Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Abused Wife Stabs Husband to Death

Source: www.phnompenhpost.com

Preah Sihanouk province, Cambodia, a 38-year-old woman claims that her husband was very abusive with her and her three children.

She said that a month ago her husband kicked her out of the house but then last Tuesday he asked her to move back in. When she refuse the husband grew angry so the wife stabbed him to death with a knife.

Police have sent the case to court.


Anonymous said...

When a khmer man married a khmer woman, he behaves like a king and treats his spouse like a slave.
When a khmer man married a western woman, he behaves like a slave and treats his spouse like a queen.
Very pathetic mentality

Anonymous said...

you know, cambodian society is still dominated by male, in this case the husband who often treated his wife and children as second class citizen, almost like endentured slave, really! that attitude needs to be changed or reformed in cambodia, i think. cambodia needs to wake up and see the entire world. you can't just continue to embrace this kind of traditon because it's not getting our country anywhere i.e. it's not progress.

Anonymous said...

This is a man's world over here. It's very sad. Women are second- class citizens. Most still depend solely on their husband's income and therefore it's very difficult for them to leave, even though they are in an abusive relationship. Also if they walk out of their marriage, they will be the talk of the town. They are considered to be whores and that they left their husbands for other men. It's very difficult for divorcees to remarry again because men do not take them seriously. The men are afraid that the same thing would happen to them or that others would mock them. So a lot of time these poor women just stay in a marriage just to save face.

Anonymous said...

one wouldn't expect a matriarchal society such as ours to treat women so badly. a man (especially the well to do) can take minor wives if he wishes, but the woman will be a whore if she does the same. The story of Kakey by Preah Ang Duong is a fascinating case study of ancient khmer hypocrisy and double standards: Kakey is punished for lack of faithfullness to her husband, but those who flirted with her knowing full well she is married, get off scot-free. In fact one of them flirters is, according to King Ang Duong actually a "pooj pothisatt" (ie destined to be the Buddha). Now if there's such injustice towards half of our people - no wonder our society can't assimilate modern ideals of equality before the law.

Anonymous said...

This is a culture thing, right? And I hated it and I still hate it! For example, my father is very educated man. However, he is always abusive toward my mother. He was and still is a bread winner of the family. He would beat up my mother in front of us 3 children. I got fed up, when left my family. I told my mother to leave my father, she said, she doesn't want the neighbors to think that she's unfaithful or a bad woman. So, it's ok, as long as you father is still supporting me". It's a sad comment, and i'm sure there are alot of Khmer men are as abusive their wives.
In this case, regardless of how abusive you are, you never kill another human being. That was cruel and unjust!

Anonymous said...

10:26PM! Your father is a less educated man or he was educated in a wrong way!

And you are just stupid like your father!

ABUSE another humanbeing just as bad as killing, fool! they both are criminals and sons of a bithch and deserver ligning strike just like ah Hok landy!

Anonymous said...

10:26PM! Your father is a less educated man or he was educated in a wrong way!

And you are just stupid like your father!

ABUSE another humanbeing just as bad as killing, fool! they both are criminals and sons of a bithch and deserver ligning strike just like ah Hok landy!

Anonymous said...

"When a khmer man married a khmer woman, he behaves like a king and treats his spouse like a slave.
When a khmer man married a western woman, he behaves like a slave and treats his spouse like a queen.
Very pathetic mentality

11:41 AM"

Is he the same man! Or only the king stay home??????

Anonymous said...

There is no equality in Cambodian couple, if the husband doesn't dominate, the wife does because they are not in love each other.
It's the result of arranged marriage, financial marriage.

Anonymous said...

Let the woman go to take care of her kids. The coward animals deserve to die.

Anonymous said...

the story of marital abuse in our beloved society has to be told, because by bringing it out in the open we shame those who cannot manage their anger. Underneath that charming smile and gentleness that foreign tourists see, many do not suspect that it is in fact a veneer. i know because i grew up in an abusive family too. we children we had to bear the anger of our parents, frustrated at how hard it is to make a living.

Anonymous said...

10:26PM, my heart goes out to you because i too went through the same nightmare as a young child right until i was 19 when i make out on my own. i still mourn the pain i saw my mother go through in those days and i often cry about it in my adult years. the worst thing is that i could not rescue my mother from my dad. there was no love, only fear. one positive thing is i determined to love my wife and look after my children as best i could. and i did. i never betray my wife before or after our wedding and my children grew up happy and (sigh!)spoiled. i really despise men who cheat on their wives and visit prostitutes. i think they are people without morals and are worthless like a piece of SHIT.

Anonymous said...

2:41pm, you're a good man. Wish more men are like u. Most abusers tend to adopt their parents' abusive trait. So hands out to u for not continuing the same cycle.