Sihanouk ‘Will Not Go’ to Tribunal: Aid
By Sok Khemara, VOA Khmer
Original report from Washington
20 July 2009
"Pure gold is not afraid of fire" - Old Khmer sayingAn aid to former king Norodom Sihanouk reaffirmed his refusal to cooperate with the UN-backed Khmer Rouge tribunal, even if the court calls him to testify.
“At present, if there is a letter inviting him, he will not go,” Prince Sisowath Thomico, cabinet chief for the Royal Palace, told VOA Khmer Friday.
The response comes amid reports that UN investigating judge Marcel Lemonde sent a request to the former monarch to testify as a witness in upcoming trials of jailed leaders of the Khmer Rouge.
One observer who asked not to be named said the letter came from Lemonde, but not his Cambodian counterpart, You Bunleng, and had asked Sihanouk to testify at a convenient time and place.
Sisowath Thomico said he had not yet seen a letter from the investigator’s office.
Sihanouk at one time acted as head of a coalition that included the Khmer Rouge movement, following his ouster in a US-backed coup in 1970. The former king has said that he resigned from this role in 1976 and has denied any responsibility for the deaths caused by the regime. He has said he lost 19 children and relatives to the Khmer Rouge.
Now 86, Sihanouk abdicated the throne in 2004, but he retains special rights under the constitution and is named “Father of the Nation.”
Sihanouk’s cabinet said in response to VOA Khmer questions in April that requests for him to testify would be in violation of the constitution.
Sisowath Thomico said Friday Sihanouk has maintained his position of noncooperation since tribunal officials declined his invitation to the Royal Palace in 2007.
The defense team of Nuon Chea, the former lieutenant of Pol Pot now in tribunal custody, has requested that Sihanouk be called to testify along with the ruling Cambodian People’s Party top three members, Prime Minister Hun Sen, Senate President Chea Sim and National Assembly President Heng Samrin.
A tribunal expert said it would be impossible to call any of them, as it could lead to “a big reaction and make problems for the court.”
Their testimony could lead to more arrests or charges, or could make the government look bad, the expert said.
i think cambodia is a good example of many things we learn in college, i mean the things that people in order to be logical, to be civilized, and to avoid the human error or problem that we all saw happened in cambodia. please avoid it at all cost! not good for anybody to live by! we all can do better everywhere. thank you.
and people often forget that the world is made up of many many countries, languages, culture, people, etc... it only works well in cambodia if cambodia was the only people and country on the planet, you know! same concept with the greedy thai(siem) race as well. keep in mind the world is a huge ball of planet and within it there are many many diverse culture, lives, countries, people, languages, etc, etc... if we don't learn this by now, it is a sign of disability of those individuals!
the world got too many competition, it's not working to have narrow-mind! open up and learn about the world, please!
this goes to show that not all old saying hold true any more, especially given the world is changing and people's belief, mentality and education is necessary in this day and age. so, my advice is to be smarter and learn to wonder, learn to be inquisitive about everything, don't take everything for granted anymore. be analytical, use critical thinking, etc, etc... that said, however, of course, there are many good old saying that we all can learn from as well. just be smart and be selective about it, though! these are wised, old saying there were prabably true at one point, however, some are probably outdated now and doesn't serve a purpose any longer, especially in this day and age! thinking is good skill to have, you know!
It may be afaked gold!!!!!
" Sisowath Thomico said Friday Shihanoul has maintained his position of noncooperation since tribunal officials decline his invitation to the royal palace in 2007"
Where is the justice???????
The claim of leaders'relatives lost lives in KR regime does not have enough legal bsis to be innocent. Monarchy and government should understand that Cambodian people need justice, not to revenge, for healing their trauma from KR regime. So to release traumatisation of the Cambodian people, please Cambodian leaders and monarchy come out to testify in order to rescue Cambodian people from traumatisation.
