killed by copter crashed! Like his buddy Hok Lundi!
And Bunrany will be fed to croc.
You hate Hun Sen so much. Just maybe if he is gone; you will be visiting Vietnam instead of Cambodia. Look at Cambodians who live in Vietnam (Kampuchea Krom). They visiting Vietnam not Cambodia.
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