Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Letter To FBI: Spy In Cambodia

Alleged Vietnamese spy Nguyen Cam Cong is accused of involvement in the kidnapping on Monk Tim Sakhorn to Vietnam, as well as the murder of a Khmer Krom monk

Dear Sir and Madam,

My name is undersigned here as THACH NHO a Khmer Krom refugee in Cambodia, born in 1949 in Soc Trang Province, Vietnam UNHCR IC # 820. I am writing today to notify FBI of a Vietnamese spy named Nguyen Cam Cong UNHCR IC # 241, granted refugee status by UNHCR in Cambodia, who has conducted many abductions and murders, whose victims are either Khmer Krom or Vietnamese asylum seekers and refugees in Cambodia. We are always at risk of being abducted by this Vietnamese refugee, who is not a genuine refugee but a Vietnamese spy, a Vietnamese secret agent acting in Cambodia on behalf of Vietnamese government and its interests here in Cambodia.

Dear Sir and Madam,

As far as we were concerned, Nguyen Cam Cong is a spy, graduating from the security institute of C 500 in Hanoi in 1987, after graduating from that institute, he was sent to Cambodia to act there. To begin with, he pretended to join the party or Freedom Vietnam, a political factor created by overseas Vietnamese to struggle against the government of communist Vietnam, as a spy, Nguyen Cam Cong and his people arrested most of the members of Freedom Vietnam Party, taking them to detention in Vietnam. After the party of Freedom Vietnam was completely destroyed in Cambodia, Nguyen Cam Cong joined another Vietnamese political party called People Action Party. Again, with his plot against this political opposition party was successful with an oppressing operation in 1996, all the members of the People Action Party were arrested and interdicted to Vietnam to be tortured and detained there. Some of them were tortured to death, some of them were executed and most of them are being detained in various prisons in Vietnam up to now.

In 1999, Nguyen Cam Cong came back to Cambodia with a fake document proving his being released from a prison. With that fake document, he deceived UNHCR staffs in Phnom Penh, as the result he was granted refugee status by UNHCR in Cambodia in the year 2000 and he has resumed his acting as a spy, kidnapping and murdering Vietnamese dissidents who had fled to Cambodia to seek asylum:

In 2002, Nguyen Cong Cam kidnapped Venerable Thich Tri Luc (Aka Pham Van Tuong) UNHCR IC # 610, who had been granted refugee status by UNHCR in Cambodia. Venerable Thich Tri Luc was then taken to Vietnam, where he was sentenced for 20 months imprisonment. In 2003, Nguyen Cam Cong kidnapped HO LONG DUC, who had also been granted refugee status by UNHCR in Cambodia. HO LONG DUC was then taken to Vietnam and was sentenced for 18 years imprisonment. In May 6, 2007 Nguyen Cam Cong kidnapped a young Vietnamese dissident named LE TRI TUE, UNHCR IC # 926 who was an asylum seeker pending to be granted refugee status by UNHCR, LE TRI TUE is still missing up to now and it is widely believed that it was NGUYEN CONG CAM who killed Le Tri Tue, chopping him to pieces and threw his corpse down the river of Mekong from Chba Oeum Peuv Bridge.

No sooner after his kidnapping LE TRI TUE, Nguyen Cam Cong murdered a Khmer Buddhist Monk in a temple at Ta Khmau area since this Buddhist Monk was the leader of demonstrations in front of the embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in Phnom Penh condemning the government of Vietnam oppressing religions in Vietnam. In June 2007, Nguyen Cam Cong and his forces kidnapped a Khmer Krom Buddhist Monk, venerable Tim Sakhorn, taking him to detention in Vietnam In June 2006 Nguyen Cam Cong kidnapped Pastor A-DUNG, UNHCR IC # 901, a Montagnard asylum seeker, pending to be granted refugee status by UNHCR in Cambodia and took him to detention in Vietnam. Dear Sir and Madam We could hardly understand why UNHCR in Phnom Penh, Cambodia granted such a dangerous spy and secret agent as Nguyen Cam Cong refugee status so that he could approach other Vietnamese asylum seekers and refugees to harm them. For this reason, I am writing this letter to appeal to FBI for help. Please help us, stop this spy from kidnapping and killing us Vietnamese asylum seekers and refugees.

Tinh_bao Thank you for your co-operation and assistance

THACH NHO (UNHCR IC # 820, Phnom Penh, Cambodia)

PS: Please be informed that in the attachment is the photo of Nguyen Cam Cong in uniform, in the photo, he was just a captain, but after a series of abductions and murdering he has been promoted to be lieutenant General nowadays



Anonymous said...

Yep Youn spy in LB too.

Anonymous said...

No wonder lots of vietnamese working as high rank officer in army force of Royal Cambodia force now . Some even wearing 3 star :) and some even holding status as PM ;)

Anonymous said...

