Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Thai Gen. Wibulsak Neepal: "We will not leave the area. It is part of our territory too. Our troops must be present to exercise our sovereignty"

Park reopens on Thai-Cambodian border

BANGKOK, Feb. 9 (UPI) -- A long-popular park along a disputed stretch of the Thailand-Cambodia border known for its cliffs and vistas reopened Tuesday after being closed for months.
Tourists hadn't been able to take in the scenery of Pha Mor E-Daeng cliff and the rest of Khao Phra Viharn national park in Si Sa Ket since last July. Cambodia's ancient Khmer temple ruins of Preah Vihear remain closed, however.

Kalayani Thammajari, chairwoman of the Si Sa Ket tourism association, said the reopening was widely welcomed by local businesses, the Bangkok Post reported.

"We are ready for tourists as we have waited for months for this," Kalayani said. "We expect massive tourist arrivals. Many of them are likely to come for a glimpse of the disputed area."

Thai Lt. Gen. Wibulsak Neepal said it's hoped the reopening will alleviate tensions between troops the two countries have stationed in the disputed region. He said reopening the park should encourage Cambodia to open the doors to its mountaintop temple once more.

He said he had invited his Cambodian counterpart, Gen. Chea Mon, to his army's headquarters in Nakhon Ratchasima for talks about cutting troop levels in half.

"(But) we will not leave the area. It is part of our territory too. Our troops must be present to exercise our sovereignty," he said.


Anonymous said...

Cambodia must not open the gate to Preah Vihear from the Thai side. Anyone wants to see our temple must enter from Cambodia side as dispute is still going on...

Anonymous said...

HA hA HA , AH QWUCK WHAT THE FUCK YOU GOING TO DO NOW .. my army are stronger then you ..

Anonymous said...

Thailand wants to do whatever they wish on their side as long as they don’t come in Cambodian’s territory at this time. Little lion, Hun Sen will not allow Thai conducting business and pocketing million of dollars on his head. Although he has been criticized and cursed by many, he is not that stupid. He is a Cambodian and knows when to look and think twice before any action taken.

The road to Prea Vihear temple is being constructed. As soon as it completed, tourist will begin to pour in by accessing through this new road.

Bravo… Cambodia and the people! Keep the thieves away! Don’t let them take advantage and look down on Cambodia!

Anonymous said...

Ah thai thieves will be buried by Cambodian if they dare invade Cambodia. Don’t even dream of taking over the temple. Go to hell first before you step in Khmer’s territory, it’s not yours!

If you’re cooperative and wish in doing buz with Khmer in good faith then you’ll be treated respectively or else.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree....close any entrance/access from the Thai side for good. If the tourists want to see it they'll have to fly to Cambodia and access it from there....enough is enough with a greedy neighbour....their ambition is clear they want Preah Vihear and other Khmer ancient sites along the border.....they think they have the advance weaponry.....but let them start if they insist....and we'll fire the last shot.

Anonymous said...

Wibulsak Neepal asshole is full of shit. He wants to put his feet on two boats and thinks that Cambodians are stupid. If we open the gate for his tourists while his thieves still occupied Cambodian’s territory, he is taking full advantage over Khmers for sure.

Let’s see how Hun Xen considers about Wibulsak’s arrogant and rhetoric attitude.

Anonymous said...

The Thai politicians have a habit of talking sweet about respecting international laws and treaties so on and so on....This kind of trick is for the consumption of the world community that has little knowledge of the area and of the Thais habit and not to forget the Thai public as well. Deep inside they don't give a damn about International Laws and Treaties, they conduct their policies in 180 degrees opposite to what they preach publicly.

My advice to the Khmer leaders is that start the building and strengthening the army for war regardless....you can only negotiate from the position of strength not weakness. This is a must. Never believe a word from a Thai politican even when they sign any agreement with Cambodia. Simply they cannot be trusted at face value.....they have their secret agenda, ie if they keep on pushing it they'll get what they want....that's what they are really doing now.

Anonymous said...

Fuck Thai, should be asharm with your bad behavior. Your troops are stayed in Khmer sovereignty, why thais think this area is its souverenthy? What doc does it use? Thai must know what agreement and International Law especially the International Map.
Don't use your power as 14 century! Because Now Khmers are Sactrefied For their Sovereignty.

Anonymous said...

Ah , HUN SEN GOT YOUN ARMY and FULLY equipped 6000 or more bodyguards , you guy don't need to worry about this , problem will be solved after HUN SEN sale all Khmer land.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia needs people with competent to deal with the thieves or they’ll be fooled by thai as a little child.

Thai has a better advantage about the border disputed. They just sit there forever if they don’t get kicked out by force or through political maneuver or something. The tyrant thinks that everything is under the control, but it’s the opposite.

Anonymous said...

