KI-Media loves to hear from you, and we're giving you a bullhorn. We just ask that you keep things civil. Please leave out personal attacks, do not use profanity, ethnic or racial slurs, or take shots at anyone's sexual orientation or religion. We thank you for your cooperation!
Former Khmer Rouge unit liberated Cambodia one more time, KR Trial canceled forever
A rebel soldier showed this photo of themselves being trained in parachute dropping. Due to plane shortage, the soldiers had to jump up in the air, as high as they can, and pretend to drop to the ground. (Photo provided)
Wednesday, April 01, 2009 By April Jeanius Special report Al Zameera
Our apologies! Story removed for bad taste April Fool joke.
This is absolutely fabricated, KI Media is becoming an unworthy source for news in Cambodia. In fact, it is becoming a site of jokes. This is a shame to the Cambodians.
I see you have no sense of humor. Come on, there are many news media outlets that have printed up or broadcast some April Fools (April 1st) jokes. This joke article is a good laughing break over all of the other bleak, miserable and disheartening news that seems to be coming out of Cambodia everyday.
If you see this supposed fabricated event in the news as a good laughing break, I am very suspicious of who you are and what your past is. Are your hands still reddish from the blood of the people you killed during 1975-1979?
I think KI has made a big mistake by doing this. Apparently, they think it's funny to incite old wounds. There are many of us here who have relatives in Cambodia that we care about. I am praying this is just a joke. If it turns out to be so, KI has just shot itself in the foot really bad this time. The repercussion of this half-baked idea for a joke will haunt you.
It's well plan coup like Jame Bond oo7.It's real big yoke.Don't be panic with this article like swimming to Cambodia.From time to time I like a yoke like this.Don't blame KI.
I know that this article that your news team have concocted it nothing more than a deliberate April Fools joke. It is in no means a method to instill disgust upon you guys nor was it meant to harm anyone else.
Personally, after reading this article, I had evidently found it to be presented and written in the spirit of humor. Closely following Cambodian politics, I knew this even can not have occurred. Also, one must have to take in account that today is indeed April 1st.
However, KI-Media must also realize that in Cambodia, the creation and spread of rumors and gossips have had many adverse and disastrous effects. The riots in Phnom Penh that ended up with the Thai Embassy in flames was a result of rumors and gossips. In fact, a lot of violence in Cambodia, such as acid attacks are the result of people spreading rumors and possibly false information about one another.
Once again, please be careful in the dispensing of information. Jokes and written satires, without contextual consideration, can result in the circulation of false information. Which in turn can be very grave.
I care about you guys at KI-Media and the Cambodian people. Please be careful.
LOL freakin KI media!! You had me fooled, nice one. In this world of suffering it is good to laugh and liberate one self. I hope others get plenty of laughs and smiles.
samak mit Sorn (N. Shihanouk) send thoe Chinese Troop to kidnap his puppet and kill them before they tell the truth to ECCC about the man that give them order to slaughter the Khmer people.
"A rebel soldier showed this photo of themselves being trained in parachute dropping. Due to plane shortage, the soldiers had to jump up in the air, as high as they can, and pretend to drop to the ground."
LOL...that was the funniest thing I've read in a long time! Thank you KI-Media!
Yo, I'm from Phnom Penh and this is real, people. It's not a joke. There are tanks and soldiers all over the streets right now. The whole city is under marshall law. TVK is broadcasting this right now. If you have that channel, turn it on and you'll see.
Wait! What is really going on? Is this a joke or it is really happening? I'm from outside Cambodia and don't have any Khmer channel so I can't watch and see what's going on.
Just read and laugh then go to hundred and thousand more Blogs. Why bother to ask Khmer Incompetence to remove its post? What do you expect the below semi Professional jerks to act as real professioanl people?
This is real, guys. I just watch TVK and I saw Sam Rainsy sitting next to the Khmer Rouge leaders. I don't know if they capture them or are they broadcasting their victory.
By looking at the name of the author, this tasteless joke was written by a westerner or westerner want to be. CAMBODIANS DO NOT HAVE APRIL FOOLS. If you are a westerner want to be, please stop fooling yourself. YOU WILL NEVER BE ONE OF THE WESTERNERS. You might be living in one of the western countries, eat and act like one of the westerners, and even holding a citizenship in that country; but YOU WILL NEVER BE ONE OF THEM. So, stop introducing this nonesense western culture to Cambodians. We have a rich culture that we all should continues to cherish and prserve.
Is it real? How can it happen?
I just rang my relative in Cambodia but seem nothing happened ,
This is absolutely fabricated, KI Media is becoming an unworthy source for news in Cambodia. In fact, it is becoming a site of jokes. This is a shame to the Cambodians.
