Friday, October 02, 2009

Cambodia hopes U.S. to shift 1970s debt as development aid

PHNOM PENH, Oct. 1 (Xinhua) -- Cambodian foreign Minister Hor Namhong said on Thursday that his country expressed the hope that the U.S. to shift Cambodia's debt as development aid for the country.

"While I was in the U.S., I held the bilateral talk with Madam Hillary Clinton and I told her that Cambodia hopes U.S. to cancel debts owned by then Lon Nol administration in 1970s, if not possible, Cambodia hopes the U.S. to shift that debt as development aid for our country," Hor told reporters upon arrival from U.S. where he joined the U.N. General Assembly.

Hor said "that development aid will focus on building infrastructure for the country," adding that "Madam Hillary told me that she will pay attention on this debt and take care of that issue."

Cambodia has owed the United State in a total of over 300 million U.S. dollars by Lon Nol regime. Hor Namhong, at the same time, also highlighted the progress of the bilateral military cooperation between two countries. "We are optimistic in improving and moving forward the bilateral cooperation between the two countries," he added.


Anonymous said...

History of plea for financial aids that do not reach cambodians, asking to cancel them, and ask for more to serve those in power and those associates, make me sick!.

When khmer leaders can turn golden land into prosperity for the benefits of disadvantaged cambodians???.

This begging games have shamed our ancestors for generations.


Anonymous said...

The 300 million dollars can be paid off easily if Mr Hun Sen and his comrades just chip in a bit each. They stole and plundered the natural resources of Cambodia and aid money in the billions. The US government should make every effort to recoup the debt by confiscating the money in those Hun Sen CPP's officials' foreign bank accounts.


Anonymous said...

All debts should be offset, because of US policy, bombard and destroyed so many things in cambodia, US should continue to offer more aid instead...

Chantrea, Svy Reing

Anonymous said...

For 30 years since Cambodia has got out of the Pol Pot's regime by the Yuons' invasion, and aid has been poured into Cambodia, but Cambodia seems to need more and more. Why? Because 2/3 of the aid ahs flown into the pockets of the corrupted governing body by all kinds of dirty tricks. Hun Sen, his families, and and all of his criminal cliques care nothing about the welfare of the Cambodian people. What they care the most is about their power. The power that is not won by a free and fair election, but by stealing or robbing. An administration that consists of a whole bunch of the corrupted governing body will never get enough. They are the human leeches that hurt and harm the nation without end. Adn the biggest waste is the extrvagant spending of the national budget to feed Hun Sen's 4,000 personal bodyguards.

As long as Cambodia continue to be ruled by such despicable group who have been blinded by ignorance, greed, power, and uncontrollable pride, Khmer people will never get better off and happy.

Chanda Chhay said...

Cambodia should explore the possibility of setting up a joint educatioal foundation with the US government where this old debt would be paid into and the money would be used as scholarships for Cambodian students to study in the United States. Vietnam has already established such foundation called VEF (Vietnam Education Foundation) to settle the former South Vietnames government's debt to the US during the Vietnam War. I think the US would certainly be willing to establish such foundation with Cambodia as it would best serves the interests of both countries.

Chanda Chhay
Washington, DC

Anonymous said...

Since the peasants were the one who suffered and got killed from the US B-52 bombing the debt must be paid to them by getting from Sen and his comrades. This is what the US government should do to pay what they did, not doing nothing and let the Hun Sen Khmer Rouge clique enrich themselves and blindly continue to cooperate and work with them.

The Khmer peasants they are eating snails, crabs, crickets…..all sorts of insects to survive on a daily basis and the millions in aid dollars they got nothing only the corrupt CPP officials benefit from it.


Anonymous said...

Chantrea, Svy Reing @ 8:19 AM is
absolutely right.
The US B52s bombs that killed almost one million innocent Khmers, the Cambodian government should ask the US pay more.

Anonymous said...

8:53AM, US bombs kill almost a million Cambodians? Come on! Please make such comment base on facts rather than oppinion. If not sure don't stated until you do your research and gathered facts. Misinformation can cause lots of confusion.

Anonymous said...

Continue from 9:02AM
US bombs is all ah SDACH SE-AH-NOUK faults! Do your research! He got fools by ah YOUN.

Khmer Rouge era is all ah SE-AH-NOUK faults!

Todays issues is also ah SDACH SE-AH-NOUK faults!!!!!!!!!! He got fools by ah YOUN again to allow the Hun Xen regime to took over from the begining.

AH SE-AH-NOUK is an idiot! Til this day he haven't realize it. He's a true Khmer killer and nation destroyer. He's a fool and an idiot!


Anonymous said...

