Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ieng Thirith Blames Nuon Chea For Killings

By Kong Sothanarith, VOA Khmer
Original report from Phnom Penh
25 February 2009

Jailed Khmer Rouge leader Ieng Thirith told tribunal judges Tuesday it was the regime’s ideologue, Nuon Chea, who was responsible for the thousands of executions at the notorious Tuol Sleng prison.

The chief of the prison, Kaing Kek Iev, is facing atrocity crimes charges for his role at the prison, known to the Khmer Rouge as S-21, and will stand trial in coming weeks.

But during a hearing over her provisional detention Tuesday, Ieng Thirith said Nuon Chea was responsible.

“I must say that Noun Chea killed all my students,” said Ieng Thirith, 77, who was social affairs minister for the regime. She spoke in anger, hands shaking, in both English and Khmer.

Charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity, Ieng Thirith restated her innocence in the deaths of nearly 2 million people under the regime.

“Noun Chea sent my students to Kaing Guek Eav to be killed,” she said. “Don’t accuse me of being a murderer, or you will be cursed to the seventh hell,” Ieng Thirith said, warning too that the international side in the courts “does not understand Cambodian internal affairs.”

The Pre-Trial Chamber of the courts has yet to decide on an appeal by Ieng Thirith’s lawyers that she be released ahead of her trial.


Anonymous said...

The more the fingers points, the more the truth will be revailed. The court and the people will decides who is most responsible.

Anonymous said...

"“Noun Chea sent my students to Kaing Guek Eav to be killed,” she said. "

Clearly, this said that Duch was following order from Noun Chea.

The ECCC must stop prosecuting innocent people who just did their job in order to survive. They should unconditionally dismissed all charges against him and set him free at one.

Anonymous said...

Now IENG THIRITH has blamed NUON CHEA,next nuon chea will blame POLPOT.And POLPOT definitely can't defend himself,he's dead.Let's hope polpot's spirit appear and blame Sihanouk.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter who blamed who at the top, but Duch just following order, and we certainly don't want no corrupted UN to prosecute no innocent Khmer people.

Anonymous said...

Nuon Chea will point to Sihanouk / Yuon.

Anonymous said...

To Lok Om Pritheacha Former Khmer Rouge Hin Sithan, prom tieng dei chhueng,

May be The Angkor Borei's Ly Deip and Historian teacher Hin Sithan would have known all about the Khmer rouge organisation. Because:
1)- His Siam's wife relate to Nuon Chea
2)- His book " Norna Chea Kheatakors Reas Khmer ?"
3)- His Sisowath School mates and associates.

We are so please to invite Lok Om Pritheacha Former Khmer Rouge Hin Sithan and Ly Diep to tell us about Neak kru Khieu Thirith, otherwise, you know "jack shit" about KR that you have stated in your book and Angkor Borei news.

Anonymous said...

Let Dutch go, Ah Dog (ECCC)!
Let Dutch go, Ah Dog (ECCC)!
Let Dutch go, Ah Dog (ECCC)!

Anonymous said...

You know why lots of khmer killing khmer,because khmer lon nol hate khmer pol pot and khmer pol pot hate back to khmer lon nol.When pol pot took over of whole khmer country they killed lots of khmer people.Only just three words they put in their brain.There are Jelousing,Hatting,Racing for each other.The same opposition party do everything to the situation khmer government.

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk is the one!

Anonymous said...

Vietnam was behind the genocide in Cambodia. Sihanouk was used by Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

If you voted for CPP (Cambodian People's Party):

Also known as:

Communist People's Party
Khmer Rouge People's Party
Khmer Krorhorm People's Party

You're support the killing of 1.7 million innocent Khmer peoples.

You're support the killing of innocent men, women and children in Cambodia on March 30, 1997.

You're support murder of Piseth Pilika.

You're support assassination of journalists in Cambodia.

You're support political assassination and killing.

You're support attemted assassination and murder of leader of the free trade union in Cambodia.

You're support corruption in Cambodia.

You're support Hun Sen Regime burn poor people's house down to the ground and leave them homeless.

These are the Trade Mark of Hun Sen Regime.

Hun Sen, Chea Sim and Heng Samrin are Khmer Rouge commanders.
When is the ECCC going to bring these three criminals to U.N. Khmer Rouge Trail?

Khmer Rouge Regime is a genocide organization.

Hun Sen Regime is a terrorist organization.
Hun Sen Bodyguards is a terrorist organization.
Hun Sen Death Squad is a terrorist organization.
Cambodian People's Party is a terrorist organization.

I have declare the current Cambodian government which is lead by the Cambodian People's Party as a terrorist organization.

Whoever associate with the current Cambodian government are associate with a terrorist organization.

Anonymous said...

Haha! Ah sdach Pleu is to blame for the killing next! that midget think he's off the hook...stupid fucken King Sihanouk is next to be trial!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Haha! Ah sdach Pleu is to blame for the killing next! that midget think he's off the hook...stupid fucken King Sihanouk is next to be trial!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10:13 AM


Anonymous said...

It will be the trial of the century if the court manage to get sihanouk to stand trial.He was one of the principal architect of the KR victory.

Anonymous said...

Good for him, immoral people like Ah Potato diggers don't deserved to live.

Anonymous said...

Madame Thirith vous avez une mémoire courte et la réunion à gentilly derriere la CITE U paris 14 ieme vous avez oublié , ben pas moi Vous aviez accoquiné avec les viets à présent non seulemnt vous etes cocufiée par des viets mais vous aviez entrainée des millions de morts et faites perdre des terres khmers en se ralliant avec votre ancien ennemi Samdach Ta Les esprits se sont rencontrés et le seul but faire disparaitre la carte Khmere au profit des vietnamiens bien sur avec la complicité de Samdach Ta et sa conseilleres viet ISSY MONIQUE

Anonymous said...

To the King Father bashing.
More and more Kaun Khmers support the King. Because they stop believing in your bashing group.

May Lord Buddha protect and Bless our King.

Anonymous said...

Beaucoup de bonzes périssent sous le régime KR . pourquoi demande à Lord BUDDHA un petit rappel << PREAH SAMASAPUTTHA N'A JAMAIS PRODIGUER merci de consulter les 110 tomes de TIPITAKA d'enlever la vie à tous les etres vivants je pense que Ganhdi est plus proche alors ne parle pas de STALINE et MAO dont la theorie est fondalement base sur la volence pas de différence avec les NAZISME seuls les apllicateurs et exécuteurs sont changés

Anonymous said...

Yes, Pol Pot dead, Noun Chea responsible all these atrocity. The rest are the follower.

Anonymous said...

the court will decide. it is good to be able to hear the point of views from all sides. god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

How can you say that, 3:19. You know fair well the ECCC is highly corrupted. They will sentence innocent people like Duch to life just because he got a bad job with the Khmer Rouge regime. What type of justice is that?