Thursday, September 10, 2009

Kasit to visit area near temple

PM confirms no Thai land lost to Cambodia

Bangkok Post

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has instructed Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya to visit a disputed border area near the Preah Vihear temple.

Mr Abhisit yesterday said a trip to the disputed area would give Mr Kasit a chance to gain first-hand information.

He said it would also allow the foreign minister to explain to residents about the government's attempts to settle the dispute with Cambodia over the 4.6 square kilometre border area.

Thailand insists the area is in Kantharalak district of Si Sa Ket, while Cambodia says it is in Preah Vihear province.

"We confirm that we can protect our territory," the prime minister said after holding talks with security authorities and Foreign Ministry officials.

Mr Abhisit also said the suggested visit would help the foreign minister's attempts to explain Thai opposition to Cambodia's registration of the ancient Hindu temple as a World Heritage site.

During yesterday's meeting at Government House, the army reaffirmed that Thai soldiers were still deployed in the disputed area, the prime minister said

He dismissed reports that Thailand had lost sovereignty over parts of the disputed area.

Permanent secretary for foreign affairs Virasakdi Futrakul, who was present at the meeting, also denied Thailand had lost any part of the disputed land to Cambodia as claimed by some officials and academics.

The meeting also discussed a proposal to amend Article 190 of the constitution which stipulates that international agreements must have parliamentary approval.

Mr Abhisit asked the meeting to assess what implications such amendment would have on talks to settle the country's border disputes with Cambodia.

The National Anti-Corruption Commission is expected to rule on Sept 22 whether the Samak Sundaravej cabinet and some government officials, including Mr Virasakdi, violated the constitution by issuing a cabinet resolution on June 17 last year supporting Cambodia's move to register the Preah Vihear temple as a World Heritage Site.

Thailand later reversed that decision.


Anonymous said...

go back to nanchoa province of china already! let khmer land alone, ok!

Anonymous said...

Bad Kama is on Kasit. He'll step on land mine. The land mine will blashed his legs and eyes. He'll be crippled and blinded for the rest of his life for stealing Khmer land.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Hun Sen should go to preah vihear temple too! this way Thai sniper will has a good chance for taking shot at...another eye!

Anonymous said...

Thailand is land of shit. Kasit will and AbiShit will lose their job or life soon.

Anonymous said...

Ka-Shit would not be allowed to visit the areas without prior permission from Cambodia. The areas are Cambodia's and are not the disputed areas as have been claimed by Thailand.

Anonymous said...

Don't let him in. If he is come in illegal we need to stop him or capture him for entering illegally into Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Every nation has its own territory and no need to minapulate to what is not their in the first place. Why would you fight with a nation that have been loss so much!. Isn't it 2-3 millions killed paid enough price already!. Thai people should understand that no one country had to go through what Khmer gone through, they should at least pay condolence for the lives of their neighbourhood, instead you guys wants to condemn them even more.. where is you morality, rights and justice. Can't you guys see Anglo Saxon are working together? why can we all find ways to do the same. Have some common goals and common interests in the name of equality as a human being. Maybe trying to create a system of all for one and one for all. "one common Law, the right to share, love, travel and building new sustainble econmony for Asian Nations", as well invite all other nations as our special guests...
One other thing is to have a control birth system like the chiness is doing, every family should have two children. One wife and one husband etd...