Sunday, April 11, 2010

Cambodian New Year Celebration in Hawaii by the Cambodian Hawaii Friendship Association

Click on the flyer to zoom in


Anonymous said...

Happy New year,dear all people khmer(khmer on this planet )
Kan Sel Pram Jam Sel Pram-bey - Touch Sunnix

We hope this New Year,that the ECCC in Phnom Penh will clean out all microbe.

"Good is practice of virtue one's whole life long.Good is confidence that stands firm.Good is the acquisition of wisdom.Good is abstinence from evil."Lord Buddha.

Anonymous said...

I WAS THERE!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

In Hawaii, we don't have that many Cambodian peoples.

Why do we need more Cambodian community (samakum Khmer)?

The reason why I use the words Cambodian community (samakum Khmer) is because the Cambodian Hawaii Friendship Association (CHFA)'s official use these words.

In Hawaii, we already have Cambodian Community (samakum Khmer) call Cambodian Community of Hawaii (CCH).

The Cambodian Community of Hawaii is recognized by the State of Hawaii.
I refuse to accept and/or recognize the new Cambodian community (samakum Khmer) in Hawaii call Cambodian Hawaii Friendship Association (CHFA).

Because according to CHFA's official, the CHFA is to bring together (rorb rorm) Cambodian peoples in Hawaii.

By create a new Cambodian community (samakum Khmer) the Cambodian Hawaii Friendship Association (CHFA), the CHFA's officials and members have no reason to participate with Cambodian Community of Hawaii (CCH).    

This is a lie and an opposite.
To prove that I'm right, on April 17, 2010 some and/or all of the CHFA's officials and their members will not show up for the Cambodian New Year celebration at Kahuku section E which is run by the Cambodian Community of Hawaii (CCH).       

The history behind the formation of the Cambodian Hawaii Friendship Association (CHFA) is start off with the Cambodian American Buddhist Association of Hawaii.
Watt Khmer Dhammaram of Hawaii
Cambodian Dhammaram Temple
67067A Kaelohanui St.,
Waialua, HI, 96791

Please stop raising money in the name of the Cambodian temple.
The Cambodian Temple in Hawaii is not a temple, it's a shed (ktorm) and was built on agriculture farm land which is illegal.
The Cambodian Temple in Hawaii is a place also use for gamebling days and nights.
Now, there is no Cambodian temple.
Now, there is no Cambodian monk.
The Cambodian American Buddhist Association of Hawaii has been raising money (twur buon) illegally. 

The Cambodian American Buddhist Association of Hawaii's officials accuses the leader of the Cambodian Community of Hawaii (CCH) for reporting their illegal activity to the State of Hawaii.

Infact, the new board of the State of Hawaii inspected all agriculture farm land.

The reason that I don't use my real name and others, because some members of the new Cambodian community (samakum Khmer) the CHFA (Cambodian Hawaii Friendship Association) are very aggressive.

They likes to take people to court for no real reason.
They likes to file false police reports.
They said that temple's money (luoy wat) is $9,xxx.xx, and they will use this money to pay for court case against leader of the Cambodian Community of Hawaii (CCH).

Also, some members of the new Cambodian community (samakum Khmer) the CHFA (Cambodian Hawaii Friendship Association) are Cambodian gang of Hawaii call (The Cambodian Brother Hood).
These trouble makers cause trouble at Puuhale School on February 20, 2010.  You know who you are. 

Remember, if you don't say, I will not hear.  

Whistle Blower

Anonymous said...

Why do CHFA have NON-KHMER people on the governing board?. Why do haole people always think Cambodians need them in order to get thing done?. I hate that.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful time of celebration and culture. The children looked like they really enjoyed the dancing, and the food was amazing. So much peace and unity! Khmer New Year Festival was a great event. Looking forward to even better things next year =D

Anonymous said...

Just my opinion that we need to keep our mind open to all cultures and races. Khmer or "non-Khmer" peoples can all live in peace and unity. After all, so many of us are mixed blood anyways. Doesn't matter if you are black, white, Asian or whatevas, u still can celebrate Cambodian culture and history. Cambodian Hawaii Friendship Association u keep doin the right thing cauz we support you!

Anonymous said...

I was there at the Cambodian Hawaii Friendship Association, it was a beautiful turn out. I've never seen so many different cluture coming to an event which celebrated our Khmer cluture. The kids who performed were also amazing and they must of worked so hard for the celebration. I was for once proud to be at a celebration which celebrated our Khmer cluture. Keep up the good work CHFA! Next year will be even better. Ignore all negative comments and hang in there for our our fellow Cambodians who's in it for the right reasons and our children to not loose sight of their Cambodian cluture. There are a few that will try to bring you down, but there are many who are standing behind you. So, keep up the good work!!!
Your Cambodian Friend:)

Anonymous said...

