Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Can’t keep your precious jewel inside your pants? Here’s something to help you…

The wronged wife (Photo: Thmor Keo, Koh Santepheap)

Hot water on the husband’s weewee during a fit of anger and self-defense

15 Feb 2010
Koh Santepheap newspaper

Translated from Khmer by Komping Puoy

[Weewee: the thing that peepee comes out of, sometimes known as the man's precious jewel]

Pursat province – A woman was immediately arrested after she splashed hot water, in lieu of acid, on her husband who was burnt from the waist down, including his weewee. The local police officer indicated that the incident took place on 12 February 2010 at 9PM in Po Damnak village, Veal commune, Kandieng district. The woman is 45-year-old Phim Mala, and the husband is 47-year-old Som Sophat, a police officer in Pursat city. According to the wife, the police officer is her second husband, she already has 4 children from her previous marriage, and she was married to Som Sophat for the past 10 years. She said that it was not a happy marriage because her husband always partied around, drank, has extramarital affairs, and he cursed her almost every day.

On the day of the incident, Som Sophat disappeared for the whole day and did not return home until 9PM. Phim Mala added that when he returned home already quite inebriated, she asked him where did he come from? The husband replied that he came from a drinking party with his friends at Chomkar Chek village. Then she added: “If you go meet your friends, it’s OK, but I’m afraid you didn’t go meet your friends and went to sleep with girls there instead. Do you know that whatever you do, I know everything.” Immediately, the husband started to cuss her using very vulgar language, and he pulled out a stick with the intention of knocking it on her head. In spite of her yelling for him not to come near her, the husband still moved toward her.

Scared that her husband could hit and split her head, she tried to grab anything to defend herself. She came upon the hot water pot which she was boiling water for her packaged noodle. She then splashed the hot water on her husband who screamed out in pain, jumped like a frog to land in a big water jar. He managed still to yell “Help! Help!”. The commotion brought all the villagers that night and thereafter the cops came and arrested the wife. Upon getting out of the water jar, the husband was no longer drunk, and he stood there shaking like a chick. It was found out that he was seriously burnt on his stomach, his weewee and his legs. He was sent to the hospital during that same night. The wife who used hot water instead of acid was sent the provincial court on 14 February 2010, but it is not known if she will be jailed or not because her husband asked the authority to release her as there is nobody looking after the kids at home.


Anonymous said...

update gay here



Anonymous said...

sounds more like this woman was a victim of male chauvinism. she was abuse by this man for a long time, and she just snap finally! i don't blame her, however, she will have to face the law like the man too as society should not tolerate violence like this, really! get expert intervention and tell your story to them to seek help, ok!

Anonymous said...

Many husbands in Cambodia are bad and very stupid. They do not support their wives to raise good families. They fool around with other women, they drink alcohol excessively and become very abusive to their own families, including small children.

These stupid husbands deserve to be locked up even when they are injured by the hands of their abused wives. They cause misery in their families and they are a disgrace to the struggling Khmer nation. Khmer Rouge should finish them up even nowadays. Trashy bastards.

Anonymous said...

A KWACK /hun sen

Anonymous said...

12:47 PM

I am with you 100%!

Anonymous said...

Prime Minister Hun Sen should also be punished on the behalf of these foolish husbands for he has failed to control alcoholism in Cambodia.

Those poor husbands need to care for their families and be fined or emprisoned when they use their needed money on alcohol and other foolish expenses and allow their children to go hungry days and nights.

Bastards, where are the local and top leaders in this stupid and unnecessary family trouble?

Anonymous said...

yes, thanks all for finally wake up and see the truth. yes, it is society that tolerate such abuse by male in khmer society. that said, not all khmer male are like this, though, although majority are like this. yes, this woman is really the victim and i'm sure there are more family like her, suffering under their husband's drunkenness, abuse, infidelity, splurging, etc, etc... gov't ought to look into reform our social law to protect all people, especially women and children and the elderly. yes, cambodia needs a lot of help in this field. cambodia needs a paradigm shift in our mentality, overall, really! everyone can help to make a real difference here as well. god bless.

Anonymous said...

Khmer leaders are as always stupid, really. Their mind is fucked up. Because they too are doing the very same thing. Many young men women graduated from universities may be doing a much better job than these old farts. Get rid of these old cows and repaced with new Khmer generation. Do it now. Labol yor nih...

Anonymous said...

yes, thank for seeing the bad aspect of society here. please help to educate and encourage young khmer society to be different from the past abusive type of society. no one deserve to suffer like this lady! it is a real wake up call, really! i'm to see someone is speaking up, finally!

