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Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva (L) shakes hands with Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen during the handover ceremony of seven Cambodian artifacts which were stolen by smugglers, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Phnom Penh June 12, 2009. Abhisit is in Cambodia for a one-day official visit to discuss border issues. REUTERS/Chor Sokunthea Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen examines an artifact as Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva (L) smiles during the handover ceremony of seven Cambodian artifacts which were stolen by smugglers, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Phnom Penh June 12, 2009. Abhisit is in Cambodia for a one-day official visit to discuss border issues. REUTERS/Chor Sokunthea Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen reacts as Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva (L) listens during the handover ceremony of seven Cambodian artifacts which were stolen by smugglers, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Phnom Penh June 12, 2009. Abhisit is in Cambodia for a one-day official visit to discuss border issues. REUTERS/Chor Sokunthea Thai Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya (L) shakes hands with Cambodian Deputy Foreign Minister Hor Namhong(R) during the handover ceremony of seven Cambodian artifacts which were stolen by smugglers, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Phnom Penh June 12, 2009. Abhisit is in Cambodia for a one-day official visit to discuss border issues. REUTERS/Chor Sokunthea Photographers take pictures of three artifacts during a handover ceremony of seven Cambodian artifacts which were stolen by smugglers, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Phnom Penh June 12, 2009. REUTERS/Chor Sokunthea
The relation between the two countries has never been damaged, and therefore there's no need for Cambodia-Thai rapprochement; this is the signaling the recent improvement in relations between the two countries.
Criminals under Hun Sen regime stole these artifacts and sold them to shops in Thailand. Now the artifacts are returned and they are possible for stealing them again.
8:32pm Those artifacts were supposed to return to Cambodia since Hun Sen went to Thailand for ASEAN conference in Pattaya, but the Thai held them back.
In fact, it was a mockery to Hun Sen regime when the Thai did that.
However, Hun Sen just does not get it and it is normal for an ignorant leader such as himself.
Ah stupid Hun Sen, if Thailand never return these artifacts he wouldn't know that we lost them. Now can you take care this? or will you lost it again? You are nothing beside begging and yelling to your own Khmer people.
I can see why Siam is returning these artifacts because it is too obvious to the world that it was stolen. To keep it in Thailand's museum it just doesn't look right.
If all of you are so much better than Hun Sen, it would be one of you that rules Cambodia and not him. Apparently, that isn't the reality. All you're good at is talking, which isn't hard for any human without a speech impediment.
Yes, I am better than Einstein, too. Oh! Wait! Where is the proof for that? I don't have any. Damn! I'm just one of you big mouth good for nothing but bitching. ;)
If my withering brain of the second language education is literally or fully understanding your magnificently reasonable sentences, you might be indirectly attempted to compare Hun SenVarman with Einstein.
In Short, I undoubtedly believe that Hun SenVarman is more academically smarter than Einstein, because he continuously got a lot of PhDs.
Siam hypocritical nature is to endebt Hun Sen and makes him a great redeemer as it eyes favors from Hun Sen in return when comes to border demarcation.
Siam has grown from harems to a nation of thieves and servants of Chinese patrons who in turn fooled Khmers since 1850.
This gesture reminded us of the Longwaek fall at Siam trickery of prak duong.
It's despicable how imbecile Cambodia governments had ever been as such shamefuness for a nation identity for all these years.
Thai is very tricky,they did this favor just to shut hun sen from demanding preah vihear! and our uneducated is excited with that stone and forget what Thai have behind cambodia back is a sharp knife for stabbing!@ Oh Ah XEN AH LA NGUNG(DUMB)!Well he doesn't care anyway about cambodia.
The relation between the two countries has never been damaged, and therefore there's no need for Cambodia-Thai rapprochement; this is the signaling the recent improvement in relations between the two countries.
good - now return everything else that you've stolen from cambodia
They should also returns lands, stop taking lands and stop abusing khmer. Same for vietnam.
Criminals under Hun Sen regime stole these artifacts and sold them to shops in Thailand. Now the artifacts are returned and they are possible for stealing them again.
I'm happy with the return of the artifacts. However, I absolutely agree with you that Hun Sen is not capable of preserving Cambodian treasure.
The Governt should not be happy but ashamed of its irresponsibility and ineffectiveness of its leadership.
Those artifacts were supposed to return to Cambodia since Hun Sen went to Thailand for ASEAN conference in Pattaya, but the Thai held them back.
In fact, it was a mockery to Hun Sen regime when the Thai did that.
However, Hun Sen just does not get it and it is normal for an ignorant leader such as himself.
Ah stupid Hun Sen, if Thailand never return these artifacts he wouldn't know that we lost them. Now can you take care this? or will you lost it again? You are nothing beside begging and yelling to your own Khmer people.
I can see why Siam is returning these artifacts because it is too obvious to the world that it was stolen. To keep it in Thailand's museum it just doesn't look right.
If all of you are so much better than Hun Sen, it would be one of you that rules Cambodia and not him. Apparently, that isn't the reality. All you're good at is talking, which isn't hard for any human without a speech impediment.
Yes, I am better than Einstein, too. Oh! Wait! Where is the proof for that? I don't have any. Damn! I'm just one of you big mouth good for nothing but bitching. ;)
My beloved 10:17PM!
If my withering brain of the second language education is literally or fully understanding your magnificently reasonable sentences, you might be indirectly attempted to compare Hun SenVarman with Einstein.
In Short, I undoubtedly believe that Hun SenVarman is more academically smarter than Einstein, because he continuously got a lot of PhDs.
Siam hypocritical nature is to endebt Hun Sen and makes him a great redeemer as it eyes favors from Hun Sen in return when comes to border demarcation.
Siam has grown from harems to a nation of thieves and servants of Chinese patrons who in turn fooled Khmers since 1850.
This gesture reminded us of the Longwaek fall at Siam trickery of prak duong.
It's despicable how imbecile Cambodia governments had ever been as such shamefuness for a nation identity for all these years.
Thai is very tricky,they did this favor just to shut hun sen from demanding preah vihear! and our uneducated is excited with that stone and forget what Thai have behind cambodia back is a sharp knife for stabbing!@ Oh Ah XEN AH LA NGUNG(DUMB)!Well he doesn't care anyway about cambodia.
These artifacts will be resold again by ah Hun Kh'vang and his cronies.
If anyone here in this site is holding the Western Ph.D (doctorate) degree, you're worthless, that's why I don't value the Western or Hanoi's Ph.D.
Deosn't the picture look like the man on the left? :)
Thailand got lands Khmer leaders got piece of stone, Thai win! win!
3:02 AM, I doubt anyone here hold any degree at all; undergrads or grads. Maybe a GED here and there...barely.
Both Hun Sen and Abhisit are power grabbers.
Guy, I think Thailand got the lands around Preah Vihear, because these stones must exchange for something? or may be oil in sea?
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