Regular KI Reader
lolz! nice one, i wish it happen ASAP. save our comrades from VC.
of course it's an April fool's Joke! the picture in the article are of Chinese and not Khmer Reds.
8:17 AM,
I see you have no sense of humor. Come on, there are many news media outlets that have printed up or broadcast some April Fools (April 1st) jokes. This joke article is a good laughing break over all of the other bleak, miserable and disheartening news that seems to be coming out of Cambodia everyday.
who fabricates this news?????...
8:21 AM
If you see this supposed fabricated event in the news as a good laughing break, I am very suspicious of who you are and what your past is. Are your hands still reddish from the blood of the people you killed during 1975-1979?
stupid news!!! and also the one who post this
I think KI has made a big mistake by doing this. Apparently, they think it's funny to incite old wounds. There are many of us here who have relatives in Cambodia that we care about. I am praying this is just a joke. If it turns out to be so, KI has just shot itself in the foot really bad this time. The repercussion of this half-baked idea for a joke will haunt you.
It's well plan coup like Jame Bond oo7.It's real big yoke.Don't be panic with this article like swimming to Cambodia.From time to time I like a yoke like this.Don't blame KI.
I know that this article that your news team have concocted it nothing more than a deliberate April Fools joke. It is in no means a method to instill disgust upon you guys nor was it meant to harm anyone else.
Personally, after reading this article, I had evidently found it to be presented and written in the spirit of humor. Closely following Cambodian politics, I knew this even can not have occurred. Also, one must have to take in account that today is indeed April 1st.
However, KI-Media must also realize that in Cambodia, the creation and spread of rumors and gossips have had many adverse and disastrous effects. The riots in Phnom Penh that ended up with the Thai Embassy in flames was a result of rumors and gossips. In fact, a lot of violence in Cambodia, such as acid attacks are the result of people spreading rumors and possibly false information about one another.
Once again, please be careful in the dispensing of information. Jokes and written satires, without contextual consideration, can result in the circulation of false information. Which in turn can be very grave.
I care about you guys at KI-Media and the Cambodian people. Please be careful.
LOL freakin KI media!! You had me fooled, nice one. In this world of suffering it is good to laugh and liberate one self. I hope others get plenty of laughs and smiles.
samak mit Sorn (N. Shihanouk) send thoe Chinese Troop to kidnap his puppet and kill them before they tell the truth to ECCC about the man that give them order to slaughter the Khmer people.
By: Ka Pompit Lover.:=)
"A rebel soldier showed this photo of themselves being trained in parachute dropping. Due to plane shortage, the soldiers had to jump up in the air, as high as they can, and pretend to drop to the ground."
LOL...that was the funniest thing I've read in a long time! Thank you KI-Media!
Correct me if I'm wrong but this place has turned into one big pool of "I stroke your dick and you stroke mind" fest?
What's a big funny story!
Yo, I'm from Phnom Penh and this is real, people. It's not a joke. There are tanks and soldiers all over the streets right now. The whole city is under marshall law. TVK is broadcasting this right now. If you have that channel, turn it on and you'll see.
Wait! What is really going on? Is this a joke or it is really happening? I'm from outside Cambodia and don't have any Khmer channel so I can't watch and see what's going on.
I beg KI to remove this article before it turns to a negative affect rumor.
This is a tasteless and somewhat dangerous joke. KI should not allow or condole this if it wants to establish any credability with readers.
11:04 AM
No life loser posting the same shit. This guy is like a pest. KI, exterminate this one bug for us huh? lol
Just read and laugh then go to hundred and thousand more Blogs. Why bother to ask Khmer Incompetence to remove its post?
What do you expect the below semi Professional jerks to act as real professioanl people?
This is real, guys. I just watch TVK and I saw Sam Rainsy sitting next to the Khmer Rouge leaders. I don't know if they capture them or are they broadcasting their victory.
It's not funny. This is not a time for an April fool joke! KI Media staff (whoever posted the artical) should be fired!
By looking at the name of the author, this tasteless joke was written by a westerner or westerner want to be. CAMBODIANS DO NOT HAVE APRIL FOOLS. If you are a westerner want to be, please stop fooling yourself. YOU WILL NEVER BE ONE OF THE WESTERNERS. You might be living in one of the western countries, eat and act like one of the westerners, and even holding a citizenship in that country; but YOU WILL NEVER BE ONE OF THEM. So, stop introducing this nonesense western culture to Cambodians. We have a rich culture that we all should continues to cherish and prserve.
US Citizen, but Khmer all the way
10:58, you are suck.... how could you describe my country leader in that manner... you are bullshit... brainless.... fuck you, mother fucker...
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