At least nineteen people were reported to have died and 807 injured from clashes between security forces and red-shirt demonstrators in different parts of the capital, National Emergency Centre's director Phetpong Kamchornkijakarn said late last night.
He said of the casualties, nine were civilians and two were soldiers. Of the civilians killed, eight were red-shirt protesters, while the ninth was a Japanese man who worked as a photographer for Thomson-Reuters.
As of press time on Saturday, six of the dead, including the photographer, had been sent to Central Hospital; two sent to Hua Chiew Hospital; three to Vajira Hospital, which included two soldiers and a 50-year-old red-shirt protester who succumbed to a heart attack.
The Japanese photographer, Hiroyuki Muramoto, died from a gunshot wound to his chest.
Of the red-shirt protesters, one of the dead was identified as 38-year-old Wasan Phoothong, who worked as a tailor in Samut Prakan province; while one was a 43-year-old guard for the movement. Another red-shirt protester killed was Sawat Wa-ngam, who, according to protest leader weng Tojirakarn, had died from a head injury.
Of the two dead soldiers, one was killed by a gunshot wound to his neck.
According to reports, the biggest clash took place in Bangkok's Khok Wua intersection, where about 20 soldiers, a resident and a protester were injured. The victims were taken to hospitals nearby.
Vajira Hospital's director Dr Wanchai Charoenchokthavee said 51 injured people were admitted to the hospital, including 13 soldiers and one protester, who was sustained severe injuries to his lungs and stomach. Another protester was shot in his bottom. As of press time, the injured were undergoing surgery.
Earlier reports said another foreign journalist was shot in the head at Khok Wua intersection, and Wanchai said a foreigner called John Yinglin was among the injured. However, he could not confirm if he was a foreign journalist.
Meanwhile, Central Hospital director Dr Pitchaya Nakwatchara said yesterday that 30 injured people had been brought in from the Khok Wua intersection and Makkawan-Rangsan Bridge protest sites, of which 29 were civilians and one was a solider who had sustained head injury. Of the injured, three had gunshot wounds, including an ABC-News freelance photographer Winai Ditthajorn who was shot in his left leg.
He added that red-shirt protesters had also presented medical staff with some rubber bullets found in the clash site. Pitchaya confirmed that his hospital staff was on standby round the clock.
The hospital director later revealed X-rays of the three injured people, showing that Winai had been shot by what appeared to be a real bullet, while the two red-shirt protesters, Samak Khamsameu and Tag Benjamas, had been hit by a rubber bullet. As of press time, the three were undergoing surgery and will be under observation for three days.
Public Health Minister Jurin Laksanavisit, who is also chairman of the National Emergency Centre, said of the six soldiers sent to Siriraj Hospital, one had sustained a gunshot. He went on say that he had told all 79 emergency centres nationwide to work with Bangkok hospitals.
Emergency Medical Institute of Thailand's secretary-general Chatree Charoencheevakul said he expected the numbers of casualties to rise further, adding that he had put 1,000 medical staff and 150 ambulances on standby.
He said of the casualties, nine were civilians and two were soldiers. Of the civilians killed, eight were red-shirt protesters, while the ninth was a Japanese man who worked as a photographer for Thomson-Reuters.
As of press time on Saturday, six of the dead, including the photographer, had been sent to Central Hospital; two sent to Hua Chiew Hospital; three to Vajira Hospital, which included two soldiers and a 50-year-old red-shirt protester who succumbed to a heart attack.
The Japanese photographer, Hiroyuki Muramoto, died from a gunshot wound to his chest.
Of the red-shirt protesters, one of the dead was identified as 38-year-old Wasan Phoothong, who worked as a tailor in Samut Prakan province; while one was a 43-year-old guard for the movement. Another red-shirt protester killed was Sawat Wa-ngam, who, according to protest leader weng Tojirakarn, had died from a head injury.
Of the two dead soldiers, one was killed by a gunshot wound to his neck.
According to reports, the biggest clash took place in Bangkok's Khok Wua intersection, where about 20 soldiers, a resident and a protester were injured. The victims were taken to hospitals nearby.
Vajira Hospital's director Dr Wanchai Charoenchokthavee said 51 injured people were admitted to the hospital, including 13 soldiers and one protester, who was sustained severe injuries to his lungs and stomach. Another protester was shot in his bottom. As of press time, the injured were undergoing surgery.