Cambodian can't pay the debt from Lon Nol regime,but motherfucker of these comments want khmer situation government to pay for that debt so you are fucking khmer opposition.

Anonymous said...

For those who have been given rights to live in the US: "Don't bite the hand that feeds you"! If you do, no god will be able to help you. For all these thirty years the US has repaid
alot more money than you can count.

Anonymous said...

Please ask Mr Sek Sam Ieth who had a big share in Lon Nol regime. he is a most criminal,sleezy, corrupt high ranking official, but now the crook found a new heaven in govt, may be just to teach more tricks to younger generation.
He has to pay for the debt.

that is why govt can't reform or produce any productive measure to clear corruption.


Anonymous said...

"Chantrea, Svy Reing" @8:19AM is just a pretender or he/she would have known how to write and spell the word "Svay Rieng" correctly...Don't tell me that it's just a typo.


Anonymous said...

Agree with Lok Chay. US should not relinguish this debt to Cambodian government. History learned!! Most foreign aid were pocketed the corrupted government officials. If the US relinguishes this debt Hun Sen will appropriate it for CPP.

I rather see US makes Cambodian government pay this loan in a form of contract that US refunds it back to help each provinces in Cambodia. Create a joint committee to monitor its delivery. Just a thought

Anonymous said...

I agree with 8:51Am Chanda Chhay from Chanda Suon. Qld Aust

Anonymous said...

Short memory hey Uncle Sam? we will talk to you about paying back those debts when you agree to compensate for the devastation your previous govt and your allies have waged on us when Cambodia was a sovereign country.

Anonymous said...

I believe, let the past be bye gone because today, tomorrow and the future is more important than yesterday, however least we can do is learned from the past mistakes and turn it into a postive learning outcome. When we talk about war or debts, I beleive, those countries who were once involved were part of their constribution to down fall of the regime and therefore it should be recognised into compansating as such, if not it means that the supper power is taking advantaged of the poor and the bible says, the righteous will live forever and the wicked will pay the price, so i hope all the governments from all parties are doing the right things accordingly.

Anonymous said...

Don't understand, why some of you here complained about this case. To be good and constructive critics, you should advise the Cambodian government, what has to do ?
The US Government also knows very well the situation in Cambodia and will have their own decision.

Anonymous said...

I saw my eye that USA drop bomb on VietCong along CHInit River 1971-1972.That time there were a few khmer rouge such as Sihanouk,Pol Pot,Ieng Sary,Khiev Sam Phân,Son Sen,Hun Sen,Chea Sim,Hou Nim,Ta Mok,Nuon Chea,Chuon Choeurn.Some of my friends khmer-chinese were killed by vietcong.I will tell all to ECCC and today ,you know how many viet cong are there in Phnom Penh and AngKor Wat?They have destroyed all since 1970 including our Buddha.

"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one getting burned. "

Anonymous said...

Cambodia should pay back to USA for the remain debt due to conspire with Vietcong by made USA lost a lot revenue money on the Viet 's war.US would won over the Viet war if Sihaknuk Cambodia not helped to hide the Vietcong while claiming Neutral ,that is Cambodia fault so Cambodia want to pay or not there will be an others issue.
Pay it or the Thai (middle man)will collect for us.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:02 AM
Absolutely the US B52 bombs killed almost one million innocent Khmers.
That's the fact just imagine how many times B52 bombs dropped and how many lives dead and how many Khmer homes were destroyed and how the land became polluted.

Anonymous said...

Please take to money from Hun Sen government and give to social programe direct to the people of Cambodia!

Anonymous said...

US B52 bombs did not kill the Vietcongs. It killed almost innocent Khmers, also former soldiers of the Khmer government (General Lon Nol regime) included my own brother and maybe your own relatives.

Anonymous said...

Please take to money from Hun Sen government and give to social programe direct to the people of Cambodia!

Anonymous said...

that is the least the USA can do for cambodia to help heal the wound of the KR era, really! plus, this is a new biginning in the USA and cambodia relation anyway. cambodia and the USA can take this golden opportunity to foster a strong, mutual friendship between the two nations, really. nothing is impossible in the relationship with cambodia and america, really. khmer people want a better relationship with the USA. may god bless cambodia for good.

Anonymous said...

Uncle Sam, me again. how about you force the cambodian govt to subsidies our garment workers' wages and you take up $300m worth of khmer-made garments?.. and don't foget to do something about your short memory.

Anonymous said...

Hey 9:28 AM,

I agreed with your comment. For 30 yrs, the US's donations is far more exceede Cambodia's debt. If Ah Hun Sen and his government stop pocketing money, the Debt should be easily pay off.