Friday, November 28, 2008

Thai Protests Could Postpone ASEAN Meeting

By VOA News
27 November 2008

Thailand says it may have to postpone a regional meeting set to take place next month because of the anti-government protests.

The Thai foreign minister said Thursday the unstable political situation in Bangkok may make hosting the annual summit of the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in mid-December too difficult.

Officials from Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos first suggested postponing the summit, saying it is important that it be successful. The three countries have already contacted the ASEAN secretary-general with their concerns.

The summit had been set to take place in Bangkok from December 15 - 18. But Thailand's government changed the venue to the northern city of Chiang Mai last month.

Officials say they made the change because of concerns about the weather. Reports from the region say ongoing anti-government protests were also a key factor.


Anonymous said...

THAILAND is tricky, SOUTHEAT ASEAN NATION, already knew that, thais is cost all of these problems with cambodian, by invaded cambodian, and why SOUTHEAT ASEAN NATIONS still taking side toward thailand??


Anonymous said...

King Bhumibal's birthday is on Dec. 5th. Keep doing what they doing, Thai King's rear end just have to sit on the ashes. Those women and the Pad are pure brat.

Anonymous said...

Will see who get invited to the Washington on Jan 20th. If the gov. get invited then those pad people just have to eat ashes as well. Get ready.