Earlier reports said another foreign journalist was shot in the head at Khok Wua intersection, and Wanchai said a foreigner called John Yinglin was among the injured. However, he could not confirm if he was a foreign journalist.
Meanwhile, Central Hospital director Dr Pitchaya Nakwatchara said yesterday that 30 injured people had been brought in from the Khok Wua intersection and Makkawan-Rangsan Bridge protest sites, of which 29 were civilians and one was a solider who had sustained head injury. Of the injured, three had gunshot wounds, including an ABC-News freelance photographer Winai Ditthajorn who was shot in his left leg.
He added that red-shirt protesters had also presented medical staff with some rubber bullets found in the clash site. Pitchaya confirmed that his hospital staff was on standby round the clock.
The hospital director later revealed X-rays of the three injured people, showing that Winai had been shot by what appeared to be a real bullet, while the two red-shirt protesters, Samak Khamsameu and Tag Benjamas, had been hit by a rubber bullet. As of press time, the three were undergoing surgery and will be under observation for three days.
Public Health Minister Jurin Laksanavisit, who is also chairman of the National Emergency Centre, said of the six soldiers sent to Siriraj Hospital, one had sustained a gunshot. He went on say that he had told all 79 emergency centres nationwide to work with Bangkok hospitals.
Emergency Medical Institute of Thailand's secretary-general Chatree Charoencheevakul said he expected the numbers of casualties to rise further, adding that he had put 1,000 medical staff and 150 ambulances on standby.
Pol pot: Its so bad, I killed all the smart Khmers, and left the dumb ones survive. They do not go to their farm, only stay online and barking on my neighbors
Khmer watch and learn from Red Shirt Thai. They fight and sacrify for their Country...unlike you receeded to farming....what a dumb ass!
If Abhishit head won't step down, there will be more deadly and bloody civil war break out...in the whole Thailand country..!
Red Shirts people must use bombs to attack those military policemen...don't use stick, use fire bombs to ATTACK..!!
Karma. You look down cambodian, now your turn. it will go on and on.
Khmer only wishes he can be Red Shirt, because Hun Sen already cut off their balls, they have no gut to fight. Khmer ladyboys, lol
Congratulation The greates of Thai King, whom you allow your own people kill each other !!!! Please keep your fighting on......... This is the result of all the bad thing you have done for our Cambodian people in the past... your nation look down on us, your black troop killed many of our poorest people at the border now the these bad result its already started return to your people.....
Wish that our neighboring country Thailand come to a peacful resolution soon...May Buddha bless you all and realize that we're all have a bigger responsibility which to maintain peace and solve problems with a peaceful mean rather than violence...
Cambodian friends that had gone through enough violence in one life time...
Wish that our neighboring country Thailand come to a peacful resolution soon...May Buddha bless you all and realize that we're all have a bigger responsibility which to maintain peace and solve problems with a peaceful mean rather than violence...
Cambodian friends that had gone through enough violence in one life time...
Let all us Khmer who share Buddha believe pray for Thailand to have a peaceful resolution soon...killing for the senseless power is not worth to sacrify your life for...rule of laws, and promote none-violence to build a nation rather than create the cycle of violence...Please Thai brothers and sisters...stop this violence now...find a peaceful resolution...
From your Cambodian sister...
Go Siem Rouge, go
The victory is within reach.
This is a golden opportunity for the southern Muslims to liberate their stolen land. JIHAD against the pseudo buddhist siamese.
12:43pm don't you think you are also one of left over from POL POT ?
You dumb too, you fool.
Do you think you are the clever man on earth? Back to pick up fruit, your boss are looking for you.
MR,president,ABHISIT VIJAJIVA,why don`t you watch your neighbour CAMBODIA,what they had been gone through!!!???in the dark year zero,during 1975-1979.You`re just listening to one top person behind the back door,and you let all your compatriots`d been killed like useless dogs.Are you being happy,being fond of...???,and enjoying now????.YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO MAJORITY!!!,otherwise your name`ll be registered in the history book!!!,the real worst president of THAILAND in the 21-st,century.Eventhough,i`m not THAI`s nationalist but i`m being sick of seeing that situation.Reconsider mr,president,if you don`t want to drag THAILAND down to a civil war.From me a respectable of human being oversea.