Ah ! Norodom Sihanouk, Vea khlach Tolakar Nas, Vea min hean tov tveur sahakkar chea muoy Tolakar té. beû sen Ké bangkhôm vea Ah ! Sihanouk vea Râth Chaûl Srok tov péking Phleam. Beû ôy vea thingmaûng srey srey vea thingmaûng phleam. Mê Vea(his mother) kâ ah Sihanouk vea hean choy Mê vea dèr. Hèth nis saum Khmers terng âs Khnea chreap. Ah ! Sihanouk nis Khmean sach kdey khlahan mouy dâng Na leûy. Ah! nis gnorp daûy sar thingmaûng roeu choy kanduoy mi Monique min khab té
Sadly justice cannot be served in anywhere not to say in Cambodia. Because the main actors who orchastrated the calamities in South East Asia were Stalin, Mao Tseng Tung and Ho Chi Minh.
Small countries like Cambodia and Laos, the leaders were powerless. They have no weapons and they are poor. But at least Sihanouk tried to save a few seeds of of his people. Sok Khmemara who run from Hun Sen after all he is serving Communist Vietnam's interest.
Vietname DON'T NEED permissions to enter Cambodia, they can enter every time they want since 17's centuries.
4:16 AM,
Are you Ly Ngoc Diep/Yiep in LB, a Youn spy?
Your languages are low class; You probably one of the gangfuckers Republican't. If the KIng didn't go to China, the tri-nations Soviet-China and Vietnam would smash Cambodia already. Fuck you ah/me choy chhkae. Stop cursing Khmer King.
Gangfuckers republican't is not the only dumbest group, the gangfuckers poets are too, and ung thavry is one of the black hole in its galaxies. Dumbest meet the dumbest. If you think these gangfuckers understand politics, you will be fucking falling into the black holes in another galaxies. You have to know how to speak their languages. Choy kandouy chhkae is one of the many words these gangfuckers like 4:16 AM love to suck.
Ah Barang choy m'ray, meul ngeay Khmer m'less, hean call sdech Khmer to testify.
It's outdated. What "pure gold is not afraid of fire" has to do with 1.7 million deaths in Cambodia?
It has to do with the crimes who killed or starved the people.
Pure gold (Au) can be melted if the melting temperature is reached.
Cambodia and its leaders are not effective, true they're powerless.
King Sihanouk or not King Sihanouk or whoever were leaders would be put in danger under the threats of Communists or powerful nations.
The killing in Cambodia was by Vietnam(Soviet) and China. Thailand was watching to suck the juice while Khmers were dying.
People like Sok Khemara and some idiots like 4:16am are looking for someone to blame, but they didn't see what caused Cambodia to fall.
As long as these irrational people like 4:16am and Sacrava poet thugs vow to fight King Sihanouk, the KRT will suck more taxe payers to feed those who are jobless in corrupt court of Hun Sen.
Justice? Are you kidding? Even the US does not have justice either.
I dont understand why have to blame on the old king while he doesnt have any power. He aint different from the ordinary people. What do you want him to do? To speak against Cambodian govt, he is too old the deal with them.
Do you guy know who stood behind sihanouk wife? Ta Mok?
Yep! it was Ta Mok alright! he had his hand up inside her asshole...
And Ta Mok fucked your azz I saw some pics in another site. BJ he sucked yours and your women's pussies too.
Here come ah pourk racist fake Buddhist choy m'ray hean chae sdech Khmers.
this is a new era for cambodia. life goes on now. we should learn from bad history and strive to be better for our country's future, especially in gov't system. we must learn not to fight for power like in the olden day. nowadays, everything must be voted for, not fight for power by killing each other again like history shown. that's too outdated, to say the least! cambodia and the world has changed a lot; it is ignorant not to be able to see that! i think in the past people fight each other for power, etc. because partly due to ignorant, partly due to greedy, jealousy, and bad gov't system, etc... nowadays, it is stupid to go on to do that. we must learn from the entire world by sharing information and exchanging ideas with each other and so forth. don't be selfish, we all share the same planet as there are only one planet, really, because if we destroy our only green planet, imagine where are we going to live? everyone grows old and die, so the next generation will carry on, hopefully a different business than the older generation. let's have a new paradigm shift for the sake of our cambodia nation and better future of our country and khmer people and citizen. god bless cambodia.
I don't understand why Judge Lemonde can issue a subpoena alone without consult or vote unanimously among other judges?
Sent an order from the court for the old Khmer Monarch without consulting other Khmer judges who also sit on the panel, I want to see what it says in Khmer Constution. Anyone can shed some light?
