Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Thailand's political turbulence could push Cambodia to choose a less democratic path: Thai political scientist

Thai chaos hinders paths to democracy

Tuesday December 09, 2008
Bangkok Post


Thailand's political turbulence, which culminated in the recent seizure of the two main airports, has made some Asean members wary of further democratisation, according to political scientist Thitinan Pongsudhirak.

He said Burma, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam, as well as dialogue partners such as China, would now feel justified in following a less democratic path.

"What is happening in Thailand has also strongly affected the spirit of Asean's efforts to create a rule of law within the region.

"Even China considers our case a big lesson," said Mr Thitinan, who is director of the Institute of Security and International Studies at Chulalongkorn University's faculty of science.

"They feel justified in holding back on democratisation for fear of similar political upheaval."

Many people in academia and civil society were already dubious that Asean could really create a regional human rights body and an efficient dispute mechanism as set out in the new Asean Charter. The anti-government protest led by the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD), which disrupted regional air traffic, had compounded their doubts, Mr Thitinan said.

Pairoj Polphet, president of the Union of Civil Liberty, said the incoming Thai government must make the Asean Summit, which was postponed because of the turmoil, its priority.

"As chairman of Asean, showing our ability to host the summit as soon as possible would send an important message, not only to Asean but to the international community in general, that we have returned to political stability." said Mr Pairoj.

Kingkorn Narinthornkul Na Ayudhaya, of FTA Watch, said the Asean Charter, which is due to be implemented soon, would enhance economic cooperation within the region and have a major impact on the people.

Civil society needed to monitor its implementation closely to prevent it having an adverse impact on small farmers and similarly vulnerable groups.


Anonymous said...

I believe Thailand is on the right path toward democracy. Democratization work if the people obey the rule and regulation.

Why Thailand did not allow democracy to work, because the rich-elite does not hold the power, the democracy must not good in Thailand.

Why allow the election to proceed but accused of voter fraud when lost the election to the poor rural?

Only Thailand allow the elite supporters to shutdown the government and International Airports and the court system to abolished the people's government.

Poor rural Thai, your king is not on your side. He sad and watched you and your elected PM run down by the PAD supporting him. The king should interveened and be nuetralize. He should allow the government of the people to run it course not by the court system and the minority elite.

Wake up poor thai in the rural!

Anonymous said...

The same old trick..... Thais are trying desperately to discredit the other so that they may bury some of their problems on the international stage. What kind of democracy when an elected government was toppled again and again. What kind of democracy that want to have PM appointed instead of election?

Anonymous said...

Come on let's speak the truth, Ok?

The recent political upheaval in Siam is not DEMOCRATISATION. But it was the POWER-FIGHTING bethween THAKSIN and Siam's KING.

I totally agreed with 1:18 PM. As usual this is Siamese's nature.

Anonymous said...

This psycho King fools the whole nation. You love that King you live with it, you brain-washed Thais.

Don't teach us about democracy when you are implementing demonCraZy.

Anonymous said...

Fuck that political scientist. I just realize that Chulalongkorn University is full of monkeys.

Anonymous said...

If thai is really smart, they should assist cambodia for true democratic system and not start trouble. if cambodia is going toward communist like vietnam, gonna be "thai fried rice" for thailand.

Anonymous said...

It is the power struggle went over board when the opportunist saw the opportunity using Cambodia Preah Vihear to whip nationalism. Again, Cambodia is in the wrong place at the wrong time; however, we must be careful how we play this card game with Thailand. Cambodia is not in chaos so we must use the time wisely and to put ourselves in the next level of maturity. We have no time to waste or wait...

Anonymous said...

The Thais should have another party call:
"Thais kill Thais" party = พรรค"ไทยฆ่าไทย"


Since these slimy people migrated from
Southern China and settled on Khmer
land...they bring nothing but missery to
our people...it's time that we unite and push
them back to Nan Chao.