Don’t worry about Cambodia. Yuon is watching Cambodia dealing with thai over Preah Vihear or behind driving force in negotiation.

If Cambodia cannot defend its territory, Yuon will offer help to push thai back from Cambodia. Then a portion of land on the east side will be compensating for Yuon’s assistant. Little by little Cambodia will be wiped out from the face of the earth and people become a stateless.

Anonymous said...

Ah Siem Ach-kri!

Ah Roleay!

Parachey Ah Chor Siem!

Anonymous said...

9:22 AM

A fucking paranoid like you is the disease that holds back Cambodian as a whole. Your stupid obsession with Cambodia vanishing from the planet keeps your brain at a stone age period, you fucking dumbass. This day and age, they don't need to take over your land, you dumb fucker. They take over your economy and you're fucked all the same. Look at how the American public is so worried when all these Chinese and Japanese companies try to buy the American corporations. This is the 21th century. Taking over a land is impossible without the world community sanction but taking over an economy is as effective and much more quiet than a war.

Lesson for you dumb fuck is to stop worrying about Cambodia losing land, instead worry about building strong human resources and economy. But there is no use telling you that since you don't give a flying fuck anyways about Cambodia except for these comments you make online.

Anonymous said...

Look at Israel has control over Palestinian’s territory. United Nation intervention? Bull crab, little progress has been made and can do nothing much to mediate and solve the conflict. It has been going on for years.

Thai is taking that as an example. They don’t care about United Nation. Thai has the upper hand over Cambodia. The bully (Hun Shit) is powerless without ah Yuon the master behind him.

If ah Hun Shit has a strong political will and smart scheme, they would not dare trespass Cambodian’s land. He is just a skinny lion that only can roar to Cambodians.

Anonymous said...

Dear KI readers,

I have something to say and please forgive me if my comment here offense you in any way or my writing is deficiency to you:

I don’t see the point of attacking each other on the comments that are being posted here by individuals. Why do we feel so outrage and irritated by marking cruel language toward each other in the statements? If something that seems to be offensive, we should learn to forgive and help correct the content instead of cursing and swearing as this could lead to self mentality and a habit of rude attitude. If any word that is seen as pro/con, then let it be. This impolite approach could bother your mind and make you get a restless at night and sometimes it can be hard to turn that dreadful mind off.

We’re the same natives as brothers for most of us as I can see here. There is no need to get outrage and angry at each other either you’re a pro CPP, SRP or NPR. Just be nice. We can learn from each other commentary as these are useful remarks from everyone no matter poor or rich English, right or wrong if we can understand and nice toward each other.

Everyone has the right and feel whatever they want if they have something to condemn the government. It’s a democratic government and everyone feels free to say about the government. Cambodia belonging to everyone as Cambodian national either we’re outside or inside Cambodia.

Be nice and polite to each other then teach the kindness to the children not ruthless behavior.

Anonymous said...

HI 10:50AM Nice comment from you, unfortunately Cambodia does not belong to every Khmer, it belongs to a few people only. Don't you know this. If anyone dares to criticise the CPP government, especially Hun Sen in Cambodia they either dig their own grave or find an escape route quickly.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen must learn a lession from his latest soft stand against Siams. His diplomatic rhetorics are welcomed by further encroachment of Siams on Khmer territory.

Remember this. Siam army is under its King's control, a utopian imperialist. What you should do is using Thaksin's card against its own kind. Above all, Thaksin is much more realiable and rational than most utopian Siams.

Anonymous said...

Fucking close the temple from the Siem invaders forever. Lets them rotten in hell!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

May I ask AH Wibulsak Neepal according to what map that you claimed the territory belong to Thailand? What map mother fucker? Is it your stinky Siem map?
Just give it up and it is not your Siem territory according to international map! Get the fuck out or face the consequence!

Siem naked aggression will not be rewarded!

Anonymous said...

it's not the question of their territory or my territory, it's a question of legality of the international treaty of 1907 that was signed and the map of that treaty spelled out the real boundary line, not the siem's unilateral map that is so different and violated that very treaty in the first place. don't forget, even the icj verdict used that 1907 treaty map in their final decision to rule the verdict in 1962. why is siem question this? violation, of course!

Anonymous said...

To 9:36AM

Do you even know why Cambodia doesn't have strong human resources and strong economy?

How the fuck do you expect when Cambodian teachers get pay $40 dollars a month and can't even paying their living expense without get a second job! And the students have to bribe the fucken teachers just to get a lesson so that they can study and to get extra help!

About the Cambodian economy, the Siem and the Viet keep dumping their products in Cambodia to kill Cambodian start up businesses and what have become of Cambodia is that Cambodian people have become a mass consumer for the Siem and the Viet products!

Hey! Blame your Prime Minister Hun Sen! And what about you and what have you done? ahhahhahaha