I agree 100% Cambodian Friend! Whatz wit all dat negative comment. Some ppl just can't chill out and enjoy life. I'm stoked dat CHFA finally got started in Hawaii and did the Khmer New Year. You guyz just rocked it! XD It waz dope. Never seen so much Khmer at one time in Oahu. There waz ppl there dat I never knew lived hear. So got to meetz knew ppl. CHFA iz really doing Khmer ppl in Hawaii a good thing and you guyz don't pay attention to anybody who tries to complain and hurt the progress.

I support CHFA.

Your other Cambodian Friends

Anonymous said...

Cool flier and program. You put together some nice documents. I need to hire one of you for my planning in the future. How do I join CHFA? Just back from Cambodia and that New Year party you had at Honolulu on April 10, 2010 was so much fun!!! All my kids loved it. Keep up the excellent work.

From local city official

Anonymous said...

CABAH is lead by people who really care. What a loving group of people!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Unknown said...

The City and County of Honolulu are proud to have the Cambodian Hawaii Friendship Association provide such clear leadership and direction for the future generations of Cambodian-American children and commended for their outstanding efforts to ensure the traditions and culture values are preserved. We especially are proud of CHFA's efforts to unite Khmer people regardless of religious background. Someone once said, "Though Christian, though Buddhist, though Muslim or even atheist, we are all human." Please continue to bless the city of Honolulu with your cultural events in peace and harmony.

Best wishes for a New Year,

Unknown said...

I want to come to Hawaii someday for New Year. CHFA will your welcome. Thank you for everything. I like all your pictures. And my family liked your costumes. The weather in Hawaii is nice like Cambodia. Maybe all of you can come to visit in Srok Khmer soon.

Anonymous said...

Cambodian Hawaii Friendship Association, just keep doing what is right for the children. Looking forward to the next fun events. XOXOXO

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

CHFA--Please don't allow all the negativity to stand in your way of where your heart is. I was at the Khmer New Year Celebration hosted by you and CABAH. It was a huge success. My friends,family and I enjoyed ourselves. We enjoyed the beautiful costumes, the talents of those young children that performed. I heard that they learned the dance just within a short time AND they were taught by volunteers!!! I am interested in having my neice attend the FREE KHMER class. I will certainly look you up on FB! We're new to the island and want to teach our MIXED children and neice the beaufil Khmer culture. It was a huge success!!! Don't let the "haters" get to you. It's obvious there was alot of time and hard work put into the event! THANK YOU for all that you're doing and my family and I support you 100%!!! Next step...we want to be a member so we can join in on the future events and can't wait until next year! ALOHA!!!

Anonymous said...

According to the Cambodian Hawaii Friendship Association's official, the CHFA is to bring together (rorb rorm) Cambodian peoples in Hawaii.

This is a lie and an opposite.
On April 17, 2010, 100% of the CHFA's officials and 99% their members did not show up for the Cambodian New Year celebration at Kahuku section E which is run by the Cambodian Community of Hawaii (CCH).

This proved that the Cambodian Hawaii Friendship Association's official is lying to the Cambodian peoples.

This is not bring together (rorb rorm) Cambodian peoples in Hawaii.

This is breaking up (bormbaak bormbaek) Cambodian peoples in Hawaii.

The Cambodian Hawaii Friendship Association's official likes to lies.

I was right.

Anonymous said...

Black, White, Hawaiian, Asian, Polynesian, or Hispanic......does it really matter???!!! Isn't that the beauty of living in the land of the free. The place Khmer people in Cambodia dream to come to.

I met a few of the "NON-Khmer" people at the event at the Central Union Church and am so amazed on how much love THEY have for the Cambodians in Hawaii, Cambodia and through out the states. What a pleasure it was to speak to them and learn some of the Khmer culture. Thank you for making a difference! You are much appreciated!!! KEEP UP the good work!

p.s. I REALLY ENJOYED the FOOD and dancers! They were so cute!

Signed: Student NOT KHMER

Anonymous said...


You have many supporters!

Anonymous said...

Shame on you CHFA's officials.

Anonymous said...

STOP HATIN' and SPREAD the LOVE peeps!!! 1--LOVE!!!

Anonymous said...

Man! The food was the BOMB! The entertainment was a nice addition.

What can I say...I love to eat! :) Wish my girl knew how to cook Cambodian food.

Anonymous said...

Happy Cambodian New Year!

Thank you for such a fun and instrumental New Years event! What a great way to celebrate the Khmer culture. Please lets keep in mind how important it is for the future of our children! Regardless of what race they are. Thank you for providing that opportunity for all the children and adults in Hawaii.

It was such a pleasure seeing the young girls playing the guitar and drums! Heard they're sisters. How kool is that?!

There were so many talents displayed during the event. It was nice to see the older Cambodian men playing all the instruments at the beginning of the show.

Disregard the negative opinions & remember how much of an impact you're doing for the children.

Thank you for your time, dedication, and love CHFA & CABAH!
(The flier says they sponsored it)
and friends & family who made it all possible!

