Monday, May 10, 2010

The Cambodian drought

To: National Committee for Disaster Management
Phnom Penh

Dear Sirs.

As our students come from different provinces of Cambodia, especially rural areas, we can get information by their spontaneous reports on the situation their families endure in the farms with the current drought.

It is worrying the situation of several communities, especially the poorest, where there is a lack of water. In a province like Takaew that is considered one of the poorest of Cambodia, just some miles at the south west of Phnom Penh, some rural communities are suffering the consequences of the already long drought. At the same time, it is difficult to detect any action from official departments or NGOs to attend this that is becoming a real emergency and natural disaster.

We are paying also the consequences of deforestation and other aspects related with the natural resources. Now is the drought, soon will be the floods. However, floods can be seen because they are most evident, but drought tends to be more quiet, while people, animals and plants die slowly from the lack of the precious liquid.

What we are doing to attend this natural disaster that is affecting the rural areas?

Thank you for your attention and we congratulate your efforts to prevent disasters and go to meet them in the aim of saving our people.


Albeiro Rodas

Director Communication Department

Don Bosco Technical School Sihanoukville

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too many people in some provinces like Takeo, instead of give lands to Vietnam companies why just give those lands to Khmers, give Khmers from Takeo, lands in MondulKiry or Ratanakiry, 10 hectares each family per example ?