Below is an information on a newly release book on Cambodian history. The publisher has sent me a number of complimentary copies. I have 5 copies of this book left. If anyone would like to obtain a copy of this book, please send your name and address to the e-mail below:
Notice: Only the first five persons whose names appear on the e-mail will receive a copy of the book as I have only five copies. Names and addresses will be kept confidential.
Chanda Chhay
Notice: Only the first five persons whose names appear on the e-mail will receive a copy of the book as I have only five copies. Names and addresses will be kept confidential.
Chanda Chhay

Author and reporter Chanda Chhay is an American of Cambodian descent who spent the first twenty-five years of his life in Cambodia, and lived through "one of the most horrific social upheaval that has ever happened to humankind." The experience has led an indelible mark on Mr. Chhay’s memory—and was the great impetus to write The Cambodian Royal Chronicle.
This invaluable work covers three main topics: the history ol the Cambodian monarchy an analytic essay on the Cambodian people, society, culture and civilization; and a fascinating report by a Chinese envoy on the customs of the people of Cambodia at the turn of the 13th century.
As a Cambodian who had lived through the destruction of Cambodian society under the Khmer Rouge rule in the late 1970s, Mr. Chhay draws from his vast knowledge of his people's colorful, vio¬lent, and culturally rich history to present a substantive book for students of Cambodian history, as well as for the educated reader.
Chanda Chhay was born in Kompong Cham province, Cambodia. He lived through and witnessed the Cambodian political upheavals in the 1970s and 1980s as a teenager. In 1989, after spending four years in a refugee camp in Thailand, he emigrated to the United States and earned a bachelor’s degree in communications, government, and politics from George Mason University in 1995. Soon afterward, he began working as a conference reporter in Washington. D.C. Mr. Chhay currently resides in northern Virginia and visits Cambodia regularly. This is his first published book.
This invaluable work covers three main topics: the history ol the Cambodian monarchy an analytic essay on the Cambodian people, society, culture and civilization; and a fascinating report by a Chinese envoy on the customs of the people of Cambodia at the turn of the 13th century.
As a Cambodian who had lived through the destruction of Cambodian society under the Khmer Rouge rule in the late 1970s, Mr. Chhay draws from his vast knowledge of his people's colorful, vio¬lent, and culturally rich history to present a substantive book for students of Cambodian history, as well as for the educated reader.
Chanda Chhay was born in Kompong Cham province, Cambodia. He lived through and witnessed the Cambodian political upheavals in the 1970s and 1980s as a teenager. In 1989, after spending four years in a refugee camp in Thailand, he emigrated to the United States and earned a bachelor’s degree in communications, government, and politics from George Mason University in 1995. Soon afterward, he began working as a conference reporter in Washington. D.C. Mr. Chhay currently resides in northern Virginia and visits Cambodia regularly. This is his first published book.
Cambodian royalty belongs to Khmer on mountain and not Ah Pouk Scam Rainxy
Khmer Royalty belongs to all Khmers, included Khmer Mon, Khmer Champa.
Khmer Royalty belongs to Khmer Surin, Khmer Krom, Khmer, Khmer Knong Srok, Khmer Krao Srok, Khmer Sanh Cheat Mouy, Khmer Sanh Cheat Pi, Khmer khyom youn, Khmer khyom chen, Khmer kyom Siam, et.
Can you be more productive? Stop talking the past... It can do that too if I am that old, your age.
Dear Readers:
I regret to announce that the 5 requests for the Cambodian Royal Chronicle has been received. I am sorry for those who are unable to obtain a copy due to the limited supply. I hope you will find access to this book in your local library in the near future.
Chanda Chhay
Congratulation !
Thank you & Thank you .
Bun H. Ung
To Mr. Chhay,
I would like to ask you a two simple parts question: Why former King Sihanouk always visiting China and not Vietnam; and Why Samdech Hun Sen always visiting Vietnam and seldom China?
My fear for the security of Cambodia is when former King Sihanouk departs this country of his. It seems there will be trouble lurking on the horizon between China and Vietnam.
According to Dr. Chang Pao Min, Vietnam has always been a threat to China, in addition, since Vietnam has betrayed China in 1977 to join COMECON which administered by the former Soviet Union, China has never trusted this dangerous enemy. This is the reason why China has continously supporting Cambodia and signified as its greatest allied in that region of the world. Now is the time for Cambodia to focus on its SEA and navigation boundary problems with Vietnam. If Cambodia can take Vietnam to the ICJ based on the evidences which clearly recorded in the 1862 when King Aung Duong and the latter King Sisowath argument that under the French Protectorate, France only awarded the Administrative position to oversee Cambodia and not given the entire Corchinchina to Vietnam as it has been claimed. And based on this argument, Cambodia is the rightful owner of Corchinchina until this very day. Cambodia can always rely on the 1954 Geneva Convention. Japan was apart of the Axis Power during World War II and France was changed into Vichy Government and NOT French government known by the free world. And because of this Vichy government, Cambodia was forced or coerced by force into making a deal with Thailand about Preah Vieah Temple. But after the United States bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, that led Japan to surrender unconditionally and whatever agreements made during this period will be "nullified" this would signifies the agreement between Cambodia and Thailand in regards to Preah Vihear Temple.