Anonymous said...

To 12:05 PM

You have sexual frustration? ahahah

Anonymous said...

To me he sounds like the average husband, or should I say the average police man.

Anonymous said...

Hun Xen liquor have many variety to choose from such as rice wine, beer, champagne and XO cognac. Free delivery throughout Cambodia. Please check out at your local liquor store near you.

Anonymous said...

it is a wake up call, really! it's a problem of society, not gov't, although gov't have the responsibility to make law to curb or discourage such heineous act by male to their helpless family, you know! wake up already! stop being the frog in the well for too long already!

Anonymous said...

I truely believe that this man the husband deserves it. Cambodian women should stand up and don't take any abuses from these craps. Do what you can do to protect yourselves.

Anonymous said...

She said that he was going to split her head with a stick. Good job lady! Give him some more. Just kidding:) Thanks God, it's hot water.

Anonymous said...

Mr.Hun Sen please inforce the laws and educate our people.
May God bless our Country!

Anonymous said...

For crying out loud! Just let this woman go! What wronged wife mother fucker?!

Anonymous said...

I think this bitch is so cruel.Why didn't she file for divorce?.So what happen if her husband decide to cut her pussy off ?.How would she felt living without pussy?.After all ,she had 4 kids from previous marriage.This fucking bitch should be jailed for the rest of her life.

Anonymous said...

you are a stupid son of the fucking bitch yourself. what if it was your fucking mother who would defend herslf like this? you stupid fuck should shut the fuck up and go back through your bitch mama.

Anonymous said...

Alcohol is the root cause of most of society's ill. Perhaps there should be education about responsible drinking.

To all lady posters: becareful how you punish your husbands. If you no longer love him, all is good. If you still do, you may be left with damaged goods.

Anonymous said...

there is no justification of hurling acid or boiling hot water on anyone, no matter how drunk or abusive the person is. Let strengthen the laws to deal with the drunkards and abusive spouses.

Anonymous said...

no violence is right. however, victims like this woman should have choice to get help. in heard in cambodia there is no place for victim of domestic abuse to go for help as family members often tell her to go back to her abusive husband. and they always used the excuse like for the "sake of the children", etc... i think that mentality ought to change, if married couple is not getting along or not happy with each other, they should a choice for divorce, etc... because without this choice, they all resort to violence, and thus, the cycle never end!

the ladies often are the victims more than the men. plus, the women forgot that before she was married, she didn't have to depend on her husband for anything, really. be strong and have the courage to speak out against domestic abuses. it should not be tolerated, period! also educate the extended family not to tolerate such abusive. it nobody cares, then the problem won't go away! everything has to start somewhere, somehow!

Anonymous said...

10:25am Motherfucker,
If you motherfucker don't like what i wrote why don't you just go home and FUCK your mother and all your daughters now ah kaun mee kaduoy saoy.You mother is ready for you now ah choy mray. or kduoy mae ah choy mray aing saoy pek ah runteas banh.Yee ah kaun mee kaduoy nis vey.

Anonymous said...

Let the woman go. Don't want to get splashing hot water on it, don't treat people to split their head with a stick and don't behave like a rotten dog. Get your ass home and behave like a loving husband. It calls Self defend, dude.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That could be a knife going right thru his belly, but you got to do what you got to do to save yourself.

Anonymous said...


you motherfucker foreigner must stay out of here and fuck your stupid mother who born a bitch like you. go and fuck her harder may be she will give up on you bitch.

Anonymous said...

you're are a bitch and cambodia going down because a bitch like you born there. next time born in toilet. you bitch. do ma mei.

Anonymous said...

you stupid fucking old shit born like a bitch go back in eat shit and die 1:01pm motafucka.lol

Anonymous said...

i fock your mota and split her head with stick 1:01pm and cut your head off you old bitch. you can't jump, bitch, fock yo bitch.

Anonymous said...

let no one go free, really! this is a good case scenerio to dig deeper into society of such abuse and violence, you know. letting it go solves to problem and situation will continue. it is stupid and ignorant to say let it go, why not talk about it and find a solution to this social problem, really! wake up, people. violence don't solve violence! get educated already. don't let the emotion gets to you. think pragmatically, ok! also think objectively, not subjectively! education is one of the key to a good society!

Anonymous said...

it probably takes two to tango, although in this day and age, people are starting to dance by themselves now! it's a new trend and nothing wrong with it as long as it is fine with the person itself!