If Cambodia can do that I think King Bhumibol should stand trial for shooting his brother King Mahidol on the head for the throne and the killing of many students he did. And Empeor Hirohito should be executed for killing for 15-25 million lives.
i think it is the choice of the retired king if he wants to volunteer to participate or not; it's his majesty's rights as well as anybody's. plus, i think the kings doesn't wan to put his fragile health in jeapody and risk heart attack, etc; let the former king retired in peace for a change. he's 87 years old; and he's a private citizen now. his past was now history. we should only ask ourselves what's the benefit of requesting the former king to appear in court. is this some kind of set up or some kind of a joke? the former king was just a witness like the rest of us who went through the atrocious KR era. we all were on the same boat together, meaning we all suffered the same; there's no special treatment under the stupid, backward, evil KR regime! give me a break already! be smarter for change, would you! god bless cambodia.
ps: serve what purpose? there's got to be a good reason! but don't just incriminate others; that in itself is injustice in the court of law!
Lemond is lucky he is still walking alive. If he dares to issue a subpoena to King Bhumibol, his head would be cut off or he may be beated up in Thai prison.
King Sihanouk is so merciful King. He protected his country and his people inspite of his powerless nation.
This subpoena by Lemond is looking down on Cambodia nation by the White.
Heh the White did not prosecute King Edward who abdicated the throne for his American wife then committed treason joining Hitler who almost wipe out the whole Europe. Look now his niece (Queen Elizabeth) is Queen for life.
The White only dare to pick on small nation like Cambodia. King Sihanouk went to China for helps after Mao Tse Tung threated Cambodia for going with the US.
Without King Sihanouk Cambodia may be disappeared for a long times ago.
i told you, there are reasons for everything people do on this planet. know the real truth will set us all free as a bird! i'm sure you got your reason and i got mine as well! see! just because think different from you doesn't mean they are wrong! who are you to judge me!
Bullshit, some time the real truth don't set us free as human beings but will set us free when we have only souls. The bodies cannot be freed.
Ah S'dach kam sak,
Leb samdei kh'luon erng tha chol kh'luon tov chh'loeuy boeu mean tolaka ontarak cheat.
Ah s'dach me kheatakor reas khmers.
Ah s'dach lourk srok khmer oy yuon do yok Tro paing kok srei yuon noeung Reach Balaing S'va,
Ah s'dach kanh cheas me Mafia Hun Sen Lit bat choeung Hun Sen, Beam kh'dor chor yuon chh'lean Pean Ph'lon srok khmer.
Ah s'dach preah pak ra mouk,
Ah s'dach roleay roub bat dai prolak chheam reas khmers.
and definitely do not keep khmer as ignorant again. it's good to encourage all khmer people to get education as ignorance is the root of all evil according to lord buddha. please learn from the wised ones. life is about making choice, not suppression! god bless cambodia.
Ah.mi kandouy. kodr s'oy 8;09AM. Why don't you shut up your kdopr.kandouy and stay away from computer?
Ah.mi Youn Kraham 8:14AM. Go and fuck your mother, father, brother and children. Stop cursing Khmer King.
Right now Sihanouk is a cowward and he needs to hide his own ass from the truth. In 1970,he escaped to Peking and made a lot of barkings to ignorant Cambodians to join the Khmer Rouge Army to fight with the Lon Nol
Regime. When the KR was in power in 1975 to 1979,KR leaders put him in a house arrest. What a shame! He is an idiot king and he is responsible for the loss of lives of 3 millions Cambodians. There is no
excuse for his past actions and he cannot stand for trial because he's 87 years old no matter of what if he's100 years old or an idiot king and he has to stand a trial. I'm behind Lemonde.
Ah Kone chh'kaer toul kanthor ach s'dach kheatakor reas khmer,
Ah Kone mi sam Phoeung yuon, lourch ph'lon trorb sam bat khmer.
Ahs'dach lourk srok oy chor yuon,
Ngorb tov than norourk pram pi chorn ah s'dach Preah Pak Ra mouk.
Eh ah Youn and mi Youn kantorb 8:13AM, and 8:09AM.
The King is not afraid of testifying it, but some powerful individuals would allow him.
Why don't you just fuck off and play with your azz and stop insulting Cambodian King?
Kandouy mae ah.mi kantorb choy m'ray leave my country, my people and my Kings alone.