Cambodia is in a better position to take Vietnam and Thailand once and for all to the ICJ in order to cure what has been done to Cambodia and her people. I shall wait to hear your response on this matter.
I thank you...
why they dont take Sihanouk to trial with SAMACK MITH DUCH.....
Please explain WHY...WHY....??????
Khmer< CHHEU CHAPP.>...My family DIES ALL by SIHANOUK...
I lost all of my famely members.
I mean all.
We should identify who is VICTIM and who is GUILTY PERSON.
Years 60, Cambodia wants or not Vietcon come in Cambodia and forced Cambodians to fight with them against Americans. None can help Cambodia.
Years 60, Cambodia wants or not Americans bomb Cambodia.
Years 70, Cambodia wants or not Americans forced Cambodians to fight with them against Vietcon. Who can help Cambodia.
1975 I was there. Sihanouk was a pawn. Khmer rouges always hate Sihanouk.
He was politician, he would stay in power like every polician but since 1970 he never has power.
He is a loser like some other politicians.
Duch killed Khmer rouges who kill our family members
more than NEW people like us.
Do not forget that there were also good Khmer rouges. I survive because of them.
Who killed our family members ?
Bad khmer rouges.
20% of Khmer rouges are bad and they are many enough to destroy our people and our country.
We can say that BAD people kill our family members because 20% of khmers are bad and they still always there and they could destroy us and our country anytime.
fuck you sihunuk fuck you sihu mony
we need to kill all the ( tro sork por-eam- family we will show the world we need remove them a way i mean that
You are motherfucker! Why motherfuck talking about my king asshole.You fuck a nickle you fuckig work for foriegn country.Your fucking with your party can't go back to Cambodia if you go there you migth be die by Khmer fucking killing you motherfucker!
thank to KI comment 9:37AM! you can not killme! like ah Shihanouk did in 1960 to Khmer Serey!
9:37Am wath about your king asshole????????
i would like to make a comment.
Your mother, your daddy, brother , sister, ect is a khmer rouge. They killed my family etc. So in other word shut up with the blame game.
your family member was kill by a khmer do you not know that maybe your family members was a khmer rouge in the other side of the country killing someone else family membmers... so who is quilty?
Hey A Crazy you never learn something! You were born to Khmer but your blood has no Khmer colors. You have no Khmer spirit but you try to call yourself Khmer and pretend to be the Khmer lover. You live abroad and think foreigner is everything for you. you have to think one thing Cambodia need the Cambodian who try to rebuild the country not the crazy man like you that can just only say you are good but someone else's bad. WAKE UP MAN !!!
The Golden House
Here is the golden and beautiful building, leading to furniture shop in Cambodia
construction materials said.
By this way this old commercial building has gone under amazing changing performed and has become a paradise flooded with warmth light and caramel wood inside gardens and luxuriate vegetation.
One more this this building is designed to escape from the traditional concept of wall separation and instead of using glass, massive wooden surfaces inside gardens and different architectural levels to create the differentiation of areas.
Anyway the bamboo has been created in a special place in the interior; it is not only a plant that grows in front the spacious windows and filters that light but also as a materials for furnishing loft.
To all Khmer who are continue to live under Hermit curses.
Do you know, Budh Damnāy is 100% accurate in predicting 1993 UN sponsor election?
Did you know, prophecy predicted candidate from France won the election but he was forced to share power with Thmil?
Did you know prophecy foretold Thmil reign will end in 2016 and 2017 will be a choice for Khmer to elect Thmil or other to manage the war that reaches the belly of the elephant?
Did you know such bloodiest war can be avert if Cambodian people work themselves out of the curse and choose "Our beloved Lord has merit" instead?
By now, you should have understand why your PM speaks like dirt. He is a thmil.
Unfortunate, thomik reachea may not come if you don't try to open your mind to see the truth. Hun Sen regime told a lie about liberation. Vietnam didn't even use word "liberation". Vietnam used "security reason" to invade Cambodia in 1979. Why Vietnam did use the word Liberation?
Because that word was used in September 1978 at UN but Vietnam didn't support it (Based on Mr. Eng). Instead, Vietnam did it alone 3 months later.
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