Monday, June 15, 2009

After so many girations and deaths, Thai academics suggest joint management of Preah Vihear area ... AGAIN

Govt deal on temple land 'can end row'

Bangkok Post

Surin: The Thai and Cambodian governments should jointly manage disputed areas around the Preah Vihear temple while they work on border demarcation, academics say.

Boonruang Kajmary, an academic on Cambodian studies at Surindra Rajabhat University, said unless the governments of the two countries agree to manage the area together, the border conflict would probably never be settled.

The two countries should agree to manage it together for the sake of their people.The temple problem was created by politicians and had been blown up into a social problem, he said.

While an atmosphere of mistrust remains, attempts to demarcate the overlapping area would probably fail as they would be criticised by the parliament from the other side.

Thailand and Cambodia both claim land amounting to 4.6 sq km or 3,000 rai around the temple in Si Sa Ket province as their own.

They have troops patrolling the area who have clashed with each other many times over the years.

However, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen last week assured Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva that fighting over the area would end.

Damkeung Tothong, director of the democratic study centre at Surindra Rajabhat University, said Thais and Cambodians could talk about their similar ethnicity. But when it comes to history, they cannot agree.

"I tell my students to forget the political borderlines as ethnology can promote peace. Our northeastern region and Cambodia used to be on the same piece of land," he said, adding that the people of Surin province can speak the Khmer language and some Cambodians cross the border to see their Thai relatives.

Soey Wongsi, a Cambodian graduate student, agreed that both countries should focus on the long relationship between their peoples.


Anonymous said...

Hell with the Thai!

Haven't the international court ruled that Preah Vihear is "Khmer" already a couple of decades back if not earlier!!!

Damn the Thai!!!

Anonymous said...

Good possible resolution. Let's have joint management. The Cambodian manages the temple and the immediate surrounding area as indicated by the map agreed in 1904; the Thai manages inside their territory upto the border.

Anonymous said...

Now that's the smartest comment I haven't in years of my life online 7:46 AM. The question is - will the bloody Thai stops their agression and agrees to abide by the international court decision???

I'd say F* the Thai bandit!

Anonymous said...

haven't seen*

Anonymous said...

The Siem proposition is a no! no! no! It likes saying here is my wife and I want to share with you!

Anything deal Khmer Preah Vihear temple deals with Khmer sovereignty and to have the Siem manage Khmer Preah Vihear temple too would violate Khmer sovereignty!

Khmer sovereignty is non-negotiable!

Anonymous said...

If so we sugest thailand to co-manage the whole Thailand including Bangkok for the interest of both counties.
Khmer-Siam lands should be named as new created country of the the world map.

Anonymous said...

7:46am Good Idea

Anonymous said...

The Siem want to manage the "areas around the Preah Vihear temple" so that they can prevent tourist from entering the temple and Cambodian will eat dirt!

The Siem leaders smart like a monkey!

Anonymous said...

We must continue to working on our goal of define the border line and once for all free from Thai bullying. Thailand has been paying greatly for the price this CAmbodian-Thailand border issue in the face of internation community. Their reputation has been greatly hurt. The world community now begin to realize how their true color.

Anonymous said...

The CPP government of micro management representing the small and narrow of the government's views.

Anonymous said...

It was a good gesture by Thai PM to return 7 artifacts to Cambodia, but Cambodians do not be fooled by that. This is two different issues. If Thai wants to have peace with its neighbors, they should stop the trick and aggression or it will never be peace in the region.

Anonymous said...

9:46 AM,

There is no such thing as a good guesture on the part of the Thai bandit...think about it. They are ours, they robbed from us and they want us to thank them (or you thank them) upon their return to us?

Anonymous said...

If this is the case, might as well call the temple 'Prah Viharn Preah Vihear'.

Anonymous said...

Thailand and Cambodia both claim land amounting to 4.6 sq km or 3,000 rai around the temple "in Si Sa Ket province" as their own.

However, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen last week "assured" Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva that "fighting over the area would end".

These are my quotes from the article posted in KI MEDIA, reflecting phrases intentionally misused for Thai benefits. They are in parentheses. I just want to know what "fucking" newspaper originally reported this.

For the first quote, the newspaper reporting this news must be a fucking Thai government newspaper, no doubt. But i just want to question the legistimacy of the paper and want them to show what kind of legal basis or documents it stands on when using those quoted phrases. Why didn't the paper say it is in Preah Vihear province? What's wrong with that fucking paper?

For the quote in second paragraph, if Hun Sen really used the word "ASSURE" the fighting would end, then He must be completely stupid and out of his mind and should be guilty and definitely must step down before being shamefully outsted. The reason is quite simple, Hun Sen can use the word assure as long as Cambodia is the one who started the conflict and fighting first. But the reality is the oppposite. That word should be used by the Thai PM AbiSHIT in stead.

I actually can't imagine how AbiSHIT enjoyed the laugh when he heard the word "Assure" from my stupid and uneducated PM's mouth.

How unfortunate i am to live under such a stupid government who continuously brings shame to both the country and its people.

Anonymous said...


Interresting to find out why thai accedamic persists on joint management on Preah Vihear?

In term of sovereinty of a country, this again and again should not be any compromise. Aren't we all familiar with term of intrusion or invasion?

Is that a step and stone to reach Thai long term aim to control part of Cambodia?. There are so many areas where joint venture can be made in economic progresses.

Thailand have had bought Angkorean artifects for years since I was a little boy in 1962,living in border known as Poipet. Is that the culture's imprint that Thailand wants?.In education, Cambodia was part of Thailand. Notice in Thai movies,always sneaking to put border such as Sampeo Lune, poipet....etc part of Thailand.

Legally and historically, Cambodia is not a piece of pie where neigborings continue to intrude and invade.

Golden piece of land will no longer exist if Khmer DO NOT WAKE UP to this.

Neang SA

Anonymous said...

Neang "Khmao" oops SA is a boy?
Quit pulling people's leg please Neang Khmao? LOL!

Anonymous said...

To Mr. Akway Soey Wongsi!!

Soey Wongsi, a Cambodian graduate student, agreed that both countries should focus on the long relationship between their peoples.

On behalf of Koun Khmer, I won't agree with your suggestion, as we still have many other ways to end the problem such as international court!!! you see that!!! If we (Cambodians) go to the court again, we will even get more land back from Thailand!!! If Thai still wants our land, we will definitely go to the court.


new idea said...

Cambodian and Vietnam should joint together and invading Thailand, so Yala will get their lands back and freedom! Khmer will get their lands back, Thais will be our slave forever....

Anonymous said...

Cambodia must be always ready for war if they want to earn peace with their neighbor.

Anonymous said...

Thais are playing a game again. They just want to buy times and change their strategies. "Joint Management" is not a bad idea, but their historical ignorance of the agreements always pose a great concern for Khmers. Their final goals is to gradually steal the land by all means, including magic.