Pourk ah/mi Preach throriny SROB, fuck your own family and fuck your children, and go away. If you don't fuck your family some body will fuck them for you.
Come on Khmer, there are 3 genocides for Cambodia.
1. The Siam genocide that destroyed almost Khmer identity at Angkor.
2. The Yuan genocide that burned Khmer heads alive at the Vinhte Canal that destroyed almost Khmer identity.
3. The KR genocide that destroyed the Khmer capitalist in order to create a communist nation, but Khmer identity still alive.
It's up to you to choose;
1. The Siam genocide
2. The Yuan genocide
3. The KR genocide
8:37 AM,
You want to stay behind Lemond to fuck his azz?
8:40 AM is the same yeay chass nov LB pdei ruth chorl. She rormouss ah Krom jung ban bamboo bok.
Mi knahchass neung mae chhnass doch yeak kanei. Don't let her bother our country and our Khmer people.
8 42am.
It is only a few extremists in here, while most Khmers I talked to in Cambodia love the King.
I hate Hun Sen but I come to see the real problem of Cambodia, that we need a crazy thug like Hun Sen to put these extremists out of Cambodia. Cambodia must keep these son and daughter of bitch out of Cambodia, though we knew that among them are Viet spies.
Lomond already quitted so why do these trouble makers still see him as a judge? Tough luck.
KI is very extreme. I am not sure KI is a real nationalist or is ears or eyes of Vietnamese. Looklikes KI serves the interest of the Vietnamese though it shows disliking Vietnam.
Why KI is so stupid to bring the dead subject like Lemond who already left the KRT?
What does KI and its extremists see if the King testify? Which Royal Government would put its Monarch to stand trial? This is absurbed.
I won't be surprised if some members of KI is Viet spy likr Ly Ngoc Dinh/Yiep lives in LB?
There were and are never Monarch stand trial since I knew the history for many thousand years, only Marie Antoinette and her husband and children.
That's was because she was a German Princess and she was hated by the French people. If she was a real French woman she would never be put to stand trial.
KI and some extremists are fighting to lose, and they will give more jobs to the Viets to become Khmers and take those jobs.
About that Viet guy named Ly Ngoc Diep, his job is to brainwash them to hate and fight their own Khmers.
When King Sihanouk gone then China won't have to care about Cambodia anymore.
i only spy for myself, hello! it's called self educated, here! it's good to be enlightened!
i lived overseas, too, so what's the difference? in fact, every kind of nationality lived overseas everywhere, so why only criticize khmer people? are you some kind of ignorant person or something? go play with yourself!
8:37 AM
You are the same fucker republican't who keep peeing on the internet. You azzhole don't know the facts why don't you stop barking before we put shit in your mouth?
Some of you never understand how important the King Sihanouk is. Many leaders in the world including all US Presidents have some mistakes. The importance is that the value that each leader has for their nation and people. King Sihanouk also has mistake like other world’s leaders but he also did many good things for Cambodia and Cambodian people. You don’t know if Cambodia did not have King Sihanouk we would suffer more than this with the communists and the West. Now King Sihanouk made right decision that he stood with China. He was well aware that if he stood with US, US would be in favor of Thailand whenever there is any disputed between Cambodia and Thailand. If he stood with Soviet, he was well aware that if any dispute with Vietnam happened, Soviet would be in favor with Vietnam. Sihanouk was well thought that China was the best stand for him and Cambodia because China was not favor in all these folks although China is communist. Yes Sihanouk did many mistakes, he also knows himself and the history will record it but at the same time we should also appreciate him very much for his efforts to maintain Cambodia which should have been damaged more than this. One thing one I like to draw your attention is that although West, Communists including Vietnam and Thailand etc. hate Sihanouk like anything, they all still scare of him. I can tell you already that if Sihanouk disappeared in the last 30 years – Cambodia would be already divided. So at this end, we all should use appropriate languages toward our leader in such a forum especially when other nations like Thailand and Vietnam are in this forum too. This is the first step for the unity. I am not a political person but I speak the true thing.
10:37 AM,
All of your family members and relatives must either be living now in the Royal Palace, Paillin, or the KR tribunal. What an insult to praise a Khmer Rouge supporter and ignore the families and relatives of the over-one-million KR victims! If not judged by fellow humans, the God will judge the criminals afterward...