I am not the above official but just someone who went to the party & had fun. I danced Cambodian for the first time! (tried to anyway)LOL!

Anonymous said...

Aloha! My family and I moved to Honolulu HI in the past May. The Cambodian New year that was held at central union church was the only Cambodian new year celebration that I heard of and was invited too. I'm pretty sure some of the memembers of CHFA are also new to HI. So, if we knew about the other Khmer new year party that was held at Kahuku (CCH), we would have made time to go. I mean come on, the more celebration of our cluture, the better right? Who said there only had to be one khmer celebraton? Khmer in Cambodia celebrates longer than we do, why not do the same? I guess CCH just have to put the word out about the event better and post flyers every where like CHFA did. It was a great time of fellowship and I'm sure CCH and friends had a great time also at Kahuku too.So, maybe next year if we hear about CCH new year event, my family and I will go.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, there can be more than one party. Who said we are only allowed one party in life. It's too short! More friends the better =D. Just chill with the hate-fest already. When there is American New Year, it's like everyone has to go to the same party. You don't see everyone in the state of California go to one party on New Year. There are many parties. Doesn't matter CCH, CHFA, CABAH, CUParty, etc. The name and organization doesn't mean anything. It's the people and most importantly the kids that make the difference. Who ever is caught up in all the blame game just needs to relax and stop the name calling and stop trying to spoil the fun we are all having in Hawaii. CHFA we support you. You already have over 150 members strong and international support!! Congrats everyone!!!

Anonymous said...

Tru. One LOVE CHFA. Keep it real! It's time for a fresh peaceful start away from all that drama. Next gen gonna be rockin.

Anonymous said...

Go CHFA! Came from Cali to HNL just to party with you and it was a blast. You guys organized it so well. It was the best Khmer New Year we've ever been to in Hawaii. SO many people and so many ethnicities. In the real world we got Cambodian Khmer, Chinese Khmer, African Khmer, Caucasian Khmer, Filipino Khmer, Whatever Khmer. We all one human race of many different culture. Much mahalo to CHFA. Keep your future and smiles bright.

-A Cambodian

Anonymous said...

"Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness." James Thruber

Anonymous said...

Thank you so very much to CABAH & CHFA for teaching our kids Khmer Language and Classical Dance I am so grateful for your time, dedication.............p

Anonymous said...

One who prove too much, proves nothing....there is nothing more foolish than a foolish laugh.
A wise man does not urinate against the wind...
a neutral khmer in Hi

Anonymous said...

Ha! Ha! Expressions Well done is better than well said.

The mind intent upon false appearances refuses to admit better things.

The great thing is to know when to speak and when to keep quiet.

Mr Neutral

Anonymous said...

While I agree that CHFA and its activities should be for people of all cultures and ethnicities to enjoy, I have to say that I also agree with whoever commented that non-Khmer should not be on the CHFA BOARD. This is not to say that participation in activities should not be open to everyone; however, in terms of GOVERNANCE, please put this in the hands of KHMER, where it belongs. Haven't our people been pushed around enough by colonialists and even well-meaning non-Khmer who feel they know better than "us"? This is not a "hate" posting; rather, I just feel that at this point in our history, we should be pushing for self-determination and not allowing "haoles" to decide what we do as a community. There are many brillant Khmer in the United States who can lead organizations such as CHFA without having to filter ideas through those who may love Cambodia and Cambodian people, but really have no idea what it really is to BE Khmer. Just my two cents.

B.J said...

Aloha fellow Khmer!

Please be solidarity, don't make other nation look down on us, we used to have a great and rich cultures that the world always admire for a long time.Sorry I post my comment too late, I just be back from Afghanistan.and I am new here in the Island also heard that now in Hawaii you folks teaching Khmer Langauge and Khmer Classical dance, so can I I bring my kids to the dance class ? who can I get intact with?. Aloha all with love.....B.J

CABAH member said...

Hello B.J,

you can contact CABAH or CHFA for the Khmer Langauge and Classical Dance, the phone # 808 371 3584,808 428 3396'808, 808 783 8018,808 723 9287, Thanks.

Mr Neutral said...


Anonymous said...

Hey ! Hey ! Hey Dude This is America, not north Korea or Cuba Okey, So we need Term and Election Okey. So no dictatership in this country okey........

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dictatorship or Democracy? choosing one my friend...

Anonymous said...

Hi, Do you know when and where is the 2011 Cambodian New Year?

Anonymous said...

Hi , Friend Cambodian New Year this Year April 17, 2011 .
From 3:00 to 8:30. At Mid - Pac next to Hongly Chuch

D.J said...

Hello Friends,
Cambodian New Year will host by CHFA, CABAH,eGlobal family On April 17, 2011
From 3:00 PM to 8:30 PM. At Mid- Pacific Institute please come and joint us to celebrate the Khmer culture.......