Sunday, June 14, 2009

Denial of Peaceful Protest by Union Members on 12 June 2009

Dear all,

The Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) today, June 12, 2009, issues a statement condemning the denial of peaceful protest by union members on June 12, 2009. Please find attached the statement in Khmer.

Kind regards,



Anonymous said...

khmer gov't should reconsider not to interfere with our people's freedom of expression such as making peaceful demonstration or protest anything and anybody to make known that not everybody is/was happy with them e.g. the recent thai prime minister visit. it is called a peaceful protest for a reason, peaceful that is. city municipality should not interfere with that. this way we can get our messages across to the perpetrators. thank you and god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Stay out of the streets is best for eveyone, as I have told everyone before, because we don't want any illegal unruly disruption.