8:40 AM,
Ah Kone mi sam phoeung lourk kh'det yuon arort areay, toul kanthor ach ah s'dach choy maray lourk srok khmer do tropaing kok mi kaantorp Kh'nich, kone mi sam phoeung yuon ah Izi yok mok oy mi Pom Ping Peanh chinh chem chea kone.
Hello the trash doggies from hell10:44AM and 11:09AM.
Yes God will judge us all including your fucking doggies who barking every day.
Why do you mention God if you don't believe Bab and Bonn?
Stop fabricating story about Khmer Queen. Look at your miserable life all of you, don't you see you are being punished by your Bab fabricating story saying she was adopted by Mrs Pom Peang? A group of racist and jealous will go no where but more Bab on you all.
She is Queen while you all are miserable eating shit at oversea.
Bab against Bonn.
Haha.. they talked about God will judge the criminals but they themselves fabricating story to hurt other human being's reputation telling lies that Queen Mother is Youn whore adopted by her own mother.
Aren't these fuckers also criminals? LOL LOL..
If hell exists I am telling you that your mouth will be burned with fire for 100 years.
I suspect 11;09 am may be an ugly old woman. Haha.. LOL.
Next life she will be born even ugly than she is now.
Yep Bab vs. Bonn
10:37am I don't buy your bullshit theory about Cambodia. The fact of the matter is, when sihanouk sided with china he made a big mistake because all the chinese care about is to take over Cambodia. Why do you think the khmer rouge adopted the communist maoist policies and killed millions of khmer? you are stupid to say that king sihanouk did the right thing by siding with the stupid chinese. Your theory don't hold water. Without king sihanouk Cambodia would not be in the situation that she's in now. And don't you ever suggest that Cambodia would have been divided without king sihanouk. In fact, it is because of this stupid king that brought Cambodia to current condition. You are stup;id to make such a suggestion.
Who force you to buy our theory, it was fact. Bullshit, without King Sihanouk who reached out to China, Cambodia would have become WHAT? What Stalin paid Ho Chi Minh to do the jobs to take Cambodia and Laos was nothing? With or without billion of dollars from Soviet still Vietnam would freely enter Cambodia the same as they used to do in the past centuries.
You believe that the US would die for Cambodia than Thailand and S. Korea? Are you that stupid? You believe that China would allow Cambodia to go with the US? Keep up your fantasies alive and continue to fight your stupid war.
Without King Sihanouk Cambodia would be not divided but be wiped our from the world map.
Don't let the arrogant fools brag about themselves when they got no nothing to show.
These assholes don't even acknowledge King Sihanouk defeated Bhumibol with Preah Vihear.
These assholes claimed that Pen Nuth, Norn Kimny did it, they didn't say it was under King Sihanouk leadership.
I hate these assholes and I wish them all fucking their own before they'd be sent to hell, so they would stop insulting our Khmer King.
Ho Chi Minh lived in Bangkok apartment and lived in Soviet Union. He then became a Professor in Soviet. He had worked hard to soft Stalin to help him, because of China was about to take over Vietnam. Billion od US dollars Ho Chi Minh received from Stalin.
Ho Chi Minh said "join with Communist we have 2 options: dead or alive. Refuse to join with Communist we have only one option: dead.) It was a smart move for Ho Chi Minh to go with Stalin.
At the time Ambassador Kimny was leaving the US, Cambodia was reprimented by China for flirting with the US (it said in papers kept in Pentagon (war strategies)).
I don't believe that the US would die for Cambodia, and I don't believe the US could defeat Soviet and China combined either.
Cambodia is so weak and so small, what we have left from killing fields better than we may be all burned alive by the Vietnamese like Khmer Krom.
I thank King Sihanouk for his love for his nation and his people in spite of some of us were killed.
This is not the first time Khmers faced calamity, Khmers faced too many wars in the past. From a great empire to a small nation, I'd think about 100 million Khmers died already since the ancient time to present. At least I knew that Khmer Krom now have a little than one million, whereas more than 23 millions were no where to be found not even graves.
Thanks GOD and thanks Lord BUddha for sending Khmers this great genius King, King Sihanouk.
