Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Two communist parties agree to strengthen party exchanges: CPP and CPC

China, Cambodia agree to strengthen party exchanges

BEIJING, Dec. 10 (Xinhua) -- The ruling parties of China and Cambodia on Wednesday agreed to further strengthen their exchanges.

This was reached between a meeting between Jia Qinglin, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, and Say Chhum, member of the Permanent Committee of the Central Committee of Cambodian People's Party (CPP).

Jia, also chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), said Sino-Cambodian relations have endured the test of the changing international situation and kept developing throughout the past half century.

China and Cambodia are strengthening political trust and cooperation that benefited the people of both countries, Jia said, adding China would work with Cambodia to ensure regional prosperity and development.

Say Chhum said great changes had taken place in China since the reform and opening-up drive. He thanked China for its special contribution to Cambodia's national reconciliation and economic development, and pledged to strive for good relations between the two countries and parties.


Anonymous said...

good lucks Hanoi...

Anonymous said...

Communism has no religion

Anonymous said...

Great News of the day!

Anonymous said...

Must get Russia to be our best friend too. The Unite State will always with Thailand no matter what. But the muslim country will be with Cambodia too.
Destroy Thailand first then Vietnam last.

Anonymous said...

This is exciting news! I think Cambodia and China should forge even stronger ties. We need China on our side, since the Westerners are bent on destroying our people, playing Khmer against Khmer and getting Khmer to kill each other.

Viva Cambodia!

Viva China!

Death to the Westerners!

Anonymous said...

Dear China - Thank you for hearing our plea, and coming to our rescue. Your actions have sent a clear and strong signal to Hanoi that annexation of Cambodia under the Indochina Federation formula is not permitted under your watch.

Dear CPP – The time is ripe for you to start disengaging your party and your policy from Hanoi’s control, and build a proud legacy for the future generations. Let your conviction for the country guides your policy, and do the right things for our beloved motherland. History and the future generations will judge you fairly, no matter what the current opposition parties and your critics say.

Anonymous said...

Dear China - Thank you for hearing our plea, and coming to our rescue. Your actions have sent a clear and strong signal to Hanoi that annexation of Cambodia under the Indochina Federation formula is not permitted under your watch.

Dear CPP – The time is ripe for you to start disengaging your party and your policy from Hanoi’s control, and build a proud legacy for the future generations. Let your conviction for the country guides your policy, and do the right things for our beloved motherland. History and the future generations will judge you fairly, no matter what the current opposition parties and your critics say.

Khmer Blood

Anonymous said...

why opposition political parties still label the cpp "communism"? wasn't that kind of old, say 30 or more years ago. people and institution had changed since then. even people had gone to college and got a degree by now, 30 years ago. it's like saying bill gates was a high school drop-out, but look he's one of the richest man in the world. go figure! i guess people are people, they say whatever they want without verifying the truth. sometimes, i wonder what is wrong with the opposition political parties? why they like to hate and put people down? maybe, it's in their blood, for they never talk about the reason behind their penchant to hate! have a psychiatrist examine their heads or something!

Anonymous said...

i guess this type of thinking is also very flaw. please take critical thinking 101 or something so these people can learn to talk logically without assumption only. people in cambodia need to look at the present situation, not the past affiliation, etc... because, of course, in the past, everyone did something due to circumstances, etc... the present is what counts more. plus, people need to stop making blame and take responsibility to themselves. just because they see one bad apple doesn't make the entire apples all that bad. meaning, one must only punish the one that did wrong, but his family, children, friends, etc... didn't that what the idiot KR did to people, and why would any wants to do that as well. two wrongs don't make it right!

Anonymous said...

Soon Cambodia can change its name to Tabet number 2.

Anonymous said...

The more Communist China involement and the more the Viet and the Thai stay out!

Now that Cambodia has party political exchange and I want to see weapon exchange to protect Cambodia sovereignty!

Anonymous said...

Sometime, I overlook why chinese is now in town. Forget or not I seem to point out where is a king father living now? He lives in China and establish good friend with China. He bring Chinese to town so he be back in Cambodia. He is too old and I don't think that he wants to die in China. The King and Chinese are close or not, all of us must reconsider, but King would not trust VN.

Khmer Long Beach/Central Point