Guest who kill Hang ngor?.Viet spy in LA.Why he select H Ngor?.Only his brother Chan can tell.Bye

Anonymous said...

12:29 PM. Most Khmers knew. Vietnamese have been with us Khmers since in the past but more when Barang hired them to control our state affair.

Anonymous said...

On behalf of Khmer people, I like to thank Nguyen Cam Cong (our brother) for looking out after Cambodia.

May Buddhist continues to protect him from all of the radical extremists and troublemakers from Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

Normal that Barang hired vietnamese: Khmer people no brain and too lazy too work. If they have the competencies and motivation, why nt, but khmer people are only good at barking and killing themselves, as long as viets, thai, chinese or others knows how to manipulate them. Anyway, for such idioties and too much stupidities among khmer people, we just deserve to disappear or to be colonzed by neighbouring countries and i tell you, it will happen faster than you think...anyway, i m fed up living among pure idiots without brains. Long live Hun Sen and our government ! Might all their good plan for Cambodia be realized.

Anonymous said...

1:16PM. Your English sucks :)

May Buddha not May Buddhist.
Oh you said thanks to Ah spy killer?
Why does not he go and find Ly Diep and Hin Sithan and his friends the trouble makers?

Don't shit with me, dude.

Anonymous said...

1:20 PM. I agree with you on that that Khmers are so fucking shit at least many of them are, but I don't go with ah Youn.

Anonymous said...

In CPP is full of youn spy...the policy of Don Dien is still usable.

CPP is the by-product of Youn's expansionism

Anonymous said...

Vietnamese spies are in the US, France, Aussie, and Canada not only in Cambodia. We have Chinese spies all over in Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand and most countries around the world.
Chinese spies in Vietnam cannot tell the difference, because we can speak fluently Vietnamese languages.

Anonymous said...

Damn, I wanted to give Nguyen Cam Cong a medal of honor, but he got no room on his shirt for it. The guy is just great at his job to earn so many medals. Maybe we should give him cash bonus instead.

Anonymous said...

2;00PM. Get my gold medal and give it to him. If you can help to take it our from my kdor you can have it. I pierced it at my kdor.

Anonymous said...

Bist du Nguyen Nocken Cong? Er sieht wie ein Mörder aus und du schreibst wie ein Mörder auch.

Anonymous said...

Chers internaute je vous propose d'adresser des lettres à son excellence H Manet qui s'occupe sur le contre espionnage Le fait que cet officier vietnamien s'est présente sur le sol khmer ipso facto c'est un terroriste Mais que fait son excellence H Manet Parole d'un khmer Leu

Anonymous said...

I think this beast killer is from the dark hell. It's nearly his time to go down to his doomsday with his colleagues and those behind him. Who are behind this bastard? They are: Vietcong government and Hun Sen Government. These two goverment brothers like to feed and support the beast scumbag like this shit in the photo. The darkness is waiting for you and your family + your government brothers line. Fuck your mother

Anonymous said...

Oh shut the fuck up, scumbag (3:28).

Nguyen Cam Cong is every Khmer hero. If you don't like it, get the fuck out of Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Bullshit 3:36 PM. I am in Srok Khmer and Nguyen Cam Cong is not my Hero. He is a serial killer.

I prefer to have North Korean to serve Cambodia better.

Anonymous said...

Your fucking words disclose that you're not real Khmer. You don't feel hurt when people are being killed or taken away for detention, especially by this foreing beast! Probably you are amongst this bastard, Idiot scumbag!

Anonymous said...

I said Khmer's hero, 3:42, not potato digger's hero.

Anonymous said...

Any one Know Where This Man Live and His family member's name,Please post them to this wed site we All Thank you very very very Much.

Anonymous said...

Just have a look at that beast's name: Nguyen Cam Cong --One idiot fool said he's a Khmer hero...I don't know where's that son of bitch obtained that info from? probably from his Vietcong family!!! because only Vietcong spells that name. and it always starts with Nguyen, or Le etc. No Khmer name bears with that on earth!!!

Anonymous said...

3;45PM. This Youn spy is not my hero, so don't speak on behalf of Khmers as I'm in Srok Khmer. Shut da fuck dude.

I prefer North Korean to serve Cambodia not this serial killer.

Get it ah khnom anh dach t'lay niss.

Anonymous said...

3:48PM. Cum Cong comes and goes between Vietnam and Cambodia and sometime he comes to US.

If you want to meet or greet him, give me your e-maila nd home address or phone I'll forward it to Cum Cong.

Anonymous said...

See everyone! I guess that beast is among that bastard Cam Cong. or probably he's Cam Cong, I think. because he seems to know very well that that bastard comes and goes between VN and Cambodia and even the US. It must be that idiot bitch!!

Anonymous said...

what the fuck does it have to do with Hang Ngor?
You shithead should be the first to eat my 9mm bullets

Anonymous said...