Ah Phleu 10:10 PM Ah èng chkuot daûch Ah Sihanouk teat hoeuy.
Ah ! chamkuot èng min dèl ban rean prâvôth sas prâtés Khmer roû yang na ? Prâtés Khmer ruonh mâk toch doch sâp thgnay nis min mèn dôy sar
puok Ah ! sdach âs nis roeû yang na ? troy Ah ! 10:10 PM yôk kanthaû môk peak tvoeû Chea mkoth tâ tov teat tov prâtés kong tê roleay daûy sar Ah èng noeung Ah Sihanouk min khan leuy.
Pi Anh father of PPU robâs Ah èng 10:10PM.
everyone seems to miss the point. we are not saying the former king was all bad, we are just saying he made political mistakes and look what happened to my country, cambodia! it goes to show he is human like the rest of rest and humans do make errors. he made mistakes by allowing the viet cong bitches to take sanctuary in cambodia during the vietnam war and eventually drag cambodia into the quagmire of the vietnam war. it was his leadership went wrong way. look at thailand, they embrace the USA and look how their country prospered. it's about economic growth, economic stability, peace, and any country who embraces america is smart. just look at all the countries on the planet that embraces the west; they all prospered. hello! wake up, cambodia and see the entire world and be smarter! hello! stop being a tadpole in a fish bowl type of thinking! embrace the industrial world and the free world for a change for the sake of cambodia, not your personal interest or ambition. wake up already!
please learn that "ignorance is the root of all evil". this old, wise phrase from lord buddha has a deep meaning. please think about it and avoid all all cost being ignorant! ignorant people shouldn't be allowed to lead cambodia again, period! we prefer smart, clever individuals as leaders in cambodia, not narrow-minded, egotistical backward, ignorant individuals, please! thank you and god bless cambodia.
ignorance is also the root of suffering. that's probably why we see so much pain and suffering in cambodia. make paradigm shift, please!
As I know there are minority of the Cambodian people right now still like Sihanouk, especially very old persons.
Therefore, i am sure that the comments posed here for defending Sihanouk is done by his servants and relatives only.
But don't forget you can not hide the sun by your small dirty hand.
You always curse whom say not good about the King by using the word "fuck" and here I remind you that because of the king was busy with fucking that cause the Cambodia met the great disaster regrettable.
12:56 PM, 1:06 PM,
Ah Ph'loeu proeung khom toul kanthor ach S'dach khmer kh'bal yuon noeung kanh cheas yuon to ah!
Taing pi kam pouch ah trosok pha'em don doeum reach pi pourk Varman QAngkor mok vea min ches reab chom srok min ches ka pea srok torl taer sos ah, pork ah trosak taing kh'luon vea chea pouch preah pothi sat chea pouch ne4ak mean bon- lourk srok khmer do yok am nach -amnach chea kanh chea seam roeu kanh cheas yuon- doch ah Hu nKh'vang makhak noeung NB.SAihanouk Varman sob thngai.
Ches hean lourch yok reach vong varman robos ke mok th'voeu robos kh'luon ah s'dach preah pak ra mouk
yok srok khmer do yok kanduoy yuon doch ah s'dac Chey Chetha II noeung ah s'dach runteas banhN.Sihanouk chh'lourk toeuk kh'deth mi chor yuon Srokei yoeur Monique, taing chh'kourt rolea taer
lerng s'korl khos trov Ob satrov yuon rohot chit roleay srok khmer tov hoeuy.
Ah s'dach choy m'rai Sihanouk nis chea yuon min mern khmer te.
Vea oy yuon cheang bPram Lean neak chol mok nov penh srojk khmer- Ah kone mi chor toul kanthor s'dach Erng nov moeul min khoeunh Teat ah- Ah kh'vak doch ah Hun Kh'vang chao vay kanh cheas yuon robos ah erng anh choeung.
2:48am People like fuking. the french liek it too but they still can manage their country. the stupid king fukked around in the early years and he forgot about the country.Some sihanouk supporters say the king is a human being who makes mistakes just like anyone eles. But let me tell them that if someone kills your family members and that person says that it was a mistake. the person still pays for his crime. King sihanouk led the khmer rouge revolution which killed nearly 2 million people so he has to pay for the crime that he committed.