Thailand doesnot have president, he is Thai prime minister, you re retard to begin with 2:19 PM
Lets go Thais, that's your turn, kill each other, kill for Taksin and your king, they scratch their ass and smile..
Actually , I don't really know what 12:43 PM wants to say . I have no idea what he is saying up there .
He insults every oversea Khmers who comment this blog.
I'm a Cambodian and even though I never liked the way that Thai people look down on our country, I still feel that this clearly show the determination and spirit of the Thai people to fight for their purpose.
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Let them finished themselves Red vs. Yellow and Blue vs. Yala. Yellow is blocking Red until they all die. Blue blocking Yala until the all die.
Not enough, continue untill 10 millions deaths..
2 millions Thais will go in Cambodia territory, Thais rouges will put mines in Thailand border, Khmers will send them back to Thailand, UN will come, create Khao-I-Dang2, send Thai refugees to 3rd country, IRAQ, ALGANESTAN need Thais..
Thais are killing each other. It is a curse of thais wanting Preah Vihear, killing, raping and misjudging the Khmer people in the past and the present. You Thais deserve of what happened yesterday and now on. It is your turn. Wake up! You are not all that.
Damned it ,only 18 death,i expect half of red shirt are eliminated.
No No No leave the Thai King alone, he does not share 35 billion $$$$ with his Thai people. He is the father of Thai only Thai can bring $$$$$ for him.
That is what happened when you don't understand how the democracy work. You don't use violent to force your way to power, you use your ballot to put politician out of power.
Some time in the past, one of the bloger said that Thai army don't kill Thai people like Cambodian army. Now you see what happened in Thailand. People are people, they all are about the same, if they are at the corner (just like dog)they fight back. It doesn't meant Thai is better than Cambodian or vice versa.
This time is Red shirt are crying and winening about the Gov. After, their own people get elected, then it is yellow shirt turn. When this cycle is going to end ??? Never !!
Be able to protest on the street, it doesn't meant your country is more democratic than other country. It meants chaos or no laws and orders in the country.
If the red shirt think they are a majority in the country then show up at the ballot box. If the yellow shirt think they are the majority then show up at the ballot box, unless Thai people do not trust their own election process.
It is hard to consider Thailand as democratic country because they can't even critisize the king who own most of the Thai asset. Yes, there is a freedom of press as long as you don't say bad thing about the king.
In Cambodia, people say bad thing about the king, Hun Sen or any other Gov. official.
A message to Mr. Ab-hi-Shit VijaJiv, Ha!! young man, you should beter listening to Thai's majority people, stop listening to your personal boss who is living in the Palas!!, he is a single individual also single eye, if you want to respect on democracy: not democrazy as it is now.
If you keep obey your boss you life won't speer either, after you troop withdrawal from Khmerland, you will be the next person to be bleed by your boss. He had killed his brother for the thron, let compare yourself? who you are? are you better then him? think twicw young man.
Many of thai military officers will get kill by you boss's wife after fail to invade Khmerland, I would be predicted so, keep in mind my advise!!
Kapishe? Kao-jai-may?
Down to you!!
Damn, Red Shirsts people really pissed off now! they may use grenade and bombs to retaliate those troops...i don't know why abhisit vejjajiva still defiant..?
I really don't give a Shit! Thais soldier had killed and abused so many khmers refugees people since 1979...Thais look down on my people and my country, because we were poors and weak... our people try to find foods, shelter in our own home that Thais have stolen...i don't know why Mr Hor Num Hong so fucken care about Thailand??
Funny how the first two comments posted on this blog(12:43pm and 12:46pm) is by a Thai, probably by the same person.
Looks like this guy/or gale expect a lot of gloating from Cambodian so this person make sure he goest on the offensive first. It seems he's the one been sitting by the computer!
Cambodian friends, gloating over deaths is never good, even to a sorry neighbor like Thailand who mistreated Cambodian refugees on the border.
The great Buddha teaching never change the attitude of Cambodians and Thais toward each other. Buddha teaching has no solution.
So use this opportunity to try this, "love your enemy, pray for those who persecute you,..do good to those who spitefully use you."
Don't be happy when your enemy is in trouble, though we all know justice is long overdue for Thailand for the atrocities committed against refugees by their gov't.
There is another who holds supreme power who can change time and epoch of a nation. He is the one who utimately bring true justice. Leave revenge to Him, use this opportunity to do good.
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