Look us Khmers fight. 1st we kill own people, now we love see yuon die too. Maybe the answer to life is life!!

Anonymous said...

All you guys in this forum just said about vietnames killed khmer people how about Siem get nothing? Khmer killed lots of Vietnames from 1970 to 1979 so you never known about that.Why Vietnames still helping khmer,because they thougth all khmer party never working together always fighting for each other.I know who always complained Vietnames do this do that to khmer people is( the mostly Khmer Krom complained about that).

Anonymous said...

If you voted for CPP (Cambodian People's Party):

Also known as:

Communist People's Party
Khmer Rouge People's Party
Khmer Krorhorm People's Party

You're support the killing of 1.7 million innocent Khmer peoples.

You're support the killing of innocent men, women and children in Cambodia on March 30, 1997.

You're support murder of Piseth Pilika.

You're support assassination of journalists in Cambodia.

You're support political assassination and killing.

You're support attemted assassination and murder of leader of the free trade union in Cambodia.

You're support corruption in Cambodia.

You're support Hun Sen Regime burn poor people's house down to the ground and leave them homeless.

These are the Trade Mark of Hun Sen Regime.

Hun Sen, Chea Sim and Heng Samrin are Khmer Rouge commanders.
When is the ECCC going to bring these three criminals to U.N. Khmer Rouge Trail?

Khmer Rouge Regime is a genocide organization.

Hun Sen Regime is a terrorist organization.
Hun Sen Bodyguards is a terrorist organization.
Hun Sen Death Squad is a terrorist organization.
Cambodian People's Party is a terrorist organization.

I have declare the current Cambodian government which is lead by the Cambodian People's Party as a terrorist organization.

Whoever associate with the current Cambodian government are associate with a terrorist organization.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen's government (Cambodian People's Party) invented human right abuses, intimidation, death threats, assassination, murder, killing, eviction, land grabbing, injustice and corruptions in Cambodia.

These are some of Hun Sen Regime's Trade Mark.

Under Hun Sen Regime, no criminals that has been committed murder and all other crimes within Hun Sen's government ever been brought to Hun Sen Regime's court.

Anonymous said...

hunt him down and grill him. cambodia doesn't need that kind of commy spy in our country! nowadays, it easy to track these kind of people down, given the internet technology, local witnesses, etc... together, we all can rid of people like that!

Anonymous said...

it's only a matter of time before we will catch up these kind of people! god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Hey, anyone who mess around with Cambodia's friend (Nguyen Cam Cong) is dead meat; you got that?

Anonymous said...

go home vietcong bitch! cambodia don't need people like you in our country! go back home!

Anonymous said...

go home vietcong bitch! cambodia don't need people like you in our country! go back home!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes they do. If no one is here to protect Khmer people, Pouk Ah Scam Rainxy will wipe out their culture in no time at all, and then they will spread into Vietnam and Laos too.

Therefore, no way jose, we are staying to protect Khmer integrity.

Anonymous said...

should hire Chinese spy to go after him...

Anonymous said...

I don't think any Chinese spy would dare to take the assignment.

Anonymous said...

Chinese spies are everywhere all over the place around the world.
A Chinese spy woman went to bed with an American high ranking and stole the top secret from the US, so don't forget that.

Are you kidding with 1.3 billion Chinese in China and multi million Chinese at overseas, they can just give money to a Latino or black gangs or Vietnamese gangs, do do he killing for them would be enough.

In Vietnam the country is so corrupted and poor, Chinese can just pay some Vietnamese women to kill that jerk Cum Cong he would not be around anymore, but the guy is just a small spy for his litle quorum only. Didn't Chinese kill the Viet agent Hok Lundy in 9/11 last year? Go figure it out.

Spy don't have to be from outsiders but can be inside his own family members.

I can give you one real example from Thailand history. King Taksin before general Chakry became King was a hero for Siam, but he became too paranoid worried that somebody may kill him. Guess what? His closest woman poisoned him.

Don't be surprised if Cum Cong's family members will kill him for dollars.
This kind of killing among own family members for difference political reasons has always happened since in the past.

Cum Cong will be murdered by someone who is closest to him.
They can murder Hok Lundy they can murder any body.

Anonymous said...

The CPP supporter think that Nguyen Cam Cong is Khmer's friend.

Nguyen Cam Cong is kidnaping and killing Khmer peoples.

CPP supporter is so dumb.

Anonymous said...

Nope, we are not dumb. Without a gifted Viet spy like Nguyen Cam Cong, Khmer culture would have been wipe out by Pouk Ah Scam Rainxy long ago. Therefore, we have to have him to help preserving our culture and heritage.

Anonymous said...

And your heart is so Vietnamese 8:20 AM. Cum Cong will die by his closest person, and may be you who try to kill him? The serial killer does act kind in front of everyone and you've done just that.