Ah LOL and Ah PPU both sucks each other dick! both are gay....
Thank 8:32 AM ! Ah King Norodom Sihamoni is a real GAY in Cambodia.
Sihamoni sucks the dick of many guy
in the royal palace. And with his father Norodom Sihanouk, the both
(Norodom Sihanouk and Norodom Sihamoni) suck each other dick all every week since 1975.
10:52 PM, I don't have to say more, your languages are low class. Between Hun Sen and you, I think Hun Sen can behave better. You need a real help from a Psychiatrist. Reading your barbaraic languages, everyone can guess you are no better than Pol Pot or Duch, the killer.
2:48 AM
Don't assume who is who, and don't think others are stupid. This day many people are educated enough to interpret from a rational standpoint. About fucking, all every living do fuck, you fuck too, that's what make us living species are so unique. If you are Buddhist, then read of Lord Buddha before he left his palace, how many women he made love to. Humans and Karma are together. About Cambodia, she would face disaster with or without King Sihanouk, and if you can educate yourself a little bit then read Cold War, unless you are so damn lazy to learn the truth.
There are no truth in your comments, you are not just lazy to read or seek for the truth, but you are the stupid-lazy individual.
Don't blame others but yourself.
6:45 AM,
You are too, one of the low class. Everyone who read your comments, don't need to figure out twice. Right away they know you are one of the low class from a dysfunctional family. If you are a man, you are very mentally sick, and if you are a woman, your husband is most likely run away.
How can the low class who appears to lack of manner and lack of education like you can convince wise people? You need real help.
8:19 AM.
You are right, people, animals or insects love to fuck because we're created to multiply.
You seem to have some intelligence, then why not read Cold War to understand why Cambodia fell to genocide? If you are too lazy to read and to make rational, then stop fucking with your mouth.
9:04 AM,
Don't have to indirectly tell people that you are good with BJ, just say you are fucking only men.
Don't come to me because I love only women.
9:04 AM,
You are the cheapest specie from hell. What a barbaric dog?
If you are ah PPU, you need a real sharp stick to poke to your azz through your throat.
it goes to show that nothing is absolute any more. the world has changed so does our thinking and even cambodia has changed as well! we want good life, too, you know!
11:27 AM
Thanks for your comments.
Anyway, you don't understand what i mean.
Sihanouk allowed Vietcong use Khmer land to attack the South Vietnam as if take fire to burn Khmer house along the Cambodia-South Vietnam border, especially Chantrea District in Svay Rieng. When the the problem became worse and worse because of his wrong decision, the King tried ignoring and busy with film making and fucked Monich. This the first cause that led......KILLING FIELD!!!!
Yes, There are many countries were affected by the cold war, but they are not as bad as Cambodia.
My comment is 100% true.
Your guy don't know well about your own country, why can you raise about the aftermath and influences of the Cold War?
You should not stupid lazy like this. You should educate about yourself and go further study to make broad mind.
More, you should know yourself before others.
But i don't think you know who is your mother, you just know srey youn and considered as your mum.
11:43 AM,
You're are kone mi sam phoeung yuon a rort a reay, roeu kone chao ah s'dach choy m'rai Sihanouk.
Ah nis coy taing pi mi Bopha Devi kone vea, choy Propoun ke, loeuk lerng ter kh'det chh'ker.
Choy torl ter yuon chol mok nov penh Srok Khmer tov hoeuy Ah kone mi chor yuon erng nov moeul min khoeunh teat- ah chongrai yo nis.
I knew what you meant and your comments are only assumption.
Don't try to figure out others or what they think or understand it or not. I say your comments are wrong.
ah kanhchass and mi kanhcahss 8:46AM.
You need a bamboo stick to poke into your azz deep to your throat. Pourk ah.mi youn chol Srok since pourk ah.mi kanhchass eihn allowed to happen since ah Barang ruled.
Pourk ah.mi kanhchass chhkourt are too dumb too stupid to do anything else to help Cambodia to be a progress nation besides fucking and shouting. If I were King Sihanouk I will send you all to hell like ah preap IN, ah Chao Bory. ah kanhchass choy m'ray go and fuck your daughters and sons ah choy m'ray. ah preah thorany srob. bok kandouy kone srey eihn tov ah choy m'ray.
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